Parallel Structure

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is the use of similar patterns of

words for the purpose of giving the

same level of importance to two qr
more ideas. Often, parallelism is
applied to achieve the art of
speaking or writing effectively.
1 . The people praise them,
salute them, and worship them.

2.Olympic athletes usually like

practicing, competing, and
eating ice cream

3.Public transit such as buses

or trains can help reduce air
l . Use words of similar forms consistently. Do
not mix them..

Karyll enjoys reading stories, writing

journal entries, and to solve math problems.

Karyll enjoys reading stories, writing

journal entries, and solving math
2. Make sure that all items in a list
follow the same form.

Different forms:
Noun, Verb, Adjectives, Gerunds, Clauses
Phrases such as Noun phrase,
Verb Phrase, Prepositional
Phrase, Infinitive Phrase
1.I have 3 pets, cat, dog and hamster. Noun
2. I walk and jump earlier at the park. Verb
3. This book contains poems which are romantic,
soothing, and enjoyable. Adjective
4 . S he is good in singing, dancing, and acting. Gerunds
5. My brother left an apple and a banana on the
dining table. Noun Phrase
6. He can play piano and (can) sing opera. Verb Phrase
7. I left my coins at the table, and inside my bag.
8. It is better to give than to receive.Infinitive

African poetry types include the narrative epic,

occupational verse, ritual verse, and to praise rulers and
other prominent people with poems.

African poetry types include the narrative epic, occupational

verse, ritual verse, and praise poems for rulers and other
prominent people.
3. Maintain the structure used for parallelism. A
parallel structure that begins with clauses must
keep on with clauses or a pattern that started with
the active voice must not be changed to passive
voice in the end, etc.
The doctor advised that he should drink plenty of water,
that he should eat vegetables and fruits, and do daily

The doctor advised that he should drink plenty of water,

that he should eat vegetables and fruits, and that he
should do daily exercise.
LE T ' S TR Y !
1.James can speak English and speaking Italian.
2.She likes to run, swim and play football.
3.Tom has a beautiful wife, a big house and a lovely children.
4.I learned to be attentive to my teachers and to do my homework.
5.She decided to forget about her ex-boyfriend, start a new relationship
and work hard on her project.
6.I advise you to sleep early, eat healthy food and to exercise regularly.
7.I consider your behavior rude, irresponsible, and offensive.
8.I hate washing the linen by hand and to cook.
9.To apply to this job to have university degree in linguistics and having
five year experience as an interpreter.
10.Complaints were made by teachers and administrators also.

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