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Modal verbs for request

Для того, щоб запитати дозволу, вживаємо

наступні модальні дієслова у запитаннях:

can could may will would

виражаєють чемне прохання
Різниця полягає у тому, що “may” більш
ввічливе, ніж “could”, а “could” більш
ввічливе ніж “can”.

Can I open the window, please? — Чи можу я відкрити

Could I open the window, please? — Чи можу я відкрити
May I open the window, please? — Чи можу я відкрити
виражає пропозицію, запрошення щось зробити
При цьому would виражає більший ступінь
ввічливості, ніж will
Will you have an ice – cream ? – Будете морозиво?
Would you please post this letter? – Будь ласка, не могли
б ви відправити цей лист?
Make up questions as in example

1.have/ a cup of coffee? (will)

Will you have a cup of coffee?
2. pass/ some bread please? (would)
3. call /me? (can)
4. ask you /a question? (may)
5. pass /me /the salt? (could)
6. read/ this text?(can)
7. have /some more soup? (will)
Have/Has to
Виражає наказ,обовʼязок чи необхідність
• You have to train your pets.
(Ви повинні виховувати своїх домашніх тварин.)
• They have to clean up before going for a walk.
(Вони повинні прибрати перед тим, як піти на
•have to
•has to •I
Say using have/has to
1. Mary can’t go to cinema. She _____________________ look after
her sister.
2. My parents can’t go to Italy. They _______________ work this
3. Teresa can’t see very well. She ___________ wear glasses.
4. Peter ____________ read a lot of books because he’s studying
5. Ken and Liz ___________ study English words.
6. WE _____________ wash our car.
•don’t have to
•doesn’t have to •I
Complete the sentence with the correct negative
form, don't or doesn't
1. My neighbour _____ have to work on Sundays.
2. The cat _____ have to sleep at night.
3. He _____ have to go to school at the weekend.
4. Mei and Kaleb _____ have to cook today.
5. Jenna _____ have to make the bed.
6. Luca _____ have to clean the floor.
7. The students _____ have to wear a school uniform.
8. My friend _____ have to walk to school.
9. These people _____ have to play football.

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