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C o m p lete Geo gr a p hy fo r C AM B RI D GE I GCSE

Chapter 3 Additional questions

1 (pages 90–91) c Name the geographical terms which describe
a Describe the features shown in Fig. 3.3 in the book. the following:
b Using Fig. 3.5, describe the global distribution of i The depression at the top of a volcano.
active volcanoes. ii A volcano which has not erupted for some
c Name the geographical terms which describe the time, but may erupt again in the future.
following: iii A small volcanic cone growing on the side of a
i The planet in the solar system which is the larger volcano.
third nearest to the Sun. iv A volcano made from alternate layers of lava
ii The outer layer of the Earth, between 6 and and ash.
90 km thick, which has a different composition v A cave, several kilometres across, which
to the layer below it. stores molten rock beneath a volcano.
iii Long mountain ranges formed by the
5 (pages 101–2)
compression and crumpling of rock layers.
a Make a list of the things that can be done to
iv The upper, colder, rigid parts of the Earth’s
reduce the risk from volcanoes.
surface – made up of the crust and the upper
b Fig. 3.24 shows Mount Rainier, a stratovolcano.
Describe the main features in the photograph.
v The middle layer of the Earth between the
c Make a list of the main advantages brought by
crust and the core.
2 (pages 92–4)
6 (pages 103–4)
a Draw a diagram to show a cross-section through a
a The island of Heimaey in Iceland suffered a major
destructive plate margin involving a continental
volcanic eruption in 1973. Fig. 3.29 is a map of
plate and an oceanic plate. On your diagram, label:
the island showing features of the eruption, and
i an ocean trench
Fig 3.30 is a photograph of Heimaey taken in
ii fold mountains
2009. What evidence of the eruption can be seen
iii an oceanic and a continental plate
on the map and in the photograph?
iv subduction
b Where is Iceland in Fig. 3.8 of the book? What
v rising magma and volcanoes
major feature does it lie on?
b Explain how the Earth’s plates move.
c How do volcanoes form at this location?
c Name the geographical terms which describe the
following: 7 (pages 105–6)
i A place where two plates converge and one is a Rearrange the following descriptions of
destroyed. earthquake intensity from the Mercalli Scale in
ii A chain of islands in a crescent shape, formed order of increasing intensity – with least intense
from volcanoes at a destructive plate margin at the top and most intense at the bottom.
involving two oceanic plates.
iii A long, narrow area of the ocean floor about Collapse of some buildings. Trees fall.
10 km deep. It is usually at a destructive plate Total damage. Ground surface rises and falls in waves. Objects
margin, at the edge of an ocean. thrown into the air.
3 (pages 95–6) Sleepers awakened. Some windows broken.
a What types of stress do the following pairs of Difficult to stand up. People run outdoors. Walls crack.
arrows indicate? Few buildings left standing.
i 
ii   Vibrations like a lorry passing. Felt by people at rest.
b Explain why volcanoes occur in the Andes but not Landslides. Many buildings destroyed.
in the Himalayas.
c At what type of plate margin would you expect b Many buildings, including the main stadium in
shearing stress to occur? Give one example of a Christchurch, were damaged by liquefaction during
plate margin like this, and name a main hazard the New Zealand earthquake of February 2011.
found there. What is liquefaction?
c Name the terms which describe the following:
4 (pages 97–100) i The point on the Earth’s surface directly above
a Fig. 3.23 shows an eruption of Mount Pinatubo in an earthquake’s focus.
the Philippines. What is the main material being ii A scale measuring the total amount of energy
produced by the eruption and how does it form? released by an earthquake.
b Make a list of the main hazards caused by iii A crack in the rocks of the Earth’s crust where
volcanoes. the rocks move and are displaced.

© Oxford University Press 2012
Chapter 3 Additional questions C o m p lete Geo gr a p hy fo r C AM B RI D GE I GCSE

iv The force per unit area acting on an object. 9 (pages 108–9)

v A large ocean wave produced when there is a What was the magnitude of the earthquake at
movement or displacement of the seabed due Sendai in Japan in March 2011, according to the
to an earthquake. Richter Scale?
b Explain the causes of the Japan earthquake.
8 (pages 105–7)
Refer to the type of plate margin shown in
a Explain why some earthquakes are extremely
Fig. 3.12.
destructive, while others are not.
c Describe the tsunami damage shown in Fig. 3.38.
b Using Table 3.8, list the types of damage and
d Explain the main cause of a tsunami and how it
effects caused by earthquakes.

© Oxford University Press 2012

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