Isra Wa Miraj

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Isra wa Miraj

Isra wa Miraj was a miraculous one night journey of the prophet pbuh which took place on 27
Rajab in the 11 th year of prophethood 621.This journey was a consolement for the prophet
pbuh as he was saddened after the death of Abu talib and Khadija Ra.The quraysh had
completely opposed Islam and Islam had been rejected by the people of taif.Therefore Allah
wanted the prophet to realize that Allah's support was with him.This journey comprised of two
phases;the first one was isra(land journey) and the second was Miraj (ascension).Isra has been
described in Quran as:"Glory to him who did take his servant for a journey by night from the
sacred mosque to the farthest mosque in order that we might show him some of our signs."

One day the prophet was sleeping at the house of his cousin Umm e Hani.But after sleeping for
some time jibreel took him to the Kaaba. H.Jibrael came there with a mule like animal.Also
prophet's heart washing was carried out and was filled with belief.Prophet said:"He then took
out my heart.Then a golden tray of belief was brought to me and my heart was washed and
filled with belief and then restored to its original place".

The prophet then mounted on the buraq and they headed for masjid Al aqsa.On the way they
saw many other places as well such as Yathrib.When they saw Yathrib jibrael said,"This is your
next destination"
They also visited Syria and Mount Toor which was the place where Hazrat Musa talked to
Allah.Moreover they also visited the birthplace of isa called bethlehem.Thus many signs of Allah
were shown to the prophet pbuh.

After some time they reached masjid Al aqsa.Here the prophet tied the buraq at the same pillar
where other prophets used to tie their horses.Upon reaching there the prophet led the prophets
in a prayer.Due to this he was given the title of Syed Al anbia.

Afterwards 2 vessels were brought to the prophet.One was filled with milk while the other was
filled with wine.The prophet chose to drink milk.At this jibreel said,"You have chosen the
fitrah".Afterwards the buraq was brought again.The prophet mounted it and thus the first phase
of this journey ended.

Now the second part,mairaj started.Soon the prophet pbuh reached the lowest heaven.When he
reached there the guardian angel asked h.jibrael as to who he was and who was along him.On
learning that the prophet pbuh was with jibraeel the guardian angel said,"Welcome his coming is

The prophet saw the prophets not in their real form but in their celestial forms.On the first
heaven he saw a man who had many people on his right and much more on the left.When he
saw towards right he smiled and when he looked towards left he cried.When the prophet
inquired jibraeel about this ,he told that the man was Adam and the people on right were
inhabitants of Jannah while the people on left were inhabitants on hell.
On the second sky he met Yahya and Isa,Yusuf on third,Idrees on fourth,Haroon on fifth,Musa
on sixth.When he reached the seventh heaven he saw hazrat Ibrahim who was sitting near bait
Al mamoor.The prophet pbuh himself greeted him.The prophet continued his journey until he
reached sidra tul muntaha or the lote tree.At this point the prophet saw jibreel in his real
form.The quran says,"And indeed he Mohammad saw him jibreel at a second descent.Near the
lote tree.Near it is the paradise of abode.When that covered the lote tree which did cover it.The
sight of Mohammad turned not aside nor it transgressed the limit". He told the prophet to
continue the journey himself as if he would go ahead his wings would burn.The prophet did as
he was told.Abruptly he heard a voice,"Oh my beloved come forward" .There was light
everywhere due to which the prophet couldn't see anything.

The prophet was given many gifts.Firstly he was given the gift of 50 daily prayers.He also was
rewarded with the last 2 Ayah of surah baqarah which contained the creed of islam.Allah also
said that all sins of the prophet's ummah would be forgiven except shirk.Bad intentions would be
ignored until the person acts upon it and good intention would be rewarded.Afterwards the
prophet also saw the heaven and hell.He also saw people with snouts similar to camels who
were swallowing red hot stones.These were those who unjustly ate the properties of orphans.He
also heard someone strolling in paradise and he was told that this was h.bilal RA.

On his way back he met Moses who said to the prophet, "Your followers can not perform 50
prayers. Go back to your lord and ask for a decrease in number".Eventually they were reduced
to 5.When Moses asked him to go again he said,"I have asked my Lord till I am ashamed to
face him".

Afterwards the prophet reached back to masjid Al aqsa.From here he started his return journey
back to Makkah.On his way he saw a caravan returning to Makkah and he left his signs
there.When he reached back he saw that his bed was still warm and that the tap was still
running.In the morning when the prophet told about this miraculous journey but no one believed
him.They mocked the prophet but when they asked question about the mosque Al aqsa the
prophet answered them correctly.It is narrated that the prophet said,"When the people of
quraysh did not believe me I stood up in Al hijr and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me and
I began describing it to them while I was looking at it".After this Abu jahal went to abu bakr who
said," If Mohammad says this then I verify it".Due to this he was given the title of as siddiq which
means the verifier of truth.

This journey was important as it increased the confidence of the prophet.His faith in Allah
increased and this encouraged him to remain steadfast in his mission.

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