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Step 1 : Read the short story entitled “The Gift of the Magi”.

Step 2 : Analyze the story. Use the Formalistic Approach.

Step 3 : Write down your analysis. Take note of the required

minimum number of sentences and the allotment

of points. Follow the format below.

A. Title of the Short Story:

B. Setting: (where and when a story or scene takes place,

minimum 5 sentences, 5 points)

C. Character Description: (Jim and Della, minimum 5 sentences

for each character, 10 points)

D. Story Summary: (2 paragraphs minimum, 20 points)

E. Conflict: (description of problem experienced by characters,

minimum of 5 sentences, 5 points)

F. Theme : (What is the main idea of the story?,

minimum 10 sentences, 10 points)

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