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Jerane Anne B.


Creating a positive and school culture (reaction paper)

Building and sustaining a positive school culture is the all-encompassing factor of a

successful school. It is not a system. It is not a program. It is a way of being. And even when
putting time, money, and energy into it, it can be elusive. For a positive school culture to
exist, each person in the school community has an essential role. First and foremost, it is
modeled with the principal’s energy, commitment, and integrity. The staff, students, and
parents must understand their part and enjoy their role.It seems simple to state that a
positive school culture must exist before any other powerful work can take place. While so
very true, accomplishing that culture requires strategic leadership and an unfaltering
commitment. Having an entire school system committed to the same goals and moving in the
same direction is no small feat. And even when the school culture is positive, it does not
magically stay that way. Maintaining it requires consistent monitoring and nurturing as human
dynamics are constantly shifting in a school. Our school has spent years keeping school
culture at the forefront of decisions. We are incredibly proud of the results of our efforts and
know that creating positive school culture is a continual work in progress.

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