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In general, humans will do interaction or communication because of
life Humans are always in the group even always requiring one human with
others interacting. To do human interaction, it is necessary for a language
because language functions as a communication tool to convey messages
and language as a reasoning tool, taste tool, and even tools cultured.
rhythmic or politeness Language is called a language parameter. Courtesy Is
the behavior that respects others. In everyday life, humans will do good
interactions to interact in the community and the environment government or
education environment Like at school. so that interaction or communication
occurs well then someone must pay attention to the procedures in
communication so as not to offend and or hurt other people's feelings.

hurting other people's feelings. Politeness plays an important role in setting

up a conversation with someone and developing social interactions.
Research shows that people treat interactive systems as social agents and
may expect the system to display polite behavior. We add to the initial
research in this area by proposing a framework based on sociolinguistics and
pragmatics. This framework focuses on two complementary concepts –
clarity and decency. We suggest that these concepts relate to various
domains of interactive technology and provide examples of applying the
rules of clarity and decency to interactions. this study discusses the forms of
polite speech that exist in social interactions such as facial want, and
negative and positive face.

Every interaction people have is usually impacted by their culture and

behavior. So when we interact with them. We will think about how to show
our courtesy to our listeners/partners. To display it, we usually adapt to their
culture and behavior. Pragmatics is one of the studies that talk about it,
especially in politeness and interaction.

People are not born polite but acquire it from learning. When we
communicate with each other consciously or unconsciously, cultural
backgrounds influence our behavior and reactions. People live in a certain
cultural environment, and their behavior is displayed by the culture. To
avoid cultural misunderstandings that will lead to communication failures,
people must adhere to certain criteria of politeness. The American
philosopher and logician Paul Grice pointed out that in conversation,
participants must first be willing to cooperate; otherwise, it would be
impossible for them to continue the conversation. On the other hand, I will
talk more in this paper because when we learn to understand interactions we
will learn about Politeness and Interaction as well.
Explain the definition


Politeness is a relationship between two participants who can be referred to

as 'self' and 'other'. the most prominent theory on politeness is from Brown
and Levinson (1987). They believe that within a person occurs positive and
negative face. The urge of a person to be respected and appreciated in social
interactions is defined as positive face, while negative face is the freedom of
action that is needed by them.

A positive politeness strategy leads the requester to appeal to a common

goal, via expressions such as those in Maintaining relationships and
interactions with your customers is an important part of building a successful
business. In today's age of automation and innovation, retaining customers is
even more important. Anytime a customer is unhappy, they can let them
know via social media or website, and this can negatively affect your
business. Ambarwati et al. (2019) argued that politeness

strategies occurred as ‘a reflection of humanistic learning’. They elaborated

politeness strategies in the social media platform as a process to show how
people choose appropriate peech, maintain the power in doing
communication and maintain the attitude to save interlocutor’s face.
therefore it is more important than anything else to create the best
experience for customers and help develop harmonious corporate
relationships with them. (Maha, 2014). Ogierman in Maha (2014) states that
in some countries like Polish and Russian talking in a direct way is more
polite than using indirect speech. On the contrary, Etae et al. (2016) argued
that being indirect and showing ambiguity in the speech

are considered more polite in the Asian countries. Bad interactions are the
cause of customer reduction, causing dissatisfaction with services. Providing
great customer service is a great way to increase sales. respond quickly, and
be prepared to offer special offers or discounts in hopes of increasing sales
by buying more customers.
Give some example

Positive politeness Negative politeness

Expalin the example

Positive politeness: the customer orders a bouquet first by greeting or asking

for the availability of goods and the customer asks whether or not to order a
bouquet on the day he wants, for example in the picture the customer orders
a bouquet on Sunday and the event is on Friday.

Negative politeness: the customer sends a message with a text message

referring to the point without asking for the availability of goods and not
asking if the bouquet is available on the day he wants the example in the
picture the customer ordered a bouquet on Monday and the event is on
Analyze an situatiom

Politeness in buying and selling bouquets can produce good interactions

between sellers and buyers by using appropriate and nice language and
speech, in this case there are two politeness in the transaction of buying and
selling bouquets, the first is positive politeness and the second is negative
politeness. which positive politeness is sometimes preferable to negative
politeness because positive politeness will produce a good interaction
without any conflict between the two participants

4. explain the relation of language to the topic

after taking this data, the researcher knows the relationship between the data
and what was conveyed by Ambarwati et al. (2019) argued that politeness
trategies occurred as 'a reflection of humanistic learning'. They elaborated
politeness strategies in the social media platform as a process to show how
people choose the appropriate speech, maintain the power in doing
communication and maintain the attitude to save the interlocutor's face. that
social media users must also be able to express their politeness in
conversations on social media by using appropriate and wise words in
interactions on social media

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