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Nama : Mustaghfirin

Npm : 20650077

The Future of Earth is in Our Hands, Let's Care for the Environment!

Knowingly or unknowingly, humans in their daily lives are never separated from environmental
pollution activities. Starting from using soap when bathing, using vehicles that cause smoke, to using
plastic when shopping. All of these things, every day cause waste that is not properly treated, as well
as pollution which will eventually damage the environment.

Keeping the environment clean is everyone's duty. The importance of keeping the environment
clean is not only related to comfort, but also related to health. A clean environment in this case can
give a beautiful impression, and be free from disease. Conversely, a dirty environment will create a
feeling of discomfort, and also bring all kinds of calamities.

My trash is my responsibility! The previous explanation, perhaps has enlightened us all, that the
problem of waste is not something that can be taken lightly and left alone. We cannot just sit idly by
and hand over the responsibility for this waste problem to those environmental activists, or the
government of a country. Why? Because this waste problem is no longer a problem of certain groups
or countries, but is a problem for all of us.

Whoever it is, from whatever country it is, it doesn't matter what race and ethnicity it is, as long as it
lives on earth, the waste problem will also be a problem. Every human being on this earth will feel
the impact if the waste problem is not resolved. Apart from that, it should also be noted that the
problem of waste in this world is already very complex, and therefore, the actions of a few people
will certainly not be enough. Therefore, every citizen of the world must be able to work hand in hand
and jointly raise awareness and start moving in an effort to keep the environment clean.

This can also be done easily, starting with paying attention to the cleanliness of the environment
around us. No matter how small it is, the contribution we make can actually have such a big impact
on the sustainability of the earth as our home. Then what are the things that can be done? Check
out the following explanation.

1. Say “no” to littering

The simple thing that can be done as an effort to keep the environment clean is to start
disposing of trash in its place. Even though this one thing seems small, the impact it will have is
huge, especially if it is implemented by all mankind on this earth. By disposing of trash in its
place, the environment will look neater and more beautiful, and of course free from disease. In
addition, disposing of waste in its place will make it easier for the next party, such as officers, to
manage the waste.

2. Work together to clean up the environment

Cleaning up the environment from a lot of trash alone, it might feel hard, but it's different if this
is done together. Therefore, it is better if the efforts to clean up the environment are carried out
together by working together. The habit of mutual cooperation in cleaning the environment is
one of the good habits of the Indonesian people that has been carried out since ancient times.
Maybe you have participated in this activity, whether it was while at school, or in the
neighborhood where you live. And maybe you also know how much fun it is to work together,
while telling stories and laughing with others.

3. Apply the 3M method

To facilitate the habit of keeping the environment clean, another small thing that can be done is
to practice the 3M method. 3M consists of separating types of waste, recycling waste, and
crushing waste. These three things that everyone can easily do are the keys to creating a cleaner
environment and avoiding waste. By applying this method, waste management can be easily
carried out, so that the amount of waste that pollutes the earth will also be reduced.

4. Participate in a love for the environment campaign

As previously explained, cleaning up the environment from so much trash alone might be
difficult and tiring. In this case, as part of the younger generation, what we can do is to create or
participate in creative and innovative campaigns to raise awareness of love for the environment
among the people. For example, love the environment campaigns on social media, mini
challenges with prizes to clean up the surrounding environment, and art exhibitions made from
plastic waste. Besides being fun, these campaigns have proven effective in raising awareness of
environmental cleanliness.

5. Stop using plastic when shopping

Besides being used as packaging, plastic is also often used as a place to store groceries. This
practice is one of the practices that causes more and more piles of plastic waste on earth.
Therefore, as a form of awareness for the environment, starting to replace plastic with other
containers when shopping is one small contribution that has quite a big impact. In this regard, a
campaign to reduce plastic waste went viral in Thailand, as a form of compliance with
regulations prohibiting the use of plastic when shopping. Thai people at that time shared funny
moments, where they used various kinds of items such as suitcases, buckets, pots, sacks, even
sand carts, to transport groceries.

Those are some things that can be done as a manifestation of our responsibility and concern for
the earth with various kinds of environmental problems. Humans as the only living creatures on
this earth who are endowed with reason and thought, are expected to be pioneers who can
solve this increasingly troubling waste problem.

This complex problem can actually be solved properly and easily by anyone. One thing to
remember, that the key to the problem of environmental pollution and waste management is
basically to reduce. Previously it may have been explained that, every aspect of human life will
never be separated from the problem of waste.

In this case, the first step that needs to be done gradually is to reduce. Reducing the use of
motorized vehicles, reducing the use of plastic items, reducing the habit of littering, reducing
indifference to environmental problems that threaten the sustainability of the earth, and many

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