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Bio Data

Name Marium Imran

Age 21 years
Gender Female
Education Bs (Hons)
No of sibling 2
Order of birth 1
Informant Subject Herself

Reason for Referral

The purpose of referral is "Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank Test".
Background Information
Family History
There are four members in subjects’ family. She belongs to a middle-class family. Subject's
family type is nuclear. Her father is 49 years old. He is a retired army person. The subject's
mother is 48 years old. Her mother's qualification is Matriculation. The 1st born is subject
herself. The second born is her sister who is 14 years old and studies in class 8. Subject bears
good relationships with all her family members especially, she has strong attachment with her
Personal History
The subject's birth was normal. All milestones were achieved at normal age. The subject started
schooling at the age of 3 years. She is a confident and intelligent student. She has an ambivert
type of personality. She has very good relationships with her friends. Her hobbies includes
internet surfing and to visiting different places.
Behavioural Observation
The subject was wearing neat and clean dress. The subject was very quiet and reserved
throughout the session. She behaved very wall all the time. She performed the test with keen,
interest, fulfilling all the requirements. She showed cooperative attitude throughout the test, and
followed all the directions properly.
Test Administration
Test was administrated in a lighted room. Subject was informed about the test. She was
instructed according to the manual.

SR NO. Responses Key Scores

1 Omission 0 0×0=0

2 Positive P1=2 10x2=20

P2=1 10x1=10

P3=0 10x0=0

3 Conflict C1=4 10x4=40

C2=5 10x5=50

C3=6 10x6=60

4 Neutral N4=4 10x4=40

5 Total 118

Qualitative Analysis
Subject got 118 marks in Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank Test. Her scores indicate that she
is adjusted in her environment.

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