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I believe in independence and the importance of staying strong.

Being an
independent problem solver is a strong suit. I have the ability to solve my own
problems without burdening others. Even though the burden I am carrying on my
shoulders is heavy I will find a way to manage on my own. I will find a wall to lean
on rather than ask for support.

As I was growing up, I rarely asked for help or even let people know how I was
doing. My parents would ask, “How are you?” and “How was your day?” I would
always reply with “fine”. I believed that revealing whatever truth I was hiding
would show a weak point. I wanted people to believe on the outside as much as I
forced myself to believe, on the inside, that I was indeed fine. And it worked.

I believed that if I told myself enough that I was fine, I truly was. If I was stressed
with an assignment, I tried my hardest to figure it out myself and most of the
time, I eventually did. But when I didn’t, I still refused to ask for help. I figured
that I could handle it and I did not need assistance.

I believed that any emotion that wasn’t happiness would soon pass over if I
ignored it. If it was stressful, I would stop what I was doing and take a nap or
watch tv. If it was sadness, I wouldn't cry, I'd try to move on. If it was anger, I
would ball my fist and tell myself to calm down. No emotions were worth the
attention and energy that they asked for. Emotions were a waste of time.

I believed that no matter what was to come I could handle it. I wouldn’t even
bring my problems to God because I felt they were too insignificant. I felt like my
burdens were mine and mine alone to carry.

Now I have a different belief. I have come to believe that you can be independent
and asking for help takes the truest courage. Iron is strong, but it is frail. Iron is
the most strong when it is mixed with carbon to make steel. Even then, steel is
only strong because it bends.

Being independent is not what makes you strong. It's the ability to have the
courage to ask for help that would make you the strongest

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