Wordlist - CHAPTER 3 & 4 - ANTW

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Wordlist Think 2


eng scary frightening
actie action things which are happening
animatiefilm animated film a film that is created by a computer and shown in a way that makes it move
documentaire documentary a film, television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject
komedie comedy entertainment such as a film, etc. which is funny
griezelfilm horror film a film in which very frightening or unnatural things happen
romantische komedie romantic comedy (rom com) a film or television programme about love that is intended to make you laugh
sciencefiction (sci-fi) science fiction (sci-fi) stories about life in the future or in other parts of the universe
thriller thriller a book or film with an exciting story, often about crime
script script the words written for and spoken in a film, play, broadcast or speech
veel much used before comparative adjectives such as 'better' and 'more beautiful' to mean 'a lot'
zeer veel far very much
vrij veel a lot very much or very often
een beetje a bit slightly
een klein beetje a little slightly
scène scene a short part of a film, play, or book in which the events happen in one place
deelnemer contestant someone who competes in a contest
presentator presenter someone who introduces a television or radio show
spelshow game show a programme on television in which people play games to try to win prizes

reality-serie reality show a television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations, rather than actors
het nieuws the news the announcement of important events on television, radio, and in newspapers
chatshow chat show a television or radio programme where people are asked questions about themselves
dramaserie drama series a play that is broadcast in a set of television programmes
tekenfilm cartoon a film made using characters that are drawn and not real
a series of television or radio programmes that continues over a long period and is about the lives of a
soap (opera) soap (opera) group of characters

sitcom sitcom a funny television programme that is about the same group of people every week in different situations
sportprogramma sports programme a television or radio programme about sport

talentenshow talent show a television programme in which people sing, dance, or do other acts and judges decide who is the best
figurant extra an actor in a film who does not have a main part and usually plays someone in a crowd
uitrusting / benodigdheden equipment the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose
ontspannend relaxing making you feel relaxed
aangenaam enjoyable An enjoyable event or experience gives you pleasure.
menigte crowd a large group of people who have come together

professioneel professional Someone is professional if they earn money for a sport or activity which most people do as a hobby.
onafhankelijk independent not taking help or money from other people
thuiskomen get home to arrive at the place where you live

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verveeld raken get bored to start to feel unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do
aankomen get there to arrive at a place
een drankje kopen get a drink to buy a drink
boos worden get angry to start to have a strong feeling against someone because they have behaved badly
beter worden get better to feel well again after you have been ill
account account an arrangement that you have with a company to use a service they provide
bericht post to leave a message on a website
update update a report containing all the latest news or information
websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the
sociale media social media internet using a computer or mobile phone
alles everything all things
iedereen everyone every person
overal everywhere in or to every place
iets something used to refer to a thing when you do not know what it is or when it is not important what it is
used to refer to a single person when you do not know who they are or when it is not important who
iemand someone they are
used to refer to a place when you do not know exactly where it is or when it is not important exactly
ergens somewhere where it is
niets nothing not anything
niemand no one no person
nergens nowhere not anywhere
alles/het doet er niet toe wat anything any object, event, situation, etc.
iedereen/het doet er niet toe wie anyone any person or any people
overal anywhere in or to any place
online gaan go online to connect to the Internet
een bericht plaatsen post a message to publish something on a website or using social media
to type a secret word that gives you
een wachtwoord invoeren key in a password access to a computer
een programma installeren install a programme to put a programme on a computer
een bestand bijvoegen attach a file to add a separate part such as a photo or a document to an email
een bestand downloaden download a file to copy information or a programme from the Internet onto your computer
een foto uploaden upload a photo to make an image available on the Internet
to remove a piece of text so it
een bericht verwijderen delete a message cannot be seen any more
to click on the icon of a file that
een bijlage openen open an attachment comes with an email
een app kopen buy an app to pay for a programme for your mobile or tablet
de vliegmodus activeren activate flight mode to switch on a function on your mobile phone or tablet so you cannot go online
netwerkdekking hebben have network coverage to have a signal that lets you make phone calls
een foutbericht krijgen get an error message to get information on your computer screen telling you about a problem
een applicatie wordt gesloten an application closes down a programme closes

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je scherm wordt zwart/leeg your screen goes blank your computer screen does not show information any more
een bestand sluiten voordat je het hebt opgeslagen you close a file without saving it fiyou lose all the changes you have just made
een programma loopt vast / hangt a programme freezes a programme stops working and the screen will not change
je harde schijf crasht your hard disk crashes the system that saves information on your computer suddenly stops working
monitor monitor a screen that shows information or pictures, usually connected to a computer
allemaal all of them every person or thing in a group
sommige(n) some of them some people or things in a group
geen enkele none of them no person or thing in a group
enkele(n) any of them some or even the smallest amount or number of something
zouden moeten should used to give advice
zouden beter kunnen had better used to give advice
zouden eigenlijk moeten ought to used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do
an opinion that someone gives you about what you should do in a particular situation which does not
slecht advies bad advice have good results
goed advies good advice a good opinion that someone gives you about what you should do in a particular situation
praktisch advies practical advice a suitable opinion that someone gives you about what you should do in a particular situation
handig advies useful advice a helpful opinion that someone gives you about what you should do in a particular situation
advies over [iets] advice about [something] an opinion that someone gives you about what you should do in a particular situation
advies vragen aan [iemand] ask for advice from [someone] to ask someone for their opinion about what you should do in a particular situation
advies krijgen van [iemand] get advice from [someone] to ask someone for their opinion about what you should do in a particular situation
[iemand] advies geven give [somebody] advice to tell someone what you think they should do in a particular situation
[iemand] advies aanbieden offer [somebody] advice to tell someone what you think they should do in a particular situation
[iemands] advies aannemen take [someone’s] advice to do what someone has said they think you should do in a particular situation
[iemands] advies opvolgen follow [someone's] advice to do what someone has said they think you should do in a particular situation
[iemands] advies negeren ignore [someone’s] advice to decide not to do what someone has said they think you should do in a particular situation
aan te raden advisable If something is advisable, it will avoid problems if you do it.
[iemand] aanraden [om iets te doen] advise [someone] [to do somethi to tell someone that you think they should do something
[iets] afraden advise against [something] to tell someone that you think they should not do something
grot cave a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff or mountain, or one that is underground
emotie emotion a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general
graveren engrave to cut words or pictures into the surface of metal, stone, etc
stenen tablet stone tablet a thin, flat square piece of stone
papyrus papyrus paper made from a tall plant like a grass that grows in or near water
likken lick to move your tongue across the surface of something
to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine or newspaper, or to produce
publiceren publish and sell a book, magazine or newspaper
to look through a book or magazine without reading everything, or to walk around a shop looking at
bladeren browse several things without intending to buy any of them
drukpers printing press a machine that prints books, newspapers, magazines, etc
gepest worden get bullied to be hurt or frightened because someone says or does a lot of unpleasant things to you
something which has been designed or created for the first time, or the act of creating or designing
uitvinding invention something

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communicatie communication the act of communicating with people

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