Activity 2 HITLER

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Born in April 20, 1889 in Braunau am

inn Austria and died in April 30

Biography 1945.
Adolf Hitler spent most of his
childhood in Linz, the capital of
Upper Austria. It remained his
favourite city throughout his life.
Hitler never advanced beyond a
secondary education. He wished
to study art, for which he had
some faculties, but he twice
failed to secure entry to the
Academy of Fine Arts.
Hitler Experiences with World War I
In 1913 Hitler moved to Munich. Screened for Austrian
military service in February 1914, he was classified as unfit
because of inadequate physical vigour; but when World
War I broke out, he petitioned Bavarian King Louis III to be
allowed to serve, and one day after submitting that request,
he was notified that he would be permitted to join the 16th
Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. After some eight
weeks of training, Hitler was deployed in October 1914 to
Belgium, where he participated in the First Battle of Ypres.
He served throughout the war, was wounded in October
1916, and was gassed two years later near Ypres. He was
hospitalized when the conflict ended. During the war, he
was continuously in the front line as a headquarters runner;
his bravery in action was rewarded with the Iron Cross,
Second Class, in December 1914, and the Iron Cross, First
Class (a rare decoration for a corporal), in August 1918. He
greeted the war with enthusiasm, as a great relief from the
frustration and aimlessness of civilian life. He found
discipline and comradeship satisfying and was confirmed in
his belief in the heroic virtues of war.
Hitler and his book
In the book Mein Kampf Hitler writes
about his ideology and presents himself
as a leader of the extreme right. He
describes his life and recounts his youth,
his "conversion" to anti-Semitism
(someone who hates Jews), and his stint
as a soldier in World War I.
Hitler´s Rise
Discharged from the hospital amid the
social chaos that followed Germany’s
defeat, Hitler took up political work in
Munich in May–June 1919. As an army
political agent, he joined the small
German Workers’ Party in Munich
(September 1919). In 1920 he was put in
charge of the party’s propaganda and
left the army to devote himself to
improving his position within the party,
which in that year was renamed the
National-sozialistische Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei (Nazi).
Hitler at World War II
Responsible for the start of World War II
in Europe with the invasion of Poland in
September 1939, by 1941, the period of
its peak, its Axis troops and allies
occupied most of Europe and parts of
Asia and Africa, but were defeated by
the Allied powers in 1945.
Hitler Kills
BRO hitler solos

Hitler and his army

had a total of 17
Million dead victims.

BRO no gorra🧢
Thank you for your attention

Participants: Francisco and Andre

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