The Commodities Game

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The Commodities Game

Of all the markets in which goods are traded the most volatile and unpredictable are the commodities
markets. In theory, international commodity exchanges exist to set the standards and fix the prices of
primary products, such as gold, silver, copper, tin, coffee, sugar and crude oil. In practice, the prices of some
of these commodities fluctuate wildly, earning and losing speculators fortunes overnight.
Instructions Your objective

First, divide into groups of up to three. You will start off with Your objective is to make as much money as possible by the
US$ 1m of capital to speculate with and may buy, sell or hold end of the final session. You may not borrow extra capital
any or all of the seven commodities in which you trade. and may therefore need to fund purchases of a commodity
whose price you believe to be going up by selling your
Every ten minutes holdings in a commodity whose price you think may be about
to fall. Be careful - not all the forecasts are accurate!
Every ten minutes your teacher will give you an information
update detailing the current commodity prices and giving you Beware
an up-to-the-minute forecast on likely changes in trading prices
for each commodity. On the basis of this information you should Remember, 85% of all commodity speculators get wiped out.
agree on what to buy, sell or hold during this trading session. Try not to be one of them! Look for patterns and trends in the
Keep a record of all your transactions. There are eight trading fluctuating price of each commodity and keep track of which
sessions in all. forecasts are the most accurate. Good luck!


SESSION $/troy oz $/troy oz $/tonne $/tonne $/tonne $/tonne $/barrel

Start $1. 000.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0













The Commodities Game: Updates

Update 1 Current Prices

Gold 400 Silver 5 Copper 2500 Tin 5000 Coffee 3500 Sugar 300 Oil 20

Forecast: In the short term, a rising price index is likely to push up the price of gold as a hedge against
inflation, but long-term prospects are much less attractive. Copper looks promising. We're not predicting
much movement in tin, coffee, sugar or oil. Risk-takers should take a chance on silver.

Update 2 Current Prices

Gold up at 450 Silver down at 4.50 Copper down at 2000 Tin stable at 5000
Coffee stable at 3500 Sugar down at 275 Oil down at 19

Forecast: Gold is still very much in demand and the price will probably continue to climb. Copper looks
disappointing. Tin looks set to remain firm at 5000 but rumours of crop damage may boost the price of
coffee and sugar. Oil prices should recover in the short term. Our advice is to go long on silver.

Update 3 Current Prices

Gold up at 525 Silver stable at 4.50 Copper up at 3000 Tin stable at 5000
Coffee up at 4000 Sugar down at 250 Oil up at 20

Forecast: The bubble must burst soon for gold as inflation rates start to come down. Copper is again a good
investment. The tin market is still showing no movement at all and long-term prospects are poor. We remain
confident that a reduced world supply of coffee and sugar will escalate prices. Brave speculators will hang
on to silver which will eventually come good. Buy oil.

Update 4 Current Prices

Gold down at 450 Silver down at 3.25 Copper down at 2500 Tin stable at 5000
Coffee up at 4500 Sugar down at 200 Oil down at 18

Forecast: As predicted, the price of gold has slipped hack and the indications are that it will continue to slide.
Although we've not had much success forecasting the price of copper, we now firmly expect it to tall. Hold
coffee and sugar. Oil should bounce hack to somewhere in the region of $21 a barrel. Silver must soon turn
the corner as industrial demand begins to exceed supply. Sell tin.

Update 5 Current Prices

Gold down at 225 Silver up at 3.50 Copper up at 3500 Tin down at 2000
Coffee stable at 4500 Sugar down at 150 Oil up at 22

Forecast: It you've been taking our advice you will by now have sold all your gold. Buy it back - it's about to
stage a recovery. Also buy tin. Silver has picked up only slightly but get ready for a price explosion here.
Copper too will perform well. Coffee may have reached a ceiling at 4500 but our advice is to hold. Sugar is
proving to he a poor investment. Sell oil.
Update 6 Current Price

Gold up at 300 Silver up at 5.50 Copper down at 2000 Tin stable at 2000
Coffee up at 6000 Sugar up at 200 Oil up at 26

Forecast: Go short on gold - there's still room for further improvement. Buy silver - it's about to go through
the roof The bottom really has dropped out of the copper market, so yet rid of holdings in copper. The clever
money's on tin which looks set to double in price. Coffee surely cannot exceed an all-time high of 6000. Sell
sugar. Problems in the Middle East may trigger a rise in the price of oil.

Update 7 Current Prices

Gold up at 350 Silver up at 10 Copper up at 3500 Tin up at 4000

Coffee stable at 6000 Sugar up at 250 Oil up at 38

Forecast: The trend for gold prices is now downward. Sell all holdings in gold. Take a chance on copper.
Sell coffee. Sell sugar. Buy oil - even at this high price, the worsening situation in the Middle East should
push it higher. Buy tin - it's about to go sky high. The silver market's going crazy! Buy as much silver as you
can afford before it takes off.

Update 8 Current Prices

Gold down at 300 Silver up at 2 5 Copper down at 2500 Tin up at 7000

Coffee stable at 6000 Sugar up at 300 Oil down at 22

Forecast: If you have any gold left, sell it. It's going to fall through the floor. Those who like to live
dangerously should take a risk on silver. It's ridiculously high now but it could go even higher. Sell copper.
Sell tin. Sell sugar. Sell coffee - it's reached its peak and must now fall. Apologies for our previous
misinterpretation of the oil market. A surprise peace deal in the Middle East means that oil prices will
continue to drop back and may even hit an all-time low. It's time to sell.

Final Update Current Prices

Gold down at 200 Silver up at 50 Copper up at 3000 Tin down at 3500

Coffee up at S500 Sugar up at 400 Oil down at 17

Now calculate your total assets by adding your remaining capital to the current value of your
holdings. Have you made a profit or a loss' Who made the most money? Did you notice any
clear trends in commodity prices? Did they help you to make your investment decisions?

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