The King and The Beggar

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Have you ever wished to be a king when you were a kid?

What does it really take for a king

to be truly a king at heart?
A wonderful morning to the judges, timekeeper and my esteemed audience. It’s a pleasure for
me to share a beautiful story entitled The King and The Beggar.
Once upon a time, a country was ruled by a king, known as King Henry, who had no son to
succeed to the throne. Since the king was getting old, he wanted to select a suitable successor
to rule the country.
The king sent out notices throughout his country. The notice invited every qualified
young man in the country for an interview with the king. The outcome of the interview would
decide a possible successor to the throne. The only qualification for the candidate was that
they should have immense love for their fellow human beings. Every young man across the
country was excited at the possibility of being the ruler of the country.
A poor young man named Ishen from a remote village also read the notice and started
to prepare for an interview with the king Henry. Ishen was a kind man, and hardworking too,
man but he was very poor. Ishen had no good clothes to be presentable in the sight of the king
Henry. “Oh dear, I must get some decent clothes, what I have is too shabby! What would the
king think of me?” said Ishen to himself. So, Ishen worked really hard and saved some
money to buy him proper clothes and supplies to support him for a long journey to the palace.
After he got his supplies and proper attire for the interview, Ishen set out on his is
quest. He travelled many days and had almost completed the journey when he came upon a
poor beggar by the side of the road. The poor beggar sat trembling in the cold covered only in
tattered rags. The beggar extended his arms and pleaded for help. His weak voice croaked
craoked, “I’m hungry and cold. Please help me, sir”. Ishen was so moved by the pitiful
condition of the beggar and said “Oh, poor man…unfortunately I don’t have extra clothes
with me now but looking at your condition, I can’t resist myself from helping you. Here you
go, take my clothes and stay warm.” “Oh, that’s so kind of you sir. Thank you so much and
god bless you”, said the beggar.
Ishen was a bit hesitant to go for the interview. However, he gathered enough courage
to enter the palace in his dirty clothes. Upon his arrival, a king’s attendant showed him the
way to the great hall. Ishen was admitted to the throne room for the interview. Ishen bowed
low as the King Henry entered the room. When Ishen raised his eyes, he gasped in
astonishment, as he noticed that the king looked very similar to the beggar who he had met on
his way to the palace. He was speechless!
King Henry saw the shock in the Ishen’s eyes and said “Yes, I was the beggar you
met on your way”. “But why did you dress up like a beggar? You are a king. What was your
purpose? Well, why did you do this to me”? Ishen asked doubtfully. “Young man ….it’s
simple …..I had to be sure that you had a good heart and you genuinely love your fellow
human beings,” said King Henry. “I knew that if I came to you as a king, you would have
done anything to impress me, but through that way I would never have known what is truly in
your heart. The generosity and love to the one in need without expecting anything in return is
the sign of a great heart. Looking at your love and generosity towards the beggar proved that
you sincerely love your fellow human beings. I can’t find any better successor than you”.
Thereafter, Ishen was selected as a successor and continued to prepare himself to be
the king. After few years, King Henry passed away and Ishen ascended the throne for the

So, my dear audience, my story here shows that Kindness is more important than wisdom and
the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.

Thank you.

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