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What is the difference between Globalization and Globalism?

“Globalization has made national boundaries more porous but not irrelevant. Nor does globalization
mean the creation of a universal community.”
― Joseph S. Nye Jr.
Globalization refers to the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and
populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of
investment, people, and information. It also refers to an integrated set of social processes that
extends and strengthens relationships between people across the globe. Globalism, on the other
hand, is a political ideology or outlook that advocates increased international cooperation and the
development of a global community. It is a widely used term to general globalism trends and specific
systems of thought and values related to different globalization processes. The distinction between
the two also helps to focus on the important role played by various globalism in shaping the
conditions of our interdependent world.
Harris (2002). Globalization is the focal point of the increasingly intense ideological and political
conflicts that have been ignited by the anti-globalization protests that have taken place in various
countries, starting with the protest at the summit meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in
Seattle at the end of 1999. In intellectual circles, globalization has become “the primary attractor of
books, articles, and heated debate” in much the same way “as postmodernism was the most
fashionable and debated topic of the 1980s” (Kellner, 2002). Thus, there is a great deal of “hype”
about it. The discourse on globalization has been increasingly heated between those who employ the
concept as the label for what they consider to be an unfolding process of global economic, political,
and cultural integration that is bringing about the progressive integration of humanity and those who
use the concept to describe a largely unjust and inequitable process of transnational corporate
expansionism that involves the increasing exploitation of a large proportion of humanity and the
increasing despoliation of the biosphere of the planet. The term “globalism” has also been employed
in a multivalent and contested manner, generally in close association with the concept of
globalization. It has generally been used to describe the values, ideas, and beliefs (i.e.,the ideology)
of those who believe in and seek to promote the global economic, political, and cultural integration of
humanity. More often than not, it is used to describe the ideology of those who seek to advance the
global integration of humanity through “free markets” and “free trade” as well as the global application
of new information, communications, and transportation technologies. At the same time, it has been
used to describe the values, ideas, and beliefs of those who hold a holistic worldview founded on the
fundamental belief that “we share one fragile planet the survival of which requires mutual respect and
careful treatment of the earth and of all its people” (Ritchie, 1996). This globalism tends to involve a
critical conceptualization of contemporary globalization as a process of global integration dominated
by large transnational corporations and intergovernmental institutions, structures that are both
inherently undemocratic and destructive of the planet’s natural environment.
It focuses on how globalization and the related concept of globalism are complicated and contentious.
Additionally, it analyzes the profound ideological and political issues brought on by globalization,
which are particularly apparent in the anti-globalization demonstrations that have gained prominence
since the late 1990s. The discussion regarding globalization is characterized by the heated
disagreement between the two major positions. There are some who consider globalization as a
growing force that will eventually result in the integration of the world's economies, governments, and
cultures. This perspective states that globalization symbolizes humanity's interconnectedness and
supports the integration of different communities. This perspective frequently connects globalization
to ideas like free markets, free trade, and the use of new technologies to make the world more
interconnected. While there are those who argue that globalization is arbitrary and unfair. For them, it
is a process that is mainly driven by transnational businesses which causes the exploitation of a
significant percentage of humanity as well as the degradation of the environment of Earth. Those
opposed to globalization frequently use the term "globalism" to refer to an alternative perspective, one
based on the belief that humanity shares a vulnerable planet and that respect for one another as well
as the treatment of the Earth and those who reside on it is crucial for survival. By emphasizing their
undemocratic practices and harmful effects on the environment, this holistic worldview confronts the
dominance of large corporations and international organizations.
Takefman (2023). The effects of globalization on economic development have been both positive and
negative. Globalization has paved the way for new markets, enhanced trade and investment, and
fostered cross-border technology and knowledge transfers. These developments have contributed to
greater economic growth, improved productivity, and job creation in numerous areas worldwide.
However, globalization has also given rise to intensified competition, income disparity, and
environmental damage in certain regions. The positive effects of globalization on economic
development include a variety of positive impacts on economic development, including increased
trade and investment opportunities, access to new markets and customers, greater efficiency and
productivity, the spread of new technologies and knowledge, increased competition, and the potential
for economic growth and development. While the negative effects of globalization on economic
development include both positive and negative impacts. Alongside the positive impacts of
globalization on economic development, globalization has also brought about a range of negative
impacts on economic development, including job losses and industry declines in some regions,
widening income inequality, cultural homogenization, environmental degradation, dependence on
foreign markets and investors, and vulnerability to global economic downturns.
It emphasizes the complexity of the effects of globalization on economic development. Although, it
offers opportunities such as new markets and technology advancements, it also cause drawbacks
such as job losses, harm to the environment, and cultural degradation. The interaction of these
beneficial and detrimental effects emphasizes the need for thoughtful deliberation and balanced
policies to maximize the beneficial impacts of globalization while minimizing its detrimental effects on
economic development.
In conclusion, the term of "globalization" refers to the growing interconnection of communities,
economies, and cultures as a result of cross-border trade, technology, and information interchange. It
represents the practical components of global integration and the complex structure of relationships
between individuals and nations. On the other hand, globalism represents a wider ideological
perspective that promotes international collaboration and the development of a global community. It
includes specific methods of thinking and ideals relating to many aspects of globalization. This
distinction emphasizes the intellectual foundation of attempts to promote international cooperation,
emphasizing the significance of common ideals and cooperation in confronting global issues.
Recognizing the distinction between globalization and globalism is important because it enables us to
interact with the world as an interconnection of shared beliefs and goals rather than just as
a combination of economic and cultural exchanges. We have the chance to create a global society
that transcends boundaries, celebrating diversity, promoting justice, and protecting the environment
for future generations by embracing both the practicalities of globalization and the ideals of globalism.
Understanding the distinction between globalization and globalism involves in recognizing the
influence of human activity in determining the kind of society we wish to live in. It invites us to actively
take part in creating a future for the global community that reflects our common values, developing a
connected but also compassionate, just, and resilient community.

Anuj Kapoor, Catherine E. Tucker, Income Inequality and Digital Advertising Strategies: Evidence
from a Field Experiment, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.3048553.
Harris, R. L. (2002). Introduction: Globalization and Globalism in Latin America: Contending
Perspectives. Latin American Perspectives
Takefman, B. (2023). The effects of globalization on economic development. ResearchFDI.

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