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Young Kings.

I know talented men who are unsuccessful.

I know smart men who are unsuccessful.

I do not know a single man who’s genuinely persistent that doesn’t have a fantastic life.

Persistence is key.

If you never give up

You never lose.

- Andrew Tate
Focus your energy on others - and you might have some success.

Focusing your energy on yourself will force others to focus their energy on you.

Now your energy levels doubled up.

Double POWER.


- Andrew Tate
You train your responses to adversity.

As a fighter you’re taught to retaliate. Ignore pain. Brave face and do anything it takes to win.

This translates to life perfectly. Never collapse. That’s when you lose.

- Andrew Tate
I often ask people if they’re a moron.

Very rarely they say “no”

Most of the time they say “why?”

They already understand it’s within the realms of possibility, they just want me to convince them over the edge.

- Andrew Tate
I either want to be a multi-millionaire or I don't want to work at all.

I want freedom, freedom comes from being completely broke, or rich. That's freedom.

Everything in between is a form of slavery.

- Andrew Tate

I either want to be a multi-millionaire or I don't want to work at all.

I want freedom, freedom comes from being completely broke, or rich. That's freedom.

Everything in between is a form of slavery.

- Andrew Tate
The cheapest thing you can do is spend money on yourself to learn lessons and save TIME.

When you see somebody, who you are SURE knows what you need to know -


Is buy that knowledge. Know it forever.

And get your money back 1000x

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Be yourself.

Everyone else is taken.

- Andrew Tate
When is the last time you PANICKED?

I was asked this question by my dad when I was 22.

I don't remember the answer I gave, but he became furious.


Panic is a waste of time & energy

Action, reaction, CALM

Professionals survive

- Andrew Tate
The average person doesn’t work very hard.

This is why if you work hard - it’s impossible to be average.

- Andrew Tate
Women are loyal to one thing. And one thing only.

The dick they’re currently taking.

For that dick they’ll go to jail.

And she will be fiercely loyal to you.

Ride or die.

Unless your dick isn’t good enough.

- Andrew Tate
I’ve always loved money.

But I love money the same way I love a cigar.

I don’t want to covet it or hoard it.

I want to destroy it while I enjoy it.

I’ve ALWAYS spent ALL my money. This made me good at earning via necessity.

Now I make so much I CAN’T spend it

- Andrew Tate
You will die alone.

Or leave your loved ones alone to die.

Life is sadness.

There is no way out.

Do you smile as you bleed?

Or try and mask the pain with pills.

Removing the sting from your sharpest edge.

An act of COWARDICE.
I will never.


Take an anti-depressant or some other bullshit mind-altering drug in an attempt to hide from the certainties of a painf
ul life.

Sadness is universal. A constant. It is here to stay.

I embrace it.

Give it to me. All of it.

I manifest it into POWER.

My biggest victories in life were when I was sad.

World titles.

Millions of dollars.

I never vastly improved my life when I was happy.

A haze of hedonistic bullshit.

Cash wasted.

Big booties on moonless nights.

But very little ACHIEVEMENT.

- Andrew Tate
Men arguing over women is pathetic.

Women aren’t combat effective.

I’d rather have a true friend over 20 women.

You can always find something new to fuck.

It’s not easy to find a man willing to DIE BESIDE YOU.

Brothers > Bitches

- Andrew Tate
Think back to the good old days and how you didn’t appreciate it while you lived it.


Sometime in the future you’ll think back to now and say the same thing.


So appreciate your life RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW.

- Andrew Tate
I’ve walked into hell pushed the demons aside and hurt the man I came to hurt.

You have NEVER been a top tier POWERFUL man.

And those of you who THINK you are, are most clueless.

- Andrew Tate
Reading is easy.

This is why dorks brag about how much they’ve read.

Because you sit still take zero risk and think you earn bragging rights.


I LIVE MY LIFE in a way most wouldn’t dare.

And that’s why I know more than you.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Anything that can affect you emotionally can steal your power.

- Andrew Tate
The world tries very hard to tell you NOT to be angry.


Be very angry you’re a fat loser with no money.

Then DO SOMETHING about it.

Angry made me world champion.

Made me rich.

Because I was pissed off being average.

- Andrew Tate
Some men endure insufferable hardship & emerge galvanised against harm

Others endure hardship - and collapse

The tendency to surrender is a genetic dispotion amongst the weakest

Don’t pity those who gave up and refused to fight

They were born to lose

- Andrew Tate
If the female you fuck is your best friend you’ve decided to navigate the streets with zero backup.

You walk with a liability you must protect.

You catch me in life - I’m with the gang.

With or without females.

I have men beside me ready to kill you.

- Andrew Tate
Bitcoin is simply a reward allocated for solving a problem.

Achievement is simply an award allocated for solving a problem.

Ego is simply an award allocated for solving a problem.

Adopt more problems. Solve them.

- Andrew Tate
The average man doesn’t try very hard.

So if you try very hard.

It’s impossible to be average.

- Andrew Tate
My style will defeat them.

- Andrew Tate
I accept all of the Lord’s tests.

I enter each battle with a smile.

- Andrew Tate
Regression stings.

You live shit lives - but it doesn’t bother you THAT much.

But if you lived a life with unlimited experience, freedom & love.

Going back to your old life would be torture.

Imagine the ideal & self inflict this pain for unlimited motivation

- Andrew Tate
Examine every belief you hold and ask WHY you adhere to such belief.

If the answer isn’t “personal experience”

You’ve been PROGRAMMED.

For better or worse.

By someONE or someTHING.


Who? What? When?

Are they my enemy?

Resist the slave mind.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Everybody was born better at SOMETHING.

Identify and cultivate.

Life is about advantages.

Nobody said these advantages must be FAIR.

UNFAIR advantages work just the same.

Find yours and squeeze the universe to COMPLY.

- Andrew Tate
Raising your voice & shouting at another man is absolutely feminine.

You scream to scare him away from a fight - because YOU are scared to fight.

Brave men talk in whispers.

I don’t shout.

I talk.

If you don’t comply.

I hit you.

- Andrew Tate
The unhappiest people are born at the top.

The happiest are born at the bottom and make it to the top.

ONLY progress feels good.

It’s not the destination - IT'S THE JOURNEY.

- Andrew Tate
Supercars break & annoy you

5 GFs? They fight

Own company? Work never stops

You have to give up peace of mind for an extraordinary life

Learn to be at peace with chaos

Leave peace for the weak who can’t handle pressure

When old, they’ll wish they lived harder

- Andrew Tate
You cannot control people.

You cannot control society.

All you can do is be ready to KILL those who try to kill you.

And hope to live in peace.

- Andrew Tate
Girls don’t care about money.

But it’s a minimum requirement for top tier.

Broke guys think money gets girls. It will. 7s.

If you date a 9 she EXPECTS:

Nice car
Nice apartment
Cash & time for spontaneity etc

It doesn’t GET 9s.

It just qualifies you to try.

- Andrew Tate
Cut the ego and be honest.

If I fucked your girl.

Would she ever want sex with you again?

- Andrew Tate
Imagine being a full-grown man and nobody being intimidated when you raise your voice.

- Andrew Tate
When I was broke I was unhappy

I thought if I can make enough money I’d be happy

if I had the most beautiful women

the fastest cars

total freedom

knowing I did what everyone else fails to do - that I'd be fulfilled

And I was totally right

- Andrew Tate
I never tell girls how I make money

They don’t care

I don’t trust them

I have girls who have been with me for months who understand when I say "work"

it means leave me alone.

It means I’m away for days, do not question me

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Never trust people with lots of friends.

There’s no way you have genuine deep relationships with 25 people.

You’re fake. They’re fake. You live a fake life & you’re afraid to be yourself.

Show me a man with one friend & I see a man who’s HONEST.

- Andrew Tate
As a man - when things are not the way you want them to be - the natural result is anger.

Society trains this out of men. Or society can not function.

Keep the anger - learn some self control - and focus effectively.

Unlimited motivation awaits.

- Andrew Tate
As a top tier male, females are truly one of the joys of life.

NOTHING is better than beautiful women adoring you.

They provide Kindness, Loyalty, ENERGY.

ANY man who complains about females - is simply broadcasting he is not a top tier male.

- Andrew Tate

Cancel me please.

I have big dick energy I copulate endlessly and I’m a sexist pig.

Cancel me.

Do it.

- Andrew Tate
Making fun of someone for flexing their Lambo while you can’t afford a Lambo and thinking you don’t look jealous
and bitter.

Low IQ.

- Andrew Tate
When a high value man sees a high value man - he WANTS to be his friend

New connections, new networks, new MONEY

When a man sees a successful individual & hates, it’s because he’s insecure.

He knows he has zero value to add

When I see a G. I want a friend

- Andrew Tate
Productivity hack = Work harder

Fitness hack = Train harder

Confidence hack = Experience

DO more to BE more.

There are no shortcuts.

- Andrew Tate
My average Tuesday is more fun than the best birthday you’ve ever had.

Your most wild most crazy most funny story... is uninteresting.

It’s boring.

It’s less than my day to day.

Levels. Accept you’re below me.

- Andrew Tate
Your happiness is directly correlated to the amount of effort you apply to excellence.

The harder you try - the happier you are. The results are a bonus.

Icing on the cake.

So, how hard are you trying?

Do you TRULY deserve to feel any other than misery?

- Andrew Tate
Most people make 5 year plans.

I make one week plans.



I don’t have years to waste. I need results NOW.

I want to LIVE MY LIFE.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

At the heart of every weak man is pity.

Self pity.

Longing for strength they don't have.

Too weak to build it.

Hating those who have it.

It's impossible for a weak man to be truly happy within himself.

Strength is happiness.

- Andrew Tate
You wake up, want to watch tv, rest relax and sit and think and maybe later go to dinner.

YOU. Are a loser.

You don’t have what I have.

You lack fire blood.

All of you live SLOWLY and it doesn’t seem to bother you.

I couldn’t live your life.

It’s shit.

- Andrew Tate
Even in the worst position.

You can not change the FUNDAMENTAL rules of life.


Action >

- Andrew Tate
My life is a testament to the power of focused aggression and self-confidence.

From never thinking “I’ll do it tomorrow”

Constant action forces the universe to comply.

World champion. Millionaire.

1000% effort is a habit.

Shouldn’t you be able to say the same?

- Andrew Tate
Develop a poker face. A real one.

This is essential for a man. Pro fighting and chess taught me mine.

It saved my life at once And if you THINK you have one, you don't.

99.9% of men don't.

LEARN this. Immediately.

- Andrew Tate
Training in the gym isn’t practising violence.

Nobody wants you dead in the gym.

They want you dead in the cage.

If you don’t practise against GENUINE intent.

You don’t practise at all.

- Andrew Tate
I have proved I will fight ANYONE. ANYDAY. ANYTIME.
Maybe I will lose.

But I will not make excuses to NOT FIGHT.

I will fight.

Know this about me. 20 vs 1.

Knives. While I’m unarmed.

I will die.

But I will aim to KILL YOU.


- Andrew Tate
Start each day doing something you hate.

10 mins. ANYTHING you dont like.

Plank position, learn a bullshit language.

Be disciplined.

When finished -

1) You’ll be glad its over

2) You’ll be slightly pissed off, ready to CONQUER


- Andrew Tate
Never tried cocaine in my life

I see people use it to get energy & confidence


When you have fire blood, the idea of needing a substance for basic personality traits is AMATEUR

I don’t need cocaine for the same reason I don’t need viagra

I always perform

- Andrew Tate
The second I became rich every single soldier I had who fought beside me in the street became rich too.


I either outgrew you and didn’t talk to you anymore or I took you with me to the top.
I stopped replying or I bought you a Ferrari.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Normal people want normal lives.

A life that people look at and are familiar with.

Exceptional people want exceptional lives. A life that people look at and have never experienced.

So ask yourself what you want, to understand WHO you are.

- Andrew Tate
You don't know what you don't know.

I see it in almost everyone I talk to, their mental model of reality is off.

They don't know what's possible, and what's not.

The world is changing at an ever rapid pace, and you aren't prepared.

We are.

- Andrew Tate
Semen retention is for cowardly men who lack FIRE BLOOD

I fuck. I train. I WIN

I do not need to RETAIN anything other than females for COPULATION

I will fuck your wife, twice, then beat the fuck out of you and make 1 million

Predators are predators.


- Andrew Tate
You can say brilliant things but if nobody takes you seriously, it simply DOESNT matter.

Do you understand that if I say something, it means more than if you say something.

Because of WHO I am.

Because of WHAT Ive done.

My credentials and network.

- Andrew Tate
Get to work.
Life doesn’t come to you.

You must COME TO LIFE.

- Andrew Tate
Men learn via experience.

Females learn through programming.

My females, all of them, openly accept they would never WANT to go through what I’ve been through.

They openly admit they COULDNT even if they wanted too.

So they rightfully pass full authority to me.

- Andrew Tate
You can't raise your voice to your woman. She will kick you out.

You can't raise your voice at work, your boss wont let you.

When is the last time you raised your voice? Did anybody care?

Can you scream?

Are people afraid?

- Andrew Tate
Constantly dating is boring.

Pick 6 women and settle down.

- Andrew Tate
When I feel angry I FEEL AND ACT ANGRY.

When I feel happy I FEEL AND ACT HAPPY.

I actively promote each feeling for it to be as POWERFUL as possible.

I do not feel sad.

Sad doesn’t exist on the spectrum of winners.

The closest emotion is FURY.

- Andrew Tate
You learn faster when it hurts.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.
The best things in life are SAVAGE.

You cannot be a WINNER if there is no LOSER.

The name of every game is to FORCE LOSS upon your opponent.


SAVAGERY is a prerequisite to VICTORY.

- Andrew Tate
Every addict I’ve ever met was an extremely emotional person.

Got angry quickly.

Happy easily.
Sad without reason.

Lack of internal emotional control has them regulating moods with outside substances.

Addicts = weak emotional control

- Andrew Tate
Men are complaining that they’ve lost control in society.

That western society is basically a matriarchy as the judicial system destroys men at will.

It’s YOUR fault.

You WEAK men GAVE women control for a little bit of PUSSY.

- Andrew Tate
“Tate I wanna get rich I’m reading this book and this book and this book!”

I’ve never read any of those books.

I was busy working.

- Andrew Tate
The worst thing about having a low sexual market value is having to pretend you find others with low sexual market
value attractive.

No. She isn’t beautiful.

And just because you’re a loser man, you have to pretend she is.

Truly beautiful women ignore you.

- Andrew Tate
I dedicated my life to violence to establish mental and physical superiority.
I then dedicated my life to business to establish fiscal superiority.

Now every female I meet instantly respects my superiority and complies absolutely.

- Andrew Tate
If it doesn’t burn a little.

What’s the point in playing with fire?

- Andrew Tate
If within the realms of possibility I breathe life into the alternate universe

Dream of Thailand, book a flight

Dream of that bitch, get her back
Dream of a car, buy it

Synergy between the spirit & physical worlds

Since I've become rich I live my dreams

- Andrew Tate
Everything is a sliding scale

Even if you feel powerful everyday, SOME days you will feel MORE powerful

The key is to make your bare minimum POWER & ENERGY better than everyones elses MAXIMUM

You have to outcompete the average man's best day on your worst

- Andrew Tate
Money is energy.

PEOPLE WORK HARD and spend YEARS trying to acquire money.

Money is the physical manifestation of EFFORT. Whether digging holes or selling shoes. WORK went into it.


- Andrew Tate
The more energy you put into trying to change people, the more disappointed you'll be.

Put that energy into yourself & build to a point where -

1) You no longer need to deal with said people.

2) Said people are forced to take your opinion more seriously.

- Andrew Tate
I don’t take fat people seriously.

You have zero will power.

That cake controls you to the point you’ll commit a slow and deliberate suicide.

Your point of view loses merit.

Your starting mental origin is fucked.

Your conclusions will be fucked also.

- Andrew Tate
You have no enemies.

I have people who wake up and actively try to hurt me.

NOBODY does this to you.

NOBODY wants you dead.

You’re FREE. Life is beautiful.

The only enemy you have is stress and anxiety in an untrained mind.

- Andrew Tate
Females have an evolutionary instinct

They want to TAKE CARE of people they value

They WANT to cook, make coffee, give a massage etc

IF not -

Either her instincts have been diluted by society or she doesn't respect you

She'd do it all for a man she respected

- Andrew Tate
If your best years have already happened - you live in the past - and you FEEL old.

If life gets better every year you’re alive you never feel old.

- Andrew Tate
You can’t enjoy vodka without joy in your heart.

You can’t enjoy a Ferrari without joy in your heart.

You can’t enjoy sex, or money, or the sunset without joy in your heart.

Simple, complicated, expensive, cheap.

Everything beautiful in life runs on joy.

- Andrew Tate
Raise sons to replace you.

Fuck up lesser men in the cage.

Flex a fast car around and fuck endless beautiful women.

There’s nothing else to do.

Even with untold cash.

I promise. That’s ALL there is to do.

- Andrew Tate
The grass is always greener where I’m standing.

- Andrew Tate
The 49th law of power.

Read a lot less and DO a lot more.

- Andrew Tate
My dad always used to say “OUTSTANDING IN THE RAIN”

As opposed to simply “outstanding” when he was impressed.

I asked him.

Dad, why the rain?

And he replied

“Son, any jackass can perform when the sun is shining”

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

The only problem you have in your life is stress.

Stress evolved to demonstrate the importance of events. Food. Shelter.

But let it run rampant.

You’re stressing over shit you shouldn’t.

You have food & shelter.

Regain control of your mind.

- Andrew Tate
Begin your day with “I get to” not “I have to”

We often dress our opportunities as stress, when they’re in fact blessings.

I GET to go to work. As opposed to I HAVE to go to work.

At least you have a job.

Feeling productive is beautiful. Etc.

- Andrew Tate
It’s truly amazing what you can achieve if you stop being a lazy fuck and actually TRY.

When’s the last time you TRIED for something with ALL of your might.


It’s been a while hasn’t it...


- Andrew Tate
Never tell your problems to someone who can’t help.

What for? Therapy?

Be quiet.

- Andrew Tate
There is no such thing as an unattractive man.

There are unattractive women.

And there are poor weak stupid men.

Rich strong important men are always attractive.

- Andrew Tate
Great men disagree and retain absolute respect for one another.

- Andrew Tate
Being “chill” is only admirable if you can go from 0 to murder in the blink of an eye.

I’m chill. People WANT me to stay that way.

Chill without the capability for violence means being “chill” isn’t a choice.
A pathetic state of non aggression for survival.

- Andrew Tate
Poverty and fight sports have always been linked.

Poverty teaches that nobody is coming to save you.

Wanna eat? Better punch back.

- Andrew Tate
When you’re a rich powerful man who enjoys life and refuses to comply with society’s norms -

You’ll always be seen as an evil, bad person by the losers still stuck in the matrix.

Unless you give them money.

- Andrew Tate
The only kind of men who advocate crying are the men without the self-control to prevent themselves from crying.

For them crying is not a choice.

They lack discipline, the foundational pillar of masculinity, and attempt to convince you down to their level.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

The most significant brainwashing tool is mass entertainment.

Catchy tunes, zero lyrical significance “work work work work work”

Keep you distracted.

When Rome was losing battles, they always had a circus.

- Andrew Tate
Energy can not be destroyed.

Only converted. Changed.

You feel despair?

Your mind can’t rest? You can’t sleep?


You’re lucky. Despair has BLESSED YOU.

How do you use it?

Self destruction or world conquest?

- Andrew Tate
It amazes me full grown men ever need to “learn” redpill.

It’s basically just sticking up for yourself.

I learnt that when I was a kid.

- Andrew Tate
There is no virtue without choice.

- Andrew Tate
You could run a marathon right now if you truly wanted to.

You could certainly walk it.

Can’t you see that your body is already capable?

It’s your mind that’s weak.

It’s your mind you need to convince.

- Andrew Tate
Her: Tell me your secrets


Her: Why?

Because they make money.

- Andrew Tate
There is simply one way to become an exceptional man.

A professional.

You must go through hell and survive.

- Andrew Tate
There are people, FULL GROWN ADULTS, who struggle to arrive at places on time.

Not just for a single instance, but permanently, to everything.

All they have to do is arrive at a certain place at a certain time and they fail.

This is your competition.

- Andrew Tate
I am extremely strict with MYSELF

I don't allow myself to be lazy

I don't allow myself to be unprofessional


So when I watch YOU FAIL

in a scenario which I simply WOULD NOT afford myself the luxury

How can I emphasize?

- Andrew Tate
Life is a hierarchy. God has favourites.

I am one of them.

You are not.

And when you constantly fail to do things I’ve always managed to do - you will have to accept that I view you as bel
ow me.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

If you take pride in your work you’ll do a good job.

Pride in your body you’ll be in good shape.

Take pride in yourself and you’ll be a good person.

Losers preach humility - you need less of that.


- Andrew Tate
Sit with your closest friend & talk about all the things that went wrong.

All the times you could have died.

That car crash, the time you were almost stabbed.

Imagine how many CLOSE CALLS you managed to survive to end up right here, right now.

Then smile.

- Andrew Tate
Lack somewhere?
Excel somewhere else.

Counter your weaknesses by honing other capabilities.

Ugly? Get filthy rich

Poor? Be strong as an ox

Life is unfair.

The primary focus of your energies is to balance the books.

- Andrew Tate
Any network in which you don’t have to prove & provide value to retain membership -

It’s a network in which the few provide value to the many.

It’s not a fair value EXCHANGE.

In THE WAR ROOM, regardless of rank, EVERYBODY WINS.

THAT'S why we cannot be beaten.

- Andrew Tate
I’m a super spreader.

- Andrew Tate
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

That’s not necessarily true.


What didn’t kill you, didn’t kill you - and you should have at least learnt something.

- Andrew Tate
Females are such bad drivers and so remarkably unaware they say ridiculous things like

“I’m a good driver actually”

- Andrew Tate
If you have 50mil. You are still much much closer to being broke than being a billionaire.

- Andrew Tate
Fast reactions give you a fighting chance.

But it’s prevention that will keep you alive.

- Andrew Tate
Wtf you doing taking your girlfriend out on a Friday night?

She already loves you. Leave her home.

Don’t you have any hoes?

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

The best thing about being rich isn’t only doing what you want.

It’s SAYING what you want.

Most of you are muzzled because you’re poor.

You can’t say what you think to your boss, or your woman.

You’re a slave.

- Andrew Tate
Forgive someone who badly wronged you.

Forgiving people is a skill which can be learnt.

The only way you can stop giving a fuck, is to forgive.

Do not ALWAYS forgive.

But there is a time, and a place, to just let it go.

- Andrew Tate
Morality is cost dependant.

Eventually people will do the wrong thing for the right price.

- Andrew Tate
If you wake up everyday and your primary intention is to sleep with women.

You’re not a big strong alpha playboy bla bla.

You’re dedicating your life to females, like a loyal slave.

Women control you.

- Andrew Tate
Masculinity is the capability for violence.

- Andrew Tate
A females value is primarily derived from how she looks.
A males value is primarily derived from what he can do.

- Andrew Tate
If money doesn’t make you happy you’re an ungrateful dickhead.

Most people can’t even keep a roof over their heads.

You’re rich... and sad?

Absolute fucking loser.

I love money. It makes me HAPPY every fucking day.

- Andrew Tate
Men are the same all over the world.

How are Jamacian Shottas and Gypsy Bulibasas singing about the EXACT same shit?

Because they don't let the west poison them into COWARDS.


Be ready to fight ANYONE, ANYTIME.

- Andrew Tate
There are important men and unimportant men.

A mans value is built in the gym, in work, in war.

They become powerful via effort.

There is no such thing as an "ugly" man.

Simply men who are lazy and men who are not.

- Andrew Tate
Be grateful for what you’ve got.

But you wouldnt have what you have if you didn’t want more than you had.

So be grateful as fuck.

And be greedy as fuck.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Most of you simply do not THINK AHEAD.

What will they say if you say X.

Is it better to ignore their call or answer it? What effect can that have?

You can CHANGE the entire relationship dynamic with a tiny move.


- Andrew Tate
I am a FREE man

I must stay free

I cannot be told what to do

The idea of a job I must appear at or a bank balance that won’t let me have what I desire is UNACCEPTABLE


Only SLAVES accept imperfect reality

- Andrew Tate
Young kings.

You are as happy as you DECIDE to be.

Right now - decide you’re ECSTATIC.

Why not? You’re alive?

Why waste time being sad.

Fucking smile.


- Andrew Tate
Dorks believe in philosophy.

Men believe in action.

"Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind" said the snivelling worm.

Without conversation, I WILL CRUSH YOUR THROAT.

Anger me and PAY the price.

Natural selection.


- Andrew Tate
If your man cheats on you & it bothers you, politely ask him to stop.

Why leave your man and go be a slut?

Why be some side piece for a new man who’s now cheating on his girl?

You’ve given up 1st place with a man you love for 2nd place with a man you just met.

- Andrew Tate
There is a fundamental difference between thinking BIG and thinking AHEAD

Any jackass can close his eyes and think of success

Thinking AHEAD is planning actionable steps towards the goal

Thinking ahead is less glamorous and more effective

- Andrew Tate
Masculine energy is powerful.

Young men are fearless.

If you control energetic young men - you have an army.

You can order the siege of NATIONS.

Young kings...

EVERYONE is trying to manipulate you.

Even me.

- Andrew Tate
Defeat tastes bitter - like ash.

I was forced to taste a little once, and instantly spat it back in the face of my aggressor.

Most men enjoy theirs with a can of coke after a long day of slavery.

They seem to enjoy it.

An acquired taste.


- Andrew Tate
They’re going to call you boring.

They’re going to call you obsessed.

That’s what they called me.

Now they call me Champ.

- Andrew Tate
You project an image.

Do you look lazy?

Do you look like a target?

Would somebody choose you to be their next VICTIM?



Project dominance.

Rehearse and prosper.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Power notices but doesn’t care.

Sometimes power is simply not giving a fuck.

- Andrew Tate
Speed is the only way to defy gravity.

It’s immensely powerful.

When somebody tells me they’re unhappy - they’re near always living SLOWLY.

Run 5 companies, a YouTube channel, be with 10 women, learn the guitar.

All at once.

Do more.

Live fast.

You can outrun unhappiness

- Andrew Tate
I can drink vodka smoke cigars & have a 6 pack.

Be in FANTASTIC shape.

I can fuck endless women & still have absolute adoration & complete loyalty.
Mutual exclusives are for mortals.


The best of BOTH worlds

Only losers are forced to choose

- Andrew Tate
There is no such thing as a luxury activity.

There are only activities at luxury pace.

A shower is life.
A spa day is luxury.

A McDonald’s is life.
A 6 course meal is luxury.

The only luxury in life is having the time to enjoy things.

- Andrew Tate
I earn 10M a year and my girl of 8 years doesn’t have a fucking clue

- How
- Where
- When


All she knows is I’m rich rich.

In the event of war she has absolutely zero strategic intelligence against my FINANCE.

Bitch leaving with ZERO

- Andrew Tate
You are absolutely nothing until you upgrade yourself. Think beyond.

Everything I am respected for are things I have built, NOTHING I WAS GIVEN.

You can not fathom what I have done, what I am capable of doing.


- Andrew Tate
You are human and you live though an emotional filter.

If you FEEL good, your life is good.

If you FEEL bad, your life is bad.
THE SAME LIFE - determined via filter.

As the same cup of water can be red or green depending on the lens.

- Andrew Tate
There is no light without dark.

My accolades mean nothing if it's the average performance of a man.

I am exceptional because most are failures.

It’s important most of you fail so I can stay a winner.

The winners of the world want the losers to lose.


- Andrew Tate
Resist the slave mind.

- Andrew Tate
The media brainwashes women easily.

Once they control her - she attempts to alter your trajectory.

Any female who you do not absolutely control, will poison you with her femalities from INSIDE your OWN BED.

“Put the mask on”

“Don’t be angry”
“Just listen”

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

It’s important to never wish things were easier.

If it was easy. Everyone would have it. And it would be valueless.

What does a 6 pack mean if EVERYBODY on earth has one.

No value.

Be glad it’s difficult and try harder.

- Andrew Tate
There is a time and a place for merciless revenge.

Choose accordingly.

There is no in between. No grey.

Only black and white.

Destroy their life.

Or forget they ever wronged you.

Do not live in between.

- Andrew Tate
We live in a world of stories.

The shows you watch, your memories.

Every day that wasn’t a story is forgotten time between the next event.

Live wild enough and you will soon learn.

Where there isn’t a risk.

There’s never a story.

- Andrew Tate
You need a good woman you trust build and grow with.

And you need dumb hoes for fun.

So carefully judge each woman and proceed accordingly.

Life gets very hard when you get these mixed up.

- Andrew Tate
When’s the last time you could tell someone GENUINELY cared how you felt?


So why should you give a fuck either.

Get to work.

- Andrew Tate
There have been times in my life, when everything was fucked.

Suffering a stab wound from a failed assassination.

Death threats coming through on my phone.

Heavily in debt to dangerous men.

And I woke up, looked in the mirror & said "fuck it"
And went training

- Andrew Tate
You get songs stuck in your head.

I get ideas stuck in my head.

We are not the same.

- Andrew Tate
Refusal to do the brave thing should result in deep shame.

True regret will ensure brave acts in future.

Why didn’t you ACT?

Why didn’t you TAKE THE RISK?

Those without guilt have slave minds, conditioned for safety, eunuchs.


- Andrew Tate
When you exchange your freedom for safety - you live in the zoo.

And you might live a long life, with plenty of treats and the worlds best medicines.

But do you have any STORIES?

REAL stories.

The stories a wild man has?

You want to die this way?

- Andrew Tate
A group can only move as fast as the slowest member.

Society is a group, laws are the speed.

LAWS are designed with losers in mind so ANY idiot can survive.

If you are a genuinely exceptional man you will gravitate towards renegade.


An evil gentleman

- Andrew Tate
Let me explain something to you.
LEARNING something, doesn’t make you smart.

Sitting and reading something over and over until you know it doesnt make you smart.

How QUICKLY you learn - makes you smart.

Any DOG can learn tricks through repetition.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Love is the universal driving force for hate.

Hatred for something is born from love of something else.

You hate the rain because you love the sunshine.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
Females try and destroy male power structures.

The men around you shouldn’t allow such foolery.

- Andrew Tate
Never trust men who are not skilled with females.

Even basic pussy makes them turn.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

There is no such thing as "sad"

You are either content and happy where you are.

Or you are furiously motivated to change something.


Ying and Yang.


- Andrew Tate
A man is defined by his tastes.

Some men are happy with one girl a normal car and saving every penny.
Other men want 15 super cars and 15 women and absolute excess in quantity with a laser like focus on quality.

Who has better stories?

- Andrew Tate
When push comes to shove.

You need brothers before you need a woman.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

I live my life.

Do you?

- Andrew Tate
Sadness is a warning.

You feel it for a REASON.



- Andrew Tate
I wasn’t raised for slavery.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

The man who walks in the room & everyone stares - even though he isn’t DOING anything.

Is FULL of life force.

And the empty vessels around him naturally gravitate to his power.

That’s why people can’t stop staring.

He grows even more powerful.

- Andrew Tate
If you sat and focused.

Could you make yourself cry?

Could you think the dark thoughts?

Do you control your own mind?


Life is duality.

I can think myself into elation.

I can depress myself beyond reason.

I am the master of my world.

- Andrew Tate
You're not an alpha male

You don't look like one, you don't act like one.

You can't spend like one.

When an alpha male wants to fuck, he opens his Instagram inbox and replies to one of the women who have messag
ed him first.

If that isn't you? You're beta.

- Andrew Tate
Your 30s are absolutely your best years as a man.

- Andrew Tate
Most of you have been down so long that getting up hasn’t crossed your mind.

- Andrew Tate
Liberals are unhappy.

- Andrew Tate
I took a girl called Jessica home to my house after school.

We rode the bus together, I must have been around 9.

We played super nintendo.

She stayed an hour & left

Dad: "Oh, You playing on your own now? This your only girl son? Why isn't there a line outside?"

- Andrew Tate
A woman will has one life purpose, to please a man she respects.

She can get a degree, get rich etc.

But the world is completely uninterested in infantile female "achievements" and she knows it.
Therefore, she will never be truly happy without a man and a family.

- Andrew Tate
Broke people try to make money because they want to buy things.

Rich people try to make money because they want to meet people.


There is a reason a millionaire wants to be a billionaire.

It's about people and power, not junk from Walmart.

- Andrew Tate
A man CAN be happy without a woman.

Men want women. But don't NEED women.

Take a man's woman away & he find purpose at war or business.

Males can derive pleasure from activities with zero female involvement.

Women cannot be happy without male approval.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Avoid the easily tricked.

Those that obey what they are told without thinking for themselves.

They’ll be the first to turn on you in a police interview.

Betrayal is certain.

And betrayal is betrayal, whether they were “tricked” into it or not.

- Andrew Tate
Snakes are honest.

We say people act like snakes when they are dishonest and I absolutely disagree.

If they want to bite you, they will.

If they don't, they won't.

Their mind can change. From friendly to angry. Near instantly.

This isn't dishonesty

- Andrew Tate
Just copy me. Stop over thinking it.

There’s no reason for you to be poor.

- Andrew Tate
You will fight with life, so strike FIRST.

If you sit and wait, life comes to you to deliver the first blow.


Between you and the universe there will be CONFLICT.

You owe it to yourself to at least get the first shot.



- Andrew Tate
Society cares about you the same way a farmer cares about its pig.

- Andrew Tate
Today you can act as an amateur.

Or you can be a professional.

Decide what you will do.


- Andrew Tate
I am trying to show you that you do not have to be a coward.

My life is a testament to the fact that most things WILL NOT KILL YOU.

Go broke.
Don’t wear the mask.
Let the bitch leave.

You will survive.

Don’t be like these other “men”

They’re miserable.

- Andrew Tate
Imagine how different you would feel, how differently you would approach the world..
If you had the balls to go and lay it all on the line.

And to get hurt and bleed and get tired but WIN.


- Andrew Tate
I spent my 20s running my mouth to a man’s face, turning up on a time and date and putting it on the line in a fair fi

You boys spent your 20s running your mouth on the internet from anon accounts.

Thats why we’re different.

- Andrew Tate
Yes means absolutely nothing without HOW.

I ask, do you want an amazing life? YES.

My next question to you is... How?

HOW is the secret to life.

View your life in HOWS, and things will begin to happen.

- Andrew Tate
Life is absolutely easy when everything is approach clinically.


I haven’t “forgotten my keys” in YEARS.

There’s no mistakes.

Professionals THINK. Why is your mind only HALF ON?

If everything goes right. Nothing goes wrong.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
Keep your stoicism.
When I feel angry I FEEL & ACT ANGRY.

When I feel happy I FEEL & ACT HAPPY.

I actively promote each feeling for it to be as POWERFUL as possible.

I don't feel sad.

Sad doesn’t exist on the spectrum of winners.

The closest emotion is FURY.

- Andrew Tate
Look into the eyes of a woman who truely loves you.

Or a man who truely wants to kill you.

And tell me magic, both good and evil, isn’t real.

I’ve seen it.

- Andrew Tate
Heroes are always forged in fire.

- Andrew Tate
You can’t do half a job

It’s like throwing half a punch

You get in more trouble

Aim to kill or do nothing at all

Either go to sleep, or have a redbull and bust her pussy up differently

Weak grinds? Better to not fuck at all

- Andrew Tate
Guess what's better than being worth a couple million at 60?

Being broke at 30.

You'll never get your life back. EVER.

You need to abandon this patient way of thinking. It's exactly what slave masters want from you.

- Andrew Tate
TIME is running out.

Most of you are busy doing NOTHING.

Get your act together.

No more guessing, no more wondering, no more waiting.

Leave the dreams to the slaves and take control of your life.

- Andrew Tate
TALK money to MAKE money.

- Andrew Tate
You can start ANY business for free.

Yes. You heard me.

If you can start free companies you can’t lose.

Let some fail - let the rest make you money.

- Andrew Tate
In poor countries there’s a lot of rich people.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

The unhappiest people are born at the top.

The happiest are born at the bottom and make it to the top.

ONLY progress feels good.

It’s not the destination - ITS THE JOURNEY.

- Andrew Tate
The wise man is only wise when he’s searching for knowledge.

The second he thinks he knows enough, he becomes a fool.

The rich man is only rich when he’s pushing to make money.

The second he thinks he has enough, he becomes broke.

- Andrew Tate
You have no chance if you're surrounded by normal people.

You miss all the opportunities, you're given shit advice, you are forced to do the work of 10 men on your own

You have Google.

I'm told WHAT to google.

Understand, it's not the same.

- Andrew Tate
Want to be happy as a man?
1) Lift heavy things
2) Knockout an opponent (find one)
3) Knockout foreign opponent (on his land)
4) Fuck foreign pussy (on her land)
5) Get Fuck You Money
6) Have huge ego
7) Have amazing stories and a fast car
8) Cigar

- Andrew Tate
Crypto is a risk.

Having none of your money in crypto is a massive risk.

- Andrew Tate
A lack of money teaches you the importance of money.

A lack of strength teaches you the importance of strength.

Youre never going to be truely thankful for something, unless there was a time you needed it..

And didnt have it.

- Andrew Tate
“My wife thinks”
“My wife says”
“Me and my wife were discussing”

I don’t even give a fuck what YOU think.

Why would I give a fuck what your WIFE thinks?

- Andrew Tate
I believe in God.

But I believe he is only pleased with me if I work to show him the true beauty of his creations.

If I am the man he himself would be proud to be.

I am gods favourite because I push myself to absolute limits of capability.

- Andrew Tate
WAR is the only way OUT.

1000 years ago, men were born as losers.

No money, no pussy, no glory.

You would go to foreign lands & risk death for a chance of having those three things.
The world hasn't changed.

- Andrew Tate
Freedom is never having to say you’re sorry.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

Do not pray to ask for things.

Pray to say thank you for what you already have.

- Andrew Tate
My life is a testament to the power of focused aggression & self-confidence.

From never thinking “I’ll do it tomorrow”

Constant action forces the universe to comply.

World champ. Millionaire.

100% effort is a habit.

Shouldn’t you be able to say the same?

- Andrew Tate
You don't know what you don't know.

I see it in almost everyone I talk to, their mental model of reality is off.

They don't know whats possible, and what's not.

The world is changing at an ever rapid pace, and you aren't prepared.

We are.

- Andrew Tate
Why are humans the number one species on this planet?


This is the key to the entire dominance of the Human race, and something that many of you don’t think about.

- Andrew Tate
Multiple passports, why?

Multiple bank accounts, why?


Connections all over the world, why?


I’m so hard to kill because I can be anywhere on the planet with millions of purchasing power at any moment in time

- Andrew Tate
In Chess, you plan your attack based on the opponents pawn structure, WHY.

Because a pawn cannot move back to where it was, its movement is PERMANENT.


You, reading this. Are most likely completely inflexible.

- Andrew Tate
Most of you aren’t prepared for massive changes.

You live fragile lives, you just don’t FEEL IT because everyone around you is the same.

All of you completely at the mercy of the world.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

- Andrew Tate
Imagine working a job your entire life.

Giving up hours and weeks and YEARS of your life.

And still flying economy.

- Andrew Tate
“Unexpected” is a dirty word to a professional.

- Andrew Tate
Worry is a sin.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings

“Money won't make you happy"

This is true. It won't.

Water won't make you happy either. But try going without it a while and you will learn that life's better with as oppo
sed to without.

- Andrew Tate
Nothing infuriates me faster than amateurism.

99% of people are life amateurs.

Sloppy. Lazy. Imprecise.

No forethought.

Reactionary. Reacting is easy. Reaction is forced.

When’s the last time you PREVENTED the negative as opposed to dealing with it?

- Andrew Tate
Have a shot of vodka.

Enjoy that cigar.

A happy heart and a joy for being alive is the most healthy lifestyle in the world.

- Andrew Tate
Are you starting to understand how the entire system is rigged?

Why being poor isn’t your fault?

How you never stood a chance?

- Andrew Tate
You must survive before you can thrive.

Rule one of life -


Take a deep breath.

In and out.

Isn’t life beautiful?

- Andrew Tate
A woman’s only weapon is to leave.

But a woman who would leave (under any circumstance) isn’t a woman who’s worth missing.

Therefore - a female can’t win.

The second she leaves, I don’t want her.

I would only want a woman who’s good enough to stay.

- Andrew Tate
Love is the universal driving force for hate.

Hatred for something is born from love of something else.

You hate the rain because you love the sunshine.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
There’s more action in 1 week of my life than most people get in a year.

You reading this.

You are moving too slow.

- Andrew Tate
It would deeply hurt me to see 18-year-olds making more money than me.

Do you not feel the deep shame?

Do you not wonder HOW?

There are dozens of WAR ROOM members under 25 making hundreds of thousands a year.

Why aren’t you?

- Andrew Tate
I don’t think therapy has ever helped anyone do anything.


- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

First time I had a million dollars in my bank my instant response was to buy more guns.

There’s no excitement.

There’s reality.

People want what you have.

- Andrew Tate
You will die alone.

Or leave your loved ones alone to die.

Life is sadness.

There is no way out.

Do you smile as you bleed?

Or try and mask the pain with pills.

Removing the sting from your sharpest edge.

An act of COWARDICE.

- Andrew Tate
My energy is guarded. My powers secure.

The Master of Spells and Shadows of THE WAR ROOM ensures any weapon forged against me shall not prosper.

There are thousands of men praying for my demise.

They will die disappointed.

I am protected.

- Andrew Tate
Permission is slavery

- Andrew Tate
“How did you become rich?”

I worked hard & did what I was supposed to do when I didn’t feel like doing it.

I did that 100% of the time, with zero days of “I’ll do it tomorrow”

I was responsible, as an adult should be.

Life’s far too easy with Iron discipline.

- Andrew Tate
You see me do the impossible with my life.

Fight without training.

Money without trying.

I have everything I want, all of the time.

And the world’s greatest hypnotist, a master of spells & shadows, is one of my closest allies.
Do you believe in magic?

- Andrew Tate
In the modern world of endless & instant information.

You can know anything, instantly, from anywhere.

Imagine thinking a degree is the best use of YEARS.

Imagine thinking a degree is worth PAYING for.

Imagine PAYING for said degree & then doing ONLINE CLASSES.

- Andrew Tate
I hope my Twitter makes you feel energized and powerful.

I try hard to ignite the fire inside of men - to show them that the reality can be SHAPED.

Social media is an energy exchange.

If you find yourself constantly exhausted, you’re consuming the wrong content.

- Andrew Tate
You think you need hair to be important as a man?


- Andrew Tate
I hustled so hard the universe OWED me a change.

She OWED me everything I had ever dreamed of.

Then when the bitch wouldn’t pay up...

I hustled harder.

Eventually, she looked at me and said...

“I like this guy. Pay him”

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
Men run on anger.

Angry. Good. Control it and use it.

I make money angry I fight angry I fuck angry.

I put a cap on it when needed.

But it is the fuel. Nitrous oxide.

It’s how you compete in the fast lane.

Get pissed off. And do something.

- Andrew Tate
Twitter dorks: “I’m an alpha Male”


You’re so far down the food chain you don’t even know what a genuinely desirable man is.

Ever taken your date in your Lambo to YOUR OWN CASINO? The one you OWN?


You haven't.


- Andrew Tate
Greatest thing about happiness is that it can be generated from thin air - and it never runs out.

- Andrew Tate
Good dick

Happy chick

- Andrew Tate

- Andrew Tate
Happy men have an energy about them which attracts females.

Making you miserable is a preservation strategy -

It slows you down. It keeps you home.

It stops you finding a bitch 10 years younger.

Miserable breddahs have no game!

- Andrew Tate
Every man wants to be big.
Every man wants to be strong.
To be able to fight.
To be rich.
Anyone who says this isn't true is full of shit.

Those who lack, pretend they don’t want it.

You may want some other things too, but you wouldn't say no to any of these.

- Andrew Tate
In Romania the accent pronounces lawyer as liar.

“I need a good liar”

“My liar is the best”

I like it.

- Andrew Tate
You consider yourself a King.

But do you control your own house? Your own territory?

Do the subjects call you majesty?

Worry about conquering your land before you worry about conquering anybody elses.

- Andrew Tate
Rule 1 of life.


- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

You hate what you don’t have.

Poor people hate the rich because they don’t have money.

Losers hate women because they don’t have girlfriends.

Be careful what you complain about.

You do little more than broadcast your failing.

- Andrew Tate
A downward spiral is real.
An upward spiral is real.

Some people actively do what's good for them.

Others do what's bad for them.

Both do it to feel better.

Both lifestyles are self taught and reinforced through familiarity.

- Andrew Tate
I was born with zero money but rich.

I had born with something valuable:

The ability to shut up & listen to those who knew what I didn’t know.

To learn & obey without being lazy or ungrateful.

Fighting. Cash. Chess. No matter.

Success was absolutely assured.

- Andrew Tate
The wealth creation strategy’s your parents used simply don’t work anymore.

The buy a house work hard bla bla IT DOESNT WORK.

Everything has CHANGED and I’m showing you the NEW WAY.


- Andrew Tate
A well played game of chess is the sign of a gentleman.

An expertly played game of chess is the sign of a psychopath.

- Andrew Tate
When I was a teenager I watched Goldeneye & said to my brother:

Cars, fighting, women, guns

We should live like that.

He agreed.

So we became fighting champions & multimillionaires.

A fantastic life is easy if you’re not a pussy.

- Andrew Tate
As a man with millions of dollars, I confirm all of your lives will still be shit if you make millions.

You’re weak both mentally & physically.

You’re boring.

Nobody wants to know you

Nobody wants to be like you

No women adore you

Money will change nothing

- Andrew Tate
The key to being proud of yourself is always making decisions you can be proud of.

What decisions could somebody else make that would make you admire them?

Ok. So do that, as that’s what you respect in someone.

Hold yourself to your own standards.

- Andrew Tate
Every time someone doesn’t listen to my advice on how to get rich, I’m happy.

Because I know

In a few months, when they see EVERYONE who did listen richer than ever, and the opportunity has long passed,

They’ll think.

“I should’ve just listened to Tate”

- Andrew Tate
80 years ago you would have been in a trench under artillery fire for a war you barely understood hoping to come ho
me intact with valor.

Today all you need to do is make a little money, fuck a few bitches & stay in good shape to be “the man”

And you’re depressed?

- Andrew Tate
Brute willpower is universally applicable.

Gym, quitting smoking, not txting that girl.

Open a can and smear it on anything for favourable results.

The inability to force smart action from yourself is a fast track to failure.

- Andrew Tate
Most people are desperate for calm.
“I just wanna relax on the beach”

I enjoy chaos. Give me a rough sea.

Give me 9 companies and 8 girlfriends and stress and tears and fights and super cars.

I don’t WANT to relax.

This is the biggest reason I’m rich.

- Andrew Tate
"I just wanna nap lol"

One day you are going to DIE

There is a finite period of HUMAN TIME you will experience.

TIME, is the most VALUABLE thing you will EVER have.

Understand? No?

Ok. Go back to sleep.

- Andrew Tate
"I think XYZ!"

Good for you.

BUT are you HAPPY?

You look miserable.

You openly brag about your "depression" and "anxiety"

And youre trying to convince ME to think like YOU?

No thank you, I will never adopt the thinking of someone who is sad.

- Andrew Tate
Imagine NOT having a million dollars.

Like wtf?

- Andrew Tate

- Andrew Tate
Life has taught me that if you genuinely desire something, the universe will provide it to you 100% of the time.

The cosmos is giving.

I have NEVER not ONCE truly wanted something and didn’t get it.

Dreams don’t come true? You simply didn’t want it enough.

- Andrew Tate
Winners are the men who are willing to lose.

- Andrew Tate
Most men cannot fight.

Men think they can fight.

How many times have you been attacked?

Actually attacked?

1. Maybe 2.

Pro fighting is the closest legal replica - how many fights have you had?

How can you be good at something you’ve never experienced?

- Andrew Tate
Life has taught me that if you genuinely desire something, the universe will provide it to you 100% of the time.

The cosmos is giving.

I have NEVER not ONCE truly wanted something and didn’t get it.

Dreams don’t come true? You simply didn’t want it enough.

- Andrew Tate
SHOWING the most emotion doesn't mean you FEEL the most.

And showing less emotion doesn't mean you feel less.

Stone-faced men feel pain.

Often more pain than crying & screaming.

Emotional control isn't lack of emotion. It's a necessary function of maturity.

- Andrew Tate
A group can only move as fast as the slowest member.

Society is a group, laws are the speed.

LAWS are designed with losers in mind. So ANY idiot can survive.
If you are an exceptional man you'll gravitate towards renegade.

An evil gentleman.

- Andrew Tate
Some men take action and get successful.

Some watch others win and wonder why they lose.

Which one are you?

- Andrew Tate
Action is more effective than manifestation.

Action is more effective than dreaming.

Action is more effective than hoping.

Action is even more effective than planning.



- Andrew Tate
The only real exam that matters is being smart enough to know WHO to learn from.

And trust me - it’s not your university professor.

It’s a man who already HAS what YOU WANT.

- Andrew Tate
Pain can teach.

If it doesn’t hurt much, you learn nothing.

If it hurts a lot, you’ll learn something.

But some pain is devastating, it hits like a train & destroys your ability to grow.

You don’t learn anything.

You simply suffer because it hurts too much.

- Andrew Tate
Be very careful who you let onto your ship.

Many men will try to sink it if they can’t be the captain.

- Andrew Tate
Lack somewhere?

Excel somewhere else.

Counter your weaknesses by honing other capabilities.

Ugly? Get filthy rich

Poor? Be strong as an ox

Life is unfair.

The primary focus of your energies is to balance the books.

- Andrew Tate
The easiest way to motivate a man is to point it out to him he’s a loser.

Objectively and indisputably.

I am MORE SUCCESSFUL than you.

If that FACT doesn’t motivate him to fight.

If he isn’t PROUD enough to TRY and beat me.

He’s a lost cause.

- Andrew Tate
Recovering from failure is great.

Never failing is better. I have never failed.

Do not be inspired by men who wasted most of their life and managed to crawl back to normal.

Be inspired by men who never wasted a second and sprinted towards excellence.

- Andrew Tate
Have you ever looked at your life when everything's a mess and thought...

"Ok, no more fuck ups. Time to focus and get serious"

You should try doing that with your life when nothing is wrong and everything is going well.

That's how you end up at the top.

- Andrew Tate
The universe has a strange sense of balance.

Often, the person who wins - deserved to win.

And the loser deserved to lose.

Once you've genuinely worked to deserve the life you want, I mean, ACTUALLY struggled and tried... you'll often f
ind you have it.

- Andrew Tate
I hate how losers think, I hate how they act.

The way they walk.

The excuses they make.

What they wear.


ALL of it.

I don’t associate, not only to protect my energy, but because I genuinely despise them.

I refuse to have weak energy around me.

- Andrew Tate
There is a psychological barrier preventing you from achieving things the FIRST time.

But achieved ONCE, there is little doubt that you could do it AGAIN.

After the first time I knocked someone out, I knocked everybody out.

I just believed I could.

- Andrew Tate
The past isnt real.

Yesterday isnt real.

It only exists in your mind along with the fairy tales you were told as a child.

And the days you remember are remembered completely differently by somebody else.

It doesnt exist.

- Andrew Tate
Don’t pay much attention to what people say.

But spend considerable time analysing WHY they said it.

What did they want you to think?

Or to feel?

To reply?
Identify motives to prevent leaving weakness for attack.

- Andrew Tate
If energy isn’t real.

How can you feel when somebody is being off?

How do you feel when somethings wrong?

Or danger?

Energy is very real.

If you’re paying attention.

- Andrew Tate
A man can be measured by the challenges he adopts.

Fighters are the most respected men on earth, as fighting another trained man is the most difficult "sport" with huge r

ALL men WISH they were revered as a fighter.

This is why ALL men PRETEND they can fight

- Andrew Tate
If you have nothing to eat you’ll cry over a plate of food.

If you have no money you’ll cry over 50 bucks.

If you have nothing to fuck you’ll cry over a woman.

It’s that simple.

- Andrew Tate
There MUST be slaves so that free men can be free.

When I drive my Lamborghini into Monte Carlo...

Somebody has to Valet park her.

And serve me my ice cold gin and tonics beside the pool.

Only SOME people can make it.

I did. Will you?

- Andrew Tate
There is no such thing as a good woman.
There is only a good man she behaved for.

Racing isn’t about the cars... it’s about the drivers.

- Andrew Tate
I never wash my hands.

Like seriously, bullshit aside. Never.

Take a piss
Stroke my dog
fuck a bitch

Then eat a hamburger.

I’m alive just fine and stronger than you.

- Andrew Tate
You can see the simulation around you.

You can see I clearly hack the matrix.

I’m trying to show you the REAL WORLD.

Will you take the red pill?

- Andrew Tate
If you lived the life you wanted to live.

Instead of sitting and hoping to have the life you want to have.

You’d be happy.

- Andrew Tate
If you’re over 30 and your life is in order you’re dating 18-21 year old women and being their first serious relationsh

If you’re over 30 and your life is not in order you’re dating a 28 year old woman who’s bitter from her past 5 ex’s.

- Andrew Tate
You work out.

I train.

I have a purpose beyond the exercise itself.

That’s the difference.

- Andrew Tate
The world very rarely has space for justice.

It’s an illusion.

Lawyers, the police, karma.

A thin layer of fantasy prevents chaos.

There is no order in life, only two universal constants.

Humans want to help each other.

Humans want to kill each other.

- Andrew Tate
Life is harder as a man.

I like it.

Harder brings greater rewards.

There is no better human existence than a high value male.

Top 1% men enjoy the planet more than any 1% woman ever could.

But a low value Male has the worst experience.

Risk vs reward.

- Andrew Tate
Examine every belief you strongly hold and ask WHY you strongly adhere to such belief.
If the answer isn’t “personal experience”

You’ve been PROGRAMMED.

By someONE or someTHING.


Who? What? When?

Are they my enemy?

Resist the slave mind.

- Andrew Tate
Most people are SLOW.

They hear about something, sounds like a good idea, hmm.

Some time goes by,

Hear about it again, hmm, still sounds good, will think about it harder tomorrow.

Few days go by...

Ah yes! thinks more

I’ll do it next week!

- Andrew Tate
Go laugh in places you cried.

Go win in places you lost.

Rewrite history.

- Andrew Tate
TIME & SPACE are linked.

PLACES are not important without TIME as context.

The same PLACE was once war, peace, communist, democratic, raining, sunshine.

WHERE only has meaning with the WHEN.

But the true secret to the universe is the link between HOW & WHY.

- Andrew Tate
You can judge a man by the problems he adopts.

The risk vs return ratio of the challenges a man faces is a simple measure of that mans quality.

Escaping the cage victorious > baking a muffin.

- Andrew Tate
Death is not the worst of evils.

Your surrender to slavery is.

Do not be a slave.

Serve God, and live well as a divine warrior who owns his life, his future, his fate.

Try it.

- Andrew Tate
Life will teach you everything you need to know.

But only IF you pay attention.

WHY did this go wrong.

HOW did I allow this bad thing to happen.

WHAT will I do in the future.

Self analyse more, “learn” new things less.

Wisdom > knowledge

- Andrew Tate
Regardless of how bad things are, I always smile in troubled waters.

It seems more often than not, my enemies can not swim.

- Andrew Tate
Very AVERAGE individuals populate the human elite.

It’s always either,

1) Luck, right place, right time

2) They know someone

YOU, you reading this, are in complete control of who you know.

- Andrew Tate
A lot of crypto dudes talk about the “Lambo” as the dream.

As a man with Lamborghinis, who’s driven Lamborghinis in over 20 countries, the Alps, 5 different racetracks...

I can confirm to you that it’s a fantastic dream.

Lamborghinis NEVER get boring.

- Andrew Tate
Will you be worth over $1 million in two years?

- Andrew Tate
The obsession with the beach is for the Low IQ.


Omg let me SIT and do NOTHING for HOURS because I’m on a BEACH.

Omg to LIVE near a BEACH OMG.

Beaches are fun to visit about once a month. At absolute maximum.

Calm the fuck down. It’s sand.

- Andrew Tate
All you have to fear is dying.

The dying process can be conducted as follows:



Don’t you want your final moments of consciousness filled with valor?

- Andrew Tate
If you were hard to entertain boredom would drive you towards genuine achievement.

Millions of dollars & destroying men in the cage.

Boredom would fuel bravery & tenacity.

But you’ve dumbed yourself down to enjoy “the beach” or “dinner with the wife”

- Andrew Tate
You’ve removed your masculine edge to appease the single female who will touch your pee pee.

“Yes baby I'd love to go for dinner”

While the actual men conquer the world and fight to the death

If you fucked more females you wouldn’t be such a sniveling pussy

- Andrew Tate
The garbage you enjoy can’t entertain me because my life has been filled with excitement.

You consider a meal an activity. For me, it’s just food.

Your best day is worse than my every day.

Boredom fuel ensures my achievements will surpass yours into eternity.

- Andrew Tate
I drive super cars and float around the world spending millions of dollars enjoying endless beauty queens all begging
for my children.

You watch netflix.

Don’t you understand?

Even the idea of your miserable life makes me sad.

- Andrew Tate
There’s nothing more soy than pointless mention of a wife or kids.

“My ecom store is going well & my wife was watching the kids & said good job!”

We get it, by miracle you found an ugly bitch that propagated your weak genetics and you’re VERY proud.


- Andrew Tate
You truly live in the easiest time to get rich.

If it doesn’t feel that way,

You aren’t listening.

It’s not going to be THIS EASY forever.

- Andrew Tate
"I just wanna nap"

One day you are going to DIE

There is a finite period of HUMAN TIME you will experience.

TIME, is the most VALUABLE thing you will EVER have.

Understand? No?

Ok. Go back to sleep.

- Andrew Tate
Life is chess.

Think ahead.

Construct a clear plan and utilize the most efficient execution.

You don’t need to hide your intention.

You need to be solid and impervious to counter attack - so they can’t STOP your plan.

Even when they see it.

- Andrew Tate
How can you expect a slave to show you the path to freedom?

If they knew HOW, they wouldn't be slaves.

Your greatest power is to exploit this universal law of influence.

Surround yourself with men you aspire to be.

Make gravity pull you upwards.

- Andrew Tate
Every massive achievement was accomplished by a team.

Every great legend was a group effort.

Alexander the Great,

Genghis Khan.

The individuals stand out, but make no mistake of the caliber of men they were surrounded by.

- Andrew Tate
I don’t like fancy chess boards.

They distract from your ability to analyze the board.

Amateurs enjoy the aesthetics of ornate chess boards.

Professionals enjoy the aesthetics of basic pieces executing victory.

The game's brutality is already beautiful.

- Andrew Tate
The easiest way to understand someone is to ask them about their aspirations

- Andrew Tate
Sacrifice for what you want.

Or what you want becomes the sacrifice.

- Andrew Tate
If life went so well that I didn’t feel pain.

If nothing was hurting me, either inside or outside.

I’d be worried I was dead.

- Andrew Tate
If you are going through hell.

Why would you stop moving forward?

- Andrew Tate
Most people have no real control of their life, and are entirely uninterested in the idea of autonomy
I find that very few men really WANT freedom.

Do you?

- Andrew Tate
Today is the day you absolutely change everything negative about your life.

Destroy brain fog.

Absolute mental clarity coupled with huge energy and a clear direction.

You know what to do.

And you’re going to do it.

- Andrew Tate
The reality of emotion is

If I can provoke an emotional response in you, even a negative one I win.

Apathy is the only victory.

The only way to “beat” me is to never think about me and never mention me ever.

But they can’t. Because they’re super fans.

- Andrew Tate
Make people fear thinking and you control their entire mind.

- Andrew Tate
The better the excuses you can find for failing.

The less guilty you will feel for failing.

And you’ll become more likely to fail.

- Andrew Tate
Winners never quit.

- Andrew Tate
Life is absolutely easy when everything is approached clinically.

I haven’t “forgotten my keys” in fucking YEARS.

There are no mistakes.

Professionals THINK. Why is your mind only HALF ON?

If everything goes right. Nothing goes wrong.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
The average man is unprofessional in near everything he does.

How he walks.
What he says.
WHEN he talks.
Where he looks.
What he knows.

How he drinks a glass of fucking water.

IF you became a professional you would realise exactly how EASY life is.

- Andrew Tate
Speed is the difference between success and mediocrity.

Every week you wait and “think”

You diminish the rewards and increase the risk.

- Andrew Tate
Most successful people didn’t enjoy doing what made them successful.

However they enjoyed being good at whatever they were doing.

Why do something and not try?

Why do something and not be the best?

Winners understand this.

Losers do not.

- Andrew Tate
I have so much love in my life.

So many people are amazed by my tenacity and success.

So many people genuinely adore me and want the absolute best for me.

It’s a win win, as I have never once disappointed somebody who cares about me.

I am truly blessed.

- Andrew Tate
It’s your job to bring honor to your last name.
- Andrew Tate
It’s never too late to have a happy memory of a bad time.

- Andrew Tate
Imagine WANTING to go to the gym.

Imagine being excited by challenges, enjoying struggle, embracing hard work.

The successful don’t have to convince themselves to do the right thing.

They WANT to.

If you fix your thoughts, your life will fix itself.

- Andrew Tate
A lot of men on social media SAY things.

They sound smart.

They sound aspirational.

But stop and think...

When’s the last time you’ve seen any of these “teachers” DO anything impressive?

An actual video or picture or story with impressive ACTIONS?

Walk > Talk

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

A man does not acquire a full skill-set to be told “Take Care” “be careful” by amateurs.

Raw action solves everything.

Caution breeds fear.

- Andrew Tate
My answer to people when they complain about their problems is.

I do not care.

1) Because I don't.
2) Neither does anyone else.
3) It offends them and makes them angry.

Then I say good. Direct that anger towards a SOLUTION & stop TALKING.


- Andrew Tate
Those inside of the matrix have no idea about the massive opportunity which exists OUTSIDE of the matrix.

Are you brave enough to see the real world?

- Andrew Tate
Never have friends who WON’T FIGHT.

Can’t fight is bad but semi-forgivable.

Won’t fight is inexcusable.

AT LEAST TRY? This is life or death.

Most of you are cowards so you happily roll with cowards.

There’s a word for this in the animal kingdom.


- Andrew Tate
If you want the happy tomorrow’s.

You need the truths that hurt today.

- Andrew Tate
The average man’s achievements are nothing to be proud of.

When you hear TATE, you think exceptional professionalism.

Make your name MEAN something.

- Andrew Tate
Take a good look at your day to day life, and compare it to every other average person in the world.

Look how similar it is, look how similar your mindset is, take a good hard look at yourself.

You think your end result will be THAT much different?

- Andrew Tate
Work ethic and ambition are not your problems.

Guidance is.

You’re spending time on fruitless endeavors, guided by people who have never been where you want to go.

- Andrew Tate
IT’S IMPOSSIBLE to be sad when you’ve been through hell and are IMMENSELY proud of yourself and all you’v
e achieved.

You’re never going to be happy unless you’re better than everyone else.

This is the true masculine desire.

Superiority is imperative.

- Andrew Tate
Young Kings.

I’m never “on” a diet because I’m never “off” a diet.

My entire life is a diet.


Favorable results are born from self-control.

Avoid the on/off, It’s easier and more effective to adopt this as a lifestyle.

- Andrew Tate
The beauty of life as a man is the endless potential to be ANYTHING

You can build yourself into a monster

Physically and financially

You can do near anything, simply with applied focus and aggression

You can be a CHAMPION

- Andrew Tate
You all have the ego.

But absolutely none of you are prepared to do the work to justify it.

- Andrew Tate
Success requires efforts that nobody sees before you achieve anything worthwhile.

Most of you require outside validation - being told “good job” - for motivation.

If nobody notices the work.

You don’t do the work.


- Andrew Tate
Avoid the easily tricked.

Those that obey what they are told without thinking for themselves.

They’ll be the first to turn on you in a police interview.

Betrayal is certain.

And betrayal is betrayal, whether they were “tricked” into it or not.

- Andrew Tate
I’m trying to awaken the LIONS of the world.

- Andrew Tate
You’re influenced by your environment whether you accept it or not.

Tolerate weakness?

You will be weak.

Only allow strength and ambition?

Your life will reflect it.

- Andrew Tate
The feeling of superiority is intrinsic to masculine contentment.

You feel happy when you feel BETTER than others.

We’ve evolved to compete.

You have to climb the highest mountain to breathe fresh air.

Otherwise your air is the recycled breath of the average.

- Andrew Tate
The key to real networking is not greed.

It’s generosity.

- Andrew Tate
God hears the prayers of men who give life every ounce of strength.

When effort truly matches dreams - God begins to listen.

Everybody is ASKING from him.

Yet not many are SHOWING him they’re serious.

God ignores you until you’re completely exhausted.

- Andrew Tate
Society has conditioned men to believe we should be happy.

Life is not a playground.

“There’s something wrong with you if you’re not happy” WRONG

I know successful dedicated brilliant men who are not giggling like little girls.

Forget happy. Chase more.

- Andrew Tate
Nothing motivates me like failure

Every time I fail - I become so furiously angry - that I will do anything it takes to succeed

I am a TERRIBLE loser
If every failure pushes me harder, I ALWAYS get what I want

Long term - I’ve NEVER failed

- Andrew Tate
The secret to having friends is to be a friend.

The secret to being interesting is to be interested.

The secret to being loved is to love.

It’s GIVING that’ll GIVE you what you want.

- Andrew Tate
Many men will kick dirt onto your name with the shoes you bought them.

- Andrew Tate
“Let me think about it” Is the most commonly used statement of the coward.

When they say this sentence, they aren’t referring to ACTUALLY thinking.

They just want to delay making certain decisions.

Because they’re afraid.

- Andrew Tate
No decision takes more than 1 hour of actual thinking.

Cold hard processing power applied to a single decision.

1 hour is enough.

The clock is ticking, you’re wasting your time while I use mine with brutal efficiency.

- Andrew Tate
I started with a dream.

Through hard work and dedication made everything I wanted a reality.

You can do the same

- Andrew Tate
I genuinely cannot fathom the worldview of a man who doesn’t want to be powerful.

- Andrew Tate
“Deep work”

“Self work”

“Seriously take a long deep look and analyse why you had ketchup on your fries that day in 1998”

This mind junk is absolutely detrimental to success.

You must PROPEL forward.

You don’t have time to sit and ponder absolute garbage.

- Andrew Tate
I do not believe in tiredness.

I do not believe in low energy.


I am either AWAKE or I AM ASLEEP.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
Most of you are dim lights

Never on. Never off

Flickering effort towards the absolutely necessary - never bright enough to blind with brilliance

Most of you are at work thinking of resting that night, get home to rest and watch TV instead

- Andrew Tate
We all have our favorite emotions.
The ones we default to and seek.

This is why junkies are junkies.

Why athletes are athletes.

Why winners win and losers lose.

Everybody wants that familiar feeling.

Whether it’s a good feeling.

Or a bad one.

- Andrew Tate
Life will make sure you learn the important lessons through PAIN.

If you have to sit for hours and dig to try and find the lesson, there probably isn’t a lesson there.

“Working on yourself”

Any excuse to avoid burpees.

- Andrew Tate
You must TAKE ACTION now.




- Andrew Tate
As a man…

Your friends should bring out the absolute “worst” in you.

They should make you confident, loud, fearless.

When you’re with the TEAM you should feel permanently ready for WAR.


- Andrew Tate
Everyday I wake up to a new adventure. More world conquest.

If you saw how I started?

You would know you can accomplish anything as well.

- Andrew Tate
Sparkling Water > Still Water

- Andrew Tate
Never stagnate and always push for MORE of everything.

- Andrew Tate

There are people out there which are better than you in key performance metrics and it should bother you.

Because you are FIGHTING against these people to get WHAT YOU WANT.

- Andrew Tate
Life always has been and always will be a competition.

A lot of men pretend this isn’t true, because they’re afraid to play.

But if you don’t play - you can’t win.

What do you call people who never win?


- Andrew Tate
I’ve never tried narcotics. Not smoked anything, never sniffed anything.

Not even once.

The human body is an extremely sophisticated chemical factory.

I control my mind absolutely. I can think myself high if I so choose.

Don’t need a dealer for that.

- Andrew Tate
It’s rare I feel sad.

I’m cerebral enough about myself to understand I’m only human and that feeling sad is normal and basically unimpo

Emphasis: UNIMPORTANT. Nobody cares how I feel. The universe doesn't care. The sun will continue to set and ri

- Andrew Tate
You “think” for months.

While I think for 5 minutes and then execute ruthlessly.


- Andrew Tate
I will never stop teaching.

I have too much to learn from my students.

- Andrew Tate
As a man you must EARN your friends.

The harder you work, the more important you become.

The more important you are, the more important your friends will be.

And important friends improve your life EXPONENTIALLY.

- Andrew Tate
Men are designed to be in ARMIES.

We’ve evolved to feel invincible amongst the battle cry of our peers.

To be ready TO FIGHT & TO DIE.

Brutal tenacity took me from social housing to Decamillionaire.

To 4x kickboxing world champion.


- Andrew Tate
You must consciously make room in your life for what you’re been praying for.

Otherwise it won’t fit when God gives it to you.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
Lazy people do a little work and feel like they should be winning.

Winners work as hard as possible and still worry they’re being lazy.

- Andrew Tate

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