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Top24 Activity 4 Why do moving objects stop?

Choose the correct words into the spaces.

A football, rolling along the ground, slows down and stops. Freewheeling along
a level road on your bicycle, you slow down and stop. Both the football and the
bicycle have (1)........................ or slowed down and so a force must have acted
on them. The force that opposes motion is called (2) ........................ . It is caused
by the (3)......................... of the surface. Even a surface that looks smooth will
have tiny (4)...................... that cause friction. There are two types of frictional
forces. (5) ............. .............. is the force that prevents a stationary object from
moving. Moving friction is the force that acts to slow a moving object. The
amount of friction experienced between two (6) ......................... will depend on
a number of factors such as the force pressing the moving objects together. The
nature of the surface, whether it is smooth or rough is also important. Rough
surfaces will produce greater friction. The shape of the moving object is also a
factor. (7) ................................... objects experience less friction when moving
through air or water. The size of the friction force depends on the speed of the
moving object, so the faster it moves, the greater the (8) ................................ .

decelerated friction roughness bumps and hollows Static friction

surfaces Streamlined resistance
1 A accelerated B decelerated C sped
2 A stopper B fricative C friction
3 A crudeness B roughness C smoothness
4 A bits and pieces B bumps and hollows C stones and pebbles
5 A Static friction B Moving friction C Constant friction
6 A planes B surfaces C sides
7 A Square B Fluffy C Streamlined
8 A resistance B relief C reliance

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