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How To Install and Setup CoCoS-EDS for ME Engines.

Hardware needed for installation:

1. PMI (CoCoS-EDS) CD.

2. LAN cable - straight or crossed.
3. Switch.
4. Extra LAN card for PMI PC (only if PMI PC is to be connected to ship LAN).

Install CoCoS-EDS (on PMI PC):

1. Insert the PMI (CoCoS-EDS) CD in your CD-ROM drive.

2. In Windows Explorer select the appropriate CD-ROM drive.
3. Select the folder CoCoS-EDS ME.
4. Select 'setup.exe' then choose File/Open or double-click on the file.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
6. If the PMI PC is owner delivery the LAN connection may be used for the ships LAN.
Install an extra network card and see trouble shooting for setup instructions.

Establish connection to MOP B, the IP addresses are predefined:

1. Connect the MOP B PC and the EDS/PMI PC with a LAN cable. (Crossover cable if
the connection is PC to PC, straight LAN cable if connected by switch).
2. If the PMI program is installed on the same PC as EDS (default), connection will be
established as soon as the PMI and EDS program are running simultaneously on the
PC. If the PMI program is on another PC the IP address of this PC must be set up in
EDS. Open the EDS program, select Tools->Setup->Calibration->da_pmi20 select the
‘TCP/IP’ page key and key in the IP address of the PMI PC.
3. Check that data from MOP B are transferred to EDS.

Trouble shooting:

No data transferred?

1. Check cable connections, i.e. plugs inserted correct, LAN cable(s) is/are correct type
(straight/cross over) .
2. Check that power is ON, on the switch (if applied).
3. Are network card LED’s ON indicating connection?

Still no data transfer - check/setup PMI/EDS PC IP address.

1. Check that the IP address is setup on the PC with PMI/EDS installed (Default IP, subnet A IP address must be setup, otherwise data
cannot be transferred between the MOP PC and EDS PC (i.e. if TCP/IP properties are
setup to ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ or IP address number is completely
different from above number).
a. On the PC select ‘Start->Control Panel->Network Connections’.
b. Select LAN connection. In menu select ‘File->Properties’.

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c. In the ‘Local Area Connection’ dialogue box locate and click on the item
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Select the button ‘Properties’.
d. Select ‘Use the following IP address’ and key in for IP address
and Subnet mask
e. Select the button ‘OK’ and ‘Close’.

Still no data transfer - check EDS setup.

1. Check the IP address in the EDS program.

a. Start the EDS program.
b. Change password level -> Select ‘System->Enter Password…->enter Chief in
dialogue box->Select OK’.
c. Select ‘Tools->Setup->Calibration->Data acquisition da_bes’.
d. Select the ‘TCP/IP’ page and check/key in the IP address (Default for MOP B is
e. Select the ‘Apply’ button and ‘OK’.
f. Select ‘Tools->Setup->Calibration->Data acquisition da_besparam’.
g. Select the ‘TCP/IP’ page and check/key in the IP address, ‘Port’
number is 42079
h. Select the ‘Connect’ button and ‘OK’.

Still no data transfer - check/setup MOP B IP address?

1. Is MOP B ON, and displaying values?

2. Has IP address been setup on MOP B? (LAN cable must be connected).
a . Select ‘CTRL+ESC’ on MOP B keyboard.
b . Select the ‘System Utilities’ folder.
c . Select the ‘Command’ icon.
d . At DOS prompt (c:\ System Utilities>) type ipconfig/all.
e . Check displayed values, default is and subnet
• If IP address is different from the default value, change the IP address
on MOP B. See below procedure.
• If IP address is correct, try to ‘Ping’ the PMI/EDS PC. At the DOS
prompt write ‘ping’. Check that a reply is received, i.e.
‘Reply from bytes……..’.
f . Check if data from MOP B are displayed in the EDS program.

1. Setup/change IP address on MOP B

a. On the MOP B select ‘Start->Control Panel->Network Connections’.

b. Select LAN connection. In menu select ‘File->Properties’.
c. In the ‘Local Area Connection’ dialogue box locate and click on the item
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Select the button ‘Properties’.
d. Select ‘Use the following IP address’ and key in for IP address
and Subnet mask
e. Select the button ‘OK’ and ‘Close’.

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Still no data transfer?

1. Reboot the MOP B PC.

2. Check if data are displayed in EDS.

Still no data transfer?

Contact MAN Diesel & Turbo:


CLN/LDE4 23.03.2011

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