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Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokaatuh

Excellency Judges, the time keepers, my fellow friends and all audiences whom I love.

In the name of Allah the beneficent, the merciful praise is done to Allah SWT.
Because of him, we can gather in good situation and condition. I witness that Muhammad is
the messenger of God, the most excellent worshiper, leader of god fearing, supreme among

Then I give thanks to MC who has given me chance to speak here. On this occasion I
am going to talk about

Standing here, I'm ....

That would like to deliver a speech about The Urgency of Religious Moderation to Mantain
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Dear brothers and sisters, Happy ladies and gentlemen.

Do you still remember suicide bombings in Bali, Jakarta, Makassar, Bandung and
Surabaya and so on? Of course it's all still warm in our memories, right? Suicide bombing is
the category of religion radicalism and terrorism. It can undermine and destroy the harmony
in our beloved nation Indonesia.

Indonesia is a democratic country where the majority are Muslims. The Indonesian
constitution guarantees freedom of religion to all people, each according to their own religion
or belief. This constitution also stipulates that the Indonesian state must be based on belief in
the One and Only God (this condition is also the first principle of Pancasila, namely the
philosophy of the Indonesian state which was explained by President Soekarno in 1945).

Strengthening of religion radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia must be addressed

carefully and appropriately. In this case, the government and all related stakeholders need to
explore and analyze the root of the problem and then take measurable and appropriate steps.
If religious radicalism is allowed and ignored, it can undermine and destroy the harmony in
the nation and state. Thus, religious moderation is very important to do, Yes, It's important to
do, Why? Yes, Right, because religious moderation is not limited to necessity but becomes a
necessity for every religion.
In this case, religious moderation teaches a middle way, balanced and fair attitude in
viewing diversity as a unity. In this case, religious moderation teaches a middle way,
balanced and fair attitude in viewing diversity as a unity. This is in accordance with the
values of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Thus, there will be harmony and awareness of
the nation and land within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Thank you for your kind attention to my speech. I am sorry if there is any word or my
behavior that unpleasing you all and to God I beg for forgiveness.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokaatuh

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