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Instituto Médio de Administração e Gestão Empresarial-IMAGEM


Human resource Management

Business Project: Microcredit

Nelsa Ngale



Instituto Médio de Administração e Gestão Empresarial-IMAGEM



Human resource Management

Business Project: Microcredit

Project to be presented at the Chair of

Communicating Information in the English
Language with an evaluative nature under the
guidance of a trainer.

Former: Hélder



Introduction .......................................................................................................................4

Methodology .....................................................................................................................5

Contextualization ..............................................................................................................6

Strategic analysis ...............................................................................................................6

Strategic Positioning .........................................................................................................7

Planning .............................................................................................................................8

Savings ..............................................................................................................................8

Investment .........................................................................................................................9

Types of Investment ........................................................................................................10

Evaluation of investment projects ...................................................................................10

Financial services ............................................................................................................11

Microcredit ......................................................................................................................11

Service development project ...........................................................................................12

Service design project .....................................................................................................12

Service process project ....................................................................................................12

Design of service facilities ..............................................................................................13

Evaluating, improving and launching the service ...........................................................13

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................15

Bibliographic references .................................................................................................16


As Investment is our main theme, this work seeks to address the financial economic literature
on the subject. From the perspective of Galesne (2001), making an investment consists, for a
company, in committing capital in different ways, in a durable way, in the hope of
maintaining or improving its economic situation. Reilly Brown (2003) point out that an
investment is the commitment of money for a period of time, aiming at future payments that
will compensate for the elapsed process, investments can be made by an individual,
government entity, pension fund or organization.

Therefore, when making a financial investment, it is necessary to identify some goals, such
as: the time in which the capital will be invested, the objective of the investment , the risk to
be taken, the current economic scenario, the type of investment, among other aspects. .

The brief contextualization of the subject, the research presented here, of an academic nature,
inserted in the subject of Economics, is related to the forms of investment, seeking to answer
the following research problem: What is investment?

Faced with this questioning, the present research has the general objective of defining and
analyzing investment. The specific objectives set out to assist in the elaboration of the
research were: a) to contextualize the investment concept, b) to identify the types of
investments, c) to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of investments.

The existence of this study is justified by the demand for studies related to the contemporary
financial market and its investors. Given the above, the lines below are structured into four
sections, namely: Introduction of the work, development of the theoretical foundation,
presentation and discussion of the different points of view and, finally, the final
considerations .

The research employed was of a descriptive nature and bibliographical analysis of the
existing literature in the bibliographic reference presented at a specific moment.

According to Gerhardt and Silveira (2009), research can be classified according to four
aspects: approach, nature, objective and method. The research approach can be classified as
qualitative or quantitative, the nature can be theoretical or applied and the objective can be
explanatory, descriptive or exploratory (SANTOS, 1999; ANDRADE, 2002).
Regarding the research approach, those classified as qualitative are basically characterized by
five different aspects: natural environment, descriptive data, concern with the process,
concern with the meaning and inductive analysis process (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 2003). While
quantitative research is mainly characterized by quantification, both in data collection and in
data analysis (RICHARDSON, 1999).

According to Barros and Lehfeld (2000, p. 78), research of a theoretical nature is that which
seeks knowledge, or deepening this knowledge, and discussions of theories. For Tachizawa
and Mendes (2006), theoretical research does not require data collection and analysis, being
characterized by providing or understanding a discussion. Research of an applied nature is
characterized by producing knowledge for the solution of real problems through the
application of the results obtained (BARROS; LEHFELD, 2000, p.78).

In relation to the objective of the research, Gil (1999) states that exploratory research is
characterized by approaching a certain subject through an overview of the theme. This
approach is mainly used when the subject in question is little explored in the literature, thus
making it difficult to formulate hypotheses.

Still according to Gil (1999), descriptive research aims to characterize a certain population or
phenomenon, or even characterize the relationship between a set of variables. While
explanatory research is based on the determination of factors or variables that determine or
influence the occurrence of phenomena.

In the beginning, everything was exchange, in the form of barter, but since when did we
establish contact with money with regard to the desire to acquire a good, at a certain point in
life. The financial world after the globalization that started in the last decades is much more
complex today than in past generations, we had an evolution in the increase of family
income, but a great complexity about financial planning is not in the same proportion.

We don't see as much interest from people in seeking information about financial education.
Perhaps, the thought is what to spend on? What is the priority on what I will spend? How
much do I need to save to buy a certain good? Therefore, the realization of financial
investment has enabled the rise of resources by the most diverse types of individuals, since
one of the main objectives of this operation is to generate growth from something relatively

In general terms, investment can be seen as a fundamental and indispensable foundation for
the economic and financial development of a company. The investment made by a company
is important because it is from them that there is an expansion of activity and, consequently,
an increase in future cash flows , thus bringing competitive advantages over the competition.

Strategic analysis
The main focus of the company being created consists of providing microcredit aligned with
ancillary services to impact communities formed mostly by classes D and E. These credits
will be granted to women entrepreneurs whose businesses are stagnant due to lack of
financial resources and/or technical knowledge. The concept of the service offered basically
consists of four main points: Kindness and efficiency in service, provision of resources to
customers, effective growth of the customer's enterprise and guarantee of projected results.

These service guidelines will be primarily responsible for ensuring the best customer service.
For French and Roland Bee (1995), customer service is a determining factor in the quality of
the service provided, which is one of the main motivators for customer loyalty. Aligning a
quality service with a guarantee of results, it is possible to gain the trust of a client, making it
possible for the company to be recommended to other entrepreneurs.

According to Mello (2005), the first step in creating a new service is to carry out a strategic
analysis regarding the business. For the creation of a company that provides microcredit, 4

(four) tools will be used: definition of strategic positioning, definition and classification of
competitive criteria, Porter 's 5 Forces and SWOT analysis.

Strategic Positioning
According to Porter (2004), strategic positioning can be defined through three perspectives:
(i) Low prices, (ii) Differentiation and (iii) Exclusivity. When based on low prices, strategic
positioning aims to gain market share through the costs that buyers will have to acquire the
product and/or service, with competition with competitors taking place through selling prices.

The strategic positioning defined based on differentiation causes the company to invest in
market research, human resources, technical assistance and the organization's image, for
example. Finally, exclusivity positioning is defined when the company is the only one
offering a certain product or service.

According to the definitions of Porter (2004), the company in question will use strategic
positioning based on differentiation. As the offer of microcredits is still very low, without
considering those offered by traditional banks, many entrepreneurs still do not have access to
credit with low interest rates and better payment conditions. Thus, although there are already
other companies that offer microcredit, it will be based on the differentiation of services
offered by traditional banks that the company in question will define its strategic positioning.

The differentiation of the new business will be mainly through the ancillary services offered,
such as lower interest rates, specialized consultancy for the business and for the entrepreneur,
in addition to services and personalized projects for each client.

The elaboration of business plans, whether new businesses, or activities already in progress in
their periodic reassessment processes, to enhance their prospects for success, must
necessarily reinforce their commitment to the markets they intend to reach, in an assertive
and competitive way. The dynamics of the controllable and uncontrollable variables that
affect the exchange relations between for-profit and non-profit companies and their
respective markets , suggests, due to the speed and constancy of their transformations, a
continuous monitoring of the resulting threats and opportunities.

Planning consists of making decisions in advance about what to do, before action is necessary
(CHIAVENATO, 2003), so we will understand that we are at risk, when we do not map our
finances, to know if we are financially healthy. Planning allows projection into the future
scenario, which makes us analyze how we are, where we are going and what actions should
be taken to the detriment of pre-established objectives (make a dream come true).

The business plan is nothing more than a description of the company's resources and a
glimpse of the external environment if it is not permeated by the strategic thinking that
should be a well-used tool for the company to adapt, to grow and to move forward, as
defended by Ansoff and McDonnell (1993, p.75) “Strategy is a tool that offers important help
in dealing with the turbulence faced by companies.

Therefore, it deserves attention as a management tool”, thus every business plan of the
company must be under the influence of strategic thinking, being a description of the
strategic planning, actively promoting the actions that will lead the company to reach the
result, not simply serving as a chronicling document of the history and intention of the
business leaders. Therefore, it is important to understand how strategy became such a
common and debated word in the corporate environment.

Savings is the difference between income and expenses, that is, between everything we earn
and everything we spend.

According to Halfeld (2004, p. 21) “people save with two basic objectives: to consume more
soon; face the decline that nature imposes on man’s productive capacity after a certain age.”
We can say that saving is stop enjoying in the present to meet a need of the future. Because
it's almost impossible to have everything at the same time, sometimes we'll need to resign or

choose how to behave financially in the face of opportunities. When you start saving (saving
resources), the intention is to fulfill a dream or cover any unexpected expenses. A possible
layoff, spending on medicine, accidents and/or any other eventuality that may arise
throughout life.

Investing is believing, despite Aurélio (2002) providing other explanations , in an economy
regulated by the laws of the market, investing is closely linked to this positive belief, that the
“ planted seed will bear good fruit”.

Grasel (1996) divides the study on investment into two currents: the classics and the
neoclassics believed that all production generates an income of equal value, since the only
barriers to production were the available resources; the neoclassicals, on the other hand, had a
different way of thinking, even because their reality is associated with another intermediary,
financial institutions, thus, there is a divergence since the interest rate appears in the second
case. For the classics, investment was made with their own resources and for the
neoclassicals, the interest rate appears as the price of capital to be paid in order to regulate the
market between savers and investors.

Investment is the application of some type of resource with the expectation of receiving a
future return superior to the invested capital. This future value must compensate for the loss
of use of the applied resource. When we talk about investment, let's talk about time and
money, two great villains in our daily lives. Making money is not a very easy task. The most
complicated thing is to manage them well and make them multiply over the years. Investment
discusses exactly that. The population, suffering pressure from media forces inducing
exacerbated consumption, has enormous difficulty in saving.

The big question is wanting to live in the here and now, without thinking about the future.
What will my life be like from now on after 20, 30 or 40 years? What should I do to enjoy a
dignified retirement? This would be one of the key questions to be analyzed coldly, with a
critical look at the future. The fact is that many do not know how and where they can invest,
or do not seek to anchor their financial objectives. It is not an easy task to re-educate yourself
financially. The investor who educates himself to invest better and goes after efficient
products reaps good results in the future and with the surplus he will be able to buy what he
thought to spend in the present, in a future moment. Investing is not about stopping spending,
it is about buying in the future.

types of investment
Financial investments can be divided into two groups, namely: investments in the fixed
income market and those made in the variable income market. According to Mishikin (2000,
p. 31) income is a flow of income per unit of time.

According to Abecassis and Cabral (2000), investment projects are usually classified
according to the sector in which they operate or by the type of investment they are aimed at.
Each investment project has its own characteristics and can determine the analytical methods
of preparation and evaluation that distinguish them. In this way, we can classify projects
according to their nature: replacement investments; of expansion; of modernization ; of

The fixed income market is characterized by the flow of income in defined periods, with the
investor being able to know the amount and financial resources that will be generated by the
investment. In the variable income market, there is no guarantee of future income from
investments made. These are markets defined by the highest level of risk and the possibility
of greater gains, compared to fixed income or even total losses of the financial resources
invested ( Bodie , et al.2000).

From the perspective of Assaf Neto (2012), the profit in the fixed income market, through the
investment made, can be redeemed at the maturity of the security, on specific dates or at a
time when the investor wishes, depending on the type of operation.

Luquet (2000) points out that in the variable reindeer market, the flow of income is uncertain,
mainly on the stock exchanges, where fluctuations in the performance of companies can
affect the most common and used financial investments, saving is important to understand the
concept of inflation and interest rate. According to Gremaud et al (2002, p. 112).

Evaluation of investment projects

According to Porfirio et al . al (2004) the evaluation of projects arises as a prior analysis of
the return on investment given the impossibility of knowing, with certainty , the type of
remuneration that the resources invested in investments in the present generate through future
cash flows.

The evaluation of investment projects in general is intrinsically linked to a set of criteria

aimed at verifying their economic and financial viability. The criteria for evaluating
investments are indicators calculated based on profitability and serve as support for decision-

making for possible projects to be carried out (Barros, 1995). In this way, the decision to
make an investment will essentially be supported by its ability to create financial value for
the company and investors. It should be noted, however, that the profitability of a project,
even if simple, must always be evaluated with a view to better use of the funds available to
the company: be it the cost of capital for the company (as a minimum basis), be the
opportunities for external investments in the market or for investments of similar risk (Silva,

For Abecassis and Cabral (2000) the evaluation of investments is made through the
economic-financial viability analysis according to the value that the projects will generate for
the company, based on forecasts and estimates about the future performance.

Financial services
Globalization has had an impact on the financial services sector, facilitating and increasing
people's accessibility to services previously restricted to certain places, people and social
classes. In addition to accessibility, this phenomenon was responsible for further increasing
the sector's representativeness in the economy.

The financial sector is responsible for capturing, transferring and investing resources in the
economy (BARBIERI; SIMANTOB, 2009). This sector is fundamental for the nation's
growth and development, as it directs financial resources to projects, directly impacting
society, generating jobs, and the economy, strengthening and investing in companies

Among the various forms of credit that exist, one has attracted increasing attention,
microcredit. The companies that offer this service have stood out due to meeting the existing
demand in the middle/lower class that was not served before, offering lower rates and less
bureaucracy than traditional banks, thus enabling many people to gain access to credit.

According to Barone (2002), microcredit is the loan of a low monetary amount to informal
entrepreneurs and microenterprises that do not have access to the traditional financial system.
This resource is used for investments or serves as working capital for companies, being
granted for use based on a pre-defined methodology.

Microcredit emerged through the Indian Mohammed Yunus , when he began lending his own
money to residents of communities in Bangladesh who had difficulty getting credit from

Indian banks. Based on the idea that these residents were able to pay the loans, but did not
have access to credit, Grameem emerged Bank . Since then, the microcredit service has
spread throughout the world, providing loans to more than 30 million people (ALVES;
SOARES, 2006, p.15).

Service development project

The use of a methodology for the projection and development of a service is essential so that
the focus is on the interests of the company, and not on private interests, thus being able to
reduce organizational costs (PETERS et al. , 1999).

Ramaswamy 's (1996) stands out . For the author, the service must be planned so that it is
delivered to the customer a predictable and reliable result, but at the same time personalized
and individualized. In this way, mutual trust is created, which is essential for meeting
customer expectations.

Service design project

The service design project consists of researching and developing, or improving, a service
based on the demands and expectations of customers or the market.

The survey carried out serves as the basis for defining the service to be developed. The data
generated from the research help in the development of ideas that address the needs and
expectations of customers and the market. Combining these ideas with a competitive strategy,
it is possible to define the service to be offered.

The conception of the service is divided into four phases that make up the project: strategic
analysis, generation and selection of ideas, definition of the service package and definition of

Service process design

In the service process project, the processes and their activities for carrying out, delivering or
maintaining the service provided by the company are defined. The process consists of a set of
activities that takes an input, processes that input by adding value to it, and provides an
output to a given customer. The definition of the process is of great importance for the design
and development of the service, due to the difficulty of visualizing certain sequences of
activities by the customer and even by those who are involved in these activities
(GONÇALVES, 2000). In this way, a well-defined process helps in the projection and
development of the service even when its activities are difficult to visualize.

Service facility design

This stage of Mello's model (2005) is rarely addressed in the literature, few authors explore
service facilities as a stage of service design. However, for Ramaswany (1996), as well as for
Mello (2005), this stage is fundamental for the customer's perception of the quality of the
service provided. Cleaning, space organization, lighting and maintenance of the work
environment, among other aspects, are factors that directly influence the customer's view of
the quality of service.

The definition of these aspects becomes fundamental for carrying out front-line activities, in
which the client often witnesses the activity being carried out on site. In addition, the
installation proves to be fundamental for carrying out behind-the-scenes activities, as, for
example, in the case of a kitchen in a restaurant, where the customer does not witness the
activity being carried out, but is directly impacted by the installation of the kitchen. .

According to Mello's model (2005), the project to install a service consists of four phases,
namely: (i) selection of the location of the facilities; (ii) physical evidence management; (iii)
design of the physical space ( layout ); and (iv) study of the productive capacity.

Evaluating, improving and launching the service

The last step of Mello's (2005) model of service design and development consists of
validating the previous steps to ensure that the proposed service meets the needs and
expectations identified in the service design stage.

If it is identified that the projected service does not meet the customer's demand and
expectations, it is necessary to identify possible changes in the service design and service
installation stages.

The service evaluation, improvement and launch stage is divided into the following phases:
service design verification, service design validation, and service recovery and improvement.

The present research made it possible to approach relevant themes regarding finance and
investments, the research sought to clarify matters related to investments, as well as analysis
of the advantages and disadvantages of the act of investing. The study focused on the
importance of investments with the aim of presenting theories relevant to the subject.

By identifying the types of investments, it was possible to understand the profiles of investors
according to the needs and demands of the market. Throughout the elaboration of the same
work, the importance of investment is also understood as a way of guaranteeing a retirement
and good profitability.

In general terms, investment is the tool that allows us to achieve expectations, goals and
dreams in a period of time, that is, it is to stop consuming in the present to obtain in the
future. However, the incentive for consumption is greater than for investment, as we realize
that this culture of immediacy.

Bibliographic references
 ASSAF NETO, Alexandre. Financial Market, 11th edition. São Paulo: Atlas, 2012;
 CHIAVENATO, Idalberto . Introduction to the general theory of administration :
a comprehensive view of the modern administration of organizations / Idalberto
Chiavenato -7 ed. View and current. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2003- 6th reprint.
 HALFED, Mauro. Investments: how to better manage your money. São Paulo:
Editora Fundamento Educacional, 2007
 HALFELD, Mauro. Investments – How to better manage your money. 1 ed. Sao
Paulo , SP . Foundation , 2001.
 MENDES, Judas Tadeu Grassi . Economics: fundamentals and applications -2 ed. –
SP. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.
 MISHKIN, Frederic S. Currencies, Banks and Financial Markets. 5th ed . Rio de
Janeiro: LTC Editora, 2000;

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