Paula - FormalLetter - SportFacilities

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Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing this letter to show the importance of the funding for the new sport facilities. We are all
aware of the current state and situation of the fitness centre. The swimming pool filtration system is not
working, gym machines are obsolete and aerobic classes are really small and as a consequence crowded.
All these facts support the idea of a economical investment in the sport centre.

Firstly, the main building in which aerobic or yoga classes take place could be rebuild. Classes would be
designed considering the number of citizens who use them regularly. In addition to this, many lockers
are broken, so repairing them would also be an enhancement. Secondly, other sport facilities like the
swimming pool or the football field could be improved. Neither of them fulfil the necessary
requirements to be used by the citizens, and they have been closed for the last two years. Finally, gym
machines and other technological devices could be updated to improve the experience of the gym’s

This economic investment can make the difference for young citizens of the neighbourhood. If they have
access to a swimming pool or the football field, they can develop healthy habits, improve their skills and
socialise with other kids. Moreover, yoga and aerobic classes teach children how to cope with stressful
situations. The advantages of doing sports are uncountable and this funding could improve citizens
health. I trust you can consider these ideas and I would be grateful if you could solve the problems

Yours faithfully
Paula Alvarez

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