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ALOARENES (ORGANIC CHAPTERS) ‘AALORLKANES ND Tepte-4- Camitivation < need (0) onthe basis of muni of halogtr AED Osh a 2% ee CHoX es CH)X Menonaloabkant Ditraboabkane x x xX mo. Oo x ; Lebwent Monnhraloonene Diraoarene Tibaloonene i Aw olhato- compounds hala tae canin +ype oly halogin abowr one f phy Unified 04 ; w Gum otraside An tnore dosivative, both the halogen. atom 7 nue attend to the Same canbon atom. Fe: How te Ns -e- Conunen name: Ethylidenw chtanide be te Tupac name:- 4,4-Oidudowerrone thy Wie atpatlde - dn tere oesivative, both the halogen atom, = wie atraued +0 adjuont (vitinal) Cardoon atom Common -namne Cyne daonide TUPAC nane'- 4,2-Ofddoworrane (4,a-@futorwotnane) i UR CH © Gem dihaliow ove alto enon a8, Mkyptoone, halide © \Viv-othalfdle au alo known as alkyne, hartoe ; . By a (Ww Allylic Hattde'- The ue aq Petetaiason ca ea dese eg He EPP odinad ere ive Hot - O CHy=CH-cH-r B-Unerocyctorox-l-ene 3 -Cntono-4- phenyl 3+Tedeprapeleente ; prep-d-ene iy Bonwylin Halide du noe halide, te Wadngen akan is bended | Lente eg? Wujbdived wuionn aden weniy % eo the oomnene ving. eye nx ex 1 Benny! Horide Peavey beans halide ‘ Campanas cantaning CX bonds man caer i 8 ytd | + nytn Habide - dn Hue halide, he halogen b bonded ee pie bond winter it op? bujbrtdued - “i ee eaubon olrubUe “b= CH-X (Oe Vinay patie. 4 Habe cyslotuex- ene diy Arey Hote’ An Hone todd, He atom is divetiy atached Oa pahauad (aubon oem of tne auematio Ting - ae or Hatobennene Ga F (chy) gccha by a Hy HO —/ 4 ae Hy GH chy 4 4 4 Be Aye Topie=3 METHODS OF PREPARATION OF HALOALKANES AND -HALOARENES- ; @ FROM ALcoHOLs:- die @ Ippon +na 24> Ratio 4 cHiyon +HU AM — Chi +20 Peynatan.y CH CH, CH20H + Pug > CHy CH CHIL + POU t HOL papa Cuexoprrpane Phoophowow, ony ® |r-oH Bahl yo as , - cHy-on TAS, CH,-By wt > fou + sou,—> Rat sa+nal » ~ ee ‘4 F- Quson+ so, ——> QHsU+SdotHA ie Erranot Shlowyl OALOKO eae _ Olas , en OR an ps of chlowoalkane Oluhol , Chioide Uthe bert meted bemuce the byproducts are qacer easily voornoned qwom Ue solacondeaeemn Gants Udell can be Atel haride Pune. Qua ok sunossinity ef OLLoWels uit a Gime td's : ; Byart @ From -+iypRocaRBONS ‘. (2) Ener nadicod halngenation /Frus Hadieal Cubriukion we as } CHa CHa Clty > CH CHa CHA tye tty | Clepuopane CA viel | beg A= Chlaxopropane bs a - Cmajeiy Giwer, 2° par nadleat is moe able, to 2 Catowapropaire’ way oa, peeodut: Tholo - doxivediae wenmat bo obta } tee woartion is oatrist be ined sendin ut edn is oF Saag nest (© GANDMEYERS REACTION := eax a. tusks Oo: ae On SOR TRE eas) : eS a, Bx) (@ fe tine to Cunnoloonsene) a NaN + Het Heat ww. i = poet, oa +N a, = 5*C) 2 Burnie diaxontun Ciowborrene Gpidt U) to 6, s “wee, o + Ny (Aniline 40 ennstorg) (0°. eo ' Burne dianoufum. Breneeborrure dove 2 Nano + Ho y 5°) R-X + Nal a; RT+Nax |[cxea, Bx) SR kt Nal —> RT + Natt CHy- + Not. “> Ms + Nac ae CHa-By + Nol at CHgT + Nabe Sprenger ore er 5 ngpl + Oa CH3-By CoFp. [SbF 9 Is}. Be vcng-c Aqh/ Hire Aga. + CHF CoFa/$oF3 ° Tope 4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Arsonge the compounds in dLoyuaring Onder ob Hain boiled bo CHsT, CiiaBH CHau,cHse * bailing port HST Cope y CHU CHE, i atom, the. op of; rato ty ONAL HU GH, Ha, Cytall, Cg Ay’ CHU < GHcuc Hq U< CyHgee Ub Fox omenl haloateanes, the 4 devas cui LLY S- berauve the rasan ee tte boven Oe wana Wy trusting onder of op: OR A He Lint Buti bromide, n- Bi . oa 3 fn elosading utero, Huo Colina tnt te Thobudi brane i n- Butyoruuide Y Trobuty tromidie 74et- Budylbroinide Div Avsonge CHa Bt) CHB ts » Cathy CHa Bs ‘iw Unuaduey oud of belt ‘points! Mor oc iene AW Ha S Cig Bt R-Nu t Oe Rates & (a! WE)? Rode of teattion depends onthe cone: of nalide ei Oe and on mucteophile %, Nuwnidion Hate compu is foamed More butkive i the group, He baktide oppuean ib indeed Honue, the onder of Meacrruily & 7 LP73° dur 10 boukside atatk Sut ts poucued by Roromuation Ge. 1 Joniintion of molowilt Hs 6 CHO 7 Os§ + (Hw) CHa CAs Gd. tok oy nuvleophile Ce CH. Oly rate Soe of 7s pecicn: CHy Cy Ootauried Annuuiow of configuration takes place - As How tp the tate detwvulning ar cna Sot nea Ushi is mone veartive eosastleee ® AAu ante aaa e. a Bea And, aay pies. We Am Gu? ATR ( Aucdtn Houde hEndenance) ” Sn BIA (2 Cuueration ib mone Hable than 1? canbpratt (@)- TyPe-2 f Degree same but satngen differnt s OR ae ‘ Uuhitn & mone Keating toads ® Ana AAT Swi and Sy? vention) beta a Be OTA uhing hn buen Leding group asite ieee Sur, B7A ih Low than chLonine) oe @- TyPE-3 an Degree some but portion of Uubttituunt differ 1 Gi 189) sd ® a Kru ® Wunich & mone Moatine touasds Hy Sut and Sy? reortion? Mok Aye Whe tubttitunt neaer te He couben Contant rN wu Mend moe hindi te Sut B7A from backside abt Re Sure Uewer- 4 iat (4-0) ee eA (Wir Out of GHsciaa and Cots Ig uni 1 move Lu as yon Casi eydratyad KOH Anse Sunave Syteorditions rch, — yah (es mae chateau soa i ©. Hest oH ana wg) Q evs Yau wee "punduut wake AyeNi Jouns ory anid ie dona eb nS ce fv, both Cand N Lene fei Ge . Agen ts nutty covalue Uv nade Only Ni atow is Yrerto donade Clectuon Pair and okark morety ours Henaugh wihron nara Croryaniac as the chief product STERIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF NUCLEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION REACTION : ic @ CHIRALITY CENTREY A tauon atom unninn ib benaedto tows aan group Os tat mall LA China hon a ana CHs CH He c-oH Ho. e-tts BS OH Puopan-a-ol (Adal) on Opeleay, inautine © CHIRAL OBTECT:- Une one that b not superimposatte on tts ridovean,irmae Miner AIA Aaiiral (eupudimporable) ees ounds writ task ot j @ Peon Tcts ae tipiece ae ea ee @ racemic MIXTURE: The provon of Convesion of one onantfomor abr ” aptly attine compound into a arcomic mixtusce & catted 5 Imation An equimolar mfakwu of a patr of onantionose ts called Howey mixture * © TAVERSION, RETENTION, RACEMIGATION:| H qe Rees ; renee - 7 ae ie } ee ny, 5 x Cty Teas ® AtB @ oTh Wi he obtained 1 the pron & called Retention .” PAfetieand cn fotnd opto! oT, (8) b te Only Comparing ortained , He procs is clued Trversion “Th 2 S020 equal) mixture cf A ond Bis Obtained, tre procen U Ravemigelion (= Give Reasons’ ; ; @ Roremic mixture & aptteally inactive Beat Hess A Horemis minzwie t opel trating on a mixture, contalading tuo onantiomers in equal ortion ond Hane KLH0 optical vetation- (> Au & butan-l-ol opti inastime but -utan-2-el ‘ta. 4 . ouived cat Re AN butan-i-ol ib optically Wautine duet the abrence of Chiral Canbon atom: butan-2-o1 ib optrially autine duct the pronure off Urinal wubon atom , _ CH= CHp— CHa C-0H CH CHy- C% CH a 4 (Butan-1-ol) (Butan-2-s1) Aral Chinal (opticadty inartint) Copticay canting) WE) 2-Butanol i opticaly inautine An'- (B) 2-Budanol is a rorenio mixtwue- Ce, tears ase taro i fons: The Hotedion by ane onantiomen wilt be in equal proportrons » ; t Cand by the Wotadn, durto ohn Lome, making He mixtane @ EumINATION REACTION RR OY ‘ Whonr o halrealkend homing atleast OMe? p- dog OLY BVreated ult Cols) KOH, then, Heove Uintnedion of My dram +e, B-caubon atom from He -caubon atom Aba yell, wt grt UKE Os Hee produit atom 4 uolued bv Ciminationy » Ub ale adled as . fa CULO oem An ee a 2 BF taboaLeasos , thew : pi aleetotia asd cbs*a a ucene (axe meatal ate min Bayt ne Apply Souytxedt's rule o% xepysau’s vule- SAYTZEFFS RULE OR ZEFFSAYT'S RULE Tk thw ba pontoitity We fakin Aainartthan ta moe eee cee, mune table P FF b) Cg - that tas a, CHta-CH= CH -CHty + CHa-CHa-CHt=Cily © Ut)" Buk-10w) (Majo) (Buta-owy (UL bs + KBY+H90 (But>-eouy Cufensd > 7 Ww C-Hg -CHa- CH= fae ths a CH3-CH 2=CH (Piece Add) t , A) Wuduy dines. NO} p dow Ls Obert oity, i puttiens but wok ak mera portion? Aw Wun N02 queup is aiinined at ontin and para potion, them + Bae adehaion Youuad ts Hailived by ruenanee tle 0g reap 08 wil ap T- eleLtron of Ha bencune Ting” Bek when NOs @raup is abawred cob rote purition Ub donot Habilie the negate ae ra Fas wo oes on nl atl | The prerene oy nite ereup (-NOz) at o/p- positions inuuares ea a aaa towards muleophille eubritution veartion (6: Gone Resson'- Shona prepared wndvr ainkysros conditions > Grkquand’s reagents 1 ia dae Gael fio Sha aig vane of, chowskennane. i = cgdbohexyt WLoriAt iw Inalobunaene is trnalir than CX bend Lenatain 1 hoa (ww CX bi sey yi Gec® ‘ Le seam ob : ae vary, venta dan pa hepartif ara tn qu oka fo Huy Wuanld doe Prepared Uy LYou can amwor this tr beth wars: want bards CO apehaltation ond alana GRRL era ea ® Th crowobonnene, the tL atom us attend ty ep?hybridined Catom whoueas Ww Cyclone mp based Hoe Gatom ts atianed +0 ¢p3 rybridtind Caktm: Dueto qreatur s-chasarton, Sp? hybrid cutbon atom i mond cecronedatine than tp>-nybrid Cason atom - tthe C—O bond in lordlonntnt tas bens ior to weleae dectrons to UL than CO bond in Cydtoheniy chtonide Heme, “UL Bond oy Canidae more polan and has i pany Pp and tar higher dipole @ Tw cu bond in chLowobonnne i i ALLOWS o pastial double Chosuatur due to reenante Vulcans Di cr naar TCH! one bond U pure timate band Here, Lo bond in Louobonncne is Cuonter tian CU bong co cyclohexyl hioride: Thyutene He dipole manent eh chLorelenacne DB tomrthan that of ydeweri Chlaride: Uy Due to derouiisation of lone pair of tlersun on Katom our: Ing, C-X bond wv hetapensee algun 0 ponte daubie 6nd ctsacte Wnile dr CHa k, Cox bond & purely a dougie bond: Therefore CX ond’ Halopunxene is ny than CH3X POA, oR You can explain on Hu basis of duporidisation - DELECTROPHILIC SUBSTITUTION > JELECTROPHILIC SUBSTITUTION iin Wwovtitution auuu ot 0 Dp paritons- Howonerr, P-prodiuk predominates Ouen the 0-prrdit dus to theric hindrance : b HALOGENATION = AA a ae Ora > Or. OF oO 0-Dicktaxoberrene. Celonobonxne P-Dittowbernue CMUier) (Major) w Nivearion= Ce u NOs No» Bemoajeon” oY a ° NO> p-Chinwontbobommene 0-Citouontto als Chiowobonxune wane (Major) CLM Euos) Wd SULPHONATION- wo a a 419 $0 SOaH I OQ Mt OM + © rgiemmnae Corobuvune 2a) a0 EP eaaS wd TAG ere = Ateugh Cowie is an oenbon wHtedwaruing . pur! divedoys in nuteophili, Subdtstution “veaction® tutu) Aw An cuoiobonant, one of tie Lowe paity of olachow of cionine atom actus with 0 TI electron of Huo bennine ving At os the renance pia a eT Worwetls > Bs i ae D-H @-E-G & Sine, electron ity, 2 maximum at otto and pas poritions cue to Bee vate on cuuubephil can Davily, aba ak Lith positions: Huu cmabuixene y bp-acietoay iv elockepldttc asematic tuatiutie yuutions” Sulatatukions @ REACTIONS WITH METALS RENTON en ely ELT TIG REACTION.” Wren +ur0 gamer Aryl Aaltdes veac uit Na te ! ; insane wy doy Weal yee Saag oti aps ite ane ae 2G tane Deptt, GIG) + aNax ; ae a Dipheny fi © + tee Dog Gane, 4 ANAgL Diphenyf 40) (®:--DEFINE THVERSION AND RETENTION: Ae Tuvuuion > Tht pucdut uum are PY Pin crs, y Be Peri asa tewlertan ane ‘outouin up ong fa Retention Ip tre product termed in a-reattion has came Hut os that of woarbant, Hi proced Ub called retention of conbignsti ToPic-4 POLWWHALOGEN Compounns - chy Dichlowmethane (CHotty) is ured as propetlant in ” “sumover- Expoune to ighir lovers Cans Naurea, diehus Wy Te tuhatagen clorivatives of nothane ane calLOd . Us CHUy Lebtenoform) » CHIs LTodotosm , hatofonmns tee P ? CrLono. & Moed in dosk CoLouned bonies as i - wy fs ee ae rae in Daesenwe of tinh, . \ Phosgene (Co Preparation Of phosgene 1 pia cH +0, HS, acou + an Phosaene Cprisonous) (Wy DDT is 44, 4- trieetwao-a,a-bis cthane( 4-chtorophenyl) asd ts anes of opowerfl Unserttebole W) CCly & wreq or 0tine Oxtinguindon under He name pyrene - (wi) Preen-12 (Cte) & Wad Os a refrigerant: nn Peon atjo onal a (auudon trrrerkioude deeb quire tris tert» CeHs NH, + CHU, + BIH (eteanctic) > GHeNC + Kt oH Cunt bat) iy Ow nas Ug Sadly duydveoxae ond dw wilrate to bate Hn cempcunds » borryl CnLonide Oi UAL pt x Res Hlorobonxere drosnot form wide precpitade - 4 Cote tity + NaoH —> Cots ct0H + Naw coef Now + AgyN03 —* AGU + NaN0s f Woe ppt [an exam, you con etter write the statement ov He veartion|

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