Note Taking

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Note Taking

The 3 levels of government

Federal Parliament State and Territory
Responsible for issues of Responsible that affect people
national issues in that state or territory
Post, telephones, and the Energy

Immigration Public Transport
Defence Hospitals

Federal and State parliament can make laws about:

- Education
- Health
- Taxation
- Environment
Issues on 3 levels of Government
Federal Parliament State and Territory Local Councils
Unstable Connection Renewable energy Don’t know yet?
Refugees Public Transport Not tidy enough to a
Asylum Seekers Inadequacy certain standard
Fights against other Don’t know yet? Don’t know yet?

I am writing to Bill Johnsons and Katarina Stratton about the issue of Global
warming and solutions to try and solve Global Warming.
Brainstorm of
Extinction of Global Warming
animals such as
polar bears Rise in global
What are Global s
Warming Effects
on Society and
Take public transport solutions?
to reduce the amount
of greenhouse Using renewable energy
emissions that doesn’t emit anything
toxic to the environment
Renewable Energy-Global Warming
Focus Questions:
1. What is the topic that I’m investigating about and provide statistics?
2. What are the main causes and factors contributing to this issue?
3. What initiatives exist to tackle this issue?
4. What are the long-term implications if this topic is not stopped?
5. What might happen if people began performing actions to stop this topic
throughout the world?
6. Are there any challenges that are stopping progress on this topic?
7. How has this topic been addressed in other countries?
8. What specific actions do I want your representative to do regarding this
9. What can individuals and communities do to contribute to solving this topic?
10. What is the difference between Climate change and Global Warming?

What is the topic that I’m investigating about and provide

The issue that I’m going to be investigating about is how can people reduce
greenhouse emissions that provoke global warming by using renewable
energy sources. Global Warming is basically the overall increase in
temperature of Earth’s surface temperature due to mainly greenhouse
emissions. Greenhouse emissions are primarily due to human activity such as
burning large chunks of coal, fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, and agriculture
which emit carbon dioxide into the air. The more carbon dioxide that the
atmosphere traps, can cause it to trap more and more heat leading to a
warmer Earth.

This graphs outlines the Global

Mean Surface Temperature of
Earth past 20 years
This graph outlines
the concentration of
greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere.

What are the main causes and factors contributing to this topic?
The 3 main cause of Global Warming is from human factors such as
burning fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas, deforestation, and agriculture
and farming. Burning fossil fuels contribute to over 40% for electricity
generation. It creates electricity to power our vehicles in which they emit
harmful CO2 pollution into the air. Deforestation prevents trees and
plants to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen as forests and bushlands acts as
carbon sinks, but humans wipe out large areas of vegetation around the
world for farming and urban areas. When vegetation is burnt, the already
carbon in the vegetation gets released back into the atmosphere as CO2,
contributing to Global Warming. Agriculture and Farming are animals
such as cattle and sheep producing methane into the air. Livestock have
microbes in their bodies and these microbes produce methane that is
belched out into the atmosphere. A drove of cattle causes the most
methane produced as this is a big contributor to Global Warming.
This graphs
shows the main
causes of

What initiatives exist to tackle this issue?

There are numerous programs across the world that are tackling Global
Warming and trying to make people to adopt to more renewable energy. A
major example of a program that exists in WA to tackle Global Warming is
called Western Australia’s Climate Action. It projects to achieve net zero
emissions by 2050 by implementing many renewable and less harmful
strategies in WA such as building more public transports, more container
deposit schemes, renewable solar systems, and many more. Constructing
more train stations in WA helps to reduce less emissions caused by cars and
helps people to get around safer. Container Deposits Schemes help to less
emit greenhouse emissions and recycling them would reduce the amount of
energy to create more. The government of WA promotes more people to
recycle their containers by constructing more and more deposits around WA.
Standalone power systems such as solar panels, wind turbines, and many
more all help to create more renewable energy and to reduce the amount of
greenhouse emissions. Solar panels convert light energy from the sun into
renewable energy such as electricity and heat. Wind Turbines are a
renewable energy source. Using wind to produce renewable energy that has
fewer effects on the environment is great and wind turbines doesn’t release
any emissions that can pollute the air.
What are the long-term implications if this topic is not
The long-term conclusion if Global Warming issue is not addressed may lead
to sea levels rising, oceans becoming warmer, heat waves and more frequent
and intense droughts to occur more often and threaten many crops to
perish. Also, an increase in global warming may cause extinctions of many
sea animals such as polar bears, and their main food source, seals because
the loss of sea ice threatens the population of seals to adapt somewhere else
that wreak havoc on people’s and animals’ livelihood.


What might happen if people began performing actions to
stop this topic throughout the world?
Humans are the main cause of climate change to happen, but if we all
suddenly stopped performing actions such as burning large chunks of coal,
fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, and agriculture which emit carbon dioxide into
the air, what would the world be like? If people began to listen, the rise in
global temperatures would begin to flatten within a few years and return to
normal. The extinction rate of certain animals would slowly decrease as their
food sources will increase. If deforestation began to reduce and people
stopped cutting down trees, animal habitats would not get destroyed from
deforestation to preserve a safe environment for animals to live.
Are there any challenges that are stopping progress on this topic?
The main obstacles that are hindering us from Global Warming is that humans have already
adapted to the use of coal, fossil fuel, oil, natural gas, and agriculture which all emit harmful
carbon dioxide into the air but in return, gives us electricity. Giving it up would lead to some major
disorientation across the globe. Companies around the globe wouldn’t be too fond of the idea and
would try to encourage more people to not go renewable. Also, it would be extremely difficult to
stop burning across the globe. Even if everyone went to renewable and less carbon emissions,
public transport would be crammed up and the resource market for making lots of renewable
items such as solar panels would be out of stock. Continuing, many people wouldn’t be able to
afford to install solar panels and purchasing electric cars like tesla’s are mad expensive so people
would much rather to drive in a cheaper petrol car that is affordable to them.

How has this topic been addressed in other countries?

There is a range of discussions and opinions about climate change across the globe. Renewable items
such as Tesla’s, solar panels, wind turbines, and many more are considered expensive to some as
they would much rather to buy cheaper items that could do their job but emitting more carbon
dioxide. (Co2) Whereas the opinions and perspectives for more wealthier people could have a
different view as purchasing expensive items wouldn’t be a problem for them. Below is a graph that
outlines the percentage of people across 26 countries who cares about Global Warming.
A study done in
2018 across 26
countries in the
world concluded
their views to
climate change.

What specific actions do I want your representative to do

regarding this topic?
Actions that I want my elected representative (Bill Johnston and Katarina
Stratton) to do about Global Warming is to construct more renewable
infrastructure in WA to reduce the amount of carbon emissions emitted and to
change the policy to world clean-up day every month instead of every year for
all schools in WA. Infrastructure such as more train stations around WA in
rural areas would reduce the carbon emissions rates and would be safer than a
car that would emit more carbon emissions to the air. Also, changing the
policy to every month for world clean-up day for every school would benefit
the environment and help reduce the carbon emissions emitted from plastic.
What can individuals and communities do to contribute to
solving this topic?
Individuals and communities across WA can all do actions to help solve
Global Warming such as decrease the amount of water you use every day or
conserve the water for future uses, volunteering for clean-ups more often in
WA, shop wisely and only get what you need, not what you want, and lastly,
plant a plant or tree. All these actions all help reduce the carbon emissions
and slowly but surely, having of glimpse of solving Global Warming.

What is the difference between Climate change and Global

The difference between Climate Change and Global Warming is that Climate
change is the broad topic of increasing changes in the measure of climate
over a long period of time. Global Warming is this specific topic about the
long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature due to greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. Examples of global warming is glaciers are melting
at a faster rate than years before or sea levels rising due to ice being broken
down by the increasing temperature of the air.

Letter Example
Mr Bill Johnston, member of the legislative assembly of WA, Katarina
Stratton, member of the legislative assembly of WA, 6009.

Dear Mr Bill Johnston and Katarina Stratton,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Kai
Liu, and I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of Western Australia
regarding the issue of using renewable energy solutions to reduce global
warming emissions in WA. I am reaching out to advocate for the
implementation of renewable energy solutions as a more effective and
humane method for Global Warming.

Global Warming is basically the overall increase in temperature of Earth’s

surface temperature due to mainly greenhouse emissions. Greenhouse
emissions are primarily due to human activity such as burning large chunks
of coal, fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, and agriculture which emit carbon
dioxide into the air. The more carbon dioxide that the atmosphere traps,
can cause it to trap more and more heat leading to a warmer Earth. I am
suggesting implementing more renewable solutions across the entirety of
WA like constructing more train stations in rural areas for easy access to
transport and reduce the emissions instead of driving a petrol car that emits
more CO2 into the air. Another implementation could be done to every
school is to must have them to clean up their school once every month
instead of every year. This would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that
gets emitted into the air yearly.

I urge you, as the Minister for Lands of Western Australia to consider the
implementation of more construction of train stations and changing the
policy to cleaning once every month for every school in WA as a key
component of our state's Renewable energy management plan. By
investing in these innovative ideas, we can ensure the reduction of carbon
dioxide that gets emitted while promoting the conservation of our precious
environment life. I believe that this approach aligns with our commitment to
renewable solutions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will give due
consideration to the implementation of more renewable solutions in
Western Australia to reduce the carbon emission rates. I look forward to
your positive response and the positive impact this reform will have on our
environmental communities and mainly, the entire world.

Yours faithfully,
Kai Liu

Holli. Riebeek (2010) “Educational article: Global Warming”
Retrieved from
Usefulness: This article provides in-depth analysis and research
findings about the impact of Global Warming and Earth’s natural
greenhouse effect on Earth. It presents statistical data and multiple
case studies of the effects of greenhouse emissions that are
released. This supply’s valuable insights of Global Warming and
Greenhouse emissions effects which proposes an act towards
renewable energy to solve Global Warming.

WWF-Australia (2018) “Informing and Educating article: Causes of

Global Warming” Retrieved from https:
Usefulness: This article provides in-depth analysis and solutions
about the 3 main causes of Global Warming. It presents videos and
case studies of the causes and solutions that are easy to follow and
to understand. The article makes a proposed change to Global
Warming by using renewable energy.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (Last Updated:
2023) “Statistics and data: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions data”
Retrieved from
Usefulness: These statistics provide in depth data of the total
Emissions by gas in 2010. It presents many charts and case studies
to display data in a formal way that is comprehensive. It gives us a
glimpse into how Global Warming can be stopped.

Government of Australia (2023) Climate Change Projects in WA.

Retrieved from
Usefulness: This article provides in depth a range of renewable
energy solutions and implementations already utilised in WA to
reduce greenhouse emissions. It presents many statistics of each
renewable solution in a formal way that is easily understandable
and comprehensive. It gives us a glimpse into the future of reducing
greenhouse emissions and more renewable sources.

Pew Research Centre (18th April 2019) A look at how people around
the world view climate change. Retrieved from

Usefulness: This article provides in depth statistics of useful graphs

about the percentages of people across many countries about their
thoughts and opinions of climate change. It presents statistical data
that offers a valuable insight into the potential solutions of Global
Warming, giving us a glimpse of hope for Global Warming.

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