GROUP 1 OUTPUT Sampling Techniques Probability and Non Probability Sampling

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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate School
Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City


I. TITLE: Context of Sample and Sample Techniques in

Various Fields of the Society

II. DESCRIPTION: Sampling and Sampling Techniques

(Probability and Non-Probability Sampling)

Sampling is a technique of selecting individual members or a subset

of the population to make statistical inferences from the and estimate
the characteristics of the whole population. Sample Techniques is the
process of studying the population by gathering information and
analyzing that data.

Types of sampling: sampling method

Sampling in market action research is of two types- probability
sampling and non-probability sampling.

1. Probability Sampling – is a sampling technique where researcher

selects a few criteria and chooses members of population randomly.
All the members have an equal opportunity to participate in the sample
with this selection parameter.
2. Non-Probability Sampling – in non-probability sampling, the
researcher randomly chooses members for research. This sampling
method is not fixed or predefined selection process. This makes it
difficult for all population elements to have equal opportunities to be
included in a sample.

Types of Probability Sampling

a. Simple Random Sampling

- One of the best probability sampling techniques that helps in
saving time and resources is the sample random sampling
method. It is reliable method of obtaining information where
every single member of a population is chosen randomly.,
merely by chance. Each individual has the same probability of
being chosen to be part of sample.
b. Cluster Sampling
- Is a method where the researchers divide the entire population
into sections or clusters representing a population. Cluster are
identified and included in a sample based on demographic
parameters like age, sex, location, etc. this makes it very simple
for a survey creator to derive feedback.
c. Systematic Sampling
- Researchers use the systematic sampling method to choose the
sample members of a population at regular intervals. It requires
selecting a starting point for the sample and sample size
determination that can be repeated at regular intervals. This
type of sampling method has a predefined range; hence this
sampling method technique is the least time-consuming.

d. Stratified Random Sampling

- is a method in which the researcher divides the population into
smaller groups that don’t overlap but represent the entire population.
While sampling, these group can be organized, and then draw sample
from each group separately.

Uses of Probability Sampling

i. Reduces Sample Bias
ii. Diverse Population
iii. Create an Accurate Sample

Types of Non-Probability Sampling

a. Convenience Sampling
- this method depends on the ease of access to subject such as
surveying costumers at a mall or passers-by on a busy street.
Researchers have nearly no authority to select the sample
elements, and its purely done based on proximity and not
b. Judgmental or Purposive Sampling
- are formed at the researcher’s discretion. Researchers purely
consider the purpose of the study, along with the understanding
of the target audience.
c. Snowball Sampling
- is a sampling method that researchers apply when the
subjects are difficult to trace. Researchers implement this sampling
method when topic is highly sensitive and not openly discussed- for
example, surveys to gather information about HIV Aids. Not many
victims will readily respond to the questions.
d. Quota Sampling
- members in this sampling technique selection happens
based on a pre-set standard. In this case, as a sample is formed
based on specific attributes, the created sample will have the same
qualities found in the total population. It is a rapid method of
collecting samples.

Uses of Non-Probability Sampling

i. Create a hypothesis
ii. Exploratory research
iii. Budget and time constraints

 To provide a better understanding of Sampling and Sampling
(Probability and Non-Probability Sampling)
 To determine the level of Sampling techniques in Research
 To allow the Respondent to better identify, understand and prioritized
the probability or non-probability sampling;
 To provide a better context on why the sampling techniques are
important by expounding on the exposure, sensitivity/vulnerability and
adaptive capacity indicators;
 To allow the Respondents/MAMPA students to identify priority decision
areas/sectors; and
 To allow to make informed decisions for a more integrated aspproach
to Probability and Non-Probability Sampling to the current situation
through spatial based intervention policies and strategies

In terms of usefulness, sampling techniques is considered to be the easiest
way to identify sample population which a researcher may use in his/ her
research study in formal practice, these also enable sectors of the society to use
statistical generalization about the whole population. In many fields, sampling
and sampling techniques were able to guide leaders and practitioners to make a
decision which would benefit the majority of people or population.
For an instance, in the field of Public Administration where in leaders
serve communities to advance the common good and effect positive change. The
government agencies and sectors use sample size to determine the need of a
specific action or intervention. For example, in assessing the effectiveness of
4’Ps Program in a specific barangay where in public officials use probability or
non- probability sampling to get data from the respondents. Based on the result,
sectors decide whether to continue or cancel the program.
In the education sector, educators implement teaching strategies based
on learners’ capability to digest or absorb information. It becomes possible
through compilation of assessments done in classrooms and getting the sample
from it. The result regardless of whether it is positive or negative becomes the
basis of the higher ranks to draft solutions or recommendations to solve, improve
or retain specific rules or program. Meanwhile, in health sector public and
private hospitals also uses these sampling techniques to identify which strategy
benefits the patients the most which will in return result to higher number of
clients in the future. The use of sampling techniques in general is mainly
recognized in many fields.


TABLE 1. Population Composition by School-age, Working-age,
Dependent-age group and Sex

Table DE-1. Population Composition by School-Age, Working-Age,

Dependent-Age Group and Sex, Year 2015

Male Female Sex

Age Group Both Rati
Sexes No. % No. % o
School going
53% 47% 1.11
population 15,808 8,321 7,487
61% 52%
Pre-school (4-5) 1,742 1,054 912 6
52% 48%
Elementary (5-9) 3,768 1,943 1,825 6
52% 48%
Secondary (10-14) 4,002 2,075 1,927 8
53% 57%
Secondary (15-19) 3,644 1,933 1,707 3
50% 49%
Tertiary (20-24) 2,652 1,316 1,296 2
50% 49%
Working Age (15-64) 19,437 9,781 9,499 3
Labor Force (18 and 0.9
49% 50%
over) 18,842 9,238 9,447 8
Dependent 1.0
51% 49%
Population 13,405 6,836 6,569 4
52% 48%
Young (0-14) 11,581 5,984 5,596 7
1076 0.5
Old (65-over) 1,824 748 1,383 % 4
Source: Computed based on latest NSO/PSA data on household population by
age group
Source: NSO now PSA 2015

In 2015 Census on Population and Housing conducted by the Philippine

Statistics Authority (PSA), the Municipality of Casiguran had a total population of
32,842 with an average annual growth rate of 1.19 according to 2010 to 2015
population data.
The economically active population or members of the labor force of
Casiguran has an age range from 15-64 is fifty nine percent (59%) of the total
population or 19,437, of this total, 9,781 people or 50.38% are males and 9,499
are females. People of young age (0-14 years) are close to thirty six percent
(35.26%) of the total population and 86% of the municipality’s total dependent
population. While dependency of people of old age (65 years and above) has a
mere number of 1,824 people or 13.6% of the dependent population and a mere
5.5% of the total population. Dependent women who are 65 years and above
account to 3.2% of the total population and 8% of the total dependent population.
The percentage for men for this category is a mere 2.2%, and to put it in another
way, there are more dependent women than men age 60 years and above for
every male. The males have exactly 748 but females have 1,074.
In summary of the data presented above, is that closer to 40.8% of the
municipality’s population is dependent composed of young people 0-14 years
and those 65 years old and above, who depends on the economically active
population which is 19,437 or 59% of the total populace of Casiguran.

Graph DE-1. Population Composition by School-Age, Working-

12,000 Dependent-Age Group and Sex, Year


Age Group Female


First Quarter Examination SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS

Year &
Section : 8- KNOWLEDGE MEAN: 27.14
No. of Test
Takers: 21 PL: 54.29

No. of Items: 50

No. of Correct Mastery Level

Item No. Mastery Level
Responses (%)

1 11 52 Nearing to Mastery

2 3 14 Not Mastered

3 9 43 Not Mastered

4 18 86 Mastered

5 17 81 Mastered

6 16 76 Mastered

7 9 43 Not Mastered
8 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

9 5 24 Not Mastered

10 4 19 Not Mastered

11 16 76 Mastered

12 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

13 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

14 11 52 Nearing to Mastery

15 11 52 Nearing to Mastery

16 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

17 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

18 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

19 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

20 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

21 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

22 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

23 4 19 Not Mastered

24 7 33 Not Mastered

25 9 43 Not Mastered

26 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

27 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

28 11 52 Nearing to Mastery

29 12 57 Nearing to Mastery

30 12 57 Nearing to Mastery

31 11 52 Nearing to Mastery

32 4 19 Not Mastered

33 10 48 Not Mastered

34 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

35 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

36 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

37 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

38 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

39 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

40 12 57 Nearing to Mastery

41 11 52 Nearing to Mastery

42 13 62 Nearing to Mastery
43 8 38 Not Mastered

44 1 5 Not Mastered

45 1 5 Not Mastered

46 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

47 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

48 12 57 Nearing to Mastery

49 12 57 Nearing to Mastery

50 11 52 Nearing to Mastery


Prepared by:


Noted: Teacher - I


School Head

Legend: 75%- 100% Mastered, 50%-74% Nearing to Mastery, 0-49% Not Mastered

Second Quarter Examination SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS

Year &
Section : 8- KNOWLEDGE MEAN: 39.90
No. of Test
Takers: 21 PL: 79.81

No. of Items: 50

No. of Correct Mastery Level

Item No. Mastery Level
Responses (%)

1 17 81 Mastered

2 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

3 10 48 Not Mastered

4 18 86 Mastered

5 17 81 Mastered

6 16 76 Mastered

7 20 95 Mastered

8 20 95 Mastered
9 21 100 Mastered

10 20 95 Mastered

11 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

12 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

13 21 100 Mastered

14 21 100 Mastered

15 17 81 Mastered

16 18 86 Mastered

17 18 86 Mastered

18 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

19 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

20 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

21 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

22 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

23 20 95 Mastered

24 20 95 Mastered

25 20 95 Mastered

26 18 86 Mastered

27 18 86 Mastered

28 17 81 Mastered

29 16 76 Mastered

30 18 86 Mastered

31 17 81 Mastered

32 17 81 Mastered

33 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

34 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

35 15 71 Nearing to Mastery

36 18 86 Mastered

37 18 86 Mastered

38 18 86 Mastered

39 18 86 Mastered

40 18 86 Mastered

41 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

42 15 71 Nearing to Mastery
43 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

44 13 62 Nearing to Mastery

45 17 81 Mastered

46 17 81 Mastered

47 17 81 Mastered

48 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

49 14 67 Nearing to Mastery

50 15 71 Nearing to Mastery


Prepared by:


Noted: Teacher - I


School Head

Legend: 75%- 100% Mastered, 50%-74% Nearing to Mastery, 0-49% Not Mastered
 Technology can be integrated in Sampling & Sampling Techniques in
(1) DATA GATHERING – In collecting subset to represent a whole population,
the researcher can opt to collect data through GOOGLE FORMS and
POLLS. Aside from its ease of access, it saves time as the admin will only
wait for the respondents to turn their feedbacks in.
(2) DATA PRESENTATION – With technology, data presentation can be more
visually creative, friendly and more engaging as data collected can be
represented through charts, graphs, or even tabular data in a 3d
(3) DATA ANALYSIS – With technology, data analysis can be done with more
efficiency as the results can be collected in a short period of time.
Furthermore, the use of technology can help facilitate in making
predictions and decision-making process. It can also cater bulk of data


Context of Sample and Sample Techniques in Various Fields

of the Society

Population is the main source of data in every research, demographic profile is

widely used in various fields of the society to be able to analyze numbers, make
representations and be able to decide for a solution to a social dilemma. In
context, sampling techniques refers to the process of studying the population
by gathering information and analyzing that data. There are two categories on
how to get data from the population this includes probability and non-probability
sampling. Probability Sampling – is a sampling technique where researcher
selects a few criteria and chooses members of population randomly. All the
members have an equal opportunity to participate in the sample with this
selection parameter. This has three types mainly; Simple Random Sampling;
Cluster and Sytematic. Next is the Non-Probability Sampling where the
researcher randomly chooses members for research. This sampling method is
not fixed or predefined selection process it is mainly use in Exploratory research,
and Budget and Time Constraints. These techniques are able to identify or study
the population by data collection in every sector of the society. For an instance,
the use of probability sampling reduces sample bias in diverse population and
creates an accurate sample in the data collected. In various fields such as
health, education, politics, foods and services sampling techniques are
considered to be an effective way to make inferences and estimate the
characteristics of the whole population. These enable these sectors to know the
actions, services, alternative solutions or innovations needed for the majority of
people in the society. As political leaders use this type of gathering data as it is
time-convenient and cost-effective. Public officers are able to easily identify
situations and able to draft solutions, it goes the same with the all the sectors of
the government.



1. It is a technique of selecting individual members or a subset of the

population to make statistical inferences from the and estimate the
characteristics of the whole population.____________________
2. It is the process of studying the population by gathering information
and analyzing that data. ______________________
3. This sampling method is not fixed or predefined selection process.
This makes it difficult for all population elements to have equal
opportunities to be included in a
4. A sampling technique where researcher selects a few criteria and
chooses members of population randomly.
5. It is a method where the researchers divide the entire population
into sections or clusters representing a population.
6. It is a method in which the researcher divides the population into
smaller groups that don’t overlap but represent the entire
population. _________________
7. It is one of the best probability sampling techniques that helps in
saving time and resources. It is reliable method of obtaining
information where every single member of a population is chosen
randomly, merely by chance. ____________________

8. This method depends on the ease of access to subject such as

surveying costumers at a mall or passers-by on a busy street.
Researchers have nearly no authority to select the sample
elements, and it’s purely done based on proximity and not
9. It is a sampling method that researchers apply when the subjects
are difficult to trace.___________
10. This type of sampling is formed at the researcher’s discretion.

1. What are the uses of Probability Sampling?

2. What are the uses of Non-Probability Sampling?


1. What is the importance of Sampling and Sampling Techniques?

How would it affect our daily lives?


1. Seema Singh, Sampling Techniques; Search

Medium Towards Data Science 2018

2. Shona McCombes, Sampling Methods, Types

Techniques and Examples; Scribbr 2019

3. Idowu Qudus, what is the Importance of

Technology in Research; Expatify 2023

4. Municipal Environment and Natural Resources

Office and Municipal Planning And Development
Office LGU Casiguran, Sorsogon
5. Sorsogon State University, Office of the Student
Development and Services
6. Gsac General Hospital, Inc (Philhealth Claims

Roles and Designated Task Among Members of the Group

Group Leader- Serilene Buelo
Documenter- John Kenneth Bejison
Group Monitor- Rhodessa Perez Santiago
Contributors: Janelle Anchinges, Jason James Almonte, Pamela Brinola

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