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Author Name shashank c

Title block chain
Paper/Submission ID 856400
Submission Date 2023-07-24 13:21:32
Total Pages 56
Document type Project Work

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1 Internet Data


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4 Thesis Submitted to Shodhganga Repository Publication


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10 Blockchain and Smart Contracting for the Shareholder Community by Publication


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15 Thesis Submitted to Shodhganga, Publication

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18 Elements of Effective E-Learning Three Design Methods to Minimize Publication

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21 Thesis Submitted to Shodhganga Repository Publication



1 bangalore institute of technology

The development of game-changing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum prompted
worldwide interest in a technology known as blockchain. At the present, the only blockchain
applications that are currently capable of being deployed on a large scale are cryptocurrencies
such as bitcoin and ethereum. The attention of those working in the investment sector industry
has been drawn to Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have also paved the way for the launch of
alternative cryptocurrencies such as LightCoin, PrimeCoin, NameCoin, and Zcash
[1]. They have also committed expressively to the creation of an innovative method of funding
novel concepts and startups through an procedure known as an Initial coin offering (ICO). This
method utilizes cryptocurrency. This method is deployed to provide money-related support for
ingenious endeavor’s and ideas. Over the past couple of decades, there is a valuable growth in
interest in using blockchains for purposes other than transactions involving cryptocurrencies,
particularly those that seek to take superiority of the decentralized, secure, transparent, and
tamper-proof properties of distributed ledger technologies (DLT). In particular, there is a rise
in interest in utilizing blockchains for purposes that attempt to take superiority of the benefits
of using distributed ledger technologies (DLT). The recording of voting results is one most
example of a use_case that fits under this category. There been lot of efforts made to develop
blockchains for the ambition of maintaining vote data. These efforts are currently ongoing.
These capabilities can be leveraged in a broad variety of contexts by applications that are
created on top of permissioned blockchain infrastructures. These frameworks do away with the
requirement for arduous and sluggish Proof-of-Work (PoW) methods while also enabling fine-
grained authentication and authorization. The latter is an essential component as it is
prerequisite section to permit the processing of transactions at a rate that is faster than what is
supplied by conventional public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. As a consequence to
the actuality that apps are required in order to conduct transactions in a timely manner. As a
direct outcome of this development, technologies such as R3/Corda and Hyperledger Fabric
have come into existence to govern permissioned blockchains.
In view of factual that these systems are experienced of processing hundreds of transactions
per second (TPS), this approach are well appropriate for use with blockchains that limit who
can access the ledger. Research and development work is being done on permissioned
blockchains for usage in a wide array of applications that may not include bitcoin. For instance,
healthcare, the generation of energy, and the management of supply chains are all examples.
Many other applications of same kind are presently being investigated by various financial
institutions as part of the wave of technical progress that have been brought about by FinTech.
By adopting technologies which are based on blockchains, financial institutions can sidestep a
number of issues that have persisted for a significant amount of time and are simple to identify.
A significant challenge facing the banking industry is the widespread ignorance concerning
credit scoring. Because there is a shortage of data, it may be difficult for individuals
furthermore with small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to obtain funds from investment
[2]. On the grounds that there is a insufficiency of complete and accurate data, financial
institutions are having a difficult time developing trustworthy profiles of their customers. As a
direct consequence of this, they are unable to expand their product offers and make them more
personalized for each unique customer
[3]. In a similar vein, the insurance contracts that are handed over by financial institutions
come with a convoluted claims structure that necessitates the participation of a multitude of
parties in order to resolve and pay out a claim. This is parallel to the situation described above.
The comparison to the earlier point is one that is applicable here.
Blockchain technology is getting more prevalent throughout the world owing to the popularity
of ground-breaking cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Currently, cryptocurrencies
like Bitcoin and Ethereum constitute the main focus of blockchain applications. Due to the
investment community's substantial interest in these digital assets, alternative cryptocurrencies
including LightCoin, PrimeCoin, NameCoin, and Zcash have become progressively more
prevalent. Additionally, the idea of initial coin offerings (ICO) has become growing in favor
as a way to use cryptocurrencies to finance innovative ideas and enterprises. Exploring
blockchain's potential outside of cryptocurrency transactions is gaining popularity, though. The
decentralized, safe, open, and tamper-proof characteristics of distributed ledger technologies
(DLT) are sought after by many companies for a variety of reasons.


• Investigate a variety of possibilities for blockchain technology that transcend beyond
those associated with conventional cryptocurrencies.
• Figure out if permissioned blockchains, like R3/Corda and Hyperledger Fabric, possess
the potential to conquer scalability and authentication issues while still processing
events with greater efficiency than public blockchains.
• Analyze the ways in which that blockchain technology may offer financial firms a
trusted and efficient alternative to administer credit scoring, navigate around
restrictions on data, and establish solid client profiles.
• Evaluate how blockchain-based solutions might streamline the intricate claims
structure in insurance contracts, requiring fewer intermediary parties and therefore in a
quicker reimbursement of claims.
• Investigate whether blockchain possesses the potential to revolutionize a variety of
industries, including healthcare, manufacturing of electricity, supply chain
management, and more. This is made conceivable by the FinTech industry's surge of
technological modifications.
TechCiti, a worldwide retailer for data technology businesses and services, strengthens
customer service, digitalizes methodologies, and solidifies consumer acquaintances. TechCiti
serves as a vast array of merchandise, offerings, and solutions. It covers more than 1500 clients,
which range from Fortune 500 ventures to small businesses. TechCiti Technologies has
evolved into one of the most prominent Managed Service Providers (MSPs).

A group of exceptionally talented individuals firmly committed to fostering an entrepreneurial

spirit and are laser-focused on presenting clients exceptional value compose TechCiti's top-
notch personnel. TechCiti provides engineering strategy advice to businesses and constructs,
supports, and develops critical infrastructure in accordance with strict quality, support, and
development guidelines. A firm has extensive knowledge and experience in managing the
infrastructure of digital networks, maintaining apps for mobile devices, providing
mechanization assistance, as well as virtualized cybersecurity.

These are the types of products and services that the company offers:

1. Encourage with Connectivity Management:

A range of tools, applications, shared networks, and services are required in order to
run, maintain operations, and administer a commercial computer network. The
database structure of this product is made up of three essential elements: processing,
storage, and networking. TechCiti offers a useful and cutting-edge method for utilizing
IT network services, enabling companies to forgo investing in their own IT

2. Infrastructure and digital management together:

We provide an assortment of cloud solutions that are network-centric and very secure.
Our public cloud strategy addresses the company's historical difficulties while lowering
costs and promoting transformation. The Virtualized Influence data center management
system simplifies but also places restrictions on the procurement, collaboration,
administration, and financing of virtual servers.
3. Digital facilities and connectivity services:
We support you in maximizing your technical transition to hybrid networking and
external storage techniques that are optimized for the cloud through strategic alliances
and trained staff.
The Virtualized Influence data center management system simplifies but also places
restrictions on the procurement, collaboration, administration, and financing of virtual
4. Services for assistance and technical support:
Resources that are essential for the smooth operation of an organization's IT
infrastructure. These services offer expert guidance, troubleshooting for any issues that
arise, ongoing maintenance, and upgrades. In order to achieve the best levels of
productivity and effectiveness, it's critical to look for unique, specially built solutions
that are tailored to your individual requirements, despite the fact that some businesses
may try to duplicate these services from other businesses.
5. Invention of Unique Software Solutions
We are professionals at creating custom software programs. We have worked with a
wide spectrum of clients, from straightforward online applications to intricate corporate
frameworks. To meet the needs of our clients, we have developed business apps that
are particularly suited to handle challenging workloads.
Our experienced experts and project managers work closely with clients at every stage
of the process, from creating a marketing strategy to installing a complete software
suite, assuring they have access to an essential tool for conducting business. In India,
there are around 300 demands for designers.

Blockchain application and outlook in the banking industry

The financial industry is rich with opportunities for the first widespread application of
blockchain technology, which is rapidly becoming an integral component of the technical
environment. These opportunities exist at a time when the financial environment is ripe. The
banking industry in China is incurring losses as a direct result of the liberalization of interest
rates; also, the reduction in the interest rate gap is contributing to the fall. The reduction in the
interest rate gap, on the other hand, is helping to facilitate the fall by providing further support.
However, it's also influenced by a wide variety of other things, such as the prosperity of the
internet and the alterations that have taken place in the financial industries. Because of this,
the financial services industry absolutely needs to go through a span of transformation and
actively seek out new chances for expansion. As a consequence of this, blockchains have the
potentiality to one day be of assistance as the substructure for significantly upgraded and
completely new payment clearing and credit information systems in financial institutions. The
underlying technology that underpins banking's payment clearing and credit information
systems may undergo a fundamental transformation as a rap of the use of blockchains. Because
blockchain applications make "multi-center, weakly intermediated" scenarios feasible,
financial institutions will have the potential to improve their overall efficiency and compete
more effectively in the global marketplace. Despite the reality that blockchains are intended to
be permissionless and self-governing, there are still challenges to be solved, such as the
regulation that surrounds decentralized system’s and the actual implementation of such
systems. These challenges must be surmounted. As a result, we argue for the urgent
establishment of a "regulatory sandbox" in addition to the development of industry-specific
recommendations and guidelines.
Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrencies: FinTech and Strategy in the 21st Century

There is significant anticipation that the utilization of blockchain technology could result in
dramatic changes being made by financial service providers. This chapter provides a synopsis
of the inquisition that was conducted on the potential effects of using blockchain technology
in each of the following four areas of the financial industry: payments and remittances, credit
and lending, trade and settlement, and compliance. These are the four most essential
components of the financial business. In addition, the core components of blockchain are
broken down and described in this chapter. We are analyzing the current voids in the research
literature in order to come up with ideas for prospective new lines of inquiry that could be
pursued in the not too distant future.

Toward a global norm against manipulating the integrity of financial data

The universal economic structure and financial crunch that began in 2007 illuminated both the
indispensable nature of trust and the dangerous conditions where it might be placed. A new
threat to the financial system's viability furthermore, the unprecedented severity of the risk that
antagonistic cyber actors pose to financial institutions were made clear by the cyber crisis that
surfaced at the Bangladesh central bank in 2016. These two threats were brought to light as a
fulfillment of the incident that occurred at Bangladesh's central bank. As opposed to the various
other types of financial coercion, the employment of cyber operations to compromise data
integrity poses a systemic threat that is particularly severe and problematic. Theft is just a
solitary potential stuff’s that could originate from these risks. If the data that are stored by
financial institutions were tampered with, either intentionally or unintentionally, the stability
of both the financial system and the international system may be put in jeopardy. This is
because the universal investment sectors is not only highly complex and interdependent, but
also defies categorization according to location or political affiliation. The solidity that it is not
restricted by geographical or national lines is another factor that contributes to the ease with
which it can occur. To reiterate, this prospect does not lean on the overall health of the economy
just the same way that the worldwide financial crisis of 2007-2008 did, and it will only increase
as more and more governments make the goal of cashless economies an official goal of their
policies. In addition, the state of the economy's fundamentals will not be affected in any way
by this risk.
It is commendable that the G20 minister of and central bank governors published a statement
in March 2017 calling for greater resilience in the global financial system. The next step that
the G20 may take is to accept a promise from their states not to use offensive cybertools to
access financial system data and to work together when attacks do occur. This might be the
next step that the G20 takes. This is the next step that makes sense to do in the process. The
process would continue on from there to arrive at this point.

currently obtainable applications are all hosted on a specific server. In the develpoment that
the server were to become corrupted or crash as a result of an excessive amount of requests,
users would be unable to access the services.


• An Isolated point of failure:ꢀ A single possible point of failure is created when you
rely exclusively on just one server. All apps housed on that server would be rendered
unavailable simultaneously if it were to become corrupted, crash, or encounter any
other technical problems. This results in a total outage, upsetting users and maybe
costing the service provider funds.
• Scaling challenges:ꢀ One server might not be adequate to appropriately manage an
excessive amount of requests or traffic spikes. The server may struggle to handle the
strain as the user base or traffic grows, leading to sluggish response times and decreased
• Restrictive Contradiction:ꢀ Contingency configurations for single server setups are
constrained. There might not be a failover or backup system setup for switching over
in the development of a malfunction. Contingency implementation is essential for
guaranteeing high availability and reducing downtime.
• Accessibility in strings of location:ꢀBy cause of geographical separation between the
server and the users, users from various geographic locations may suffer greater latency
subject to the server's location. The user experience and responsiveness of the program
may be negatively impacted.
• Deficiencies in security:ꢀ A single server hosting all applications widens the attack
surface. All hosted applications can be at risk at once if the server suffers from a
security lapse or malware infection. Utilizing containerization or isolating programs on
separate servers might help reduce the possible effects of security issues.


The Utilization of decentralized Blockchain technology as a solution to this matter of
contention is something that we are capable of doing it. Customers would still be able to receive
service from the left nodes even if a single node failed since the data would be stored on several
nodes, which are similar to server’s in that they are pre-owned to store information.

Blockchain technology is advancing to the point where it will soon significantly alter not only
monetary assistance but also a vast array of other industries and commercial enterprises.
Trillions of dollars are transported daily throughout the previous global financial system,
serving billions of individuals and groups. This age has abundant of problems caused by its
heavy reliance on paper, dependence on paper, and virtual appearance. Motive increased
expenses and delays, furthermore the ease with which fraud and crime may undermine it.
Blockchain and its anticipated advantages make it worthwhile, despite the financial sector's
aversion to trade. Unlike traditional structures, blockchain is flexible enough to set the pace
for implementation in a competitive market. Every celebration has a report that is recorded in
a ledger and is available to everyone, which is the main benefit of a blockchain. It’s a ledger
that is frequently worn by a small group of users, creating a shared database that is copied to
those individuals and that they can only access it when they have the appropriate access

• High Availability and Tolerance to Faults:ꢀ Data is dispersed and copied across
numerous nodes in the grid that decentralized systems such as Blockchain function on.
The network can keep running even if a particular node collapses or becomes
inaccessible since other nodes still have copies of the data. Reducing the possibility of
service interruptions and downtime, this redundancy offers high availability and fault
• Enhanced Security:ꢀ Strong security measures are a hallmark of blockchain
technology. An everlasting and impenetrable chain of knowledge can be established by
cryptographically integrating each transaction or entry of data to the one before it. As
a consequence, it is more burden for malicious actors to alter or compromise data,
increasing the system's overall security.
• Adaptability to Attacks:ꢀBlockchains are accessible by virtue since everyone can see
the full history of transactions. Because of this transparency, users are more likely to
trust one another and transactions and data integrity can be efficiently audited.
• Data consistency and integrity:ꢀ To verify and reach consensus on the data's current
state across the network, blockchain uses consensus procedures (such as the evidence
of Work or the evidence of Stake). By ensuring that particular node has a consistent
and accepted copy of the data, this improves data integrity.
At this point, a business strategy is produced, and the viability of the concept is evaluated. The
proposal contains a brief study of the proposed project and estimated costs associated with its
completion. System analysis is the phase of the project where the feasibility of the proposed
system is determined. This is done to make sure the organization can continue operating
regularly notwithstanding the implementation of the new system. To do a feasibility
examination, one has to know the system's requirements inside and out.

Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are



The company is conducting this study to ascertain whether or not it has the means
to counteract the system's possible negative economic repercussions. The corporation can only
invest so much money into the system's development before it becomes ineffective. An
explanation or clarification of the associated costs must be provided. The system's practicality
and affordability are greatly enhanced by the solidity that the vast superiority of the underlying
technologies are freely available to the public. frequent of the technologies that authorize for
this to happen are already publicly available, making this an achievable goal. The only add-
ons available for separate purchase were those that expanded personalization options.


Finding out if the system is technically feasible, which is described as being facile
to meet the technical criteria, is the intent of this research. It is crucial to take measures to
guarantee that the prospects of our current infrastructure will not be surpassed by the newly
built technologies. As a returns, existing technological resources will be significantly stressed
beyond their capacity. This aspect alone ensures that customer expectations will be
extraordinarily high. Since the anticipated system's implementation would necessitate few if
any changes, the prerequisite for this structure should be easy to understand and follow.

This section of the inquiry will focus on determining whether or not the system has met the
expectations of its users. A key component of this method is teaching the user how to optimize
their experience with the tools at their disposal. In order for the system to work well, the user
must never feel threatened by it. They should instead come to terms with the system as
something they must divide-out with, although grudgingly. The methods used to train and
familiarize users with a system are the initial determinants of how rigorously that systems
going to be received by its intended audience. We can tell if the system is catching on beside
the public by counting the prime of happy users. He has to fortify his self-assurance before he
can offer the constructive feedback that is always welcome from the person who will be
utilizing the system in the end. Because he is the program's final intended user, that's the case.


A broad array of applications are made using Python, a high-level, interpreted
programming language. Guido van Rossum created it, and in 1991 he first made it
readily available to the entire public. Python prioritizes readability of its code as part
of its design philosophy by providing features like liberal use of whitespace.
The Python Interpreter is answerable for processing Python when it get started, and it
will continue while Python is running. This indicates that you might immediately begin
executing your programme without having to worry about constructing it first. This
operates in a manner that is analogous to that of PERL and PHP.
The reason for this is because of "Python is Interactive," which might be translated as
"Python is Interactive." As the name suggests, "Python is Interactive" i.e that you might
enter commands straight into the interpreter when you exist at the Python prompt to
write your programme’s.
• Tensorflow
TensorFlow is a free and open-source software library. Its adaptability means it may
serve a variety of purposes, including dataflow and differentiable programming. Both
the research and manufacturing divisions of Google make use of this code library.
The developers of TensorFlow work in Google's Brain team.
• Numpy
Numpy can process generalized arrays. It supports arbitrary-dimensional arrays and
has a high-performance multiple array object.
Reliable N-dimensional array object Complex broadcasting processes
C/C++/Fortran Programming Tools These traits simplify random number generation,
Fourier transform, and linear algebra.
Numpy, a free, open-source programming language, can be used outside of academic
study. It can store several data kinds efficiently in a multi-dimensional container.
Numpy's flexibility to handle any data type makes it easy to communicate with many
• Pandas
Python handled most data preparation and manipulation. It little affected data
analysis. Pandas solved it. Pandas lets us study data from many sources. Python is a
free, community-supported programming language.
• Matplotlib
Python's Matplotlib charts two dimensions. It is cross-platform, versatile, and
produces publication-quality numbers in print and interactive forms. Matplotlib
works in Python scripts, Python shells, Jupyter Notebooks, web application servers,
and four graphical user interface toolkits.
Power users may adjust line styles, font properties, axis settings, and other
programme features using an an object-oriented interfaces or MATLAB-familiar
techniques. IPython and the pyplot module give MATLAB-like interfaces.
• Sci-kit learn
Scikit-learn is a Python API for supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. A
streamlined BSD licensing enables academic and commercial use. Scikit-learn has
various learning algorithms. Linux distributions offer it.

• Documents including the product's viewpoint view and characteristics, along with the
operating-system and operating surroundings, graphics requirements, design limits,
and user manuals are all included in the functional criteria or the overall description.
In addition to that, the comprehensive product description is given in these
• The appropriation of needs and implementation limits provides a comprehensive
picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the project, in addition to providing
information on how to address these issues. You will be smart to achieve this goal if
you conduct an inventory of your resources and figure out how to strengthen your areas
of weakness. This overview also includes a discussion on potential future remedies to
these problems.

Programming Language Python

Framework Django

Tool Jupiter (or) Google colab (or)


OS Linux, MAC, Windows 7 or above

IDE PyCharm, python idle 3.7,VS Code

Table 2.1: Software Requirements


The bare minimum hardware that must be present on a user's computer in straight for them to
run Enthought Python, Canopy, or Visual Studio Code varies greatly depending on the sort of
product that is being refined using any of these programmes. This is because each of these
programmes is designed to build a different kind of product. apps that must quickly carry out
a large number of calculations or operations will benefit from a processor with a higher clock
speed, whereas apps that must store a large number of objects or arrays in memory will perk
from having more RAM available.

Operating System Windows, Linux

Processor Minimum intel i3

RAM Minimum 4gb

Hard Disk Minimum 250gb

Table 2.2: Hardware Requirements

1.Data Collection
2.Data Preprocessing
3.Training And Testing


"A NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT, which is also known as an NFR, is what

specifies the level of quality of a software system," The phrase "non-functional
requirement" is what we mean when we talk about "NFR”. With the goal to certify that
the program satisfies non-functional requirements that are foremost to the success of the
product, they test it. These requirements include things like the software's responsiveness,
usability, security, portability, and so on. Examples of nonfunctional requirements include
inquiries like "How long does it take for the website to load?" The failure of a system to
fulfil the requirements of its users is frequently the event of its creators neglecting the
principles that are not interwined to functionality. When you use non-functional
requirements, you have the contingency to impose restrictions on the architecture of the
framework across all of the different agile backlogs. Even if there are excess of people
using the website at the same time, for instance, it should still load quickly under three
seconds. In inclusion to the product's requirements from a functional standpoint, it is
necessitous to characterise the product's requirements from a non-functional standpoint.
a "Requirement for effective management," "Recoverability condition," and "Security
must be maintained" criterion for usability, "Requirement for effective management,"
"Recoverability condition," and "Security must be maintained."
demand for data integrity capacity requirement for availability requirement for scalability
requirement for interoperability
reliability maintenance regulation and
environmental requirements

For this project, we are going to generate two main divides of consumers: The service
providers and customers/users.

• Service Providers: After logging in and registering for the application, service
providers can add fresh offerings and review customer orders.
• Users: Users may set up credentials and log in to the application. Following that,
buyers will be smart to see all the statistic’s held by the service provider, add funds to
their wallet, and look up product details to buy.

The usage of smart contracts, which may be established through the application of
SOLIDITY programming, is used to store data on a blockchain. By using Truffle,
SOLIDITY programs may be deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain. When a deployed
contract is contacted to save and get data from the Blockchain, it will respond with an
ADDRESS. This ADDRESS can be utilized by a Python program to establish a connection
with the deployed contract.


Fig 4.1: System Architecture

A DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is a graphical representation of data alias as bubble chart. It's a
simple graphical framework that may be utilized to describe a system with regard to the data
it receives as input, the operations it performs on that data, and the data it produces as output.
By considering the input data, the actions done on that data, and the output data, it is desirable
to provide a comprehensive monograph of the proposed system.

Two of the major useful modelling tools are the data flow diagram (abbreviated as DFD) and
the data flow chart (abbreviated as DFCC). It serves as a crucial resource in the action of
modelling the system's various components. incorporated in the aforementioned group are the
system's process, the data used by the process, an external entity interacting with the executing
system, and the orientation glide that take place within the executing system.

A DFD diagram reveals the enlightenment flow inside a system and how that information is
altered by the profuse action taking place within the system. It is a viewable depiction of how
information glide from one place to another and how it changes along the way. In the universe
of computing, flowcharts are used often.

Regulated by the setting, a DFD graph may also be called a bubble chart. Directed graphical
diagrams (DFDs) are adequate of producing an accurate depiction of the framework at any
level of abstraction because their granularity can be increased by moving up through its levels,
which are arranged in a chain of commands that takes into narrate the information flow and
functionality that are revealed at each level. The user may split them into whatever number of
levels they choose.

Yes NO Unauthorized user

View Products

View Service Providers

Add Money to Wallet

End process

Fig 4.2: User Dataflow Diagram

Service Providers:

Service Provider
Yes NO
Check Service Provider

Add New Products

Add New Products

End process

Fig 4.3: Service Provider Dataflow Diagram

Abbreviation for "Unified Modelling Language," that is what "UML" refers to. The Unified
Modelling Language (abbreviated UML) is a standardized modelling language broadly pre-
owned in the field of object-oriented software engineering. It may be used to a wide range of
contexts. UML is an abbreviation for "unified modelling language," which is short for "unified
modelling". The organization known as the Object Management Group (OMG) is the
organization in responsibility of standard maintenance; the OMG was also the group that
created the standard in the first place.

The goal of developing the Unified Modelling Language, or UML for short, is to build a
language that could be utilized to describe object-oriented computer software’s in a consistent
and portable way. The present variant of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) is dependent
on two pillars: the notation and the Meta-model. Common modelling language known as
Unified Modelling Language. In the not-too-distant future, the Unified Modelling Language
(UML) may become linked to a specific method or technique. The Unified Modelling
Language (UML) is a standard language used for modelling not just software systems, but also
business systems and other types of systems. In adding up to its application in explaining the
aforementioned, it may further be put to work in the preparation and development of objects
inside software systems.

For the proposal of representing complex systems, the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
has shown to be a reliable collection of professional best practices. All of these best practices
culminated in the Unified Modelling Language (UML).

The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a tool vital to the evolution of object-oriented
programmes and, more generally, to the outline of any type of software. The Unified Modelling
Language (UML) is a graphical notation-based approach to describe the architecture of
software development projects.
OBJECTIVES The following is a list of the major influential ideas that contributed to the
evolution of the UML:

• To build meaningful models and easily share them with others, users need initial access
to a fully functional, graphically expressive modelling language.
• Make specialized and extensible tools available so that underlying concepts may be
further refined in the future.
• Retain complete control over the software development language and workflow you
• please give a crystal and further comprehensive explanation of the modelling language
and how to employ it.
• Take the initiative to help define the future in the OO tools market.

More abstract parts of software development, such the genesis of teams, frameworks, patterns,
and components, might benefit from your guidance.

Seven, double-check that you're employing the most energetic methods.

DO USE A CASE ANALYSIS One variety of behavioural diagram is the use_case diagram.
Use case_diagrams are produced with the cooperation of the findings from use case analyses.
The Unified Modelling Language (UML) provides a determined set of tools, including this
type of diagram. Its purpose is to present a graphical representation of a system's capabilities
in terms of the actors involved, the outcomes desired by those actors (represented by use cases),
and the relationship in between those use cases. This should serve as the project's central goal.
A use_case diagram's primary target is that to clarify the responsibilities of various parties in
the successful performance of a system's many features. With this data at our disposal, it's
simple to illustrate the many functions played by individuals throughout the system. A use case
diagram, a special sort of behavioural diagram, may be developed by incorporating the findings
of a use-case research.

Fig 5.1: Use_Case Diagram

5.3 Class-Diagram:
The use case Figure can be improved with the assistance of the class-diagram, which
also contributes to the construction of a system design that is more accurate. The defined actors
from the use case Figure are organised into a set of classes in the class diagram. These classes
are connected to one another via the relationships that are depicted in the diagram. The nature
of the link or association in between classes is characterised by the "is-a" else "has-a"
interconnection that exists between the classes, respectively. The class blueprint illustrates how
multiple categories of objects might grant access to associated features in a system. These
capabilities are designated by the labels. The several functional components that are made
procurable are referred to as the class's "methods" collectively. Additionally, each class may
have a set of "attributes" that, when used in various contexts, serve to set it apart from the other

Fig 5.2: Class-Diagram

5.4 Object diagram:
A distinction can be made between the class blueprint and the object diagram if one so
chooses. When referring to a particular instance of a class, the word "object" is the term that is
used. As a consequence of this, it is possible to assert that an object is a representation of the
current state of a class at the point in time when it is being utilised by the audience for whom
it was designed. The object diagram provides documentation of the various classes that are
utilised by the framework, including their current states and any linkages that exist between

Fig 5.3: Object Diagram

5.5 State schema:
A state schema is a graphical representation of the transitions that artifacts in a
framework go through as they get older. State schema are commonly worn in computer
science. A state diagram is a graphical representation of the numerous states that may be
present. As a outcome of the events that occur within the system, the statuses of the system's
objects might change at some point. It is feasible to demonstrate, with the guidance of a state
schema how the occurrence of particular events has an reaction on the state of an item, causing
the object to transition from one state to another. A state diagram can also be used to illustrate
the progression from the beginning state of an object to the state it will occupy after it is
completely finished.

Fig 5.4: State Schema

5.6 Activity diagram:
The workflow of the complete system is depicted in its entirety by the activity diagram,
beginning with the very first step and ending with the very last. In the same way as there are
tasks, behaviours, transitions, initial and terminal states, and protection limitations in an
activity diagram, there are also these elements present in a state diagram.

Fig 5.5: User Dataflow Diagram

5.7 Sequence diagram:
A sequence schema is a visual representation of the relationships and communications
that exist between the system's parts. A sequence diagram's ability to show a process' steps in
the order in which they occur is one of its most useful features. As a result, we can draw the
conclusion that the step-by-step model accurately preserves the precise sequence in which the
components interact with one another. The different components can broadcast with one
another and exchange beneficial information thanks to the "messages" that are transferred from
one object in the sequence diagram to the next.

Fig 5.6: Sequence Diagram

5.8 Collaboration diagram:
Diagrams of collaboration are used to classify the myriad of interdependencies that
exist between the many sections of a system. Because each interaction is detailed in its own
numbered listing, it is much simpler to follow the chain of causality from base encounter to
another encounter. It is helpful to figure out how everything in the system might merge with
one another by using the collaboration diagram.

Fig 5.7: Collaboration Diagram

5.9 Component diagram:
Component diagrams are visual illustrations that show the logical relationships among
the numerous subsystems that comprise a bigger whole. These linkages are used to analyze
how the complete system works. At a high level, this schematic illustrates not just the separate
components of the framework but also the linkages between those components. The manner in
which every components interacts with the others can also be deduced from the diagram. A
component diagram is used to recognize and depict components that have been resolved to be
operationally necessary for the system after it has been developed or constructed.

Fig 5.8: Component Diagram

5.10 Deployment diagram:

The deployment diagram contains documentation including information regarding the
proper configuration of the application's runtime components. When a system has been
constructed and is getting close to being ready for implementation, this diagram becomes
extremely important.

Fig 5.8: Deployment Diagram

In focus of the actuality that all currently acessable monetary applications are dependent on a
single centralised server, we have made the decision to incorporate Blockchain technology into
a monetary application as part of this project. Users wouldn't be able to access the services if
the server were to become compromised or break down owing to an overwhelming number of
requests. Because of this, we have made the decision to implement Blockchain technology into
a financial service. The implementation of decentralised Blockchain technology as a solution
to this issue is something that we are capable of doing. Customers would still be able to receive
service from the remaining nodes even if a single node failed since the data would be stored
on several nodes, which are similar to servers in that they are used to store information.

When Blockchain wants to add a new block to the blockchain, it first compares the hash of that
block to the hash codes of all of the blocks that came before it. If a new block is added to the
Blockchain before the verification method is completely completed, the block in question
won't be stored. In the event that none of the previously recorded blocks were subjected to any
kind of assault or modification, Blockchain will continue to produce the same hash code, which
will serve as proof that the verification was successful. A one-of-a-kind hash code is generated
for each block of transactions on the blockchain. This hash code acts as a digital fingerprint
for the data that is contained inside those blocks. If the validation cannot be completed
successfully, Blockchain will guard against adding any new records. This demonstrates that
Blockchain cannot be altered and that it is resistant to any attacks or changes that may be made
to its data behind the scenes. In the event that the value has been modified in any way, the
validation will be regarded as having failed.

Because of the many advantages offered by Blockchain technology, businesses of all sizes are
making the transition away from programmes that run on centralised servers and towards
distributed Blockchain applications.

In order to fulfil the requirements of this project, we are going to develop two unique groups
of end users, who are going to be service providers and clients or consumers.
Companies That Provide Services: After registering for an account and logging into the
application, service providers are allowed to make changes to their product catalogue and view
the items that customers have purchased.

To be free to make a purchase, the user must first sign up for an account and log into the app.
After doing it, they will be free to browse information regarding all of the service providers
who are available, add money to their wallet, and look through product specifics. This is
something that can be done once the user has successfully logged in.

Data may be saved on a blockchain through the utilisation of smart contracts, and these
contracts may be built with the assistance of SOLIDITY programming. Any and every
information that is stored in a blockchain is referred to as blockchain data. On the Ethereum
Blockchain, Truffle enables the deployment of code that complies with the SOLIDITY
standard. Python applications are free to utilize the contract's address, which is returned by the
deployed contract, in adequate to access the contract and either write to or read from the
Blockchain. The SOLIDITY code is currently being displayed in the panel that may be seen
further down below.

Previously, in the SOLIDITY code, we developed four functions to hold crucial data: users,
wallets, shopping carts, and products. The contract will be deployed if the 'runBlockchain.bat'
file that is located in the 'hello-eth/node_modules/.bin' folder is double-clicked.
Simply clicking on this link will cause the window that is located at the bottom of the page to
slide open.

On the previous screen, Blockchain generated several private keys and default accounts. After
entering the 'truffle migrate' command on the same screen and pressing enter, the contract will
be deployed to Blockchain Ethereum. What you see here is an illustration of the final product.
Both the actual location of the contract as well as the screen display that states "Financial
Contract" in white font are available to us. You will need to type this address into a Python
code, just like it is demonstrated in the screenshot below, in order to gain access to the contract.

Learn how to invoke a Blockchain SMART CONTRACT using Python by going back over
the notes that are indicated in red farther up in this article. These jotted down notes can be
pictured at the very top of the screen. We make use of an IPFS server to ensure that any icons
that you may upload using the add product module are kept in a secure location. Due to the
impossibility of storing digital images on a blockchain, this is absolutely necessary.

Enter all of your login details into the form shown above. The next step is to determine whether
you will be a consumer or a service provider. Finally, I'm entering service provider information
inputs to the screen you are able to see above and clicking the Save button.
I'm adding USER inputs to the screen above and now press button to get below output

User details are added to the panel above and now click on ‘Login Here’ link to login as service
The service provider is currently logged in and has the output shown above. The “Add New Products” link over the screen
permits the service provider to add a combo of products like those in the below screen.
Before selecting the 'Add Products' option to add the information to the Blockchain, the service
provider will use the aforementioned UI to enter all of the real items and upload an image.
Following that, the consequences that are conferred below will be sent to the service provider.

In the above screen you just saw, the product information was stored to the blockchain, and we
were able to locate the address by looking for it in the image storage hash code.
The volume of product details that may be submitted is the same as the volume of orders that may be viewed by clicking the
"View Orders" button. Orders placed by customers are shown on the screen above. Log out and then log back in as USER.
You can see a screen that allows users to add funds to their wallets by clicking a link that is titled "Add Money to Wallet,"
which is actually being handled as a phoney transaction. This screen can be found up above.
In above screen current balance is showing as 0 and now enter some amount and press button to add money to wallet and get
below output In above screen balance is 50000 and now click on ‘View Providers’ link to view provider details.
The "View Product" button will send the user to a fresh screen where they can browse through every item that is currently
offered from the chosen source. . On the screen that you see above, the user can select the product that they want, and then
they can push the button to get insight the details.
If the customer is ready to purchase the product, he can do so by clicking the "Click Here" button, which will send him to the
screen that appears after this one. The consumer has now been given all of the information on the product that has been
accessible up to this point. You can view all of the product information up top, then proceed to add items to your shopping
basket, pay for them, check the balance on your card or wallet, and finally acquire the output that is displayed down below.
On the screen that you just saw, the order was validated and updated in the blockchain.
Likewise, users are able to search for and purchase any product.
A sort of software testing known as "unit testing" involves the developer performing separate
inspections of the program's modules in an effort to locate and fix flaws. It is responsible for
determining whether or not the modules that run autonomously are fully operational. Testing
at the unit level must be carried out by the developer themselves. The primary purpose is to
disassemble the system into its component elements in straight to locate and solve the issues
from the root. This will allow for a more thorough analysis of the situation.

Unit Testing Techniques:

In addition to evaluating the input and output of the system being tested, the "Black Box
Testing" testing approach also assesses the user interface of the software or hardware being

The testing that examines each of those functions' behaviours in isolation from the other
functions is referred to as "white box testing."


A collection of testing strategies that concentrate on tracking data-related events as they take
place along various channels inside a program's control flow is referred to as "data flow
testing," and the phrase "data flow testing" is utilized to characterize this testing methodology.
These pathways are utilized in the process of investigating the data flow of the programme. In
dataflow testing, the emphasis is placed on locating the points at which variables are given
values and the locations at which those values are used.


The integration tests come after the unit tests have been completed and are the following phase.
After putting all of the individual components, also known as modules, back together, you will
go on to the next stage of the process, which is called integration testing. The purpose of
integration testing is to determine whether or not the newly linked components have caused
any errors with the functionality, performance, or dependability of the system.
The "Big Bang Integration Testing Strategy" tests the complete framework as a whole after all
its components are assembled. This expedition is termed the "Big Bang." Furthermore, the
extensiveness of these tests, it is problematic to locate any possible faults. No attempt is made
to examine the interactions between each of the elements that jointly make to the total.


Testing the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of a product or piece of software is done with the
intention of locating defects that are present in the product or programme. This kind of testing
process is typically considered to as "user interface testing," which is the other name that can
be utilized.


S.NO INPUT If available If not available

1 Service service provider can sign-up and There is no process

Providers login to application and then can
new products and can view
orders from users

2 Users user can sign-up and login to There is no process

application and then can view all
service provider’s details, add
money to wallet and can browse
product details to purchase.

Test Case Test Case Inputs Result Remarks

series Description Expected

Valid User_id
1 and Userid and passcode Successful Login pass
Valid passcode

Invalid User_id
2 and Userid and passcode Unsuccessful Login pass
Invalid passcode

Blank User_id
3 and Userid and passcode Prompt’s a message pass
Blank passcode of enter the correct

Test Case Test Case Inputs Result Remarks

series Description Expected

All in-fields
1 are Valid Details Added a New item pass
filled into the list

2 Missing Blank inputs for Prompts a message pass

In-fields certain fields saying that please
enter the certain

3 To check Strings or Incorrect input Prompts a message pass

integers for the correct input

Supporters of blockchain technology anticipate that this type of application will quickly
become standard practice in the financial sector within the next ten years. As more examples
of use cases, the investment banking and securities industries are provided. These are two
businesses that the Corda/R3 platform is already supporting in an extraordinarily successful
manner. Furthermore, there are traditionalistic voices who are warning against the tech hype
and pointing out that the only broad use case for blockchains at the present is in the
cryptocurrency industry with Bitcoin and other digital currencies. This opinion is diametrically
opposed to mine in every possible way. It is not feasible to accurately predict the future in any
way, whether the immediate, the intermediate, or the far future. For the time being, the
applications of blockchain technology described above provide a fertile ground for innovation
within the financial sector. Companies who operate in the fields of financial technology and
insurance technology will find this to be particularly true of their industries. In addition, we
used a non-fungible token (NFT) smart contract instead of a traditional smart contract to
compute the hash address for the blockchain wallets. This allowed us to avoid any potential
security vulnerabilities. The data were then sent to an IPFS server that was hosted on the
internet as the next stage.

Financial institutions must be able to recognize opportunities, evaluate their viability and
potential effects, and test hypotheses. However, concerns about emulation will necessitate a
thorough discussion with knowledgeable regulatory authorities and the incorporation of their
line of thought. We will also investigate a prime of additional options for providing off-chain
settlement for institutions of finance that are not presently part of the system. Solitary of the
options that might be taken into consideration is getting authorized access to the business's
database. This will enable subsequent transactions (between listed and non-listed
organization’s) and ensure that every detail of the transaction is accurately recorded in both
institutions' ledgers.
[1] To begin: 1. Different Cryptocurrencies and Coins Explored. Please visit for
more information. (data retrieved as of July 30th, 2019).

[2] Applications of Blockchain Technology and Future Prospects in the Financial Services
Sector. Guo, Y., and Liang, C. Financ. Innovat. 2016, 2, 24. Guo, Y., & Liang, C.

[3] Peter Rosati and Timothy Cuk were the other two. The blockchain system is discussed in
Beyond Cryptocurrencies: Financial Technology and Strategy for the 21st Century. It was
published in 2016 by Springer Nature Switzerland AG in Cham, Switzerland under the
title "Disrupting Finance," with contributions by T. Lynn, J.G. Mooney, P. Rosati, and M.
Cummins (pages 149-170).

[4] Tobias Maurer, Andrew Levite, and Gregory Perkovich 4. Towards the establishment of
a worldwide norm making it illegal to tamper with the veracity of financial data.
Germany's Kiel Institute for the World Economy released its 38th Economics Discussion
Paper in 2017. The most recent access date and time for this URL is June 23, 2017; it can
be viewed online at

[5] In the fifth place, we have Wikipedia. Information as of the 30th of July, 2019 can be
found at

[6] Number six is "Blockchain Technology for Financial Services Facilitation in RES
Investments," written by Francesco Bosco, Vincenzo Croce, and Giuseppe Raveduto. The
use of Blockchain Technology to Ease insight to Financing for Renewable Energy System
Investments. Palermo, Italy, September 10-13, 2018: The Fourth Annual IEEE
International _Forum on Research_and_Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI);
pages 1-5.


STEP 1: First double click on ‘Start_IPFS.bat’ file to start IPFS server like below screen

In above screen IPFS server started.

STEP 2: now double click on ‘run.bat’ file to start python DJANGO WEB server like
below screen.

The Python server was started on the previous screen; after you clearly ensure that all
servers are given permission to keep running regularly. The next step is to open a browser
and type into the address box before hitting the return or
enter key. What happens below should come as no surprise.
STEP 3: click on ‘Register Here’ to get registered to the Application. STEP 4: sign up to the application by choosing the type
of user i.e either user or service provider.
STEP 5: If the service provider is currently logged in and has the output shown below. STEP 6: The “Add New Products” link
in the above screen allows the service provider to add a variety of products like those in the below screen.
Step 7: If the user is logging in then they see the screen below. STEP 8: The user can view the products, buy the products add
funds to their wallets by clicking a link that is titled "Add Money to Wallet," which is actually being handled as a phone

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