412 Hybrid Zones and Speciation

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Bio Factsheet

www.curriculum-press.co.uk # 412

Hybrid Zones and Speciation

This Biology Factsheet will: Figure 1 A male and female mallard with different plumage

• Define a species.
• Describe what speciation is.
• Explain how speciation occurs.
• Describe what a hybrid is.
• Explain how hybrids occur.
• Explain what a hybrid zone is.

The Definition of a Species

Individuals of the same species share the same:
• Physiology (structure of the body).
• Morphology (appearance).
Exam Hint: Organisms have a genus and a species name.
• Biochemistry (how the reactions in their cells work). Organisms with the same genus name will share more
• Behaviour (such as mating dances). characteristics than two organisms that are in a different genus.
For example, Panthera leo (lion) and Panthera tigris (tiger) will
The genetic concept of a species is that individuals of the same have more in common than Acinonyx jubatus (cheetah), even
species can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. though they are all cats.
However, when individuals of the same species are examined
more closely, it can be seen that individuals exist which don’t
have common characteristics. For example: Test Question 1. What is a species?
• Many male and female birds of the same species have different
plumage. Figure 1 shows a female and a male mallard duck. In some species a large proportion of the population have a
The male has a green head and white neckband. The female different phenotype. This is polymorphism. For example,
is speckled brown giving her better camouflage whilst sitting Jaguars in South America have either a light or dark fur colour-
on the eggs. both having dark spots. They look very different but are the same
species and their offspring will have either dark fur or light fur
• In those species which undergo a metamorphosis (for
depending on their genotype.
example, the Great Crested newt), individuals have a
completely different morphology and physiology at different
stages in their life cycle. Exam Hint: Genotype refers to the alleles which an individual
DNA analysis can be used to determine whether: has inherited. Phenotype refers to the characteristic an
individual shows. For example, if black fur in cats is dominant
• Individuals belong to the same species or to brown, a cat with black fur (phenotype) may have a genotype
• How closely species are related to each other. which is either homozygous or heterozygous.

Alternatively analyses of mRNA or the primary structure of a

protein can indicate relationships between species. For example,
How are new species formed?
cytochrome c is a protein involved in respiration and is found
in a wide variety of living organisms. Analysing the amino acid Speciation is where new species are formed. The flora
sequence of this common protein can show whether individuals (plants) and fauna (animals) on earth are constantly evolving.
are the same species or how long ago they shared a common Some species become extinct and other species emerge.
ancestor. For populations to become a different species (in the genetic
definition) they must no longer be able to interbreed to produce
fertile offspring. The method by which speciation occurs is
described as either sympatric or allopatric.

© Curriculum Press 2022 Bio Factsheets, 2021/22 Series, Issue 2 of 3, January 2022. ISSN: 1351-5136 1
Bio Factsheet 412 - Hybrid Zones and Speciation

• Allopatric speciation is caused by a geographical barrier such Where wolves and coyotes mix, there appears to be a variety
as a mountain range, chasm, gorge or river which prevents of individuals produced each having different percentages
individuals moving between populations. Over time, due of wolf DNA (from 100% wolf to 0% wolf). To make it a little
to genetic variation and different environmental pressures, more complicated, the wolf-coyote hybrids often contain small
populations evolve through natural selection. They may amounts of dog DNA as well.
become so different that, even if they were able to reach each
other, they would no longer be able to interbreed and produce
fertile offspring. They have become two distinct species. Test Question 4. What is a hybrid?

• Sympatric speciation can occur in a similar way but there is no Breeding two, less closely related plant individuals together often
geographical barrier. Factors which may prevent individuals result in faster growing, more disease resistant offspring. This is
from interbreeding could be: called outbreeding. Outbreeding is often more desirable than
{ Different pollination or breeding times. inbreeding within a species as it increases the diversity of alleles
{ Physical incompatibility. within a population. Outbreeding reduces the chances of faulty
alleles being expressed if they are recessive. Many organisms
{ Large distances particularly for sessile organisms (ones
have developed mechanisms to prevent inbreeding. For example,
that don’t move around).
in each batch of eggs laid, woodlice are either all male or all
Figure 2 shows snails of the genus Satsuma which have a shell female. This means brothers and sisters cannot mate.
which whorls to either the left or the right. The snails with a left
whorl shell cannot breed with the snails with a right whorl shell
because of incompatible genitals. So, although they belong Exam Hint: Inbreeding occurs when two closely related
to the same species, the right shelled and left shelled snails individuals breed. Outbreeding is when the two individuals are
may become two different species due to an accumulation of distantly related.
differences in their alleles over time.

Figure 2 Snails of the genus Satsuma Exam Hint: Make sure you use the term allele when referring
to a version of a gene. A person inherits two versions of each
gene or allele: one from each parent. However, there may be
more than two possible alleles for each gene, resulting in a
This snail shell This snail shell wide variety of possible combinations or genotypes producing
whorls left or whorls right
anticlockwise or clockwise
a range of different phenotypes.

Hybridization was thought to be uncommon and resulted in less

well-adapted individuals. However, there are examples where the
Test Question 2. At the end of the Ice Age, water levels in hybrid is better adapted and survives over the parent species.
Canada dropped so that one large lake became many smaller This is given the term hybrid vigour. For example, the hybrid
lakes. The fish which were once able to interbreed were rice grass Spartina townsendii is produced when S.stricta and
now prevented from doing so as they were in different lakes. S.alterniflora interbreed. (S.stricta and S.alterniflora have 56
Describe how these fish have become different species. and 70 chromosomes respectively). The hybrid plant has 126
chromosomes and is highly fertile, enabling it to outcompete
Occasionally scientists reclassify species after studying them. both parent plants.
New Zealand researchers, examining skeletal morphology and
genotype, recognised that the Southern Rockhopper penguin
Exam Hint: Don’t be put off by complicated Latin names
should be defined as two separate species: the Eastern and
which you haven’t heard before. If you have an exam question
Western Rockhopper. In 2006, the Southern Rockhopper
about organisms, you may be able to understand the question
penguins became a distinct and separate species from the
better if you call the different species a and b. Make sure you
Northern Rockhoppers
substitute the correct names when writing your answer.

Test Question 3. Suggest one way a population may become

isolated. What is a hybrid zone?
Scientists are now discussing whether hybrids are more common
What is a hybrid and how do they occur? than originally thought or whether interbreeding is occurring in
populations which were not originally different species. Names
Sometimes two individuals of different species can interbreed,
given to species and even the term species are man-made
but they produce infertile offspring. For example, a horse and a
concepts which have no impact on the natural processes
donkey can interbreed to produce a mule. Mules are infertile as
they cannot breed with horses, donkeys or other mules. Mules
are called hybrids. Hybridization is seen as an important evolutionary mechanism
that can impact the gene pools and affect the divergence of
Occasionally, individuals from different species are capable
species. It has long been known that gulls hybridise quite
of interbreeding with other very closely related species and
frequently. For example:
producing fertile offspring. The coyote Canis lantrans and the
wolf Canis lupus are different species of the genus Canis. If they • The Great Black Backed Gull can interbreed with the Herring
interbreed, they produce fertile offspring which have differing Gulls.
levels of DNA from each parental species.

© Curriculum Press 2022 Bio Factsheets, 2021/22 Series, Issue 2 of 3, January 2022. ISSN: 1351-5136 2
Bio Factsheet 412 - Hybrid Zones and Speciation

• Herring Gulls can also interbreed with Glaucous Winged Gulls. Exam Style Questions
• Glaucous Winged Gulls, in turn, can also interbreed with 1) Two plants found in the wild are thought to be from the same
Western Gulls. species. One plant is short with pink flowers which appear in
Hybridisation in the wild will only occur where the boundary of the spring. These plants prefer moist soil. The other plant is
two species habitats meet. This is known as a hybrid zone. tall with purple flowers which appear later in summer. These
Along the borders of their range, individuals of different species plants can tolerate drier conditions.
can interbreed producing fertile hybrids. Further away from the In a year when the weather is cooler, the pink flowers appear
hybrid zone, there is less chance of individuals interbreeding with later than usual and may be fertilised by the purple flowering
the other species and the DNA of those individuals is less likely to individuals. When this occurs, all the offspring produced are
contain any DNA from the other species. Such individuals could tall with purple flowers. If the seeds produced are collected
be called pure breeds. and grown in the laboratory, both tall purple and short pink
Figure 3 shows the regions where different types of gull live. flowering plants grow. When they are grown in controlled
Many species are distributed around the Arctic Circle. Gulls do conditions in the lab, they have the same colour and size as
not cross over the North Pole so this is a geographical barrier. in the wild.
Where two different species come into contact, they produce a) What evidence from the passage is there that the plants
hybrids. *The genus of the gulls is Larus but only the different are different species?
species names are shown on the map.
b) What evidence from the passage is there that they are
from the same species?
Figure 3 Regions of gull habitat
c) Genetic diversity in species can be measured in several
different ways. Name two of these ways.
d) When cross pollination has occurred in the cooler years
only tall purple flowered plants grow in the wild. However,
if the seeds are taken into a laboratory and grown both
types of plant grow. Explain why this happens.
schistisagus e) What evidence is there to suggest that it is unlikely that
these two plants will undergo speciation and develop
into two separate species?
Changes in climate due to global warming can put
North monogolicus pressure on species to survive. The plant described is
Pole RUSSIA more likely to survive such changes explain why.
smithsonianus heuglini barabensis 2) Crabs predate on snails using their pincers to crack the
shells. Crabs are most likely to use their right pincer which
cachinnans is larger and stronger than the left one. A biologist studied
the predation of crabs on snails and noted the difference in
marinus fuscus survival rate of snails with right whorl shells compared with
snails with left whorl shells. The biologist drew a graph of her
armenicus results which are shown in Figure 4 below.
michahelis Figure 4 Survival rates


Hybrid zones may form in different ways:
survival (%)
Chance of

• A geographical barrier may be removed, and the two species
once separated are able to interbreed once more. 40

• There may be a gradual gradient from one species to another. 20

For example, the plumage of the Canadian Townsend Warbler
and Hermit Warbler show a gradual change from one to Left whorl Right whorl
another over many kilometres.
Studying the occurrence of hybrids and formation of new a) Describe what Figure 4 shows.
species has been greatly helped by genetic profiling. The strict
definition of a species, i.e. that individuals from the same species b) Which statistical test would a biologist use to determine
can interbreed to produce fertile offspring, may require some if the difference in % chance of survival was statistically
modification in the future. Will hybrids become more common as significant?
climate change disrupts populations causing them to venture into
c) What does the small vertical line on the top, middle of the
new territories and encounter new species or will their territories
column represent?
shrink into narrower areas and cause populations to become
more isolated? d) Explain what effect the predation of crabs may have on
the allele frequency of this snail population.

© Curriculum Press 2022 Bio Factsheets, 2021/22 Series, Issue 2 of 3, January 2022. ISSN: 1351-5136 3
Bio Factsheet 412 - Hybrid Zones and Speciation

3) Bears are mammals. The map below shows the range of 2) Figure 4 shows that snails with a shell which whorls to the
distribution of four species of Bear in the North American left is more likely to survive an attack by a crab than a snail
and South American continents. with a right-whorled shell. [The question does not ask for an
explanation so you do not need to know why this occurs].
Figure 5 Map showing distribution of four different Bear
An unpaired T-test would compare the difference
between the mean values of two different groups of
b) The line represents the standard deviation of that set of
data. A small standard deviation suggests that the data
sets are all close to the mean value.
c) Snails with a left-whorled shell are more likely to survive
a crab attack so are more likely to reproduce and pass
on the left whorl allele. The frequency of this allele in the
population should increase.
3) a) The guide line should point to (must touch) the area
on the map where two species of bears can be found.
A letter H on the map will be accepted if it is within the
range of both bear species. No arrow head should be
Spectacled bear as its range does not overlap any other
Polar Bear Ursus maritimus
bear species.
Black Bear Ursus americanus
Brown Bear Ursus actos c) 
Family, as the bears belong to a different genus.
Brown and Black Bear
Brown Bear and Polar Bear d.) 1. Genetic diversity possibly through a mutation. 2. There
Spectacled Bear Tremarctos ornatus is natural selection due to a selection pressure which is
different from the mainland population. 3. Over time after
several generations the frequency of alleles has changed
a) Mark on the map with a guideline and the letter H where so much speciation has occurred.
a hybrid is most likely to occur.
b) Which bear is least likely to form a hybrid with one of the Answers to Test Questions
other bear species and why? 1) Individuals from the same species are able to interbreed to
c) What is the lowest taxonomic group that the four species produce fertile offspring.
of bear can share? Explain your answer. 2) There are genetic differences between the fish in the lakes,
d) Some of the bear populations are found on Islands. Island perhaps due to a mutation. In the lakes there are different
communities often have unique species compared to environment conditions so there are different selection
the nearest land mass because they are reproductively pressures. Individuals with alleles which help them survive
isolated. are more likely to pass on their alleles to the next generation.
Over time the differences in the combinations of alleles is
State three other conditions that must be present in so large that the fish from the different lakes can no longer
order for speciation to occur. interbreed and are considered different species.
3) A population may be isolated by any geographical barrier, e.g.
Answers to Exam Style Questions
mountain range, oceanic trench, gorge, canyon, river, large
1) a) One has pink flowers and is short the other has purple agricultural area, fragmentation of forests, or by sympatric
flowers and is tall. They also flower at different points in means e.g. differing pollination times, incompatibility in allele
the year. number, incompatible morphology.
b) They are able to breed and produce fertile offspring. 4) A hybrid is the offspring produced when two different species
Comparing differences in base sequences in DNA,
comparing base sequences in mRNA, comparing amino
acid sequences in a common protein, e.g. cytochrome c.
Acknowledgements: This Biology Factsheet
d) In the laboratory the conditions are favourable for each
type of plant so both forms can grow, in the wild it may was researched and written by Kate Falcous and
be too dry for the short pink flowered plant to survive published in January 2022 by Curriculum Press.
and so only tall purple flowering plants grow. Bio Factsheets may be copied free of charge by
e) They are still interbreeding when conditions allow. There teaching staff or students, provided that their school
is not complete isolation. is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets
f) They are likely to have a wide variety of alleles and the may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
two forms are able to survive different conditions. If transmitted, in any other form or by any other means,
conditions are too hostile for one of the plant forms the without the prior permission of the publisher.
other one may survive.

© Curriculum Press 2022 Bio Factsheets, 2021/22 Series, Issue 2 of 3, January 2022. ISSN: 1351-5136 4

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