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I should have read it

before I sent it.

I wish I hadn’t
I wish I hadn’t done that! sent that! If only I’d
waited and
Reading and Comprehension thought about
it for a bit
I wish I hadn’t done that! longer.

Most of us have said things we wish we couldn’t have

said them. But for some people, that's a frequent
We all do things we are not proud of, we wouldn't be
human if we did. Something that affects others in a way
that we would not be willing to experience ourselves.
I wish I hadn’t done that!
Wish (that), if only + past perfect; should have/ shouldn’t have

Use I wish + past perfect or if only + past perfect to express regret

about something you’ve done.

Eg: a) I wish I hadn’t sent that email.

b) If only I hadn’t sent that email.
You can also use should have + past participle to express
self-criticism or criticism of theirs.

Eg: a) I should have waited. I shouldn’t have sent that email.

b) You should have phoned me. You shouldn’t have sent that email.
Practice Time (Exercises)
Use the words below to complete the

both, both of, each other/one another,

either (of)/neither (of)

a) We _______ live in Amman.

b) ______ us live in Amman.
c) ______ my cousin and I live in Amman.
d) We phone _______ at the weekend.
e) ______ us has brothers and sisters.
f) We’ve got a cousin in Canada and one in
France but we’ve never met ______them.
EITHER, NEITHER Either you tell me everything you know, or I'll take you to
Diferentes usos de either e neither: court. Ou você me diz tudo o que sabe ou eu vou processar
• Either significa 'ambos', 'qualquer um' e neither significa você.
'nenhum', 'ninguém'. Either é usado nas construções negativas,
enquanto que neither é usado nas construções afirmativas • Neither...Nor ('nem... nem...') é utilizado nas construções
I'm broke. What about you? Eu não tenho nem um centavo, e negativas:
você? I have neither the time nor the patience to listen to your
- I don't have any money either. - Eu também não tenho stories. Eu não tenho nem tempo nem paciência para ouvir
dinheiro. suas histórias.
- I don't like cricket. Eu não gosto de cricket. Neither one nor the other. Nem um nem outro.
- Neither do I. - Eu também não. Quando são utilizados sozinhos o Either e neither podem
I have never been to Spain. Eu nunca estive na Espanha. significar também 'um ou outro', 'qualquer um dos
I haven't been there either. - Eu também nunca estive lá. dois/qualquer uma das duas' / 'nem um nem outro', 'nenhum
ou Neither have I. - Eu também não. dos dois':
This guy despises Americans, and he doesn't like French There are boats on either side of the river. Há barcos de um
people either. Este cara detesta os norte-americanos e os lado e de outro do rio.
franceses. Neither of my daughters is single. Nenhuma das minhas filhas
• Either...Or e Neither...Nor está solteira.
• Either...Or ('um ou outro') é utilizado nas frases afirmativas I can stay, or I can go. Either way, I'll be happy. Eu posso ficar
para oferecer a opção entre duas possibilidades, ou para ou posso ir embora. De qualquer maneira, estarei feliz.
expressar uma relação causa-efeito: Atenção: neither é conjugado no singular:
I can serve you either a hot chocolate, or a glass of chilled Neither Kevin nor Philip is gay. Nem Kevin, nem Philip são gays.
white wine. Eu posso lhe servir um chocolate quente ou uma Neither of us has to go to work tomorrow. Nenhum de nós
1 de vinho branco frio.
taça tem que ir trabalhar amanhã.
Complete the sentences. Use: either, or, neither, nor

1. In this game, you __ win __ lose. It depends on you. Agree and disagree using neither ̸ either and so .
2. 1. ___NEITHER____ the UK __NOR__ Spain are in
Asia. 1. She doesn’t build well. _________ do I.
2. You don’t like to be here. _________ do I.
3. 2. Let’s meet on ___EITHER_______ Monday or
3. He likes designing buildings. __________ does she.
Tuesday. 4. ___________ of you is welcome.
4. 3. They weren’t at _______________ of the stores. 5. They like building gates. _________ do you.
5. 4. Neither Maria _______ Eduardo was at home. 6. She is a good engineer. ________ are you.
6. 5. _______________ of the answers is correct. Try 7. You are not working hard. _________ are they.
again. 8. This designe looks bad. __________ is that one.
7. 6. Either it will rain tomorrow, _______ it won’t 9. This designe doesnt look bad. ________ is that one.
8. 7. The hat was _______________ too large,
_______ too small. I was the right size.
9. 9. _______________ of my classmates could come
to the party. They were both sick.
10. 10. I don’t like _______________ of those two
coffee shops.
Complete the sentences. Use: either, or, neither, nor 1. Doesn’t either of them want to go?
1. ________ of you is welcome day. Feel home. 2. Don’t either of them want to go?
2. _______ of you is welcome. I like to work alone. 3. Doesn’t either of your kids want dessert?
3. Does ________ option require a signature? 4. Don’t either of your kids want dessert?
4. Does _______ boy want breakfast? 5. Does either of you want to go with me?
5. Does _________ of the boys want breakfast? 6. Do either of you want to go with me?
6. Does _______ one of the boys want breakfast? 7. Is either of your daughters a doctor?
7. Does _______have a license? Neither ̷ Either 8. Is either daughter a doctor?
9. Are either of your daughters a doctor?
10. Are either daughter a doctor?
11. Are either daughters doctors?
12. Has neither of them been a good fit?
13. Have neither of them been a good fit?
14. Was neither a good choice?
15. Were neither a good choice?
An apple a day
Use of English: keeps your
Although, while, whereas
doctor away!

Although, while and whereas are conjunctions. They

join clauses in a sentence.
Although is used to contrast two ideas.

Read these sentences:

Whereas and while balance two contrasting ideas
English is an official language. However, it is only spoken as a
first language by a small percentage of the population. A pidgin language is one which is a mixture of two other
languages, whereas/while a creole is a pidgin language that
You can join them together by using although has become the mother tongue of a community.

Although English is an official language, it is only spoken as a Tok Pisin is sometimes used in the first three years of primary
first language by a small percentage of the population. school, while/whereas English is used in secondary education.

Lesson 9 |Practice Time (Exercises)
An apple a day
keeps your
doctor away!
4. Join the sentences using the
conjunctions in italic.
4.1. although
a) My dad only spent a month in Australia. However,
he learned a lot of English when he was there.
b) Geography is his favourite subject. However, he
didn’t know where Papua New Guinea was.
c) She speaks really good English. However, she’s
never been to an English-speaking country.
d) I didn’t do much revision. However, I got good
marks in the test.
Lesson 9 |Practice Time (Exercises)
4.2. while/whereas 6.
An apple a day
a) Some people are good at languages. Others find it Rewrite the sentences keeps your
very difficult to learn another language. using although. doctor away!
1 I speak English quite well, but I find English spelling
b) I prefer reading and writing. My friend likes
speaking and working in groups.
c) English is quite easy to learn in the early stages, 2 The islands of Trinidad and Tobago are very close to
French is quite difficult. Venezuela, but English is spoken there, not Spanish.
___________________________________________ ____________________________________________
d) Russian uses Cyrillic alphabet. Polish uses the Welsh settlers first went to Patagonia in 1865, but
Roman alphabet. Welsh is still quite widely spoken in this part of
___________________________________________ Argentina today.
5. Work with a partner. How good are you
4 Chinese is an important world language, but not many
at learning a new language? schools in Britain teach it.
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
__________________________________________________ 5 Shakespeare probably never left England, but several
__________________________________________________ of his plays are set in other countries.
Lesson 9 |Practice Time (Exercises)
7. Match the contrasting ideas and then join them in a sentence
An apple a day
with whereas/while. keeps your
doctor away!
1 In Britain, the winter months are In Australia, students start school in January.
December, January and February.
2 I’m good at languages. In South Africa, winter is from May to July.

3 In Argentina, Spanish is spoken. Most Dutch people speak English.

4 Very few British people speak Dutch. My brother’s best subjects are Science and Maths.
5 In Japan, the school year starts in April. Portuguese is the language of Brazil.
1 _________________________________________________________

2 _________________________________________________________

3 _________________________________________________________

4 _________________________________________________________

5 _________________________________________________________

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