Activity 12

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Activity 12 -Questions-

Francisco Eugenio Librado Vallejo

What is biodiversity and what is the importance of preserving it?

Refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth, encompassing all living
organisms, their genetic diversity, and the ecosystems in which they exist,
this aré the following points yo preserving It: Ecological Stability, ecosystems
services, economic value, genetic resources, cultural and aesthetic value,
scientific knowledge, ethical and moral considerations
What are the natural resources, what is their classification and the relevance
of taking care of them?
1. Renewable resources: These can be regenerated over time, such as
sunlight, wind, forests, and fisheries.
2. Non-renewable resources: These are finite and cannot be easily replaced,
such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and minerals.
What are the factors that cause the loss of these resources and biodiversity?
1. Disruption of ecosystem balance.
2. Loss of species and genetic diversity.
3. Reduced availability of essential resources.
4. Economic and social consequences.
5. Pollution
6. Climate change
7. Overexploitation
8. Invasive Species
9. Human Population Growth
10. Fragmentation
What happens if they modify or decrease in an ecosystem?
it can have negative impacts on the entire ecosystem, far-reaching and
often negative consequences for the environment, human societies, and the
stability of the ecosystems itself
What can we do to prevent it?
1.Implementing policies that protect natural areas and wildlife habitats.
2.Regulating human activities such as deforestation, pollution, overfishing
and hunting, which can lead to significant declines in biodiversity.
3.Prioritizing renewable energy sources and reducing our reliance on
non-renewable resources, which can help minimize damage to ecosystems.
4.Making informed consumer choices and supporting companies that
prioritize sustainability and environmental protection.
5.Educating ourselves and others about the importance of conservation and
biodiversity, and encouraging others to take action as well.
What is your advice to the community in order to preserve them?
Educate myself and others, Support conservation efforts, preserve habitats,
be mindful of your actions, promote sustainable agriculture and advocate
for policy change.
The top megadiverse countries and why are they megadiverse?
A) Brazil - due to the vast Amazon rainforest, which is home to many unique
B) Colombia - due to its diverse ecosystems, including the Andes mountains
and the Amazon rainforest.
C) Mexico - due to its vast array of ecosystems, including rainforests, deserts,
and coastal areas.
D) Indonesia - due to its tropical climate and vast forests, which are home to
many endemic species.
E) Australia - due to its isolation and unique wildlife, including marsupials,
monotremes, and other endemic species.
What is a threatened species and what is an endangered species? Give five
examples for each one.
Is any species that is at risk of becoming endangered in the near future if
appropriate measures are not taken to reduce the threats it faces and
conserve its population.
Turtle, African Elephant
Cheetah, Sumatran Orangutan
Blue Whale
Giant Panda, Black Rhino
Hawksbill Turtle, Sumatran Tiger
Javan Rhino
Which were extinct during the last 50 years? Ment 10 of them.
1. Baiji Dolphin 2. Western Black Rhinoceros
3. Golden Toad 4. Pyrenean Ibex
5. Caribbean Monk Seal 6. Pinta Island Tortoise
7. Tecopa Pupfish 8. Christmas Island Pipistrelle
9. Guam Flying Fox 10. Spix's Macaw
Organizations aimed at the preservation of species.
The Nature Conservancy
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
Conclusion about the importance of the conservation of species.
1. Biodiversity
2. Ecosystem Services
3. Medicinal Resourcessources of natural medicines.
4. Economic Impact
5. Cultural and Aesthetic Value
6. Ethical Responsibility

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