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2018年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题答案与详解(第一套)

Part I Writing

提取指令信息 解读指令信息 提示写作思路
1)...write an essay how t... 提示写作主体
内容为"介 绍办 法/提 供
on how to...
建议"。 做",其间可穿插对"工作或休闲"不可或缺的说明。注意
balance...提示"不平 衡 说明方式∶ 事实论证(引述研究或枚举个例,说明某
问题"是普遍现象,有 必 种做法的效力/危害)、对比论证(以某种做法的危害,反衬
要探讨方式方法∶工作/ 另一做法的正确性)、道理论证(借人们所熟知的情形、道
2)...balance work and 学业 压力太 大 而无暇 体 理、名言谚语等说明某种做法的合理性)等。
leisure. 闲/课外活动,或在休闲/ 高分点拨∶"求得生活与工作/学业的平衡问题"属于
课外活动中投入太 多精 人生哲理/感悟类话题,但 how...提示我们应聚焦现实策
力 而 导 致 工 作/学 业 略,避免过于空洞,而是切实可行,同时结合当下时代背
落后。 景,文章会更出彩。

"工作"相关词汇及表达 "休闲"相关词汇及表达
initiative n主动性;workaholic n.工作狂a.醉心于工作的 recarge v.再充电;take a break 休息一会
overworkv./n.过度工作;work from home 在家工作 work-life balance 工作与生活平衡
work-related stress,depression or anxiety
与工作相关的压力 、抑郁或焦虑
have a mismatched work-life relationship
工作与生活关 系不协调
work12 hours a day and travel frequently draw boundaries between your work and home life
每天 工作 12 小时并频繁出差 划清 工作与 家庭生活的界限
meet daily challenges 应对每天的挑战
...consume/take up most of your time
adhere to reasonable working hours with regular breaks
……占据了你的大部分时间 one's personal hours 个人时间
fel burnt out and drained 感到精疲力尽,身体被掏空 include breaks ora small outing as part of the schedule
ridourselves of the time wasters 摆脱那些浪费时间的事情 在日程计划中安排休假和短途旅行的时间
avoid multi-tasking/distractions make time for activities that nourish you
避免 同时干 几件事情,避免分心 为那些有营养的活动留出时间
be more productive in work time 工作时提高效率 guarantee ourselves a certain amount of leisure time in
strive for personal growth 努力实现个人成长 advance 确 保提前预留 一段休闲时间
第一段;由现象"激烈的竞争和技术的发展不断蚕食人们的休闲时间"引 出主题∶每个人都有必要努力平
1 ②工作时应尽可能确保效率。
满分范文 参考译文
① Aside from fierce competition which compels ①不必说激烈的竞 争迫使人们加班
people to work longer,,today's technology is increasingly 加点工作,当今的技术也在日益模糊工作
blurring the lines between office and home.②All work 与生活的界限。②只工作不玩耍,聪明的
and no play can make Jack not only a dull boy but one 孩子不但可 能变傻,其 健 康也会岌岌可
whose health is in jeopardy,so each of us should learn to 危,所以我们每个人都应当学会平衡工作
balance work and leisure. 与休闲。
①In the first place,draw boundaries between work ①首先应划清工作与生活的界限,以
and life and ensure enough time of rest.②Many studies 保证充分的休息时间。②许多研究都表
suggest that when we stick to one type of mental activity, 明,如采长时间进 行一项 脑 力 活 动,大脑
our brain becomes fatigued,which leads to decreasing 就会疲劳,导致工作效率降低,甚至犯下
productivity and even costly errors.③So,as the workday 代价高昂的错误。③所以在一天的 工作
ends, put work as well as our phone aside,enjoy activities 结束之后,把工作和手机放在一边吧,做
we like and family time— that's how we recharge to meet 做自己喜欢的事,享受享受与家人在一起
new challenges. ④Secondly,stay productive at work,which 的时光——这样我们才 能再次能量满 满
guarantees your free time after work.⑤Productivity is not 地去应对新的挑战。④其次工作时要保持
measured by the hours you sit at a desk.⑥For open-ended 高效,这是下班后享受休闲的保证。⑤效
tasks,it is advisable to set a sel-imposed deadine and then 率并非以坐在桌前的时间来衡量。⑥对于
stick to it.⑦Don't forget to take regular breaks too,for it 没有明确期限的工作,我们应该自我强加
can make you more focused and productive. 一个期限并严格执行。⑦当然也别忘了定
①If we make a conscious effort to balance work and 时小憩,因为这样能让你更加专注和高效。
leisure, life will reward us with satisfaction and ①若我们有意识地努力平衡工作与休
fulillment. 闲,生活一定会变得更加满足与充实。

compel 【kom'pel】 v.迫使,强迫 productivity 【prDdAk'tivt】 n.生产率
blur 【b13∶】 v.使模糊不清 guarantee 【geron'ti∶】 v.确保,担保
dull 【dAl】 a.迟钝的,愚笨的;无趣的 open-ended 【'oopon'endid】 a.开放式的,无限制的
boundary between/of...and...……的界限 impose 【im'pouz】v.将(想法、信仰等)强加于
stick to信守,坚持 regular 【'regjo15】 a.定期的,有规律的
fatigued 【fo'tigd】 a.疲乏的 fufillment 【fol'flmont】 n.满足感,成就感

普通表达 高级替换表达
发发可危 be threatened; be in danger be in jcopardy
大错,大失误 big mistakes costly rors
生活会变得….. 同ur/lielwil esme.研工作室 lifew cvard us with.
晶Weekends are used to recover from work(as they should be)and evenings can become areas for
planning social events(instead of being interrupted by work calls).利用周末时光从工作中恢复(周末就
Sleeping late and waking upearly can he detrimental to your productivity the next day.If you are
half-awake at work,then the odds are that your quality of work will suffer.睡得晚起得早会降低你第二

I ①There is no denying that both A and B ①不可否认,A 和B 在我们的生活
play acrucial role in our life.②But more often than not, 中都扮演着至关重要的角色。②但它们
they come into conflit for reasons such as_. ③How 往往会由于__ 等原因而互相冲突。
to balance them remains aquestion,to whicheveryone has ③二者如何平衡,每个人对这个问题都
to give his or her own answer. 必须要有自己的答案。
l ①From my perspective,we must first realize that ①在我看来,我们首先要意识到 A
A lays a solid foundation for our_____.②That 能给我们的打下坚实的基础。②
means we should try our best to___, no matter how 这意味着,我们应尽所能_____,无论这
hard or time-consuming it is.③Of course,too much effort 有多么困难,多么耗时。③当然,在A 上
on A may bring us continuous physical and mental 投入过多精力可能会对身体和精神造成
stress. ④ Hence, even simply for fun,we should also 持续的压力。④因此,即便只是为了取
spend some time on B_,which goes a long way to keep 乐,我们也应该花些时间在B 上,这对于
us away from potential negative emotions. ⑤___,for 远离潜在的 负面情绪大有裨益。⑤比
instance,would be a good choice,and it will benefit us 如, 就是一个不错的选择,如果我
more if we get into the habit of doing it. 们能将其内化为习惯,还将受益更多。
Ⅲ ① Although it is almost impossible to strike a ①要想完美地平衡A 和B几乎不太
perfect balance between _A and B , at least we 可能,但至少不应让其中一方完全占据
should not allow our life to be filed with either of them. 我们的生活。
Part II Listening Comprehension
Section A
Conversation One 物理世界
1. A)It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.2. A)Physicists' contribution to humanity.
B)It lists the various challenges physicists are confronting. B)Stories about some female physicists.
C)It describes how some mysteries of physics were solved. C)Historical evolution of modern physies.
D)It is one of the most fascinating physics books ever written. D)Women's changing attitudes to physics.
3. A)By exposing a lot of myths in physics . 4.A)It avoids detailing abstract concepts of physics .
B)By describing her own life experiences B)It contains a lot of thought-provoking questions .
C)By including lots of fascinating knowledge . C)It demonstrates how they can become physicists.
DBy telling anecdotes about famous professors . D)It provides experiments they can do themselves .
1.由 D)可知 It 指代一本书,再据由 B)、C)、D)复现的 physicists、physics 可进一步推知该书为物理学相
物理学的历史演变、女性对物理学态度的改变),由1 题可知本文谈及物理学书籍,故推断题 目询问某物理学
3.选项均为由 By 引导的介词短语,且 exposing、describing、including、telling 均表示书籍的内容/记录方
式,语义指向积极、涉及某一特色(揭露谬误、自身经历、有趣知识、名人轶事),结合1、2 题推测题目询问某物
4.contains、demonstrates、provides 和 physics、physicists 表明 It 很可能跟1题所指相同"物理学书籍",
由C)、D)语义"他们如何成为物理学家,他们能自己做的实验"推测 they 指向"普通读者",且各选项均表示这
展示如何能成为物理学家),推测题目 询问某物理学书如何吸引读者兴趣。
汇∶physics、physicists、physics books;二、与介绍书籍内容/特色有关的词汇∶lists、describes、exposing、describing、
1-M: Hey,Ijust read a great book about physics. I think 男∶嗨,我刚读了一本有关物理 学的书。
you'd like it. It's called The Physics of the World. 我想你会喜欢 的。书名叫《物 理世
It's written by a scientist named Sylvia Mundus. 界》。作者是一名叫做西尔维亚・蒙
2-W: Oh I read that book. It was great. The writer is a 德斯的科学家。
warm and competent guide to the mysteries of 女∶噢,我读过这本书。特别棒。作者是
physics. I think it promises enrichment for any 一位热情而 又 称职的向导,引 领读者
reader, from those who know litle about science to 开启物理学奥秘之旅。我想这本书会
the career physicist. 让每一位读者,从对科学知之甚少者
3-M:And it's refreshing to see a strong,curious,clever 到职业物理学家,都受益匪浅。
woman adding her voice to the scientific discourse in 男∶而且,看到一位坚强的、好求知的、聪
a field that has been traditionally dominated by men. 慧的女性在传统上由男性主导的科
回I think she is to be commended for making an 学领域发出声音也让人耳 目一新。
effort to include anecdotes about little-known female 她努力把鲜为人知的女性科学家轶
scientists.You know,they were often victims of "a 事著入书中,我认为 这 一点值得称
generation firmly convinced that the woman's place 赞。你知道的,她们通常是"坚信女
was in the home." 性应该待在家里一代"的受害者。
4-W:I like how the book is clearly written with each 女∶我喜欢这本书的写作风格,清晰而又
chapter 回brought to life by pieces of fascinating 生动,包含许多有趣知识。比如,她
knowledge. For example, in one chapter she 在某一章里揭露 了一个我曾听大 学
exposes a myth that I've heard taught by university 物理教授讲授过的谬误。我常听说
physics professors.I've often heard that medieval 中世纪的玻璃窗底部更厚是因为玻
glass windows are thicker at the bottom because 璃会像液体一样"流动"。她表示,这
glass"flows"like a fluid.This,she shows,is not 并非事实;这种变形实际上是由于玻
true; the distortion is actually thanks to a peculiarity 璃制造工 艺的特殊性造成的。
of the glassmaker's process.
5-M;Yeah。回I与like how 为he cultivates scientific 男∶是的,我喜欢她通过提供大量 DIY 实
engagement by providing a host of do-it-yourself 验来培养人们的科学参与意识,这些
experiments that bring the same foundational 实验将支配太 阳系种种物质的经典
principles of classical physics that govern everything 物理学相同基本原理运用到寻常百
from the solar system to your kitchen table. From using 姓餐桌上。从运用复杂物理定律来
complex laws of physics to test whether a spinning egg 测试旋转的鸡蛋是否煮熟,到通过举
is cooked to measuring atmospheric pressure by lifting a 起一块硬纸板来测量大气压,她的这
picce of cardboard,her hand-on examples make her 些实操例子使得这本 书给人带来一
book a truly interactive read. 种真正的交互式阅读体验。
6-W:Yes,I must say this equation-free book is an ideal read 女∶是的,我必须要说这本无等式书是各
for scientists of all stripes,anyone teaching science and 行各业科学家、是每一位科学教师、
even people who dislike physics. ,甚至是不喜欢物理之人的理想读物。
Ql,What does the woman say about the bok the man recommended? 问 1∶关于男士推荐的书,女士态么说?
Q2: What can we find in the book the man recommended? 问 2∶我们能从男士推荐的书里发现什么?
Q3: How does the author bring her book to life? 问 3∶作者如何使她的书生动有趣?
Q4: How does the book cultivate readers'interest in physics? 问 4∶这本书是如何培养读者对物理学的
A)它对专业人士和非专业人士都有好处。 C)它描述了一些物理学奥秘是如何被解开的。
B)它列举了当前物理学家面临的各种挑战。 D)这是有史以来最有趣的物理学书籍之一。
【设题要点】表明观点处(I think it...)。
【答案精析】A)。A)符合 2段女士看法"它会让每一位读者受益匪浅,从那些对科学知之甚少之人到职业物
理学家"(benefit 同义替换 promises enrichment,professionals、non-professionals分别对应 career physicist、those
who know little about science)。B)由2段 the mysteries of physics而来,却将其所述静态事物"物理学奥秘"曲解
为动态事物"物理学家当前正在应对的挑战"。C)将2段 a guide to the mysteries of physics所述该书内容由"物
理学奥秘(本身)"偷换为"物理学奥秘如何被解开"。D)将4段"这本书充满有趣的知识(fascinating knowledge)"
夸大为"这是有史以来最有趣的物理学书籍之一(one of the most fascinating physics books)"。
2. 我们能从男士推荐的书里发现什么?
A)物理 学家对人类的贡献。 C)现代物理学的历史演变。
B)一些女性物理学家的故事。 D)女性对物理学态度的改变。
【设题要点】表明观点处(I think she...)。
【答案精析】B)。A)利用常识"物理学家对人类做出贡献"捏造,但原文并未提及。B)符合 3段所述书中
内容"她(即作者)努力把鲜为人知的女性科学家的轶事写进书里(she...making an effort to include anecdotes
about little-known female scientists.其中 stories 同义替换 anecdotes,scientists实指物理学家)"。C)、D)均由
3段adding her voice to the scientific discourse in afield that has ben traditionally...望文生义出"历史演变"、
A)通过揭露许多物理学中的谬误。 C)通过囊括许多有趣的知识。
B)通过描述她自己的生活经历。 D)通过讲述著名教授的轶事。
【设题要点】方式引出处(brought to life by...)。
【答案精析】C)。A)、B)D)琦由4段②尚"她捣露了三个我曾听大学物理教授讲过的谬误(she exposes a
myth that I've heard taught by university physics professors)"捏造而来,但该句句首 For example in one
chapter 表明它实为①句"这本书借助各种有趣知识来使得每一章节都生动有趣"的例证,换句话讲,干扰句是
段首句"这本书的每一章都包含许多有趣的知识,因此全书生动有趣(the book...with each chapter brought
to life by pieces of fascinating knowledge)"相符。
A)它避免详述物理学中的抽象概念。 C)它向读者展示如何能成为物理学家。
B)它包含许多发人深思的问题。 D)它提供了一些读者可以自己做的实验。

【设题要点】方式引 出处(cultivates scientific engagement by...)
【答案精析】 D)。A)利用常识"抽象概念让人蒙圈"干扰,但原文并未提及任何"抽象概念"相关 字眼。
大量"可以自己动手的实验",与"发人深思的问题(主要由whether 疑问之意捏造而来)"、"如何成为物理学家
(主要由 examples所传递各式实操实验捏造而来)"无关。D)是对5段首句"她通过提
供大量自己动手的实验来培养人们对科学的参与感(she cultivates scientific engagement by providing a host
of do-it-yourself experiments,engage有'吸引(兴趣、注意)'之意,这里 cultivate engagement 可理解为'培养兴
Conversation Two 关于论文的讨论
5. A)He is too busy to finish his assignment in time. 6. A)It is to broad.
B) He does not know what kind of topic to write on . B)It is a bit outdated .
C) He does not understand the professor's instructions . C) It is challenging .
D) He has no idea how to proceed with his dissertation . D)It is interesting.
7. A) Biography. 8. A)Improve his cumulative grade.
B)Nature. B)Develop his reading ability .
C) Pilosophy. C) Stick to the topic assigned .
DBeauty. D) List the parameters first.
5.各选项名词 assignment"作业"、topic(to write on)"(写作)主题"、professor's instructions"教授要求"、
dissertation"论文"均涉及某项学业任务,too busy to、does not know/understand、has no idea 均有"没能做某
事"之意,推测本题询问某男 士在完成某项学业任务时遇到的困难/问题。
6.各项均以主系表结构对It 进行评价,结合上题推测的"某项学业任务",推测本题询问某人(可能指上题
7.选项 Biography"传记"、Nature"自然"、Philosophy"哲学"、Beauty"美学"均为某一学科领域,较难直接
推测其问题。但结合前两题关键信息,可推测本题涉及与某人(第 5题男士或其他人)或学业任务相关的某—
题的措施,结合第 5 题推测的"完成学业任务时遇到的问题",可推测本题询问解决该问题的对策。
选项中出现一系列与学业任务相关的词汇,如 assignment、topic、professor's instructions、dissertation、
cumulative grade等,其中 topic、dissertation 均与论文相关,推测对话中谈及的学业任务很可能为撰写论文,对

1-M.Hi professor!was hoping could havelamoment of 男 ∶嗨,教授! 要是您不太忙的话,我想
your time if you are not too busy.I'm having some 占用您一点时间。我的学位论文开
problems getting started on my dissertation and I was 题遇到了一些问题,希望 您 能给我
hoping you could give me some advice on how to begin. 一些建议,告诉我该怎么入手。
2-W: Sure.Ihave quite a few students though. So can you 女∶当然可以。不过我学生有点多,能
remind me what your topic is? 告诉我你的论题是什么吗?
3-M: The general topic I chose is aesthetics.But that's as 男∶我选的大论题是美学,但目前为止我
far as I've got. 回I don't really know where to go from 就做了这么个选择。我其实不太清
there. 楚接下去该往哪个方向下手。

4-W;Yeah,回that's much too largea topic. You really need 女;是的,这个论题太大了。你的确需
to narrow it down in order to make it more accessible, 要把论题缩 小,让它更易着手,否
otherwise you will be writing a book. 则你得写成一本书了。
5-M: Exactly.That's what I wanted to ask you about.I was 男;没错。这就是我 想 问您 的。我希
hoping it would be possible for me to change topics. 回Im 望能换个论题,比起美学,我 实 际
really more interested in nature than beauty. 上对自然更感兴趣。
6-W∶回I'm afraid you have to adhere to the assigned topic. 女;恐怕你还是得继续研究指定的论
Still,if you are interested in nature,then that 题。不过,如果你对自然感兴趣,当
certainly can be worked into your dissertation.We've 然也可以把它写进论文里。我们之
talked about Hume before in class,right? 前在课上讲过休谟,不是吗?
7-M;Ohyeah. He's the philosopher who wroteabout where 男∶哦,对。他就是那位著述过我们对
our ideas of beauty come from. 美的看法从何而来的哲学家。
8-W: Exactly.I suggest you go tothe library and get a copy 女∶没错。我建议你去图书 馆借一本
of his biography.Start from there. But remember to 他的传记,以 此为起点。但要记
stick to the parameters of the assignment. This paper 住,必须遵守作业规范。这篇论文
is a large part of your cumulative grade,so make sure 在你的总成绩里占很大比重,所以
to follow the instructions.If you take a look at his 一定 要遵循要求。如果 你读了他
biography,you can geta good idea of how his life
experiences manifest themselves in his theories of 的传记,就能很好地了解他的生活
beauty,specifically, the way helooked towards nature 经历如何体现在他的美学理论中,
as the origin of what we find beautiful. 确切地说,是他如何将自然看作美
9-M:Great! Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, 男∶太好了!感谢您花时间回答我的问
professor. Ill let you get back to class now. 题,教授。现在您可以回去上课了。
10-W:If there is anything else you need,please come see me 女∶如果你还有其他需要,欢迎随时来
in my office anytime. 我的办公室。
Q5: What is the man's problem? 问 5∶男士的问题是什么?
Q6: What does the professor think of the man's topic? 问 6∶教授对于男士的论题有什么看法?
Q7: What is the man really more interested in? 问 7∶男士真正感兴趣的是什么?
Q8: What does the professor say the man has to do? 问 8∶教授说男士必须做什么?

5. 男士的问题是什么?
A)他太忙而无法按时完成作业。 C)他没有理解教授的要求。
B)他不知道该写什么论题。 D)他不知道该如何继续开展他的论文。
【设题要点】转折处及说明问题处(Bat∶理don really,再now...)。
【答案精析】D)。A)由第1段碎片信息 too busy曲解出"男士过于忙碌",但对话中实际为男士确认教授(女
士)是否忙碌。B)与第3段"我(男士)选择的大论题是美学"不符。C)由第 8段女教授对男学生要求"必须遵循作业
要求"曲解出"男学生未理解女教授要求"。D)是对第3段学生话语 don't really know where to go from there"自此
(选定大论题后)不知该如何着手"的同义转述,其中 proced with与 go from there均表示"继续进行某事"。
A)它过于宽泛。 C)它很有挑战性。
B)它有些过时。 D)它很有趣。
【设题要点】评述处(that's much too large a topic)及建议处(narrow it down)。

【答案精析】 A)。A)是对第 4段教授评述 that's much too large a topic的同义表述,large、broad 均有"宽
泛、范围大"之意。教授给出的建议 narrow it down"缩小论题"也侧面印证教授认为当前的论题过于宽泛。
B)属于无中生有,对话中并未涉及。C)由第3段I don'treally know where to go from there"不知道该往哪个
方向下手"、第4段 makeit more accessible"使它更易着手/开展"曲解出"现有论题具有挑战性",但由上下文
too largeatopic、narrowit down、otherwise...writinga book(书的论题往往比论文宽泛)可知,该建议关乎
"论题过大(太过宽泛,找不到切入点)",而无关乎"论题具有挑战性(具有难度,而无从下手)"。D))由第 5、6段
7. 男士真正感兴趣的是什么?
A)传记。 C)者学。
B)自然。 D)美学。
【设题要点】比较处(more... than...)。
【答案精析】B)。A)将第8段教授的建议"阅读休谟的传记(get a copy of his biography)"曲解为"男士感
兴趣的论题是传记"。B)符合第 5段男士所述"比起美学,对自然更感兴趣(more interested in nature than
beauty)",同时排除 D)。C)由第7段 philosopher 一词曲解而来,但对话中是指休谟的身份为"哲学家",而非
A)提高他的总成绩。 C)继续研究指定的论题。
B)培养他的阅读能力。 D)首先列出写作规范。
【设题要点】要求说明处(I'm afraid you have to...)。
【答案精析】C)。A)将第 8 段教授对学生的提醒"论文在总成绩中占很大比重"曲解为教授对学生的要求
"提高总成绩",而这在对话中并未体现。B)由第 6段"教授向学生推荐阅读休谟传记"曲解而来,由第 8 段可
知,教授的推荐目的是让学生学习休谟对自然的理解,而非提升学生的阅读能力。C)与第 6段教授对学生的
回应 adhere to the assigned topic 相符。D)将第8段教授建议 stick to the parameters of the assignment(stick
to 意为"遵守、遵循")曲解为 List the parameters first(list 意为"列出,列举")。
Section B
Passage One 北极冬季气温异常升高
9. A) The unprecedented high temperature in Greenland. │10.A)It has created a totally new climate pattern .
B) The collapse of ice on the northern tip of Grenland. B)It will pose a serious threat to many species .
C) The unusual cold spell in the Arctic area in Oetober. C) It typically appears about once every ten years .
D) The rapid change of Arctic temperature within a day. D) It has purzled the climate scientists for decades.
11. A)Extinction of Arctic wildife C) Emigration of indigenous people.
B) Iceless summers in the Arctic. D) Better understanding of ecosystenms.
【看选项关键词预测问题及听 音重点了
现词 Greenland、Arctic 可推测题干询 问格陵兰岛/北极的异常天气状况或其后果。
测 It 指代某种天气状况(很可能与 9 题所指一致),题干询问与该天气状况相关的事实(尤其是造成的后果)。
均暗示某种变化,再结合复现词 Arctic 及前两题涉及某天气状况,推测题干询问(异常天气状况导致)未来北
temperature、Greenland、cold spell、Arctic、climate;二、表示某种结果的名词 collapse of ice、threat、Extinction、

lceless summers、Emigration、Better understanding。由此推测本文谈及"格陵兰岛/北极出现的某种异常天气
IDuring the Arctic winter from October to March, the 在北极的冬季(10月至次年 3 月),
average temperature in the frozen north typiclly hovers 冰封的北方平均气温通常徘徊在零下 20
around minus 20 degrees Celsius. But this year, the Aretic is 摄氏度左右。但今年,北极正在经历高
experiencing much higher temperatures. 得多的温度。
l On February 20th,回the temperature in Greenland 2月 20日,格陵兰岛的气温攀升至
climbed above frezing or zero degrees Celsius and it stayed 冰点(零摄氏度)以上,且持续时间超过
there for over 24 hours. Then, on February 24th, the 24 小时。随后,在 2 月 24 日,格陵兰岛
temperature on Greenland's northern tip reached 6 degrees 最北端气温达到了 6摄氏度。气侯学家
Celsius. Climate scientists described the phenomenon as 认为这一现象令人震谅。
"stunning". 造成气温异常升高的各种天气条件
Ⅲ Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature 此前也曾造访北极。它们通常十年一
surge have visited the Arctic before.They typically appear 遇。但上次出现这样的气温上升却是在
about once in a decade. However,the last such increase in 两年前。
temperature took place two years ago, 这一现象引人担忧,因为北极气温
Ⅳ This is troubling as climbing Arctic temperatures 攀升,连同海面浮冰迅速减少,正在建立
combined with rapid sea-ice loss are creating a new type of 起一种新的气候反馈环路,进而加速北
climate feedback loop which could accelerate Arctic 极变暖。事实上,覆盖北极海面的浮冰融
warming. Indeed,sea-ice cover in the Arctic is melting 化速度比预想的更快。没有这些起冷却
faster than expected. Without those masses of cooling sea 作用的大片海面浮冰,被带到北极的暖空
ice,warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further 气就能深入至之前它从未到达的内陆地
inland than it ever did before.The air can stay warmer 区。暖空气会保持在更高温度,停留时间
longer,too.This drives additional melting. 也会变长。这将导致(浮冰)进一步融化。
VOverall,Earth is warming at a rapid pace — 2014 总的来说,地球正迅速变暖(2014 年至
through 2017 rank as the hottest years on record— and the 2017 年被认为是有记录以来最热的年份),
Arctic is warming twice as fast as anyplace else on Earth. This 北极变暖的速度是地球上其余各地的两倍。
raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlie and indigenous 这会给依赖北极生态系统生存的当地野生
people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive. 动植物和原住民带来极不寻常的挑战。
Ⅵ Previously,climate forecasts predicted that Arctic 此前,气候预测曾指出,北极夏季的
summer ice would disappear entirely by around 2060.画But 浮冰到 2060 年左右将会完全消失。但
based on what scientists are seeing now, the Arctic may be 根据科学家如今的观测,20 年之内北极
facing summers without ice within 20 years. 或许就会面临没有浮冰的夏季。
Q9: What did climate scientists describe as stunning? 问 9∶气侯学家认为什么令人震惊?
Q10:What does the passage say about the temperature surge 问 10∶关于北极气温陡升,文章说了什么?
in the Arctic?
Q11:What may occur i 20 years:actording to scientists' 问 11∶根据科学家近期的观测,20 年内可
recent observations? 能会发生什么?

A) 格陵兰岛前所未有的高温。 C)十月份北极地区反常的寒潮。
B)格陵兰岛最北端冰盖的坍塌。 D)一日之内北极气温的剧变。
【设题要点】事件引出处(On February 20th..on February 24th)及观点引出处(Climate scientists

【答案精析】 A)。Ⅱ段末提到""科学家们认为这一现象(the phenomenon)令人震惊",而 the phenomenon
则回指上文介绍的格陵兰岛两日出现的异常高温(On February 20th,the temperature in Greenland climbed
above freezing or zero degrees Celsius...on February 24th,the temperature on Greenland's northern tip
reached 6 degrees Celsius),A)是对这部分内容的准确概括。B)利用Ⅱ段 Greenland's northern tip 臆造而来,
但文中没有提到"冰盖坍塌"。C)与Ⅰ段"今年 10 月至 3 月北极经历高温"相悖。D)排除方法一∶选项由Ⅱ段
时间信息 24 hours 及Ⅲ段对北极气温的描述 temperature surge糅杂得出,而 temperature surge 实指北极气
温相较往年急剧升高(typically VS this year),24 hours 实指北极异常高温持续长达一天。即∶实际上文中并
未提及"一日之内气温的急剧变化"。排除方法二∶选项与Ⅱ段信息"格陵兰岛气温保持在零度以上超过 24 小
时(it tayed there for over 24 hours)即一天内温差不大"相悖。
A)它创造出了全新的气候模式。 C)它通常约每十年出现一次。
B)它会对诸多物种造成严重威胁。 D)它困扰了气候学家数十年。
【设题要点】新信息引出处(Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge)。
【答案精析】 C)。A)将Ⅳ段"北极气温陡升正在建立新的气候反馈环路(are creating a new type of
climate feedback loop)"窜改为"已经创造出新的气候模式(has created a totally new climate pattern)"。B)源
自Ⅴ段 This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife,但 This 承前指代"数年持续变暖(warming at a rapid
pace—2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years on record)",并非题干所关注的"此次气温陡升(the
temperature surge)"。C)由Ⅲ段"造成气温异常升高的天气条件通常每十年造访北极一次(Weather conditions
that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before.They typically appear about once in a
VS"如今仅仅间隔两年便再次出现"这一对比凸显"如今极端天气出现频率激增")。D)利用Ⅳ段 troubling(与
11.根据科学家近期的观测,20 年内可能会发生什么?
A)北极野生动植物灭绝。 C)原住民迁走。
B)北极夏天没有浮冰。 D)更好地了解生态系统。
【设题要点】新信息引出处兼今昔对比处(Previously,climate forecasts predicted that..But based on
what scientists are seeing now)。
【答案精析】 B)。A)、C)是对V段"这(北极气温升高)会给北极野生动植物和原住民带来不寻常挑战"的
过度推断,"动物灭绝"、"居民迁徙"均夸大其词。B)+题干是对Ⅵ段末句...based on what scientists are
seeing now,the Arctic may be facing summers without ice within 20 years的同义改写。D)利月Ⅴ段 Arctic
好的了解(Better understanding 无中生有)"。
Passage Two 怎样提升意志力
12. A) A good start . 13. A)Most people get energized after a sufficient rest .
B) A detailed plan . B)Most people tend to have a finite source of energy.
C) A strong determination . C)It is vital to take breaks between demanding mental tasks.
D) A scientific approach . D)It is most important to have confidence in one's willpower.
14.A)They could keep on working longer. 15. A)They are part of their nature.
B)They could do more challenging tasks. B) They are subject to change.
C)They lound it casier to focus on work a land. C) They are related to culture.
D)They held more positive attitudes toward life. D) They are beyond control.

法),推测题干询 问做成某事所需因素。
13.首先可根据结构将四个选项分两组∶A)、B)相似,都描述大多数人的某种倾向(Most people...);C)、D)相
似,都指出某种行为的重要性(It is vital/most important to)。随后可发现四个选项共性∶都有一定的概括性、结论性_
14.各项主语均为 They,均体现比较(longer,more challenging,easier,more positive),核心义均指向"某
15.各项主语均为 They,根据各项核心义(是他们本质的一部分、可能改变、与文化相关、超出控制)可推
知题目询 问与人紧密相关的某事物(They)特点。
working、work),二、谈及"能否坚持完成任务/中途是否需要休息"的词组(get energized,have
finite source of energy、take breaks VS keep on、focus on),三、与"心态"相关的词组(determination/willpower、
confidence、positive attitudes),推测本文谈及坚持完成任务所需的心态。
I回A good dosc of willpower is often necessary to sce 要完成任何一 项任务,强大的意志
any task through, whether it's sticking to a spending plan or 力往往必不可少,无论是坚持执行一项
finishinga great novel. And 回if you want to increase that 支出计划还是坚持读完一部伟大小说。
willpower,a new study suggests you just simply have to
believe you have it.According to the study,what matters 种意志力,你仅仅需要相信自己拥有
most is what we think about our willpower. If we believe 它。根据这项研究,最重要的是我们如
it's a finite resource,we act that way. We feel exhausted 何看待自己的意志力。如果我们认为
and need breaks between demanding mental tasks. 它是一种有限的资源. 那我们便会以此
However,people who view their willpower as a limitless 行事。我 们会在费力的脑力劳动之间
resource get energized instead. 己的意志力视为永不枯竭的资源的人
Ⅱ The researchers used a psychological assessment 却能保持精力充沛。
tool totest the validity of the study. They asked one
thousand one hundred Americans and one thousand six 研究者使用一种心理评估 工具对
研究的效度进行了测试。他们让 1100
hundred Europeans to grade different statements such as 名美国人和1600 名欧洲人给不同的表
"Aftera challenging mental activity,my energy is depleted 述打分,如"在一项挑战性脑力活动之
andImust rest to get itrefueled again"or"I can focus on a 后,我的能量会耗尽,我必须休息以补
mental task for long periods without feeling tired." 充能量"或"我可以长时间专注于一项
Although there was litle difference between men and 脑力工作而不感到疲惫"。尽管总体上
women overall,回Americans were more likely to admit to 男性和女性几乎没有差异,但美国人更
needing breaks after completing mentally challenging tasks. 可能承认自己在完成挑战性脑力任务
European participants, on the other hand.claimed they 后需要休息,欧洲参与者则声称自己能
were able to keep going. 够继续坚持。
Ⅲ Based on the findings,the researchers suggest that 基于以上发现,研究者表示提升意
the key to boosting your willpower is to believe that you 志力的关键在于相信自己有充足的意
have an abundant supply of it. Your feelings about your 志力供应。你对自己意志力的感受会
willpower affect the way you behave.回But these feelings 影响你的行为方式。但这些感受是可
are changeable,they said. Changing your beliefs about the 变的,他们说道。"改变你对于自控力
nature of your self-control can have positive effects on 本质的信念"可以对"人格发展"产生积
character development.This leads to healthier behaviors 极效应。这会带来更健康的行为,以及
and perceptions of other people. 对他人更健全的认知。

Q12: What is often necessary for carrying through a task? 问 12∶完成一项任务通常必不可少的是什么?
Q13: What is the finding of the new study? 问 13∶新研究发现了什么?
Q14: What do we learn about European participants as 问 14∶我们可以得知关于欧洲参与者的什
compared with their American counterparts? 么信息(与美国参与者相比)?
Q15: What do the researchers say concerning people's 问 15∶有关人们对意志力的 感受,研究者
feelings about willpower? 说了什么?

A)良好的开端。 C)坚定的决心。
B)详细的计划。 D)科学的方法。
【设题要点】引入全文话题处(A good dose of willpower is...)。
端或方法"。B)利用Ⅰ段个别词汇 plan 干扰,但原文实则以"坚持执行开支计划(sticking to a spending plan)"
例证"意志力对于完成任何任务(see any task through)"的重要性,并非关注"详细计划"的重要性。C)同义替
换Ⅰ段 A good dose of willpower is...necessary to see any task through,说明成功完成任务的关键因素(注∶
dose 指"【用药】剂量",a good dose of 比喻"剂量大、充足")。
13. 新研究发现了什么?
A)大多数人在充分休息后都能获得能量。 C)在高难度的脑力工作之间稍作休息是非常重要的。
B)大多数人往往精力有限。 D)最重要的是要相信自己的意志力。
【设题要点】介绍/总结/重申研究发现处(a new study suggests..、According to the study...、Based on
the findings...)。
【答案精析】 D)。A)将Ⅰ段 breaks和 get energized糅杂干扰,但实则两者各指一方∶前者指出认为自身
意志力有限的人会觉得自己"需要休息(need breaks)",后者指出认为自身意志力无限的人"能够保持精力充
沛(get energized)"。B)将"某些人的观点——认为自己的意志力有限(Ⅱ we believeit's a finite resource)"窜
改为"关于大多数人的事实——精力有限"。C)利用Ⅰ段 need breaks between demanding mental tasks 干扰,
但此处仅描述某些人的需求,并非强调休息的重要性。D)概括提炼Ⅰ段 ...if you want to increase that
willpower,a new study suggests,youjust simply have to believe you have it(其中it's most important 明确 if
you want to...youjust simply have to...体现的条件关系;have confidence in one's willpower 对应 believe
you have it),同时 Ⅲ段重申了该观点。
14. 我们可以得知关于欧洲参与者的什么信息(与美国参与者相比)?
A)他们可以坚持工作更长的时间。 C)他们更容易专注于手头的工作。
B)他们可以完成更有挑战性的任务。 D)他们对生活怀有更积极的态度。
【设题要点】对比处(Americans were more likely to...European participants,on the other hand..)。
续"(Americans...more likely to...needing breaks...European to keep going)。B)、C)分别利
用段个别词汇 challenging...tasks和focus on 干扰,将对比点"完成高难度任务后能否继续(must rest/needing
breaks VS for long periods/keep going)"窜改为"能否完成高难度任务"或"能否专注"。D)由Ⅲ段词汇 healthier...
15. 有关人们对意志力的感受,研究者说了什么?
A)它们是他们天性的一部分。 C)它们与文化有关。
B)它们可能发生改变。 D)它们无法控制。
【答案精析】B)。A)由Ⅲ段个别词汇 nature捏造,但此处 nature 实指"自控力的本质"(the nature of your
self-control),并非指"人的天性"。B)同义改写Ⅱ段研究者观点 Your feelings about your willpower..these
feelings are changeable,指出对意志力感受的可变性。C)无中生有,原文并未提及文化因素。D)源自文中词
汇 self-control.,但这里"自控力"即指"意志力".并非指人们对意志力的感受超出个人控制。
Section C
Recording One 机器学习
16. A) About half of current jobs might be automated .[17. A)They are widely applicable for massive open online courses .
B) The johs of doctors and awyers would be thratened. B) They are now being used by numerons high schl feachers .
C) The job market is becoming somewhat| C) They could read as many as 10,000 essays in a single
unpredictable. minuteo
D)Machine learning would prove disruptive by 2013. D) They could grade high-school ssays just like humun teachers.
18. A)It needs instructions throughout the process . C) It has to rely on huge amounts of previous data.
B)It does poorly on frequent,high-volume tasks .D)
. It is slow when it comes to tracking novel things .
16.本题 A)、B)、C)分别涉及"就业市场的变化/所受威胁/趋势",D)涉及"机器学习的破坏性/颠覆性影响",再
17.A)中 applicable 提示主语 They 为非生物,C)、D)中 read/grade essays 提示 They 有
"阅读/批作文的能力",再结合 D)like human teachers(与人类教师相仿)以及 16 题,可知 They 指代有阅读/
批作文能力的机器/程序;各项具体表述(widely applicable、used by numerous...teachers、as many as 10,000
essays、just like human teachers)均能够体现其表现出色,因此推测题干询问某设备/程序的优点/特色。
18.由各项具体语义(需要指令、工作表现不佳、依赖数据、追踪新事物时运行缓慢)可知,题干中It 应指设
备/程序(可能与 17 题主语相关);结合各项语义中的负面色彩,推测本题询问某设备/程序的缺陷。
【看选项结构预测主题】选项中的 复现词比较散乱,主要有 jobs/job market 等与就 业相关的表达及
teachers/essays 等与教学相关的表达,但由问题预测部分可知,三道题均涉及"机器学习/自动化以及相关设

I Here is my baby niece Sarah. Her mom is a doctor 这是我的小侄女萨拉。她的妈妈是
and her dad is a lawyer. By the time Sarah goes to college, the 医生,爸爸是律师。到萨拉上大 学的时
jobs her parents do are going to look dramatically different. 候,她父母的工作看起来将会非常不同。
ⅢIn 2013,researchers at Oxford University did a 2013 年,牛津大学的研究人员开展
study on the future of work. 四They concluded that almost 过一项关于工作未来的研究。他们的结
one in every two jobs has a high risk of being automated by 论是,几乎每两份工作中就有一份面临
machines. Machine learningr is。the technology作that's 着被机器自动化的高风险。机器学习这
responsible for most of this disruption. It's the most powerful 项技术是造成这一动荡的主要原因。它
branch of artificial intelligence. It allows machines to learn 是人工智能最强大的分支。它使得机器
from dataand copy some of the things that humans can do. 能够从数据中学习,并模仿人类 能做的
My company,Kaggle,operates on the cutting edge of 一部分事情。我所在的公司 Kaggle 就
machine learning. We bring together hundreds of 走在机器学习的最前沿。我们集结了成
thousands of experts to solve important problems for 千上万名专家为业界和学界解决重大问
industry and academia.This gives us a unique perspective 题。这让我 们 对机器 能做什么、不能做
on what machines can do,what they can't do and what 什么、哪些工作岗位会被自动化或受威
jobs they might automate or threaten. 胁等问题形成了独特的视角。

Ⅲl Machine learning started making its way into 机器学习 在 90 年代早期进入产业
industry in the early '90s. It started with relatively simple 界。它最初所做的工作相对简单。它一
tasks.It started with things like assessing credit risk from 开始用于评估贷款申请的信用风险、识别
loan applications,sorting the mail by reading handwritten 手写邮编以分类信件。在过去的几年中,
zip codes.Over the past few years,we have made 我们已取得巨大进展。机器学习如今足以
dramatic breakthroughs. Machine learning is now capable 胜任复杂得多的工作。2012 年,Kaggle 向
of far,far more complex tasks. In 2012,Kaggle 它的社群(译注∶指利用该平台参加数据竞
challenged its community to build a program that could 赛的人)发布一项挑战,号召开发能对高中
grade high-school essays.回The winning programs were 作文进行评分的程序。胜 出程序给出的分
able to match the grades given by human teachers. 数与人类教师的评分结果相契合。
Ⅳ Now,given the right data,machines are going to 如今,输入适当的数据后,机器在此
outperform humans at tasks like this.A teacher might 类任务上的表现要优于人类。一名教师

read 10,000 essays over a 40-year career.A machine can 在 40 年的教学生涯中大概能看 1 万篇

read millions of essays within minutes. We have no chance of 作文。一台机器几分钟就能看上百万篇

competing against machines on frequent,high-volume tasks. 作文。在大批量重复性任务方面,我们

Ⅴ But there are things we can do that machines 但是,有一些事情我们能 做 而机器
cannot. Where machines have made very little progress is 做不来。在应对新情况方面机器的进展
in tackling novel situations.Machines can't handle things 甚微。机器无从应 对那些没怎么见过的
they haven't seen many times before. 国The fundamental 情况。机器学 习的根本局限性在于,机
limitation of machine learning is that it needs tolearn from 器需要从大量的过往数据中学习。但是
large volumes of past data. But humans don't.We have the 人类不需要。我们有能力把看似不同的
ability to connect seemingly different threads to solve problems 各种细节串联起来,解决我们从未遇到
we've never seen before. 过的问题。
Q16: What did the researchersat Oxford University conclude? 问16∶牛津大学的研究人员得出了什么结论?
Q17: What do we learn about Kaggle company's winning 问17∶关于Kaggle 公司的获胜程序,我们
programs? 了解到什么?
Q18:What is the fundamental limitation of machine learning? 问 18∶机器学习的根本局限性是什么?

A)大约一半的现有工作可能实现自动化。 C)就业市场正变得有些难以预测。
B)医生和律师的工作将受到威胁。 D)到 2013年,机器学习将是颠覆性的。
【设题要点】研究结论说明处(They concluded...)。
【答案精析】 A)。A)是对 Ⅱ段信息almost one in every two jobs hasa high risk of being automated by
machines的同义改写。B)源于1段人物 Sarab的相关信息"妈妈是医生、爸爸是律师",但牛津大学的研究针
了做研究的时间(2013 年)和研究结论(机器学习将是颠覆性的)。
17. 关于 Kaggle 公司的获胜程序,我们 了解到什么?
A)它们广泛适用于大型在线公开课。 C)它们一分钟内能阅读多达1万篇作文。
B)它们如今正为许多高中教师所用。 D)它们能像人类教师那样批阅高中作文。
【设题要点】 事件引出处(In 2012,Kaggle challenged its community to...)。
【答案精析】 D)。A)利用 II段中的 essays、teachers 等教学相关表述捏造"公开课",而原文并未提到。
阅作文的速度"几分钟内上百万篇"窜改为"一分钟内上万篇"。D)是对III段信息 match the grades given by
human teachers 的正确解读,"获胜程序的评分与人类教师相符"意即"获胜程序能像人类教师那样给高中作
A)它需要全程接受指令。 C)它必须依赖于大量过往数据。
B)它在大批量重复性工作方面表现不佳。 D)它追踪新事物的速度缓慢。
【设题要点】重点信息引出处(The fundamental limitation..)。
【答案精析】C)。A)将V段碎片信息"progress(进展)"偷换为"process(指令)"捏造而来。B)虽复现 IV
段末句 frequent,high-volume tasks,但与文意"人类在这方面毫无胜算(we have no chance of competing
against machines on...)",即"机器完全胜出"相悖。C)同义改写 V段信息 it needs to learn from large
volumes of past data。D)将 V段信息"机器在应对新情况方面的进展相当有限(very litle
Recording Two 新型蒸汽火车
19. A) The engineering problems with solar power. 20. A) Drive trains with solar energy .
B) The generation of steam with the latest technology. B)Upgrade the city s train facilities .
C) The importance of exploring new energy sources . C) Build a new ten-kilometre railway line .
D) The theoretical aspects of sustainable energy . D) Cut down the city's energy consumption.
21. A)Build a tank for keeping calcium oxide . C)Recover super-heated steam.
B)Find a new material for storing energy . D Collect carbon dioxide gas.
19.选项均为名词短语,其中 solar power、new energy sources、sustainable energy 指向"可持续能源/新能
源";各项关注点"问题(The engineering problems...)、方法(The generation of...)、重要性(The importance
of...)、理论(The theoretical aspects of...)"方向不同但均具有"概括性、明确性",故推测题目询问讲话人谈
谈论的话题中 任一方向。
20.选项均为动词短语,体现某人/某团队的行为(或目的),选项之中 the city 复现,特指"某城市";trains、
train facilities、railway line 指向"火车、铁路"; solar energy、energy consumption 指向"能源"。联系可推测题
目 问及 某人/某团队在某市进行的与火车、能源等相关的行为(或目的)。
21.选项亦均为动词短语,体现行为(或目的),且 A)、D)提及化学物质(calcium oxide、carbon dioxide),
阳能)"相关词汇 solar power/solar energy、new energy sources、sustainable energy,另一类是与"火车"相关词汇
trains、train facilities、railway line,故推测文章主题涉及以新能源驱动火车/改善火车设施。
I We've talked recently about the importance 责 最近,我们已经谈论过可持续能源的重
sustainable energy. We've also talked about the different 要性,也谈到了关于"如何实现能源可持续"
theories on how that can be done. So far,our discussions 的各种理论。迄今为止,我们的讨论都是理
have all been theoretical. Now I have a practical question 论性的。现在,我要问你们所有人一个实际
for you all.Can you run a 140.000 kilogram train on just 性的问题。你们能 完全依靠太 阳能产 生的
the steam generated by solar power? Well, one engineer, 蒸汽来驱动一辆重达 140 吨的火车吗? 工
Tim Castleman, believes it's possible. 程师蒂姆・卡斯尔曼相信这是可以实现的。
Ⅱ And his home city of Sacramento,California 他的家乡,加州 的萨克拉 门托,将见证
should see the technology's first test. As part of the 这一技术的首次测试。作为萨克拉门托铁

upgrading of its rail yard,Castleman,who is an 路段升级的一部分,发明家、同时又自命为
inventor and self-proclaimed steam visionary, is 蒸汽动力梦想家的卡斯尔曼正发起一场新
campaigning for a new steam train that runs without 型蒸汽火车运动,这种火车运行时无需火力
any fire and could run on an existing 10-kilometer line, 推动,且能在现有的 10 公里路段上行驶,可
drawing tourists and perhaps offering city commuters a 以吸引游客,也可为城市通勤者提供一种替
green alternative to their cars.目Castleman wants to 代汽车的绿色交通工具。卡斯尔曼想在这
build an array of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of 条路段的一端建造太阳能聚光镜,收集热量
the line to collect and focus heat onto water-filled 并将其集中到装满水的管道之上。这样无
tubes. This would generate steam that could be used to 需用火就会产生蒸汽,蒸汽可用以填充小型
fill tanks on a small steam train without the use of fire. 蒸汽火车上的水罐。他说,以这种方式为火
Supplying power to trains in this way would offer"the 车提供动力能提供"从油井到车轮"的最短
shortest distance from well to wheels."he says,with 路径,能量损耗最小(注∶from well to wheels
the least amount of energy lost.According to Harry "从油井到车轮"指能源从"被开采"到"被用
Valentine,a Canadian engineer who is researching 作动力"的全过程)。据哈里・瓦伦汀(一名
modern steam technology,a special tank measuring 2 研究现代蒸汽技术的加拿大工程师)称,一
by 10 metres could store over 750 kilowatt-hours of 个 2* 10 米的专用罐体可以以高压蒸汽的形
energy as high-pressure steam,enough to pull a two-car 式储存超过 750 千瓦时能量,这足以驱动一
train for an hour or so. 列两节车厢的火车行驶一小时左右。
IⅢEnergy to drive a steam locomotive can be stored in 驱动蒸汽机车的 能量也可 以 储 存在
other materials besides water.For example,a team at 除"水"以外的其它物质中。比如,日本东
Tohoku University in Japan has studied materials that can 北大学的一个团队 对多种能储存大量热
store large amounts of heat. When heated,these materials 的物质进行了研究。受热时,这些物质会
turn from a solid into a liquid absorbing energy as they 由固体转化为液体,物态转化过程中会吸
change phase.The liquid is maintained above its melting 收能量。液体被保持在熔点以上,直到需
point until steam is required,at which point the liquid is 要蒸汽时才被转化为固体,同时释放其 储
allowed to turn back into a solid,releasing its stored energy. 存的能量。日本名古屋大学的另一团队
回Another team,at Nagoya University in Japan, has tested 热钙化合物会释放二氧化碳气体,留下氧
calcium compound as an energy storage material. Heating
this chemical compound drives off carbon dioxide gas,leaving
calcium oxide. The gas can be stored under pressure in a 通入氧化钙。瓦伦汀说,理论上,这一过
tank. To recover the energy,the gas is fed back over the
calciun oxide. In theory,says Valentine,this can create a high 程 产 生的高温足以生 成过热蒸汽。
enough temperature to generate superheated steam
Q19: What has the speaker previously talked about? 问 19∶讲话人在此之前曾谈到过什么?
Q20;What is Tim Castleman trying to do in Sacramento? 问 20∶在萨克拉门托,蒂姆・卡斯尔曼正尽力
Q21:What has a Japanese research team tried to do?
问 21∶日本的一个研究团队试图做什么?
淘宝店铺∶ 光速考研工作室
A)太阳能的工程难题。 C)探索新能源的重要性。
B)以最新技术产生蒸汽。 D)可持续能源的理论方面。
【设题要点】关注点转移处兼话题引入处(So far...Now...)。
【答案精析】D)。A)将首段 a practical question 糅杂 solar power 捏造出"太阳能的工程难题"。注;
engineering 意为 the practical application of science to commerce or industry"工程(即,科学的现实应用)"。B)
为首段 the steam generated by solar power 以及第二段后半部分(Castleman wants to build....)体现信息。
无论是扭曲文意的 A)还是符合文意的 B)都是讲话人"将要讨论的话题"相关内容(Now 1 have a practical
大含义偏差的"探索新能源的重要性"。D)为对首段 We've talked recently about...of sustainable energy.
We've also talked about....So far,our discussions have all been theoretical 的高度概括,正确体现谈话人先
20.在萨克拉门托,蒂姆 ・卡斯尔曼正努力做什么?
A)以太阳能驱动火车。 C)修筑一条 10 公里的新铁路线。
B)升级该市火车上的设备。 D)削减该市的能源消费量。
【设题要点】 设 问处(Can you..Tim Castleman,believes it's possible)兼人物具体 行为 描述 处
(Castleman wants to...)。
【答案精析】A)。A)正确体现第一、二段所述卡斯尔曼正开发的新技术"完全依靠太 阳能产生的蒸汽来驱
动火车"(run a..train onjust the steam generated by solar power、 magnifving collect and
focus heat onto water-filled tubes...generate steam)。B)复现第二段关键词 upgrading,但将升级改造的对象由"萨
克拉门托市铁路段(rail yard)"窜改为"萨克拉门托市火车设备(train facilities)"。C)与第二段 an existing 10 kilometer
line含义"长 10 公里的铁路线是现存的、正在使用的"相悖。D)源自第二段 with the least amount of energy lost,但
A)制造一个储存氧化钙的罐子。 C)回收过热蒸汽。
B)寻找一种储存能量的新材料。 D)收集二氧化碳气体。
【设题要点】 举例说明处(For example)。
【答案精析】B)。A)对第三段...drives off carbon dioxide gas,leaving calcium oxide.The gas can be a tank 理解错误∶储存在罐中的是"二氧化碳气体"而非"氧化钙"(the gas 回指 carbon dioxide
gas,而非 calcium oxide),且研究团队的目的并非在于"造罐子"。B)契合第三段名古屋大学团队的研究内容
"测试钙化合物能否用作能量储存物质(tested caleium compound as an encrgystoragc matcerial)"。C)将第三
段末句暗示的名古屋大学研究目的"(寻找一种材料,以)生成过热蒸汽(generate superheated steam)"窜改为
"回收过热蒸汽(Recover super-heated steam)。"D)将第三段 The gas can be stored...inatank所述实验步骤
Recording Three 英国老年人护理危机
22.A)The ladk of superision by both the national and local goernments . 23.A)It was mainly prowvided by voluntary servces .
B) The impact of the current economic risis at home and abroad. B)It mainly caters to the neds of the privileged .
C) The poor management of day centres and home help servics. C) It alled for a sufficient number of voluntees .
D) The por rlation between matioral health and soial care servics. D) It has deteriorated over the past sixty years.
24. A)Their longer lifespans . 25. A) They are unable to pay for health services.
B) Fewer home helpersavailable ∶光速考研 B) They hnve long een diseriminated against.
C) Their preference for private services . C) They are vulnerable toillnesses and diseases.
D)More of them sufferig serious illess . D) They have contributed a great deal to society .
22.各项均为名词短语,核心词 The lack of supervision、The impact of ...economic crisis、The poor
management、The poor relation均为负面含义,均指向某一方面的问题(或负面影响),可推测题干询问某问题
60 年间变糟"暗示 It 所指∶某项重大的服务活动/事业。再联系 22 题 day centres and home help services 及
national health and social care services,可推测题干询问某项意义重大的护理服务的相关信息。

24.选项均 为 名词短语,涉及"他们(Their/them)"的寿命长 短(longer lifespans)、家 庭帮助(home
helpers)、私人服务(private services)以及重病情形(serious illnesses),可推测 Their/them 指老年群体。再由
25.各项主语均为 They,指向某一群体,谓语 unable to pay.../been discriminated .../are vulnerable
to.../ society 表明该群体特征∶现在非常弱势,很可能曾对社会贡献颇多,可推测 They 指
【看选项复现词预测主题】选项复现词包括三类∶一、与保健、护理相关的 national health,social care services、
private services、health services;二、与健康状况相关的 lifespans、seriousillnesses、illnesses and diseases;三、与服务
提供方相关的 governments、day centres、home help services、voluntary services、volunteers、home helpers。由此推测

T Today's crisis in care for older people in England 如今英国的老年人护理危机有两个主
has two main causes. First, people are living longer 要原因。首先,人们的寿命更长,需求更复
with a lot more complex needs. 画Second,they rely on a 杂。其次,他们依赖的是一个长期以"国民
system that has long been marked by a poor relation 医疗保健和社会护理服务关系欠佳"为特
between national health and social care services. 征的体系。
Current services originate in two key measures. 当前服务源于两项重要法案,即《国民
They are the National Health Service and the 1948 医疗服务法》和 1948 年的《国民救助法》。
National Assistance Act. This required local 这要求地方政府为老年人提供住宿,并对由
governments to provide residential accommodation for 提供家庭和社区服务,包括膳食、日托中心
older people and supervise care homes run by independent
organizations.They also provided home and community 服务免费,完全由政府提供。它为所有人提
services,including meals,day centres and home helpers and 供最好的医疗保健。然而,没有这样的愿景
other subsidized services. The National Health Service was
free and wholly publicly provided. It delivered the best 来指导院舍护理及社区护理(注∶residential

health care for all. No such vision guided residential and care指"不能自理的老人或病人一起住在—
community care though.回The care was substantially 大部分是由志愿服务机构提供的,这些机构
provided by voluntary services which worked together with 长期与地方政府合作,根据收入多 少确定
local authorities as they long had,with eligibility based on (公民)是否有资格(得到护理)。
income. 今天,男性平均寿命已经从 1948 年的
Ⅲ Today,life expectancy has risen from 66 for a male 最高 66 岁提高到现在的约 80 岁。此外,
at best in 1948 to around 80 now. In addition,there is 人们的整体健康水平和护理方面的医学知
better overall health and improved medical knowledge in 识均得以提升。这意味着数量空前的人口
care.This means an unprecedented number of people are 在依赖于专家支持的环境中活得更加长
surviving longer in conditions requiring experts'support. 久。家庭所提供的照护至少和以前一样
Families provide at least as much care as they ever did. 多。但即便如此,若没有补贴性援助,他们
Even so,they can rarely,without subsidized support, 依然很难解决重大个人需求。随着这些趋
address serious personal nccda. Care for oler peopl。aced 势越来越明显,老年人护理面 对的批评从
persistent criticism as these trends became apparent. 未中断。
Ⅳ From the early 1960s,local authorities were 从 20世纪 60年代初开始,地方政府
required to plan health and welfare services. The aim 被要求对健康及福利服务进行规划。目的
was to enable older people to remain in their own homes 是使老年人尽可能长时间地生活在自己的
for as long as possible. But this increased concern about 家里。但这增加了人们对"免费医疗服务
the lack of coordination between free health and paid-for 与有偿社会护理之间缺乏协调"的担忧。
social care.Through the 1970s,a number of measures 在整个 20 世纪 70 年代,政府出台了大量
sought to improve matters. 措施致力于改善这一状况。

VHowever,at a time of financial crisis,funding 然而,金融危机期间,资金持续减少、
diminished and little changed. In the 1980s,the 情况几乎未变(未见改观)。20世纪 80年
government cut spending.回Meanwhile,preference for 代,政府削减支出。而且,"人们青睐私营
private over public services made managementeven more 服务胜于公共服务"使得管理更加困难。
difficult. Simultancously,the number of sick older 与此同时,患病老人数量也在增加。政府
people grew. Governments emphasized the need to 强调需要改进服务。然 而他们这 样做的
improve services. They did so,though,while doing little 同时却并未采取什么措施来阻止可用援
to stop the erosion of available aid. 助的削弱。
M Services were irregular across authorities.Unless you 各个部门的服务都是非正规的。除
were prepared to pay,they were increasingly difficult to obtain 非你打算付钱,否则除最严重的残障人士
for any but the most severely disabled. 外,人们越来越难以获得服务。
MWhy has sixty years of criticism produced so lile 为什么持续 60 年的批评只带来了如此
change?图Discrimination against older people has a long 小的改变?对老年人的歧视由来已久。此
history.Additionally,those affected by inadequate health and 外,受"医疗服务及社会护理不足"影响的群
social care are too vulnerable to launch the protests that have 体极为弱势,难以发起解决其他形式的歧视
addressed other forms of discrimination. 问题所使用的抗议活动。
Q22: What is one cause of the current crisis in care for the 问 22∶当前的英国老年人护理危机的一个原
elderly in Fngland? 因是什么?
Q23: What does the speaker say about residential and 问 23∶关于院舍和社区护理,讲话人说了
community care? 什么?
Q24: What made management of care for the elderly more 问 24∶ 什么加大了 20世纪 80年代老年人
difficult in the 1980s? 护理的管理难度?
Q25: What does the speaker say about older people in England? 问 25;关于英国的老年人,讲话人说了什么?

22. 当前的英国老年人护理危机的一个原因是什么?
A)国家和地方政府的监管缺失。 C)对日托中心和家庭帮佣服务的管理不善。
B)当今国内外经济危机的影响。 D)国民医疗保健和社会护理服务的不良关系。
【设题要点】文章开头处兼引出原因处(...has two main causes)。
【答案精析】D)。A)、B)、C)均利用文中个别词汇捏造干扰∶A)糅杂第一、二段 national、local government
以及 supervise捏造信息,文中并未提及;B)源自第五段提及的上世纪 80 年代的 financial crisis,无关当今情
形;C)源自第二段 day centres and home helpers,但文中未提及"对其管理不善"。D)复现首段所述老年人护
理危机第二个原因(Today'scrisis in care for older people in England has two main causes. First,..Second,
a poor relation between national health and social care services),故正确。
A)它主要由志愿服务机构提供。 ℃)它需要大量的志愿者。
B)它主要迎合特权阶层的需要。 D)它在过去的 60 年里变糟了。
【设题要点】转折处(No such vision..though)和具体介绍处(The care was substantially provided by...)。
【答案精析】A)。A)同义复现第二段末句对院舍和社区护理的介绍∶The care(指前一句中residential and
community care)was substantially provided by voluntary services...,故正确。B)将第二段末句"根据收入确
定公民是否有资格获得服务/低于一定收入才可得到服务(with eligibility based on income)"曲解为与之反向
的"迎合特权阶层(caters to the needs of the privileged)"。C)由服务提供机构"志愿服务机构(voluntary
services)"臆造出"需要大量志愿者(called for a sufficient number of volunteers)"。D)将末段问句"为何 60 年
的批评带来的改变如此之少(即∶老年护理未见明显改进)"夸大为"在过去 60 年变糟"。
24.什么加大了对 20 世纪 80 年代老年人护理管理的难度?
A)他们的寿命延长。 C)他们对私人服务的偏爱。
B)可用的家庭帮助者越来越少。 D)他们之中更多人身患重病。
【设题要点】 原因介绍处(Meanwhile,preference..made...more difficult)。
【答案精析】 C)。A)利用文中多次提及的"人们寿命延长(living longer/life expectancy has risen/surviving
longer)"干扰,但这无关20世纪80年代情形。B)、C)、D)来自集中论述 20世纪80 年代情形的第五段。B)由段末句
erosion of available aid(可用援助减少)推出"可用家庭帮助者减少",但该句是在指出政府在阻止这一趋势上努力甚
少,无关"管理困难"。C)同义复现第五段第三句 preference for private over public services made management even
more difficult,正确体现其中因果关系,故正确。D)复现第五段第四句介绍的 20 世纪 80 年代情况"患病老年人增
加",但由 simultaneously(与此同时)可知这与第三句所述"管理困难"为并列关系,而非因果关系。
A)他们无力支付医疗保健服务。 C)他们容易生病。
B)他们长期受到歧视。 D)他们为社会做出了很大贡献。
【设题要点】设问回答处(Why...? Discrimination...Additionally,..)。
【答案精析】B)。A)千扰源自第六段 Unless you were prepared to pay,they were increasingly difficult to
第二句 Discrimination against older people has along history,故正确。C)利用文中词汇health、care、sick结合
Part II Reading Comprehension
Section A
本文选自 网站 2016.08.11 文章∶The Adorable Island Fox Is Back—But Saving It
Meant Going to War(可爱的岛狐回来了——但拯救它意味着发动战争)。文章脉络;聚焦事例,指出美国大自
词性 选项 词义
B) chaos 1.大混乱,素乱(in chaos 混乱状态)2. 宇宙的混沌状态
C)) configuration 1.构造,布局 2.(计算机设备的)配置
单数/不可数G) extincton。 1.(物种的)灭绝 2.(习俗等的)消亡 3.(希望等的)破灭
J) mammal 哺乳动物
MN) remove 距 离,差距
复数 L) predators 1.掠食动物,捕食者2.利用别人弱点谋取利益的人,损人利己的人
M) remove 1.移走,移开 2.去除(障碍),解决(问题)3.免职,开除
原形 N) tempt 劝说,鼓动,诱惑,引诱
第三人称单数F) dveils.
1.居住 2.dwell on/upon sth停留在/老是想着某事
1) hindes 阻碍,妨碍
词性 选项 词义
D)delared 1.正式宣布,声明 2.声称,断言 3.申报(收入、应征税物品等)
E) deicated 1.致力于,献身于2.把……献给 3.把……专用于
K)monitoring 监视,监测,监听
-ing 分词
O)underlying 作为……原因;构成……的基础
A)ngressie 1.好斗的,挑衅的 2.有进取心的;汲汲于成功的
E) dedicated 1.满腔热忱的,有奉献精神的 2.专用的
H)Terc 1.猛烈的,凶恶的 2.(感情)强烈的 3.(天气等)极度的,极端的
O) undertying 潜在的,根本的(underlying cause 根本的原因)
I①Just off the coast"of Southern California sits 就在南加州海岸附近,坐落着圣克鲁
Santa Cruz Island,wherea magical creature called the 斯岛,岛上居住着一种名叫岛狐的神奇生
island fox 26. ② A decade ago,this island's 物。十年前,这座岛屿的生态系统处于混
ecosystem was in_27.O Wild pigs attracted golden 乱状态。野猪吸引了来自大陆的金雕,这
eagles from the mainland4,and those flying 28 些飞行捕食者重击了岛狐种群(使岛狐数
erashed° the fox population.④ Sothe Nature 量锐减)。因此,大自然保护协会发起了
Conservancylaunched°a 29 war against the pigs, 一场激烈的野猪反击战,作战中动用了直
complete with helicopters and sharp shooters. 升机和神枪手。
Ⅱ①And it worked.②Today,federal agencies are 战争奏效了。如今,联邦机构正将岛
pulling the island fox from the Endangered Species List. 狐从濒危物种名单上删除。这是有史以
④It's the fastest-ever recovery of a mammal3,joining 来最快的哺乳动物恢复过程,岛狐与路易
peers"like the Louisiana black bear as glowingsuccesses 斯安那黑熊等同伴一起,成为了《濒危物
in the history of the Endangered Species Act. 种法案》历史上的辉煌胜利。

①off the coast 沿海,临近海岸 ⑦launch【lointJ】 v.发起、发动(大型或重要活动)
②sit 【su】 v.位于,坐落在 ⑧complete with 包括,具有配套的
③ecosystem 【'ikousistom】 n.生态系统 ⑨sharp shooter 神抢手
④mainland 【'menlond】 n.大陆 ⑩mammal 【'm?mol】 n.哺乳动物
⑤crash 【kre/】 v.猛撞,猛击 ①peer 【po】 n. 同,伙 伴
⑥conservancy 【kon's∶vons1】 n保护 glowing 【'glourg】 a.闪闪发光的,热烈赞扬的

It's the fastest-ever recovery of a mammal,joining peers like the Louisiana black bear as glowing successes in
the history of the Endangered Species Act速

in the history of the Endangered

of a mammal like the Louisiana black bear Species Act.
后置定语 举例说明 后置定语
Its the fastest-ever recovery伴随状语|】joinig pers十 宾补as glowing successes
主语+系动词 表语

【确定词性】空格所在 where 定语从句的结构为∶where(引导词)+ a magical creature(主语)— called the
island fox(后置定语)十_,可知空格应为谓语动词,再结合句子整体时态及从句主语,可进一步推知空格
注∶仅从语法看,空格词还可能是 be动词(is),但由于 be动词不在备选项内,可直接忽略。
【锁定答案】空格所在句指出,一种名为岛狐的生物圣克鲁斯岛(where 回指 Santa Cruz Island),空
格词搭建起"一种动物"和"一个地域"之间关系,应意为"活动、栖息等"。F)dwells 符合文意
【点拨技巧】一、本空位于全文开篇句,解题可结合如下技巧∶1.看下文∶由下文可知,island fox 与 Wild
pigs、golden eagles 同属岛屿生态系统的组成者,即它们"住在岛上"。2。排除法;根据词性判断可锁定两词F)
先将其所在从句还原为 a magical creature called the island fox(主语)where/on Santa Cruz lsland(地点
状语),从而更容易意识到句子缺少"谓语动词"、该词应体现"居住 、栖息"等含义。
【确定词性】空格所在句主干结构为∶this island's ecosystem(主语)+ was( 系动词)+ in____。空格词
应为名词或动名词,且可与 in 搭配构成介宾结构作表语。
【锁定答案】空格所在句指出,十年前,岛屿生态系统处于。可见 in概括十年前岛屿生态系
出自然保护协会因此发起了野猪反击战。概括推理③④句 内容可知,当时岛屿的生态系统"非常糟糕",B)
chaos 可与in 形成固定表达 in chaos,意为"处于混乱状态",符合文意。
【点拨技巧】对于就"概括性内容"设置的选项,基本思 路是概括推理下文详述部分的现有内容(有时也可
能是上文)。 本段②)③)(④)句为典型的"总述问题—详述问题一介绍对策"论述结构,概括(③句所述岛屿生态系
统状况、并反推④句介绍的解决对策,可知②句 强调岛屿生态系统存在严重 问题。
【确定词性】空格所在分句结构为∶those flying十十crashed(动词过去式)+ the fox population(名词)。
可知句子为主谓宾结构,空格词和 those flying 一起作句子主语,应为名词复数形式。
【锁定答案】由 those 的回指功能可知,those flying指代 golden eagles。再由 crashed 一词含义"形
成巨大冲击、撞击"可知,golden eagles 对岛狐造成巨大冲击,使其数量大减(crashed the fox population)。这
暗示 golden eagles 处于岛狐的食物链上端,是岛狐的捕食者,L)predators 符合文意。
29.答案∶H) fierce
【确定词性】空格前为不定冠词 a,后为名词 war,可推知空格词应修饰限定 war,可能是以非元音音素开头
的形容词、名词、-ing 分词、-ed 分词。
手(complete with helicopters and sharp shooters)。可见这场战争规格极高,战事激烈,H)fierce 符合文意。A)
aggressive 亦可用于形容 war,强调战事凶猛,但根据空格前不定 冠词 a 可将其排除。
【点拨技巧】一、正确解答第一段 4 题关键在于把握段落"关注对象"以及涉及的"生物链",从而推知各自
身份、特征;1.首句通过特殊句式(倒装句式、非限制性定语从句)辅以强调副词 Just、以及带明显情感色彩的
短语a magical creature码引出关注地点"圣克备斯岛影(Santa Cruz Island)及对象"岛狐(the island fox)"。②③
(wild pigs)引来金雕(golden eagles)→金雕捕食岛狐(island fox)→岛狐数量锐减(erashed)。④句则指出针对
it worked(战争奏效)暗示战争激烈(可辅助解 29 题)。②③句具体说明如今情形(Today)∶岛狐物种快速恢
复、成为《濒危物种法案》历史上的辉煌胜利。可反推十年前情形(A decade ago);岛狐数量因(野猪引来金雕)
锐减(辅助解 26、28 题),生态系统糟糕(辅助解 27 题)。

Ⅲ ④But the recovery of Santa Cruz Island isn'tjust 但圣克鲁斯岛的恢复不仅仅关乎岛
about the fox.②The Nature Conservancy has 30_ war 狐。大自然保护协会已向这里的大批入
on a multitude ofinvasive" species here,from sheep to 侵物种宣战,从绵羊到植物,再到攻击性
plants to the 31 Argentine ant.③"Our philosophy 的阿根廷蚁(均在其内)。"我们对该岛
with the island has always been,'OK,32_ the threats 屿的理念一直是∶'好,消除威胁,让岛屿
and let the island go back to what it was,'"says 恢复本来面貌。'"生 态学家 克里斯蒂
ecologist2Christina Boser. ④ And it appears to be 娜・博瑟说道。这似乎正在发挥作用。
working. ⑤Native plants are coming back,and the fox 本土植物正在纷纷恢复生机,岛狐再次
once again bounds about carefree". 无忧无虑地四处 端跳。
①a multitude of 众多,大量 ④bound 【baond】z)跳跃,蹦 端跳跳地跑
②invasive 【iIn'veIsIv】a.侵略性的;攻击性的 ⑤carefree 【'keofri∶】 .无忧无虑的
③ecologist 【r'kolod3Ist】 n.生态学家
【确定词性】空格前为助动词 has,后为名词 war,可推知空格词为-ed 分词。
对一系列入侵物种(invasive species)战争。联系首段事实"大自然保护协会为了保护岛狐,曾向野猪发
起战争"可推知∶"野猪"是"外来物种"的一种;空格词也应表示"发起(战争)"之意,D)declared 符合文意,
declare war 意为"宣战,发动战争"。
【点拨技巧】本段的解题思路在于"理解言外之意、得出合理关系"∶本段(①)句"但圣克鲁斯岛的恢复 不仅
仅关乎岛狐(isn't just about the fox)"言外之意"还关乎其他许多岛上物种",该句实则承上启下;大自然保护
协会(The Nature Conservancy 在第一段末和第二段中复现)为保护岛狐及岛上其他物种(island fox 代表"岛
上本地物种")向野猪等大批外来入侵物种(wild pigs 为 invasive species 之一)发起了战争(____war 应与上
段 launched a war 近义)。
31. A) aggressive
【确定词性】空格前为定冠词 the,后为名词短语 Argentine ant,可推知空格词与 Argentine 一起修饰限定
ant,应为形容词、-ing 分词、或-ed 分词。
地物种的破坏性(如侵略性、疾病传播性等)",A)aggressive 符合文 意。
结构可知,sheep、plants 与Argentine ant 是对 invasive species 的列举,从而意识到空格词应体现
invasive species 的总体特征"带有侵略性或是传播疾病,从而危及当地物种",确定强调"入侵性、侵略性"的
A)aggressive 正确。
32.M) remove
【确定词性】空格词位于,and 连接的并列结构中,and前为+ the threats(名词短语),后为let the
island...,可推知空格词与let 一样,为动词原形。
面貌"。由 and可知,the threats 与let the island go back to...为"同向关系";再联系上句可知 threats
指代 invasive species。由此可确定空格词应表示"消灭,赶走,控制",M)remove 符合文意。
所在句(③句)实则概括前两句并引领后两句∶let the island go back to what it was 与④⑤句 working、Native plants
are coming back...the fox...bounds about...语义契合,指出岛屿在恢复本来面貌;the threats 与②句
declared war on...invasive species 一致,指向"消灭/控制外来物种";M)remove 恰能体现这一逻辑。
二、引号内容无论其形式结构,置于句中可整体视为名词。按常规语法,空格所在句 主干 结构为 Our
philosophy(主语)has always been(系动词)+...,系动词之后应该是名词/动名词作表语,即空格词和let 都
应为-ing分词。但由于这是援引内容('),所以可不受此限制,解题时应以 let为参照。
Ⅳ ① But keeping those foxes from harm will 但保护这些岛狐不受伤害将会占据
occupy"Boser and her colleagues for years to come.② 博瑟与其同事未来数年时间。要知道,人
You see,humans are still allowed on Santa Cruz Island, 们依然被允许登上圣克鲁斯岛,且他们会
and they bring dogs. ③So Boser has to vaccinate2 her 带着狗。因此博瑟不得 不给岛狐 们接种
foxes against various diseases. O"We're obligatedto 疫苗以预防 各种疾病。博瑟说∶"我们有
keep a pulse on"the population for at least five years after 责任在岛狐被移出(濒危物种)名单后继
the foxes are delisted","says Boser. ⑤ That includes 续关注这一种群至少五年。"这包括给岛
tagginge the foxes and 33 their numbers to ensure 狐挂上标牌并监控其数量,以确 保 不出任
nothing goes wrong. 何差错。
①occupy 【'Dkjopal】 v.占用,占去 ④keep a pulse on sth 紧 密跟踪/密切关注 某物
②vaccinate 【'v?ksinelt】 z.给……接种疫苗 ⑤delist 【di'ist】v,被……摘牌,把……从清单中划去
③obligated 【'bbligertd】 a.有责任的;有义务的 ⑥tag 【t?g】v.给……加上标签/带上标牌
33. K)monitoring
【确定词性】空格词所在短语their numbers 与 tagging the foxes 并列,共同作 includes 的宾语,故
【锁定答案】空格所在句指出,这/持续关注岛狐物种(That 回指 to keep a pulse on the population)包括给
K)monitoring 符合文意。
【点拨技巧】本题的解题线索有二;1.由 That 回指上句 to keep a pulse on the population...可迅速将解题
线索锁定在关键短语 keep a pulse on 上,再由 pulse"脉搏"之意可推出该短语大致含义"密切关注",从而锁定
K)monitoring;2.根据空格所在句 and 可知 tagging the foxes 与_____ their numbers 语义同向,推理可知
"为岛狐挂上标牌"的目的是"跟踪并监控其数量",由此也可锁定 monitoring。
V ④This is the story of thelitte fox that has come back, 这是关于"归来的小岛狐"与
and the people who have 34 their lives to protecting it. ② "致力于保护它的人们"的故事。
This is the story of wildlifel conservation in the age of mass" 这是在大灭绝时代保护野生生物
35. [310 words] 的故事。
①wildlife 【'wanldlaf】 n.野生动植物,野生生物 ¥ ②mass 【m?s】 a.民众的,群众的;大量的

3-4. E)dedicated
淘宝 店铜∶ 光速考证,解题思路 ・
【确定词性】空格所在定语从句的整体结构为∶who(主语)+have(实意动词/助动词)+ ___- their lives
(名词短语)+to protecting it(介词短语)。再观察可发现,have无法与随后的名词短语 their lives和介词短语 to
protecting it构成have sb do sth、have sb doing sth、have sth done中任何一种,故可判断 have 不能为实义动词,只
能是助动词。所以空格词为动词过去分词,且可以构成~ sth to doing sth 结构。
事。联系上文可知.the people 指以博瑟为代表的保护者们.他们为保护岛狐而发起了猛烈的、持续多年的入
侵物种(包括野猪)反击战,E)dedicated 符合文意。注∶dedicate oneself/one'slife to(doing)sth为固定搭配,

35. G) extinction
【确定词性】空格所在句整体结构为∶This(主)+ is(系)+the story of wildlife conservation(表)+in the
age of mass____(状语),其中 of mass___为 age 的后置定语,可推知空格词为名词。
一个"物种大灭绝、大消亡"的时代,G)extinction 符合文意。
【点拨技巧】末段高度概括前文并升华全文主旨,因此解答 34、35 题需回溯全文且适当结合时代背景;第
在未来数年依然需要密切关注。可见,作者强调"人们为保护岛狐付出了诸多努力",34 题锁定 dedicated。结
及是一个个已经消逝或正在消失的物种",可知作者意在说明这是一个"大灭绝时代",35 题锁定 extinction。

Section B
本文节选自 网站 2016.10.28 一篇题为 Do Parents Invade Children's Privacy When They Post
Photos Online?(父母在网上发布孩子照片是否侵犯孩子隐私?)的文章。本文主要探讨了家长网上"晒娃"现象,
试题 定位词 核心义
36. Steinberg argued parental ① sharing [1] Steinberg 斯坦伯格的观点∶线上分享育
online can be beneficial. [2] beneficial 儿信息有益。
37.According to an expert,when children[1] an expert 一个专家的说法∶学龄儿童可
reach school age,they can help their parents [2] what can and cannot be done 帮助规范父母分享行为。
learn what can and cannot be done.
38.One mother refrained 2from posting * [1] refrained from posting 一位母亲的做法∶从孩子角度
her son's photos online when she considered[2] her so's perspecive 考虑,克充制上传孩子 照片的
the matter from her son's perspective ③. 冲动。
39.According to a study,morechildren than[1]a study
parents think there should be rules on[2] more children than parents 一项研究结果∶认为应规范父
parents'sharing. [3]rules on parents'sharing
40.Katlyn Burbidge had never realized she[1] Katlyn Burbidge Katlyn Burbidge∶从未意 识到
had to ask her son's approval to put his[2] never realized 上传 孩子 照 片 需征得 孩 子
photos online. [3]ask her son's aproval 同意。
41.A mother decided not 盲post her sons1] pos ier son's photo 一位母亲的经历∶应儿子请求
photo online when he asked her not to. [2] he asked her not to 决定不把孩子照片上传网络。
42.A woman pediatrician tries to help other[1] A woman peditrican 一位女性儿科医师的行为;分
parents by sharing her own parenting experience [2] sharing 享切身育儿经历以助他人。
43.There are people who decide simply°not[1] simply not to share 一些人的决定∶完全不在网上
to share their children's photos online. 分享孩子照片。
44. Parents and physicians should realize[1] Parents and physicians 父母和医生的责任∶认识到分
sharing information online about children may
[2] risks 享孩子信息可能有风险。
试题 定位词 核心义
45. Parents who shar their parenting [1] their parenting experiences 线上育儿分享的可能后果∶侵
experiences may find themselves intruding intoE2] their children's privacy 犯孩子隐私。
their childrn's privacy.
・词汇注释与难句分析 ・
①parental 【po'rentol】 a.父 亲的,母亲的,双亲的 ④perspective 【po'spekt1v】 n.(思考问题的)角度,观点
②refrain 【r'fren】 v.克制,避免 ⑤simply 【'simpl1】 ad.纯粹地,完全地,简直
③post 【poust】 v.(在因特网上)贴,公布 ⑥intrude 【in'tru∶d】 zv.扰乱,侵扰

定位词选取原则∶(1)排除复现的泛指信息 sharing online、sharing information online 等,但须注意.38 题

posting her son's photos online实际指向个人经历,而非泛指,故可选作定位词;39题 rules on parents sharing 实际
核心信息为 rules,其后 parents sharing 为限定说明,故整体可选作定位词;(2)优先选择主体,包括人、物等,如
Steinberg、an expert、a study等,但须注意.38题 One mother与 41 题 A mother重复,区分度不够大,故不选作定
位词;(3)补充选择各题中区辨其他题的细节信息 beneficial、risks 等。
一解题过程可分批进行,比如先分析 5道题然后通读全文,然后再分析剩下 5 道题及剩余未确定段落。)
[A] ④When Katlyn Burbidge's son was 6 years old, 卡特琳・伯比奇的儿子 6 岁时,他表
he was performing some ridiculous song and dance 演一些一年级孩子经 常表演的滑稽歌舞。
typical of a first-grader. 回② But after she snapped" a 但在卡特琳拍了张照片 并开始摆弄手机
photo and started using her phone, he asked her a serious 时,儿子问了她一个严肃的问题∶"你准备
qucstion:"Are you going to post that online?" ② Shc 把 那张照片发布到网上吗?"她 笑着回 答,
laughed and answered,"Yes,I think I will."④What he "是的,我想我会那么做。"儿子接下来的
said next stopped her. ⑤"Can you not?" 话阻止了她。"你能不那么做吗,?"
[B]④That's when it dawned on"her: She had been 那时她才突然意识到;她一直不经儿
posting photos of him online without asking his 子同意就在 网上发布他的照片。"我们都

permissin*. 回②"We're big advocates of bodily 大力倡导身体自主权,不会强迫孩子去拥

autonomy2and not forcing him to hug or kiss people 抱或亲吻他人,除非他自愿,但我从来没

unless he wantsto,but it never occurred tome that I 想过,把他的照片 发布在网上 应该征求他

should ask his permission to post photos of him online," 的同意",伯比奇说,她是两个孩子的母

says Burbidge, a mom of two in Wakefield, 亲,住在马萨诸塞州威克菲尔德。"现在,

Massachusetts.③"Now when I post a photo of him 当我在网上发布他的照片时,我会给他看
online,I show him the photo and get his okay." 下 照片然后征得他的同意。"
[C] ①When her 8-month-old is 3 or4 years old,she 当她八个月大的儿子三、四岁时,她
plans to start asking him in an ageappropriate way,"Do you 打算以一种适合孩子年龄的方式问他"你
want other people to sethis?"②HThat's preciselythe 想让其他人看到这 个吗?"这恰好是 上周
approach that two researchers advocated before a room of 美国儿科学会会议上两位研究人员面向
pediatricians(儿 科医 生)last week at the American 所有与会儿科医生所倡导的方法,会上他
Academy of Pediatrics meeting,when they discussed the 们讨论了21世纪"晒娃"的挑战,这是一个
2lst century challenge of"sharenting,"a new term for 针对父母在线分享孩子有关信息的新术
parents'online sharing about their children. ③"As advocates 语。"作为儿童权利的倡导者,我们认为,
of children'srights,we believe that children should have a 如果可能的话,儿童应该对哪些与其相关
voice° about what information is shared about them if 的信息可以分享享有话语权",位于盖恩
possible."says Stacey Steinberg,a legal skills professor a the 斯威尔的佛罗里达大学菜文法学院法律
University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville. 技能教授史黛西・斯坦伯格说道。

①perform 【po'fo∶m】 v.表演 ⑥advocate 【'?dvokot】n.拥护者,支持者
②ridiculous 【r'dnkjolos】 a.滑稽的,可笑的 ⑦autonomy 【D∶tpn?mi】 n.自治,自主权
③snap 【sn?p】 v,拍照.摄影 ⑧it occurs to sb(that)(主意或想法)浮现于脑中
④dawn on 开始明 白(某个事实),醒悟 ⑨precisely 【pr'sas1】 ad.恰好,正好
⑤permission 【po'mi/on】 n.许可,批准 ⑩have a voice 有话语权,有发言权
That's precisely the approach that two researchers advocated before a room of pediatricians last week at the
American Academy of Pediatrics meeting,when they discussed the 2Ist century challenge of"sharenting,"a new
term for parents'online sharing about their children.
That's preciselythe approach
主系结构状语 表语
that two researchers advocatedbefore a room of pediatricians last week at the American Academy of Pediatrics meeting,
关系词主语 谓语 状语
when they discussed the2Ist century challenge of"sharening;"a new tem for parents' onine sharing about their chidren.
关系词 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语同位语
Burbidge,She、her 互指实现整段群衔接。
【A】段利用场景及对话描述事件∶6 岁男孩母亲伯比奇拍摄儿子滑稽歌舞照片并欲在网上发布时应儿子
要求而放弃了这个想法。When...But展示事件时间链条。全段核心信息为;6 岁男孩
【定位词定位】41 题 post her son's photo 对应②句 post that(that 即指 Katlyn Burbidge 儿子的照片);he
asked her not to 则对应末句"Can you not?"(补充完整即为,Can you not post that online?)。
【核心义匹配】段落所述事件"6 岁孩子母亲伯比奇在想把儿子滑稽歌舞照片在线分享时应儿子请求而放
弃这一想法(意即,伯比奇应儿子请求决定不在线分享照片)"与 41 题核心义匹配。
【B】段说明当事母亲的思维及行动改变。①句中 it dawned on her 总领全段,指出伯比奇事后的反思;一
过去从未意识到晒娃需要征得孩子同意 VS 现在晒娃前会问孩子意见。
【定位词定位】40 题 Katlyn Burbidge 对应①②句中 her/she/Burbidge;never realized 对应②句 it never
occurred to me;ask her son's approval 对应②句 ask his permission、③句 get his okay。
【核心义匹配】②句中伯比奇的发言"以前从未意识到网上晒娃需征求同意"与 40 题核心义匹配。
[D]① Whether it's ensuring that your child isn't 不管是为了确保孩子不会因你所发
bullied over something you post,that their identity isn't 布的东西而受到欺负,还 是为 了确保孩
digitally"kidnapped2",or that their photos don'tend up 子身份不会遭到数字化"绑架",抑或是
ona half dozen child pornography(色情)sites,as one 为了确保孩子照片不会最后出现在六家

Australian mom discovered,parents and pediatricians are 儿童色情网站上(正如某位澳大利亚母亲
increasingly aware of the importance of protecting 所发现的那样),父母和儿科医生越来越
children's digital presence°.回② Steinberg and Bahareh 意识到保护儿童数字化信息的重要性。
Keith,an assistant professor of pediatricsat the 斯坦伯格和佛罗里达大学医学 院儿科助
University of Florida College of Medicine,say most 理教授巴哈雷・凯斯说,大多数儿童可能
children will likely never experience problems related to 永远不会遭遇到与其父母分享内容有关
what their parents share,but a tension2 still exists 的问题,但父母分享孩子经历的权利与孩
between parents'rights to share their experiences and 子的隐私权之间依然存在着紧张关系。
their children's rights to privacy.
[E]①"We're in no way trying to silence parents' "我们绝不是要试图压制父母的声
voices."Steinherg says.②"At the same time,we 音",斯坦伯格说。"同 时,我们意识到孩
recognize that children might have an interest in entering 子们可能对成年后自由创建自己的数字
adulthood free to create their own digital footprint"." 化足迹感兴趣。"他们援引了今年早些时
回OThey citeda study presented earlier this year of 249 pairs 候发布的一项研究,该研究对 249对父母
of parents and their children in which twice as many children 及其子女进行了调查,其中希望规范父母
as parents wanted rules on what parents could share. ④"The
parents said,'We don't need rules— we're fine,'and the 说'我们不需要规范——我们很好',而孩
children said,'Our parentsneed rules,'"Keit says.O 子们则说'我们的父母需要规范,'"凯斯
"The children wanted autonomy about this issue and were 说。"孩子们希望在这个问题上有自主
worried about their parents sharing information about them." 权,同时也担心父母分享他们的信息。"
[F]④Although the American Academy of Pediatrics 尽管美国儿科学会提供了指导方针,
offers guidelines recommending that parents model 建议父母为孩子树立适当使用社交媒体
appropriate social media use for their children,it does not 的榜样,但并未明确探讨父母过度分享的
explictlydiscuss oversharing by parents. ②"I think this isa 问题。"我认为这是一个非常合理的担忧,
very legitimateconcern,and I appreciate their drawing our 而且我感谢他们引起了我们对此问题的关
attention to"it,"David Hill,a father of five,says.③He 注,"五岁孩子的父亲大卫・希尔说道。他
sees a role for pediatricians to talk with parents about this, 认为儿科医生有责任和父母一起讨论这个
but believes the messaging" must extend far beyond 问题,但他认为信息的传递必须远远超出
pediatricians' offies. ④"Ilook forward to seeing researchers 儿科医生的办公室。他说∶"我期待看到研
expand3our understanding of the issue so we can translate it 究人员深化我们对该问题的理解,这样我
intoeffective education and policy,"he says. 们就能将其转化为有效的教育和政策。"
[G] ① There's been little research on the topic, 斯坦伯格在一篇关于该问题的法律
Steinberg wrote in alaw article about this issue. ②While 文章中指出,有关这个话题的研究寥寥无
states could passlaws related to sharing information about 几。尽管各州可以就在线分享儿童信息
children online,Steinberg feels parents themselves are 进行立法,但斯坦伯格认为,父母自己通
generally best suited to make these decisions for their 常最适合为其家庭做出相关决定。斯坦
families. 回④"While we didn't want to create any 伯格说∶"虽然我们不想造成任何不必要
unnecessary panic,we did find some concernsthat were 的恐慌,但我们确实发现了一些恼人的忧
troublesome,and we thought that parents or at least 虑,我们认为父母或至少是儿科医生应该
physicians should be aware of those potential risks," 意识到那些潜在风险。"这些潜在危险包
Steinberg says. ④ They include photos repurposed°for 括照片被改用于不当或非法用途、身份窃
inappropriate or illegal means, identity theft, 取、使人难堪、同辈霸凌或数字绑架。
embarrassment,bullying by peers or digital kidnapping.
词汇注释与难包分析 。
①bully C'bolr】 v.伤害,恐吓,霸凌 ③digital presence 数字化的存在,数字信息
②kidnap 【'krdn?p】 v.绑架 ④pediatrics 【ipidt'?etriks】n.儿科学

⑤tension 【'tenlJon】 n.紧张关系 ②messaging 【'mestd319】 n.信息传送
⑥silence 【'sarlons】 v.压制,使安静 ?expand 【ik'spend】 v.详细说明,细化
⑦footprint 【'fotprint】n. 足迹 ?translate sth into sth 使转变为
⑧model 【'mDdol】 v.将………做成模型 ?troublesome 【'trAbolsom】 a.令人烦恼的
⑨explicitly 【ik'splstli】 ad.明确地,清楚地 ⑩repurpose 【r'ps∶pos】 v.(为适合新用途)对 ……稍
⑩legitimate 【lr'd3uimot】 a.合理的,合法的 加修改,略微改动
?draw one's attention to sth 将某人的注意力吸引到某 ⑦inappropriate 【ino'proupriot】 a.不正当的,不合适的
事物 ?embarrassment 【im'b?erosmont】 n.难基,窘迫
【D】段指出问题一∶触及孩子隐私权。全段两句间实际借助 bullied、kidnapped、end up on...child
pornography sites与 problems的"下义词 上义词"关联实现衔接,表明此段实际意欲说明网络晒娃的问题。
①句借助并列结构 Whether it's ensuring that...that...or that...列举随意发布孩子信息可能造成的严重后
【定位词定位】45 题 their parenting experiences 契合②句 their experiences(指 parents'experiences)所蕴
藏文意"父母的育儿经历",their children's privacy 对应②句 their children's rights to privacy。
【核心义匹配】②句"家长分享自身育儿经历可能侵犯孩子隐私"与 45 题核心义匹配。
(而非由父母创建)",③)④⑤句引某项研究数据解释②句。全段核心信息为;(1)斯坦伯格发言∶父母发 声的同
【定位词定位】39 题 a study 在③句复现;more children than parents 对应③句 twice as many children as
parents;rules on parents'sharing 对应 rules on what parents could share。
【核心义匹配】③句调查结果"希望规范家长分享行为的孩子是家长的两倍"与 39 题核心义匹配。
把控自身分享行为;三 、父母或至少是医师应该意识到过度"晒娃"的潜在风险。
【定位词定位】44 题 Parents and physicians 对应③句 parents or at least physicians,risks 在③句中复现。
【核心义匹配】③句"家长或者至少是医师应意识到晒娃存在多种潜在风险"与 44 题核心义匹配。

[H] ④ But that's the negative side, with risks that 但这是消极的一面,分享 的风险一-.
must be balanced against" the benefits of sharing. ② 定与其收益相权衡。斯坦伯格指出,社
Steinberg pointed out that parental sharing on social media 交媒体的育儿分享有助于建立社交图、
helps build communities, connect spread-out2 families, 联结分散的 家人、提 供支持以及提高对
provide support and raise awareness around important 社会重要问题的认知,在这些问题上,父
social issues for which parents might be their children's 母可能是孩子的唯一发言人。
only voice.

[I] ● A C.S.Mott survey found among the 56 C.S. 莫特(编者注∶密西根大学 C.
percent of mothers and 34 percent of fathers who S. 莫特儿童医 院)的一项调查发现,56%
discussed parenting on social media,72 percent of them 的母亲和 34??父亲在社交媒体上讨论
said sharing made them feel less alone,and nearly as 过育儿问题,其中72??人说分享让他
many said sharing helped them worry less and gave them 们感觉不那么孤独,几乎同样多的人说
advice from other parents.② The most common topics 分享能帮助他们减少担忧,并让他们从
they discussed included kids' sleep,nutrition", 其他父母那里获得建议。他们最常讨论
discipline,behavior problems and day care2 and 的话题包括孩子的睡眠、营养、纪律、行
preschoof. 为问题、日托和学前教育。
【J】皿"There's this peer-to-peer"nature of health care "目前,医疗保健的这种点对点的性
these days with a profound opportunity for parents to learn 质为父母们从社交 圈里获 取有益建议、
helpful tips,safety and prevention efforts,pro-vaccine 安全和预防措施、支持疫苗的 信息以及
messages and all kinds of other messages from other parents in 其他各种各样信息提供了一个巨大机
their social communities," says Wendy Sue Swanson, a 遇,"西雅图儿童医 院数字健康执行理事
pediatrician and executive director of digital health at Seattle 兼儿科医师温迪・苏・斯旺森说,地撰
Children's Hospital,where she blogs about her own parenting 写博文,以自己的育儿经历来帮助其他
journey to help other parents.②"They're getting nurtured"by 父母。"他们正在从自己已经选定信赖
people they've already selected that they trust,"she says. 的人那里吸取养分,"她表示。

①balance A against B比较(两个相对的事物),权衡重要性 ⑦peer-to-peer a.点对点的,个人对个人的
②spread-out 【s'pred'aut】 a.散开的,分散的 ⑧profound 【pr?'faund】 a.巨大的,深远的
③nutrition 【【njo'trfon】n.营养 ⑨vacine 【'veksin】 n.疫苗
④discipline 【'dispin】n.纪律 ⑩blog 【blog】v.写网志,写博客
⑤day care(托儿所的)日托 Dnurture 【'nst 【o】v.扶持,帮助,支持
⑥preschoo 【'prisku∶】 n. 学前班
【定位词定位】36 题 Steinberg 在文中复现;beneficial 直接复现①句 benefits,同义替换②句helps。
【核心义匹配】②句大意"斯坦伯格指出社交媒体育儿分享的若干益处"与 36 题核心义"斯坦伯格认为线
【1段援引研究发现说明好处。①句指出线上分享群体体量大(56??母亲以及 34??父亲)及其原因
(其中 72??人认为此举可减少孤独感、忧虑感并获取建议)。②句补充家长线上最常交流的育儿话题。全段
【J】段列举具体实例说明好处。全段引西雅图儿童医院医师斯旺森之言"点对点医疗保健为 父母们带来
各样的有益信息。全段核心信息为;(1)儿科医 生斯旺森上 网分享育儿经历 以帮助其他父母;(2)斯旺森
【定位词定位】42 题 A woman pediatrician 对应 ①句 Wendy Sue Swanson,a pediatrician;
sharing"通过分享来帮助……"契合①句 help other parents"写博客来帮助其他父母"之意。
【核心义匹配】①句木尾对儿科医生斯 旺森的介绍"写博容分享育儿经历 帮助共他家长"与 42 题核心义

[K]④"How do we weigh" the risks,how do we think "我们如何权衡风险,如何考虑收益,
about the benefits,and how do we alleviatethe risks?"she 以及如何减轻 风险?这 些问题我们需要
says. ②"Those are the questions we need to ask ourselves, 自己问自己,每个人都可能有不 同 的答
and everyone can have a different answer." 案,"她说。
[L]①Some parents find the best route" for them 一些父母觉得最好的办法就是 完全
is not to share at all.② Bridget O'Hanlon and her 不分享。布 丽吉特・奥汉隆和她的丈夫
husband,who live in Cleveland,decided before their 住在克利夫兰,他们在女儿出生之前就决
daughter was born that they would not post her photos 定不把她的照片发布到 网上。当一些家
online.③When a few family members did post pictures, 庭成员上传了照片,奥汉降和丈夫清楚表
O'Hanlon and her husband made their wishes clear. ④ 明自己的意 愿(,要求删除)。"不分享 孩
"It's been hard not to share pictures of her because 子照片挺难的,因为人们总是想要了解婴
people always want to know how babies and toddlers(学 儿以及学步儿童的状况,并且想要看看照
走路的孩子)are doing and to see pictures,but we made 片,但是,我们决定了要拥有社交媒体,而
the decision to have social media while she did not," 她并没有,"奥汉隆说。同样,纽约的艾莉
O'Hanlon said. GSimilarly,Alison Jamison of New 森・贾米森和丈夫决定,他们的孩子有权
York decided with her husband that their child had a 拥有自己的网络身份。他们 确实使用了
right to their own online identity.O They did use an 一个只有受邀用户才能进入的照片分享
invitation-only photo sharing platform so that friends and 平台,以便朋友和家人,包括那些在远方
family,including those far away,could see the photos, 的家人朋友,都可以看到 照片,但他们立
but they stood firm,simply refusing to put their child's 场很坚定,坚决拒绝将孩子的照片发布到
photos on other social media platforms. 其他社交媒体平台上。
【M】 ①"For most families,it's a journey.回② "对大 多数家 庭来说,这 就像一段旅
Sometimes it goes wrong,but most of the time it 程。有时会出错,但大多数时候不会,"斯
doesn't,"says Swanson,who recommends starting to 旺森说,她建议在孩子 6~8 岁时开始征得
ask children permission to post narrativesor photos 他们的允许再发布其故事或照片。"我们
around ages6t8.③"We'll learn more and more what 会对我们的容忍度越来越了解。我们可以
our tolerance is. ④Wecan ask our kids to helpus learn 让孩子帮助我们认识到作为一个社会集体
as a society what's okay and what's not." 什么是可行之事,什么是不可行之事。"
N]④ Indeed,that learning process goes both 事实上,这一学习过程是双向的。布
ways. 回② Bria Dunham,a mother in Somerville, 里亚・邓纳姆是马萨诸塞州 萨默维尔的
Massachusetts,,was so excited to watch a moment of 一位母亲,她看到一年级儿子与幼子兄弟
brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took 俩一起洗澡的有爱一幕兴奋不已,为此特
a bath together that she snapped a few photos. ③But 意抓拍了 几张照片。但当她考虑把这些
when she considered posting them online,she took the 照片上传到网上 时,她站在了儿子的角
perspective of her son: How would he feel if his 度∶如果他同学的父母看见他在浴缸中坦
classmates'parents saw photos of him chest-up in the 胸示人的照片,他的心情会怎样?"这让
bathtub2?④"It made me think about how I'm teaching 我想到我正如何教会他要对自己的身体
him to have ownership of his own body and how what is 拥有自主权,也让我想到一朝分享永存未
shared today enduresinto the future,"Dunham says.6 来,"邓纳姆说。"因此,我将照片留下来,
"SoI kept the pictures to myselfandaccepted this asone 只给自己看,并且将之视为支持他不断提
more step in supporting his increasing autonomy." 升的自主权的又一个进展。"

词汇注释与难句分析 ・
①weigh 【wer】 v.认真考虑,权衡,斟酌 ⑥bonding【'bondr】】n.人与人之间的关系(或联结)
②alleviate 【olivtent】v,减轻,缓和,缓解 ⑦bathtub 【'ba∶0tAb】 n。浴缸,澡盆
③route 【ru∶】 n.途径,渠道 ⑧ownership 【'ounofip】n.所有权,物主身份
④narrative 【'nerotv】 n.故事,叙述 ⑨endure 【in'djuo】 v.持续,持久
⑤brotherly 【'brAool】 a.兄弟(般)的

享。②至⑥句举例说明,②至④句介绍奥汉隆夫妇事例,⑤⑥句介绍贾米森夫妇事例,两大句群以 Similarly
【定位词定位】43 题 simply not to share 对应①句 not to share at all。
【核心义匹配】①句"有些父母认为最好的方式就是完全 不分享"与43 题核心义匹 配。
上分享行为∶偶尔出现问题,总体无伤大雅;who 定语从句进而提出斯旺森建议∶6~8 岁就开始需要征得孩子
的容忍度。全段核心信息为;(1)斯旺森观点;育儿过程总体是好的;(2)斯旺森建议;孩子 6 至 8 岁时,应该开
【定位词定位】37 题 an expert 契合②句中Swanson 儿科医生的身份;what can and cannot be done 对应④
句what's okay and what's not。
【核心义匹配】段落核心意思"斯旺森建议等孩子到 6~8 岁的年纪时需要开始征询他们的意见,他们能够
帮助我们判断哪些东西可以分享、哪些东西不可以分享"与 37 题核心 义匹配。
【N】段继续说明第二种做法的好处。①句以 Indeed 开启段落,goes both ways 概述"分享前征求孩子意
【定位词定位】38 题 refrained from posting"克制自己不上传"契合⑤句邓纳姆自述 So I kept the pictures
to myself"只留给自己看";her son's perspective 对应③句 the perspective of her son。
【核心义匹配】②至⑤句事例经过"邓纳姆站在儿子的角度考虑之后决定不把儿子的照片放到网上"与 38
【答案】【H】 【精解】【H】段②句介绍斯坦伯格观点∶父母线上分享育儿信息有助建立社交圈、联结远方
家人、互帮互助、提高对社会重要问题的认知。试题是对该句的概括,其中 argued 对应 pointed out,can be
beneficial 是对句中 helps...所述诸多 益处的合理概括。
【答案】【M】 【精解】【M】段②③④句介绍斯旺森建议∶孩子 6~8 岁时,父母上网分享之前应开始征求
的高度概括,其中 children reach school age 对应句中 children...around ages 6 to 8。
「答案】【N】 【精解】【N】段②至⑤句介绍一位母亲的具体事例,这位母亲抓拍了几张兄弟俩的有爱照片,
准备线上分享的时候 站在 儿子的角度考虑,最后决定自己珍藏这些照片。本题是对该事例的概括,One
mother 对应 Bria Dunham,指代其母亲身份,considered the matter from her son's perspective 与 took the
perspective of her son 同义。
【答案】【E】 【精解】【E】段③句介绍了一项研究的调查结果;希望规范父母分享行为的孩子是父母的两
倍。试题是对该研究结果的同义改写,其中 there should be rules 契合句中 wanted rules 所传递的孩子对规范
【答案】【B】 【精解】【B】段②句指出伯比奇对儿子请求她不要将照片上传至网上这一事件的反思;自己
改述,将原文直接引语改为间接概括,其中 had to 契合 should"(用于纠正)应该,应当"所传递文意。
【答案】【A】 【精解】「A】段通过场景描写以及对话表明,6 岁男孩母亲伯比奇在拍摄儿子滑稽歌舞照片
是对该段的总结概括,其中decided not to 实际是对④句中 stopped"使……停下来/停止/终止"所传递文意"孩
【答案】【J】 【精解】 【J】段①句末尾部分介绍儿科医生斯旺森的经历∶在博客中分享自己的育儿过程,帮
助其他家长。本题是对句中斯旺森个人经历的同义改写,其中 to help other parents 在该句中复现,her own
parenting experience 近义复现 her own parenting journey。
43. 有人决定,干脆就不在网上分享孩子照片。
【答案】【L】 【精解】【L】段①句介绍一些父母的选择∶完全不分享孩子的照片。本题 there be 句型表示
"有,存在",概括该句 Some people,decide 同义概括 find the best route for them,而 their children's photos
online 虽未在①句中直接复现,但暗含在 share一词语义中,也与贯穿全段的近义表达 share/post her photos
online/post pictures/share pictures of her/put their child's photos on...同义。
【答案】【G】 【精解】【G】段③句指出斯坦伯格对父母及医生的看法∶父母或至少是医生应该意识到线上
分享育儿信息的潜在风险(句中those potential risks 回指 some concerns)。试题是对该句所传递出的父母/医
生的责任之意的正确解读,其中 may involve risks 改写 potential risks,表示风险可能存在;should realize 改写
should be aware of,提出建议;sharing information online about children 虽未在该句中直接提出,但实为贯穿
【答案】【D】 【精解】【D】段②句指出"家长分享自身(育儿)经历的权利和孩子隐私权之间关系紧张",言
隐私权受到侵害"。试题是对该句言外之意的合理概括,由句 中 所述父母育儿分享权利与孩子隐和权利之间
的紧张关系合理推导出可能情形,其中 intruding into 契合句中 tension"紧张状况,冲突"所暗传的"父母分享
Section C
Passage One 农场终结者∶机器人
来源∶interestingengineering. com 网站 2016.06.10 文 章 Farminators∶ Robots to replace Humans in
脉络∶点明主题"大 型农场迎来智能机器人"(首两段)——介绍农场智能机器人的优势(第三至九段)———指出
二、语篇 分析及试题精解
I 回 ①Perhaps it i tim6'ToF farmers to puf their feet up 既然机器人已被用于查看庄称、挖除
now that2robots are used to inspect crops,dig up weeds,and 杂草,甚至当上了牧羊人,或许农民们是
even have become shepherdstoo.②Commercial growing fields 时候翘起脚体息休息了。商业性种植田
are astronomically2 huge and take thousands of man-hours to 的面积极其广阔,运作起来需要数千工
operate. ③ One prime example"is one of Australia's most 时。一个典型的例子就是澳大利亚最偏
isolated2 cattestations,Suplejack Downs in the Northern 远的养牛场之一——北领地的"Suplejack
Territory,extending across 4,000 square kilometers,taking Downs(须叶藤丘陵)",它绵延 4000 平方
over 13 hours to reach by car from the nearest major 公里,从最近的大城镇爱丽丝泉驱车抵达
town—Alice Springs. 这里需要 13个小时以上。

The extreme isolation of these massive farms leaves them 这些大型农场极度偏远,这致使它们
often unattended",and monitored2only once or twice a year, 常常无人照管,每年仅被监察一两次,这
which means if the livestock°fallsill or requires assistance,it can 就意味着如果(农场里的)牲畜生病或需
be a long time for farmers to discover. 要救助,农民可能需要很久才会发现。

"词汇注释与难句分析 ・
第一段 ⑦prime example 典型的/有代表性的例子
①put one's fet up(尤指架起双腿)坐下休息 ⑧isolated 【'aisolet d】 a.偏僻的
②now that 既然,由于 ⑨catle【'ket1】 n.牛
③inspect crops 检查作物(情况) ⑩extend 【ik'stend】 v.延伸,伸展
④shepherd 【'Jepod】 n。牧羊人,羊宿 第二段
⑤astronomically Li?stro'npmlkoli】 ad.【数量、价格等】 ①unattended 【iAno?'tendid】 a.无人照看的
极巨大地,天文数字地 ②monitor 【'monto】 v.监视,监测,监查
⑥man-hour 工时 ③livestock 【'lalvstok】n.牲畜高
One prime example is one of Australia's most isolated cattle stations,Suplejack Downs in the Northern
Territory,extending across 4,000 square kilometers,taking over 13 hours to reach by car from the nearest major
town—Alice Springs.
[Suplejack Downs in the Northern Territory. extending across 4,000 square kilometers,
同位语 补充说明性成分1 补充说明,
s;性成分2taking over 13 hours to reach
One prime example is one of Australia's most isolated cattle stations,[l
by car from the nearest major
主语 系动词 表语 town—-Alice Springs.
①句开篇点题∶机器人已承担多种农活,或将解放农民双手。now that(意为 because of sth)标示句中"因
果逻辑"∶are used to...and even have become...串联"机器人可应用的多个农业生产环节∶查看庄稼长势、拔
草、甚至放牧",it is time for sb to do sth(该是……的时候了)结构暗含长久期待之意"农民们终于可以从繁重
的劳动中解放出来(put one's feet up 形象展现农民'放松休息、享受轻闲时光'之景)"。
注;farmer 的含义;文中既指拥有农场的农场主,也泛指在他人农场工作的农场工人,故统一用"农民"表
示。另外,farmer 在现代英语中多指农场主,农场工人多用 farm workers、farmhands 表达。
②③句退而说明人力时代的弊端。One prime example 呈递句间"观点—例证"关系。
②句 and表征因果关联∶商用种植地面积广袤→农民需要数千工时来耕作。③句实际有承上启下之功
用∶一方面,4,000 square kilometers 回应②句 astronomically huge,列数字凸显"农场面积之大";另一方面,
most isolated、taking over 13 hours to reach...from the nearest major town 联系下文 extreme isclation,引出
主句中leaves them often unattended,and monitored嵌含两种结构"leave sth adj(使处于某种状态)、
leave sth done(使某事被做)",形容词 unattended(无人照管的)及被动态 monitored(被监控,被监查)指向"农
民对农场管护不周",定语从句 which means...继而阐明"农场管护不周的"后果∶照管对象由"农场"缩小为
"牲畜"(farms→the livestock),明确问题核心所在"农民无法及时照管牲畜"。
46.What may farmers bec able to do with robots appearing on the 46.农场有 了机器 人,农 民 或许可 以 做
farming seene? 什么?
A)Upgrade farm produce. A)对农产品进行升级。

B) Enjoy more lesure hours. B)享受更多闲暇时光。
C) Modif y the genes of crops. C)改造农作物的基因。
D) Cut down farming costs. D)削减农场经营成本。
【精准定位】 本题考查"机器人的出现赋予农民的机会(farmers be able...with robots...)",可定位至第
一段( that robots...)。
脚休息了(it is that...)",put one'sfeet up意为"(尤指架起双腿)坐下休息",可见有机器人辅佐,
【排除干扰】A 从"机器人可查看庄稼"主观臆断出"农民可借查看结果对庄稼进行升级",C 利用时代热点
【提炼思路】题干 farmers、robots 两个主体均在文中多次出现,且 on the farming scene找不到直接对应的
内容,不好定位,可结合题干信息特点(farmers be able to do with robots...中 with体现"因果"之意)、试题分
布规律(首题往往关乎首段)、下一题对应范围(47 题明显对应第四段)等三条线索,锁定前三段(尤其是首段)
内容,寻找同时提及两者并暗含"因为有了机器人帮忙,所以农民能……"语义逻辑的信息。首句it is time that...(既然...现在可以...)提示因果,再结合场景,不难判断"翘起脚"指"得空休闲"之意。
IⅢ However,robots are coming to the rescue. 不过,机器人前来救援了。

第三段为意群主旨∶机器人将救农场(亦救农民)于困境。come to the rescue 承上启下,侧面映射"农场人
【段落整体解读】首段首句 put their feet up 与②句 thousands of man-hours to operate 反差鲜明,而随后③句
(One prime example)至第二段(thesc massive farms)均是对后者的延展,加之第三段 However,robots are coming to
the rescue 逻辑归至首句,则文章开篇方式了然——借"勾勒场景"侧面引出新现象(主旨)"机器人将解放农民双手"

Ⅳ 回④ Robots are currently under a two-year trial in 当前,机器人正在威 尔士进行为期

Wales which will train"farmbots"to herd,monitor the 两年的试验,试验将训练"农场机器人"
health of livestock,and make sure there is enough pasture 放牧、监测牡畜健康 状 况并确保有足够
for them to graze on. ② The robots are equipped with 的苹场供它们啃食。这些机器人配备有
many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, 许多传感器,可以用探测体温变化的热
cattle,and food,using thermal2and vision sensors that 传感器和视觉传感器来识别环境、牛群
detect changes in body temperature. 以及食物的状况。
V"You've also got color,texture and shape sensors "你还可以用色彩、质地和形状传
looking down at the ground to check pasture quality,"says 感器俯察土地,检验牧草质量",悉尼大
Salah Sukkarieh of the Universiy of Sydney,who wilcarry 学的萨拉・苏卡里说道,她将在新南威
out trials on several farms in central New South Wales. 尔士州中部的几个农场进行试验。
Ⅵ During the trials,the robotsalgorithms(算法)and 试验期间,机器人算法以及运作方
mechanics will be fine-tuned2to make it better suited to2 式会进行微调,以便更适合染病牲畜的
ailing livestock and ensure it safely navigatesaround potential 需求,并保证它能安全避开包括树木、
hazards including trees,mud,swamps",and hills. 泥潭、沼泽、山丘在内的潜在威胁。
M"We want to improve the quality of animal health "我们想提升牲畜的健康质量,想
and make it easier for farmers to maintain large landscapes" 让农民更轻松地养护那些牲畜自由漫
where animals roam"free,"says Sukkarieh. 步其中的大片土地,"苏卡里说。

词汇注释与难句分析 .
第四段 ②fine-tune 对(机器)进行微调,精密调节
①trial 【'rarol】 n。试验 ③(be)suited to sth 适合做某事
②herd 【ha∶d】 n.兽群,牧群 ④ailing 【ey】a.每况愈下的
③pasture 【'pastJo】 n.牧场;牧草 ⑤navigate【'nevigeut】v.找到正确的行进方向
④graze【grez】 v.(动物)吃草;使啃食牧草 ⑥hazard 【'hezod】 n.危险
⑤sensor 【'senso】 n.传感器,感应装置 ⑦swamp 【swomp】n.沼泽地
⑥thermal 【'3∶mol】 a.热的,热量的 第七段
第六段 ①landscape 【'lendskeip】 n.地形,地貌
①mechanics 【ml'k?niks】n.运作方式 9②roam 【roum】 v.漫步
植"两方面。are currently under a two-year trial...、will carry out trials...、During the trials...明确"农场机
第四、五段借试验的主要内容展现农场机器人的多重功能并说明其工作原理。The robots are cquipped
with many sensors to...、You've also got...sensors...线条衔接两段,明确农场机器人的多重功能是通过"多
①句 which 定语从句介绍试验 内容(trial),实 际表明核心 信息"机器人发展目标/目标功能(train
"farmbots"to...)";②句 identify conditions of the environment,cattle,and food 回应①句,表明 to herd、
monitor the health、make sure...enough pasture的达成方式,伴随状语 using...明确农场机器人工作原理"使
用热传感器和视觉传感器探测体温变化"。注∶farmbot 为合成词,由 farm+robot 组成。
第五段补充说明色彩、质地和形状传感器亦有助机器人检验牧草品质。check pasture quality 与第 四段
enough pasture 一同呼应 identily conditions of food,表明传感器对量、质都有所保障。
第六段借试验的附加内 容补充 农场机器人的其他性能。
句中两个目的状语(以 and 相连)说明试验调试的目的;状语一为"make sth adi(使发 生)"结构,其中
better suited to ailing livestock 呼应 monitor the health of livestock,含有"使机器人更善于发现病畜"之意;状
语二为"ensure+宾语从句(that 省略)"结构,宾从中 safely、navigates around...hazards 明确目的"保障机器
目的一"改善牲畜健康"及目的二"让草场维护变得更容易"分别回应第四、五段信息,是基于 monitor the
hcalth of livestock和identify conditions of the environment、check pasture quality做出的总结;where animals
roam free 暗示核心目的亦是"优化牲畜饲养条件"。
47.What will 'farmbots'be expected to do? 47."农场机器人"预计能做什么?
A) Take up many of the farmers'routines. A)承担农民许多日常工作。
B)Provide medical tratments for liyestock.; B)为牲畜提供医疗服务。
C) Lead the trend in farming the world over. C)引领全球的农场经营潮流。
D)Improve the quality of pastures for grazing. D)改善用于放牧的牧草质量。
【精准定位】 本题考查"农场机器人的预期能力",根据专有名词 farmbots 直接定位至第四段①句。
【排除干扰】B将机器人"监测牲畜健康状况(monitor...)"夸大为"医治牲畜(medical treatment)"。C利

B、D虽然近义复现定位处的核心名词(the health of livestock、 graze on),但窜改了具体行为。另
外∶段中 to herd、monitor...and make sure...enough pasture(放牧、监测、确保草量)为"牧羊人+监查工人"
的职责,而 B(医疗救治)、D(改善草质)显然超出该职责范围。再看后者∶A中的 farmers'routines 虽没有直接
对应信息,实则高度概括了herd、monitor the health of livestock及 make sure..enough pasture;C看似有道
Ⅲ ④ The robots are not limited to herding and 机器人并不 限于放牧和监控牲畜。
monitoring livestock. ② They have been created to count 它们还被设计用于清点农产品数量、检查
individual fruit,inspect crops, and even pull weeds. 作物情况,甚至拔除杂草等工作。

The robots are not limited to...They have been created to...顺应第四段 train"farmbots"to...,引出农场机
器人其他功用∶individual fruit、crops、weeds语义场明确关注点转移"牲畜饲养应用(第四至七段)→作物种植应用
(第八段)"。注∶fruit 熟词僻义,指"大地的产物、农产品"。
① Many robots are equipped with" high-tech 很多机, 器 人都配有高科技传感器,
sensors and complex learning algorithms to avoid injuring 并输入了复杂的学习算法,从而避免在
humans as they work side by side".回② The robots also 与人类并肩工作时弄伤他们。而且,机
learn the most efficient and safest passages,and allow 器人学会了最安全、高效的路径,并让工
engineers and farmers to analyze and better optimizethe 程师和农民能够分析并进一步优化其特
attributes2and tasks of the robot,as well as provide a live 性和任务,还可以提供实时的数据流,对
stream" giving real-time feedback on exactly what is 农场上正在发生的状况做出确切的实时
happening on the farms. 反馈。

。词汇注释与难句分析 ・
①be equipped with 装备有,配备有 ¥④optimize 【'optimaz】 v.使优化
②side by side 肩并肩地 ⑤attribute 【'?trIbju∶t】 n.特性
③pssage 【'pesid3】n.通路,通道 ⑥stream 【stri∶m】 n.数据流
The robots also learn the most efficient and safest passages,and allow engineers and farmers to analyze and
better optimize the attributes and tasks of the robot,as well as provide a live stream giving real-time feedback on
exactly what is happening on the farms.
to analyze and better optimize the giving real-time feedback on exactly
attibutes and tasks of the robot, what is happening on the farms.
宾语补足语 -ing分词作后置定语
The robots also IGarn..pasages, and allowongineors and farmers, as wel as provideaTive stream]
主语 状语 谓+宾结构1 并列连词 谓+宾结构2 并列连词 谓+宾结构3
第九段介绍部分更高科技的机器人所具备的功能。Many robots are equipped with high-tech sensors and
complex learning algorithms 区别于第四至八段论述主体"Robots(参与试验的所有机器人)",指代"配备高科
①句总述此类机器人的优势功能。avoid injuring humans as they work side by side相当于 they can work
side by side(side by side"肩并肩地"),实际强调"此类机器人的协作优势"。

②句细数其另外三种功能∶自主规划路径、促成特性及任务的优化、实时监控农场。并列连词 and、as we
as 串联三种功能∶其中 and暗含因果"机器人规划最优路径→工程师和农民可据此进行分析,从而优化其特性
(实时的)、what is happening"加以强调副词"exactly(确切地)"凸显"机器人传递迅息的即时性、准确性"。
48. What can robots do when equipped with high-tech sensors and 48. 配有高科技传感器和复 杂学 习 算法的
complex learning algorithms? 机器人能够做什么?
A)Help farmers choose the mosteficient and safest passages. A)帮助农民选择最为高效和安全的路径。
B)Help farmers simplify their farming tasks and management. B)帮助农民简化其农场任务以及经营。
C)Allow farmers to learn instantly what is occurring on the farm. C)让农民即刻了解到农场正发生的状况。
D)Allow farmers to give them real-time instructions on what to do. D)让农民能向它们发出实时的行动指令。
【精准定位】 本题考查"配有高科技传感器和复杂学习算法的机器人的能力",定位至第九段①②句
(robots are equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms...The robots also..)。
的特性和任务;3.提供农场实况直播,C 契合第 3 项能力。
【排除干扰】A将"机器人自己学会最安全高效的路径(The robots also learn...)"歪曲为"机器人帮农民
行直播"曲解为"机器人接受农民的实时指令(real-time instructions)"。
【提炼思路】本题考查对长难句的理解,定位句中有多个表示并列关系的连词(and/as well as),可从谓语
动词着手化解句子(The robots also learn...and allow... to analyze and better well as
在此基础上与选项进行比对,可确定 C 与机器人的第三项能力契合。

X ④ Of course, some worry lies in replacingl 当然,一些人担忧农业工作者会被

agricultural workers. 回② However, it is farmers that are (机器人)取代。然而,力求推进这一发
pushing for the advancements due to ever-increasing labor 展的恰恰是农民自己,因为劳动力空缺
vacancies", making it difficult to maintain large-scale 日益加剧,这 使 得大规模 经营难 以
operations " 为继。
①replace 【r'plens】 .代替,取代 ④labor vacancy 劳动力空 缺
②push for奋力推动,推进 ⑤large-scale 【'la∶d3skel】 .大规模的
③advancement 【od'vainsmont】n.发展,进步 ⑥operation 【opo'relfon】 n. 经营
①句承上退而引出外界忧虑∶农场工人会被机器人取代。replacing agricultural workers(省略了施动者
②句转而扫除忧虑∶劳动 力短缺问题 严峻,正是农民自 己强烈敦促机器人引入农场。强调句(it
is...that...)中被强调部分 farmers回应①句 agricultural workers,直击部分人忧虑;农民不仅不担心工
作被机器取代,更在积极推动农场机械化进程(push for指"一再要求、敦促),due to 引出原因;difficult to
maintain large-scale operations 呼应第三段 robots are coming to the rescue,明确机器人并非取代农民.而是

49.Why are farmers pressing for robotic farming? 49. 农民为何竭力争取机器人务农?
A) Farming costs are fast increasing.
B)Robotics technology is maturing.
C) Robotic farming is the trend. C)机器人务农是大势所趋。
D)Labor shortage is worsening. D)劳动力短缺情况日益加剧。
【精准定位】 本题考查"农民竭力推广机器人务农的原因",由关键词 pressing for robotic farming 可定位
至第十段②句(farmers...pushing for the advancements)。
自己在极力敦促普及机器人应用(the advancements 与【robots】 replacing agricultural workers 同指),原因在
于(务农)劳动力空缺日益严重(ever-increasing laboring vacancies)",D正确。
【排除干扰】 A 利用定位处信息"农场劳动力空缺日益严重,大规模经营难以为继"过度推断出"农场人力
【提炼思路】因果细节题的解答可;一、借题干关键词 Why(引出结果)明确本题考查因果关系中的"因";
二、利用题干锁定第十段②句为答案来源(题干 pressing for 直接对应原文 pushing for);三、根据定位处体现
因果关系的表达(due to 体现原因、making 引出结果)建立完整语义逻辑(农场劳动力短缺→难以维持大规模
Xl ① The robots have provided major benefits to farmers in 机器人已在多个方面极大惠及
various ways,from hunting and pulling weeds to monitoring the 了农民,从打猎、除草,到监测每一个
condition of every single fruit. ② Future farms will likely 农产品的情 况。随着机 器 人高效地
experience a greater deal of" autonomy as robots take up" more 承担更多农活,未来的农场很可能会
and more farm work eficiently. [453 words] 见证更大程度的自主性。

①a great deal of 大量的 ③take up 承担,从事
②autonomy 【o∶'tpnomi】 n.自主能力,自主;自治
-语篇分析 -
①句综合上文重申机器人在农业生产中助益作用。 强调机器人应用领域之广,major
benefits(major 指"重要的、重大的)青定"农场机器人应用"非凡价值。
②句展望未来农场∶更具自主性。as robot take up more and more...明确主句的背景/原因,再次点题;
比较级 greater deal of autonomy体现"发展动向"∶越来越自主,autonomy 此处并非表"权利(right)",而是表
50.What does the author think future farms will be like? 50.作者认为未来的农场将会是什么样的?
A)More and more automated. A)自动化程度越来越高。
B)More and more productive B)生产力越来越高。
C) Larger and arger in scale. C)规模越来越大。
D)Better and better in condition. D)状况越来越好。
【精准定位】本题考查"作者对未来农场的展望/态度",根据试题分布规律及题干关键词 future farms定
来∶随着机器人承担的农活更多、更高效,农场的自主程度将更高(will likely experience a greater deal of
autonomy)。也即∶未来的大部分农活都将由机器人自主完成,自动化程度日益提高,A 正确。
【提炼思路】定 位句 借 as 形成"机器人更加高效地承担更多农活→未来农场会见证更高程度的
autonomy"的因果逻辑,四个选项似乎都说得通,解题关键在于理解较为抽象的 autonomy 一词,该词内涵为
大 小、状况好坏"均超出该词的辖范围。
Passage Two 科研人员亟需接受沟通技能的正规培训
来源∶美国国立生物技术信息中心网站 www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov一篇题为 Science Communication
to The General Public: Why We Need to Teach Undergraduate and Graduate Students This Skill
as Part of Their Formal Scientific Training(科学向大众的传播;为何我们需要将该技能纳入正规
T④ The public must be able to understand the basics of 公众必 须能理解科学的基本知
science to make informeddecisions. ② Perhaps the most 识才能做出明智的决定。科学家与
dramatic example of the negative consequences of poor 公众之间因沟通不良而造成的负面
communication between scientists and the public is the issue of 影响中,最突出的例子也许是气候变
climatechange,where a variety of factors,not the least ofwhich 化问题,其中多种因素造成了(公众)
isa breakdownin the transmission2of fundamental climate data 对科学家及其 研究的普遍不信任与
to the general public,has contributed towidespread mistrust and 误解,而重要因素之一就是基础气候
misunderstanding of scientists and their research. 数据向大众传播的失败。
I 回 The issue of climate change also illustrates°how the 气候变化问题也表明了公众对科
public aceptance and understanding of science(or the lack of 学的认同与理解(或不认同与不理解)
it) can influence governmental decision-making with regard to 会如何影响政府在管理、科学政策以
regulation,science policy and research funding. 及研究资金方面的决策。

①informed 【in'fo∶md】 α.明智的,有根据的考研开 ⑤transmission 【trenz'miJon】n.传送,传持
②dramatic 【dro?'metrk】 a. 引人注目的 ⑥fundamental LifAndo'ment?l】 a.基础的,基本的
③not the least of ……中最大/重要的之一 ⑦contribute to 是(造成某情况的)一个原因
④breakdown 【'brerkdaun】 n.【关系、计划、讨论等的】 ⑧illustrate 【'nlostret】v.【作为例证】说明【事实】
失败;结束 ⑨with regard to关于
Perhaps the most dramatic example of the negative consequences of poor communication between scientists
and the public is the ssue of climate change,where a variety of factors,not the least of which is a breakdown in
the transmission of fundamental climate data to the general public,has contributed to widespread mistrust and
misunderstanding of scientists and their research.

Perhapsthe most dramatic example of the negative consequences of…and the public
状语 主语(其中example为核心,of.f..为层层嵌套的后置定语)
istheisse of climate change,
系动词 表语
where a variety of factors,… has contributed to widespread mistrust…and their research.
关系副词 个主语 谓语+宾语
嵌套"介词of+ which"定语从句
not the least of which is a breakdown in the the general public,
介词+关系代词 系动词 表语
①句铺垫"公众认同科学工作"的前提∶能了解科学的基本知识。be able to 此处并非表示"具备某种技能
或知识",而是 to be ina situation in whichit is possible for you to do sth,即"有条件、有可能"之意;to make
informed decisions以目的状语引出理想情形。注;informed 后常接 choice、decision、guess、opinion、judgement
等表示"主观判断"的词,意为"有依据的,基于所学或所 了解的"。
②句转而指出公众了解科学基本知识的现实障碍∶科学家与公众沟通不畅。主语修饰语中两处 of 步步
靠近问题的实质,其中 the negative consequences 反向回应上句 to make informed decisions表明问题的影响,
poor communication between...则点明问题的根源,明确文章焦点所在。从结构上看,全句重心落于表语 the
issue of climate change,即例子内容,并以 where 定语从句具体介绍"这一问题何以成为沟通不畅危害的典
型"。从句中 not the least of which...(常位于"某事物/情形的复数形式"之后,引出"其中最重要的之一")形
式上修饰avariety of factors,实际明确靶心,即作者重点探讨的因素;信息传达、传递的失败。注∶"介词+
which 定语从句"常造成理解障碍,可以先确定从句的修饰对象.并将其代入 which 进行理解。如本句,确定
which指代 a variety of factors后可以代入定语从句还原全句∶Not the least of...factors isabreakdown..。
The issue of climate change also illustrates...明确本段功用∶继续以"气侯变化"为例,递进说明"大众信
【段落整体解读】文章以 The public must be able to...开场,看似在向公众提要求——应掌握最基本的科
学常识,但②句 poor communication between scientists and the public以及第二段 the public acceptance and
understanding of science表明全文焦点在于"科研工作者与大众的交流沟通问题",而大众作为"受众"一方,加
之②句 has contributed to widespread mistrust and misunderstanding...提示"文章针对的不是大众",由此预
51. What does the example of climate change serve to show? 51.气候变化的例子用来表明什么?
A) The importance of climate data is increasingly recognized. .A)人们日益认识到气候数据的重要性。
B)Adequate government funding is vital to scientific research. B)充足的政府拨款对科学研究 至关重要。
C)Government regulation helps the public understand science. C)政府管理有助于公众 了解什么是科学。
D) Common folls'scientific knowledge can sway policy making. D)普通民众的科学知识会影响政策制定。
【精准定位】本题考查"写作目的———例子在文中的功用",根据例子具体内容 climate change可定位至前两段。
府的决策,可见"气候变化"被作者作为反例来强调"科学家与公众沟通的重要性",D 契合第二段信息,体现这
【排除干扰】A 从例子内容"气候问题"以及重要一方"大众(the public、the general publico)"主观臆想而
来。B 虽符合第二段"会影响政府在科学政策、研究资金方面的决策"暗含之意.但重心偏离全文要义.并非题
干事例的用意。C 颠倒逻辑∶原文为"公众对科学的理解会影响政府管理"。
切忌割裂题干而单纯对选项进行分析。本文开篇引出某情况最突出的例子(most dramatic example),可见"该
情况(及其解决)",即"科学界与公众沟通不畅"是作者欲探讨的焦点所在,且 poor、negative 两词共同提示正
确项应为"(借例子揭示)沟通不畅(或良好)的负面(或积极)影响",选项中同时符合两项的只有 D。

IⅢ ④ However,the importance of effetive .不过,(科学 家)与大众有效沟通的

communication with a general audience is not limited to hot 重要性不仅限于像气候变化这 类热议问
issues like climate change. ②It is also critical" for socially .题。这种有效沟通对于那些受到社会舆
charged°neuroscience issues such as the genetic basis for 论指摘的神经系统科学 问题也非 常 重
a particular behavior, the therapeutic potential of stem 要,比如某种特定行为的基因基础,对神
cell therapy for neurodegenerativediseases,or the use of 经变性疾病的干细胞疗 法的治疗 潜力,
animal models,areas where the public understanding of 或是对动物模型的使用等等,在这些方
science can also influcne policy and funding decisions.② 面,公众对科学的理解也会影响政策和
Furthermore, with continuing advances in individual 资助决策。另 外,随着个体基因组测序
genome (基 因 组) sequencing"and the advent° of (技术)的不断发展以及个性化医疗的出
personalized medicine,回more non-scientists will need to 现,更多非科学家将需要在分析复杂的
be comfortable analyzing complex scientific information to 科学信息方面做到应对自如,以做出直
make decisions that directly affect their quality of life. 接影响其生活质量的决定。

・ 词汇注释与难句分析 ・
①critical 【'krt1kol】 a.紧要的,关键性的 ⑥neurodegenerative 【inju∶roudr'd3en?rot1v】 a.神经 变
②charge 【taid3】v.指责,责备 性的,神经退行的
③neurosecience 【'nju∶rousalons】n。神经系统科学 ⑦sequence 【'si.kwons】 v.确定……的顺序
④genetic 【ds!'netrk】 a.基因的,遗传学的 ⑧advent 【?dvent】 n.某事物的出现/到来
⑤therapeutic 【0ero'pjutu1k】 a.治疗的 ⑨personalized medicine 个性化医 疗,精准医疗
It is also critical for socially charged neuroscience issues such as the genetic basis for a particular behavior,
the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapy for neurodegenerative diseases,or the use of animal models,areas
where the public understanding of science can also influence policy and funding decisions.
句子主干Itis also critical for socally charged neuroscience issues
主+系+表 状语
such as the genetic basis fora particular behavior, he therapeutic potential f...or the use of animal models.
areas where the public understanding of science can also influence policy and funding decisions.
①句过渡,预示开启对"气候变化"之外更多欠缺有效沟通的科学问题的探讨。ffetive communication witha
general audience(其中ageneral audience复现上文 the public)再次点题∶科学工作者与大众间的有效沟通问题。
②句聚焦"常受舆论指摘"的科学问题。also critical 承接上句 the importance;socilly charged表示"常受
到社会/公众公开指责的",such as A,B,or C结构列举 neuroscience issues 三项具体问题,其后 areas
where...(area 此处指"话题、方面")为同位语,where定语从句总括前三项共性,the public understanding...
can also influence...回应上段,表明影响政府决策的不止"气候问题"。
③句聚焦"发展迅猛"的科学问题。Furthermore 承上补充其他的科学问题。先以 with continuing
advances...and the advent of...展现"科学不断发展、出新"的大背景,再以 more non-scientists will need
to...引出这一背景对于普通人的必然结果/要求,comfortable此处取 confident,relaxed,and not worried"自
信放松、自在无忧的"之意,与 complex scientific information 形成反差,从侧面对"科学如何得到更有效传播"
提出更高要求;定语从句 that directly affect their quality of life形式上修饰 decisions,实际解释这一要求的必
52. What should non-scientists do to ensure their quality of life? 52.非科学家应该如何做以保证生活质量?
A) Seek personalized medical assistance from doctors. A)向医生寻求个性化的医疗救助。
B) Acquire a basic understanding of medical science. B)对医学科学有一个基本的了解。
C)Have their individual genome sequenced. C)对他们个人的基因组进行测序。
D)Make informed use of animal models. D)对动物模型进行合理的利用。
【精准定位】本题考查"非科学家确保生活质量的正确方法",根据关键词 non-scientists、their quality of life
【排除干扰】 其余三项分别利用段中碎片 信息 personalized medicine(个性化医疗)、individual genome
sequencing(个体基因组测序)、use of animal models(使用动物模型)制造干扰,其中 A、C将"为了健康大众须
掌握基本科学知识的时代背景(with...and...,non-scientists will need to...)"偷换为"为了健康大众自身的
努力方向(scek...、 ensure their quality of life)";D将②句"公众常指责科学界使用动
【提炼思路】 本题很容易定位,但选项中除 D 脱离定位句(③句)之外,其余三项均与③句局部信息高度相
似,所以必须分析句子整体架构,辨明选项中相关信息的作用。with... 结构(随着……)为伴随状语,是主句
(行为)的客观原因/背景/推手,内容对应 A、C两项;to make decisions...则是(主句行为的)目的状语,对应本
题题干,可见题目考查"目的达成的途径",正确项应对应"主句行为(be comfortable analyzing...)"而非"行为
Ⅳ ④ Science journalism is the main channel for the 科学新闻是科 学信息在大众 间
popularization of scientific information among the public. 回② 得以普及的主要渠道。已经有很多
Much has been written about how the relationship between 文章描述了科学家和媒体之间的关
scientists and the media can shape the eficient transmission of 系如何影响科学进步向大 众的高效
scicntific advances to the public,③Good ssiencejournalists are 传播。好的科学新闻 工作者擅长于
specialists in making complex topics acessible2to a general 让复杂的主题易于被普通大众所理
audience,while adhering to3 scientific accuracy. 解,同时又坚守科学准确性。
①journalism 【d3snolzm】n新闻业;新闻写作,新闻报道③adhere to 坚持,信守
②accesible 【ok'sesbol】 a.浅显易懂的 ④accuracy 【'ekjorosi】 n.精确性,准确性

①句引出科学普及的主要渠道∶媒体。Science journalism is the main channel for...暗示本段开启对"媒
②句强调科学家与媒体建立和谐关系的意义∶决定科学信息能否高效传播。"Much + 完成时态(Much
has been written about...)"突显科学家与媒体间的良好关系促进科学传播早就是共识。
sciencejournalists are...)"传达作者对媒体人的期许;看似不相容的accessible toa general audience(对公众通俗
易懂)和scientific accuracy(科学严谨性)通过 while一词关联,明确科学媒体工作真正难在兼顾二者。
53. Why is it important for scientists to build a good 53. 对科学家来说,为何与媒体建立起 良好
relationship with the media? 的关系很重要?
A)It helps them to efectively popularize new scientific information. A)这有助于他们有效地普及科学信息。
B) It enables the public to develop a positive atitude toward science. B)这能让公众形成对科学的正面态度。
C) It helps them to establish a more positive public image. C)这有助于他们树立更为正面的公众形象。
D) It enables them to apply their findings to public health. 众健康。
【精准定位】 本题考查"某事(科学家与媒体建立良好关系)之所以重要的原因",即"两者关系良好的重要
性/意义",根据关键词 relationship with the media 可以定位至第四段②句。
相关报道(Much has been written about how...),可见两者关系的重要性在于"会影响科学的有效普及",A 正确。
【排除干扰】 B、C基于前几段"科学家与大众沟通不良,舆论常指责一些科研行为"而来,科学家与媒体间
关系良好确实有助于公众积极看待科学,但 B中的 enables.,,to.,,(使能够)过于绝对,C将文意"科学常被群
护科学家形象"。D 源于上段末片段信息 affect their quality of life(影响生活质量/身体健康),但首先窄化了
科研使命(不仅是健康),其次同 B一样过于绝对。
段群/意群的内容经常被设置成看似符合文意的强干扰项。本题考查"科学家 VS 媒体"的关系,而文章前三段直接
论述"科学家 VS大众"关系,第四段引入中间关系"媒体"并论述"科学家 VS媒体"关系,所以应紧盯该段主旨并确定
A 正确,其余三项都来自上文"科学家 VS 大众"关系的论述,命题人利用"间接关系也可以成立"干扰。

V 回 Unfortunately, pieces of science journalism 遗憾的是,一些科学新闻文

can also oversimplify and generalize their subject material 章也会对主题材料过于简化、笼
to the point that the basic information conveyedis 统论述,以至于传递的基本信息
obscured④or at worst2,obviously wrong.② The impact 晦涩 难 懂,或者甚 至明显有误。
of a basic discovery on human health can be exaggerated 可能会被夸大,以致于公众认为
so that the public thinks a miraculous cure is a few 奇迹疗法的出现仅有数月到数年
months to years away when in reality the significance of 之遥,而事 实上该研究的意 义要
the study is far more limited. 有限得多。
①piece 【pis】 n.(报纸、杂志上的)文章 ④obscure 【ob'skjuo】 v.使难理解
②generalize 【'd3enorolarz】 v. 笼统表达 ⑤at worst 最坏的情况下
③convey 【kon'vei】 v.传达,表达,传递
4 语篇分析-
①句承上"一些科学报道不接地气"引出另一极端∶一些又过于简化、笼统。Unfortunately 提示本段为反
面论证,直指媒体人的问题所在。oversimplify and generalize(前缀 over-表"过度、超出应有范围")呼应上段
making complex topics accessible to a general audience,暗示"接地气"被粗暴等问于"过简、过泛",两词再由状
语 to the point that...(达到……的程度/地步)修饰,突出强调问题的影响∶内容酶涩难懂,甚至背离科学的正
②句补充列举科学报道的其他问题∶为搏眼球而夸大事实。the impact of A on B 表示"A 对 B的影响";
so that the public...同时明确主句 can be exaggerated 的目的/原因以及结果∶公众会以为疾病攻克近在咫尺,
when in reality...(when 此处用于引出令人吃惊的事 实或评论,意为"而")转而强调真实情况,far more
54. What does the author say is the problem with science 54. 据作者 所 说,科学新闻 报道的 问 题 是
journalism? 什么?
A)It is keen on transmitting sensational information. A)它热衷于传递轰动性的信息。
B)It tends to oversimplify people's health problems. B)它往往把人们的健康问题过于简单化。
C)It may give inaccurate or distorted information to the C)它可能向公众传递不准确或歪曲的信息。
D)It may provide information open to different D)它可能提供存在多种解读的信息。
【精准定位】 本题考查"科学新闻的问题/缺陷",根据关键词 the problem with science journalism 定位至
第五段 Unfortunately,...can also...。
信息复杂难懂,乃至错误的地步,②句进而指出新闻可能夸大某项发现的影响,综合可知C正确,其中 may..
inaccurate or distorted 对应文中 at worst,obviously wrong、be exaggerated。
【排除干扰】A 结合段中②句"科学新闻可能会夸大某项发现的影响"以及"媒体喜好博眼球"的固有思维,
判定作者认为"科学媒体人都热衷于哗众取宠",过于绝对。B糅杂①句 oversimplify 与②句 human health,将"简
单化"的作用对象"科学主题材料"偷换为"人类健康问题"。D对首句information conveyed is obscured望文生义,
【提炼思路】 五道命题因循文章脉络而成,故细节题同样体现文章立意、结构,解题时不应忽略上下文逻
非完全否定科学媒体,则 A 易于排除;上下文主要探讨"媒体一方如何有碍科普/大众与科学家的沟通",而 B
与"科普"无关,最后将 C、D 与文中信息匹配得出正确项。

V ①Even though scientists play a part in" transmitting 尽管科学家参与了向新闻 工

information to journalists andultimatclythe public, too often the 作者并最终向大众传递信息这一
blame for ineffective communication is placed on-the side of the 过程,但无效沟 通往往被归 咎 于
journalists.回②We believe that at least part of the problem lies 新闻工作者一方。我们相信,除
in" places other than" the interaction between scientists and 科学家与媒体 工 作者的互动之
members of the media,and exists because for one thing we 外,至少部分问题在于,一方面我
underestimate how difficult it is for scientists to communicate 们低估了科学家与各色受众有效
effectively with a diversity of audiences,and for another"most 沟通的难度,另 一方面大部分科
scientists do not receive formal training in science communication. 学家在科学沟通方面没有接受正
[427 words] 规的培训。

【 词汇注释与难句分析・
①play a part in 在……方面起作用/扮演角色
②ultimately 【'Altmt1i】 ad.最终,最后
③place blame on...责怪/指责某人
④lie in【 问题、责任等】存在,在于 ..
¥ ⑤other than 除了,不同于
⑥underestimate 【Andor'estment】 v.低估,看轻
⑦for one thing...,and for another...首先……,其次

We believe that at least part of the problem lies in places other than the interaction between scientists and
members of the media,and exists because for one thing we underestimate how difficult it is for scientists to
communicate effectively with a diversity of audiences,and for another most scientists do not receive formal
training in science communication.
句子主干 ,宾语at lastpart of the problem lies in places other than the,
We believe that从苟状语 主语 谓语1+宾语1
主+谓 and existS
并列连词 谓语2
because for one thing we underestimate how diffcult itis for scientists to.of audiences,
连词 状语 主语4谓语 宾语从句
and for another most scientists do not receive formal raining in science communication.
连词 状语 主+谓+宾
"语篇分析 ・
重心往往在于"转折",但Even though...,too often the blame...on the side of thejournalists中"转折部分"
We believe 引出总结陈词,at least part of the problem lies in A,and exists because for one thing B,and for
another C(其中exists because 意同 lies in)列出问题的原因,而 A(即 places other than the interaction between
..)为概说,B、C则具体详述 places other than....所指,两者形式上并列,语义实际"先退后进"∶B更多是"对
55. What should scientists do to impart their latest 55.要想更有效地把最新研究结论告知公众,科学
findings to the public more effectively? 家们应该怎么做?
A) Give training to science journalists. A)对科学新闻工作者进行培训。
B)Stimulate public interast h ience. B)激起公众在科学方面的兴趣。
C) Seek timely assistancefrom the media. C)向媒体寻求及时援助。
D)Improve their communication skills. D)提高自身交流技能。
【精准定位】本题考查"科学家更有效普及科学发现的办法/解决措施",根据 should scientists do to..,以
(即不够重视该问题);二、大部分科学家在沟通方面未受正规培训。选项 D即为因素二的言外之意,即科学家
沟通技能 欠缺,亟待加强。
【排除干扰】A 将文末言外之意"科学家应受正规培训"偷换为"科学新闻工作者应接受科学家培训"。B
众方的因素"。C将②句 lies in places other than the interaction between scientists and members of the media
【提炼思路】末段②句形式上补充"(公众与科学家沟通不良的)其他两点因素(exists because for one
thing、and for another)",但从结构看,本段继上文"媒体方因素"而来,再结合①句 Even though scientists play
a part.., placed on the side of the journalists(尽管科学家参与了……,但归咎于媒体人一方)可

Part IV Translation
In recent years,a growing number of museums in China have been open to the public,re of charge.Both the
number of museum exhibitions and the number of museum visitors have increased significantly.It is quite common to
see long queues in front of some popular museums. These museums have to take measures to limit the number of
visitors. Nowadays,museum exhibitions come in an increasing variety of forms. Some large museums use advanced
technologies like multimedia and virtual reality to make the exhibitions more attractive. Quite a few museums also
hold online exhibitions,making rare exhibits available online for public viewing. However,the experience of viewing
physical exhibits in person is still more attractive to most visitors.
【词汇准备】近年来in recent years;越来越多的a(n)growing/increasing number of;博物馆 museum;免费
be free;for free;free of charge;公众 the public
作前置定语 China's或介词短语作后置定语 in China;一个表数量变化的"越来越多的",可译为英文中直接对
应的a(n)growing/increasing number of,鉴于…number of 后直接接中心语 museums,"中国(的)"选取后置
定语 in China 更妥当。"免费向公众开放"既可译为 be open to sb for free句式(for free 为介词短语作状语)或
be open to sb,free of charge句式(free of charge为形容词短语作伴随状语,前面可加逗号),也可借助另一常
用短语 be free and open to sb(免费向某人开放)来翻译。
【词汇准备】展览次数 the number of exhibitions;参观人数 the number of visitors;明显增长 increase
significantly;there is a significant increase in
【句子解析】主语部分包含两个方面,故副词"都"应译为 both(两者都)。"次数"、"人数"等类似表达在翻
译时可直接省略量词统一译为 number(汉语表示数量时通常加量词,而英语往往淡化量词)。谓语部分"明显
增长"可直译为动词短语 haveinereased;significantly,他也可将"增长"名词化.整句转译为"there be+变化趋势
+in十变化主体"句式,即 There has been a significant increase in both...。
【词汇准备】广受欢迎的 popular;well-received;在……前面 in front of;排长队 stand in long queues/lines
译为"in front of +建筑名词",无需译出gate/door 等词。"排长队已很常见"可译为 sth is quite common 句
式,也可译为It is quite common to sce sth/sb(doing sth)句式;其中"排长队"为动词结构,但可转译为名词形
式long queues/lines。
4. 这些博物馆必须采取措施限制参观人数。
【词汇准备】采取措施 take measures/steps;限制 limit;set a limit to/on

「句子解析】两组动词短语"采取措施"和"限制参观人数"暗藏"手段— 目的"语义关联,故可把前者译为谓
【词汇准备】如今 nowadays;today;形式 form;多样 diverse;varied;different;a variety of
【句子解析】由上文语境可知此句"展览"实际特指博物馆的展览,故 应将之具体 化,译 为 museum
exhibitions。全句可借助英语地道短语 take...forms 或 come in...forms(呈现/具有……形式)处理为
museum exhibitions come in/take an increasing variety of forms,其中"越来越多样的"实际表达两层意思,一
是"多种多样的(a variety of,various)",二是"样式越来越多的(increasing variety)",整体可直接采用英文相
应结构 an increasing variety of。
【词汇准备】多媒体 multimedia;虚拟现实 virtual reality;先进 advanced;具有吸引力 attractive
偏向结果/目的,故全句可借用 use sth to do sth 结构(不定式表示目的)或 do sth by using sth 结构(by 短语表
项十and other+概括词"、"概括词十like/such as十列举项"等结构。
7. 不少博物馆还举办在线展览,人们可在网上观赏珍稀展品。
【词汇准备】不少 quite a few;a good few;not a few;many;举办hold;观赏 view;watch;see;珍稀 rare;展品
【句子解析】"还"承接上文 多媒体、虚拟现实等先进展示技术,用 于引出其他技 术,可译为 also、In
addition、Besides 等并列衔接词。逗号前后实际暗藏因果关联,故可把逗号前译为主干 Quite a few museums
also hold online exhibitions,后者译为暗藏因果关联的非限定性修饰成分 allowing/which allows people to
view rare exhibits online(allow sb to do sth 结构)或 making/which makes rare exhibits available online for
public viewing( make sth available for...结构)。
【词汇准备】现场/亲身(与虚拟相对)in person;in physical/real-world setings;大多数参观者 most
visitors;对……有吸引力 attractive to;appealing to
(of 表示同位关系,用于引出对前面名词的具体解释)。
重难点词汇短语 高分翻译 低分翻译
be open to the public,free of charge;be freebe open to the public frely
免费向公众开放 and open to the public
展览次数 the number of ehibitions the imes of exhibitins
参观久数 the number of visitors the population of visitors
虚拟现实 virtual rlity unrel relity
不少博物馆 quite a few museums;not a few museums a few museurms
+名词"结构,如 three months、ten books。但英语中有少数名词可与介词 of搭配构成"名词+of"特殊量词结
构,具有类似汉语量词的功能,如 a packet of cookies、two groups of people。


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