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Registered at the GPO as a newspaper. Official news magazine of the Zimbabwe National, First Quarter Edition 2022


Record Pass-Out Parade

at Recruit Training Depot

Editorial Board
Major General Kasirai Tazira
Brigadier General Steven Gwekwerere
Colonel Gift Murahwa
Colonel Jesimaire Munyengeri
Colonel James Makondore
Colonel Thompson Mkwananzi
Colonel Lydia Mambondiani
Colonel Benjamin Sabata
7 Colonel Catherine Young Baron
Colonel Lydia Mambondiani
Lieutenant Colonel Help Mazwi

SOCIAL Chief Editor

Colonel Alphios Makotore
Managing Editor
Zimbabwe Defence Forces Lieutenant Colonel Alex Taurai Ephert Zuva

Benefit Fund Commended for Senior Editor

Major Isaac Goora
Delivering on its Mandate Editor
Captain Prosper Farai Matanda
Assistant Editor
Lieutenant Moleen Machingura

OPERATIONS Staff Writers

Corporal Murahwa Collen
Corporal Shiri Nelias
Corporal Rusere Simbarashe
Milestone Achievement for Corporal Shambare Theseus
Lance Corporal Mwatutsa Hardlife
Zimbabwe's Demining Efforts Lance Corporal Ruzive Kudakwashe

19 Chief Photographer
Major Julia Gwata
Senior Photographer
Sergeant Masuku Nomatter

SPORTS Staff Sergeant Gurira Forward

Sergeant Musungate Rumbidzai
Corporal Madyavanhu Tafadzwa Innocent
Corporal Makanda Huggins
Army Boxing Official Writes Corporal Nyamukubva Prince

6 Own Piece of History Proof Readers

Lieutenant Colonel Watmore Ziweni
Major Albert Chinji
Advertising & Sales Officer
Munyaradzi Mushayamano - Cell: 0773616023
Advertising & Sales
Stanley Pambweyi - Cell: 0716340061


Emmanuel Mutero - Cell: 0773859462

Training Breeds Confidence Design & Layout
and Trust - Commander ZNA 26 Staff Sergeant Ghani Knowledge
Corporal Mahlangu Nkosana
Views expressed in this Magazine are those
of the authors and are not necessarily
the official opinions or policies of the
ADVERTISEMENTS INDEX Zimbabwe National Army or its printers.
Copyright: Zimbabwe National Army Public
Relations Directorate
Golden Knot................... Inside Front Cover Printed by: NATPRINT
Getbucks ................................. Page 3
Vineyard Funeral Assurance.... Page 8 FEEDBACK
Ultimate Car Rental ................ Page 13 For your feedback link up with the Editor
12 Doves ...................................... Back Cover ZNA Magazine at Army Public Relations
P Bag 7720 Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe.
The Editor reserves the right to edit your
feedback for publication. Correspondence
must bear details of the originator.

His Excellency Cde ED Mnangagwa, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe
Defence Forces handing over buses to security services at State House on 28 February 2022.

Army Receives New Buses from the President

Hardlife Mwatutsa

H i s E x c e l l e n c y, t h e
Commander-in-Chief of the
Zimbabwe Defence Forces
and the President of the Republic of
Zimbabwe, Cde Emmerson
well as to capacitate different
Government departments.

In an interview with the ZNA

Magazine, the Director Transport,
ZNA formations. Colonel
Mhakadzavo revealed that Transport
Directorate, in partnership with an
automotive company, FAW, is holding
a conversional training programme for
Dambudzo Mnangagwa dispensed 15 Colonel Gift Mhakadzavo said four of drivers of the new buses.
modern buses to the security services the buses have since been allocated to
on 28 February 2022. Three of the
buses were allocated to the Zimbabwe
National Army to improve transport
provision in the organisation.

Speaking after handing over the buses

at State House in Harare, President
Mnangagwa said the allocation of the
buses demonstrated the Government's
commitment to addressing the needs
of the people. “These buses are
coming because as a listening
President, we always respond to the
needs of the people,” he said.

The allocation of the buses brought the

total number of buses that the ZNA has
received from the President to five,
following the handover of two buses in
2021. The allocation comes as the
Second Republic is expediting its
vision to improve the Conditions of
Service for the security services as The three new buses allocated to the ZNA.
Commander ZNA Urges New Recruits to Preserve the Legacy of the
Zimbabwe National Army
Staff Reporter

T he Commander Zimbabwe
National Army, Lieutenant
General David Sigauke has
called on newly recruited members of
the Army to preserve the legacy of
and take over this rich and fine legacy to
posterity and have to accept to abide by
the rules, regulations and mandate
entrusted upon you by the Constitution
of Zimbabwe,” said Lieutenant General
instructive for defining the country's
collective identity and aspirations.

The Commander ZNA implored the

recruits to guard against the negative
sacrifice and dedication to duty Sigauke. effects of social media in order to uphold
exhibited by former and current the image, dignity and integrity of the
members of the force in order to inspire He emphasised the need for the recruits military profession.
future generations. to remain patriotic and have a full
understanding of their role in defending “You need to love your military
Lieutenant General Sigauke said this at a national interests. “Be reminded that this profession and ensure that you uphold
pass-out-parade for 2 439 recruits who country has a long and rich history its image, dignity and integrity. You also
completed a nine months training course which needs to be passed from one need to guard against threats of
at the Recruit Training Depot at Imbizo generation to another. You are, misinformation, disinformation and
Barracks in Bulawayo on 15 March therefore, required to have a full rumour mongering being propagated on
2022. understanding of your role in defence of social media platforms bent on
our national interests from both internal misleading the members of the security
“It must be understood that you are now and external threats.” forces and the general citizenry,” he
part of a revered organisation that has a said.
reputable record of professionalism, Lieutenant General Sigauke told the
loyalty, patriotism and commitment to recruits that the study of the long and The Basic Recruit Course commenced
duty within the region and beyond with enduring history of Zimbabwe from pre- on 01 July 2021 and covered various
marked footprints in countries such as colonial times, colonisation, the First subjects including a two-week long
Mozambique, Somalia and the Chimurenga, Second Chimurenga, Special Civil Military Relations
Democratic Republic of Congo among Independence, Third Chimurenga, package.
others.” imposition of illegal sanctions and the
economic recovery trajectory set in
“I, therefore, challenge you to inherit motion by the Second Republic was

The Commander ZNA, Lieutenant General Sigauke handing over a shield to the Best Recruit, Private Munaki
Kudakwashe at a Pass-Out Parade at Recruit Training Depot on 16 March 2022.

Army Shooting Competitions Back with a Bang

The Chief of Staff General Staff, Major General Tazira congratulating the Best Female Shootist, Lance Corporal Ndlovu
Perpetua of Mounted Regiment at the Chief of Staff All Comers Shoot Prize Giving Ceremony on 17 March 2022.
Theseus Shambare

A fter a two-year absence due to the

outbreak of the COVID -19
pandemic, shooting competitions
in the ZNA made a welcome return with
the successful holding of the Chief of Staff
other subsequent shoots which include the
Commander ZNA Skill at Arms Meeting
and the President's Medal Shoot that are
going to follow later before the end of the
year. He expressed satisfaction with the
being champions in the next competition
showing our society that security forces
are ready to take head on any threats to
peace and security in the country.”

All Comers Shoot at Cleveland Rifle increase in new firers in the competition The overall winner of the 2022 Chief of
Range from 28 February to 17 March and urged the participating services to Staff All Comers Shoot was Corporal
2022. continue injecting new blood into their Chindoko Brian of Parachute Regiment
teams for continuity, competitiveness and whilst Lance Corporal Ndlovu Perpetua of
The Chief of Staff General Staff, Major the spreading of shooting skills. Mounted Regiment topped in the female
General Kasirai Tazira presented prizes to category.
winners at Cleveland Rifle Range on 17 Major General Tazira congratulated the
March 2022. In his keynote address, Major winners saying their achievements should The shoot drew participants from the
General Tazira said the competition inspire them in facing any threat to peace ZNA, the Air Force of Zimbabwe, the
presented an opportunity for members of and security in the country. “Allow me to Zimbabwe Republic Police, Air Force of
the security forces to sharpen their congratulate all the winners of the 2022 Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Prisons and
shooting skills which were critical for edition. Today's achievement should not Correctional Service, the President's
safeguarding the territorial integrity of the make you rest on your laurels, but inspire Office and other civilian teams.
country. you to defend your new found status of

“This year's shoot was held under the

theme, “Refining Musketry Skills
Amongst Security Forces to Guarantee
National Security and Development.” The
theme gives us the duty as security forces
to work hard in order to safeguard and
preserve the existing peaceful

“Preservation of this peaceful

environment guarantees national security
and development as spelt out in the
National Development Strategy. To his
end we should always remain alert and
prepared to carry out our constitutional
mandate,” said Major General Tazira.
He said the shoot laid the foundation for Overall winner, Corporal Chindoko Brian being hoisted on the Champion-at-
Arms chair at Cleveland Range on 17 March 2022.
The Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Mashonaland Central Province, Cde Monica Mavhunga and
Permanent Secretary for Defence and War Veterans Affairs, Ambassador Mark Grey Marongwe signing the Handover
Certificate for cleared land in Mukumbura on 12 November 2021.

Milestone Achievement for Zimbabwe's Demining Efforts

Columbus Mabika

I t is a Friday morning on 12 November

2021 and the summer temperatures are
soaring above 39 degrees Celsius. The
usually sleepy border area of Mukumbura is
brought to life as people from all walks of
a mine free Zimbabwe by year 2025. The
local chief, Mr Short Kanzou hailed the
Government for the milestone
achievement.“The landmine problem in
this area is gone. Some of our colleagues
800 000 people's livelihoods have been
affected throughout the country. HALO
Trust Programme Manager, Mr Samuel
Fricker said his organisation will continue
to compliment Government of Zimbabwe's
life brave the morning heat and long lost their lives and some could not be here to landmine clearance efforts.
distances to converge at Chisecha Primary witness this milestone as they cannot walk
School to celebrate a milestone due to injuries sustained from the At the height of the Liberation Struggle,
achievement in Zimbabwe's demining landmines. Rhodesian forces laid over three million
efforts to rid the country of landmines left anti-personnel landmines in eight distinct
behind during the Liberation War. “We are grateful to the government for minefields along the northern and eastern
liberating us from this deadly menace,” he borders of the country with the aim of
Before the Director of Ceremonies can take said. preventing the infiltration of freedom
to the podium to kick start proceedings, Mr Wonder MakoPP, a landmine victim fighters into the country from Mozambique
songs of joy become the order of the day as who lost his right leg 32 years ago while and Zambia.
people, full of hope for a new dawn, ululate, working in his parents' fields, lamented the
whistle and dance on the land that was once negative effects of the landmines on his life. Technical surveys carried out reveal that the
a no go area, owing to the menacing initial landmine infested areas covered an
presence of landmines. “Life has never been the same since the day area of 310,65 square kilometres, which
I lost my leg due to a landmine explosion. I translates to a linear distance of around
The Permanent Secretary Ambassador cannot do what others are doing and have 850km.
Mark Grey Marongwe who was spent most of my productive years just
representing Honourable Oppah sitting and doing nothing,” he said. At least 25 000 hectares of communal land
Muchinguri-Kashiri, handed the cleared and 10 000 hectares of commercial farm
land to the Minister of State for Provincial The Director Zimbabwe Mine Action land was covered by landmines and could
Affairs and Devolution for Mashonaland Centre, Colonel Mkhululi Bhika Ncube not be used for any economic purposes.
Central Province, Honourable Monica said his organisation was working flat out to Realising the continued consequences of
Mavhunga. achieve a landmine free Zimbabwe by landmines, the Zimbabwe Government
2025. signed and ratified the 1997 Ottawa Mine
The area measuring 6.95 square kilometres Ban Treaty which compelled signatories to
was cleared by HALO Trust, a Non- He said in the quest to remove the lethal get rid of landmines by 2015.
Governmental Organisation working with remnants of war, the Zimbabwe National
the Zimbabwe Mine Action Centre. Army's National Mine Clearance Squadron However, due to economic sanctions
A total of 50 254 anti-personnel landmines was being complimented by four non- imposed on the country by the West,
were recovered from the area and governmental organisations, namely, Halo Zimbabwe could not meet the deadline. To
destroyed. The land will directly benefit Trust, Mine Action Group, APOPO and date more than 200 000 landmines have
over 23 000 households in the area through Norwegian People's Aid. been removed with over 90 percent of the
farming and pastures. infested land having been cleared.
The clearing of the land is a significant step Colonel Ncube said at least 2 000 people
in the right direction in the quest to achieve have been injured by the landmines while
ZNA Committed to Quality Health Care
Nelias Shiri and Theseus Shambare

T he Zimbabwe National Army is

committed to work towards the
achievement of the
Government's Vision 2030 through
providing quality health care to its
system is one of the key elements
towards the achievement of the
country's Vision 2030,” he said.

The Chief of Staff Administration Staff

successful and attain its set goals,
business partnerships were key.

Speaking during the same occasion,

the Golden Knot Group Chief
members and the nation at large, the expressed gratitude for the donation Operating Officer, Mrs Patience
Chief of Staff Administration Staff, saying the equipment would help in Chimuka said that the ZNA and
Major General Emmanuel Matatu the fight against Covid-19. “The Golden Knot Group's relationship
said. donation will indeed go a long way in went beyond business partnership and
ensuring improved health care extended to the welfare of military
Major General Emmanuel Matatu said delivery system in the ZNA. The personnel.
this after receiving two modern donation has also come at a time when
oxygen concentrators donated to the the nation and the ZNA are facing “Golden Knot is a company that
Zimbabwe National Army by a legal challenges related to the procurement believes in Corporate Social
assurance company, Golden Knot of sufficient hospital equipment. The Responsibility and we have taken this
Group at Josiah Magama Tongogara Covid-19 pandemic has brought more opportunity to hand over our token of
Barracks on 23 November 2022. pressure on the already strained appreciation in the form of two
budgets.” said Major General Matatu. modern oxygen concentrators which
“This important event is worth will assist in fighting the Covid-19
celebrating given that access to health Major General Emmanuel Matatu pandemic as we value the security
care service is a basic human right applauded the existing relations forces, in particular the ZNA,” said
enshrined in our Constitution. As you between the ZNA, Golden Knot Group Mrs Chimuka.
may be aware, equipping and and the nation at large. He said for
modernising the health care delivery every independent organisation to be

The Chief of Staff Administration Staff, Major General Emmanuel Matatu receiving an oxygen concentrator from
Golden Knot Group Chief Operating Officer, Mrs Patience Chimuka at Army Headquarters on 23 November 2021.
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Zimbabwe Corps of Chaplains Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer (Class One) Kesentseng Nyoni, getting a Covid-19 booster jab
at 2 Referral Hospital.

Soldiers Start Getting

Covid 19 Booster Jabs
Olivia Chiyangwa

T he Zimbabwe National Army has

started to administer the Covid 19
booster jab to its members and
surrounding communities to curb the
spread of the COVID 19 virus.
The booster jab helps improve the
protection through complimenting the two
earlier doses against COVID-19. It also
helps give long term protection against
serious illness from Covid 19.
have a healthy soldier you know that the
security of the nation is also guaranteed
and that is why it is crucial for every
soldier to be vaccinated.”

He said the organisation had embarked on

The programme commenced on 18 Speaking to the ZNA Magazine, the a deliberate programme to educate and
January 2022 across all of the Army's units Director Health Service, Colonel Philip inform the public on COVID 19. We have
and formations following the detection of Katsande said the third dose is intended to done a lot to teach members of the ZNA
the Omicron variant by South African boost the immune system to a certain level about the COVID 19 virus. We use various
scientists on 26 November 2021. that can easily fight the virus when it communication tools such as leaflets and
attacks in the future. door to door campaigns to educate our
As the name implies, a Covid 19 booster members.”
shot is a third dose administered in Colonel Katsande emphasised the need for
addition to the two Sinovac and soldiers to be fully vaccinated. “The ZNA
Sinopharm vaccines received by members is mandated to ensure the security and
during the initial days of the pandemic. territorial integrity of the country. If you
News Briefs from the Formations
Staff Correspondents
Commander Presidential Guard Brigadier General Mahachi Hits
Speaking during the ceremony, the
Urges Members to Shun Crime the Ground Running at 4 Infantry Chief of Staff Administrative Staff,
Brigade Major General Emmanuel Matatu said

T he Commander Presidential
Guard, Brigadier General
Mhonda has called on members
to desist from criminal activities and
concentrate on discharging their duties
The newly appointed Commander 4
Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General
Ephias Mahachi hit the ground running
the Army highly regarded traditional
leaders for the important role that they
played in society. “As traditional
leaders, you are an important component
by first, conducting his first inspection of of Government as you are the backbone
in a professional manner in order to the formation's infrastructure focusing of societal strength and unity,” Major
uphold the good image of the Army. mainly on formation headquarters' General Matatu said.
offices and residential quarters on 06
Brigadier General Mhonda said this January 2022. Major General Matatu encouraged the
during his traditional tour of units under chiefs to conscientise and educate
command and formation deployments In his address to the Heads of people on social ills such as early child
around the country from 05 to 25 Departments after conducting the marriages and drug abuse which had
January 2022. Brigadier Mhonda exercise, Brigadier General Mahachi affected society. The Chief of Staff
implored troops to desist from vices said, the inspection was very fruitful as Administration Staff also handed out
such as gold panning, armed robberies, he has managed to see for himself the farm inputs to the chiefs at the end of the
extortion, desertion of deployment state of the camp. The Commander event.
posts, drug peddling and abuse, noted a number of areas that needed
domestic violence, corruption, murder, urgent attention saying those would be Speaking to the ZNA Magazine on the
rape, over borrowing, fraud and attended once funds were made side lines of the event, Chief Masembura
assaulting civilians. available. thanked the Army for the inputs and food
hampers saying traditional leaders in the
“It is a concern for commanders when
soldiers deviate from their day to day
Artillery Brigade Hosts province felt greatly honoured to
Mashonaland Central Traditional interact with members of the ZNA.
duties and partake in criminal acts such
as abuse of Army equipment for Leaders
personal gain, smuggling activities and
joining criminal gangs to rob civilians Artillery Brigade hosted a Traditional
instead of protecting them,” said Leader's Day at Bindura Show Grounds
General Mhonda. in Mashonaland Central Province on 10
December 2021.

The Commander Presidential Guard Brigade, Brigadier General Fidelis Mhonda addressing troops at 1 Presidential Guard
Battalion on 6 January 2022.
The Commander Zimbabwe National Army, Lieutenant General David Sigauke posing for a group photo with graduands
of the Battalion Group Commanders' Course on 28 January 2022.

Battalion Group Commanders' Course Ends

on High Note
Chief Correspondent

T he Zimbabwe National Army

Battalion Group Commanders'
Course graduated at the All Arms
Battle School in Nyanga on 28 January
the entire package was designed to
develop your competence, confidence
levels and initiatives in complexities
associated with both peace and wartime
eventualities,” said Lieutenant General

He added that the course focused on

operational art and practical application of
principles, procedures and drills.
Sigauke. Simulated battlefield conditions
Officiating at the Final Field Firing dominated the field training conditions.
Exercise and Graduation Parade, the “Your studies were aimed at building
Commander ZNA, Lieutenant General robust commanders who are able to adapt The Commander ZNA added, “The final
David Sigauke said, “This occasion is to fluid and fast changing modern field exercise that ended on a high note
indeed an important event on the training battlefield environment. The Role of the with a live firing exercise gave you the
calendar of the ZNA as the Battalion Military in Disaster Management package opportunity to test and feel the real war
Group Commanders' Course is the most was given more prominence due to the battlefield situations.”
senior tactical course on offer in the lessons experienced during Operation
Zimbabwe Defence Forces.” Cyclone Idai conducted in Chimanimani Meanwhile, the Chief of Staff General
in March 2019. Staff, Major General Kasirai Tazira
A total of 16 senior and field officers officiated at the joint graduation of the
graduated after a rigorous 14-week The desired aim was to sharpen your Company Group Commanders' and
training programme. Lieutenant General knowledge and skills in preparation for Platoon Commanders' Courses at All
Sigauke said, “The comprehensive such eventualities, noting that some parts Arms Battle School in Nyanga on 11
fourteen weeks' course curricula was rich of Zimbabwe are prone to perennial March 2022.
in broadening your knowledge base as flooding,” he said.
Battalion Commanders, hence failure to Major General Tazira said the joint
make sound, accurate and timely A number of firsts were recorded by the graduation marked yet another milestone
decisions will not be expected.” course, hence rendering it as the first achievement by the ZNA and AABS in the
Battalion Group Commanders' Course to training of field commanders in the
He said the overall objectives for the be trained under the Covid-19 Pandemic Defence Forces.
course had been achieved and challenged and also the first to carry-out a live
the graduands to effectively apply the demonstration exercise during a cyclone. The two courses covered subjects such as
knowledge gained from the course. “The Cyclone Ana hit the Nyanga area during conventional warfare, Law intensity
main thrust of the course was to equip you the period 23 to 27 January 2022 when the operations, map reading, military law,
with requisite knowledge on the practical course was in the middle of the Field civil military relations, disaster
handling of troops and equipment within a Training Exercise. management and cyber security among
Battalion Group setting.” others.
“Following the outbreak of the Covid-19
“You were thoroughly trained under pandemic, your studies also gave due
rigorous and realistic environment with attention to the management of this
the objective of nurturing and developing scourge. As we are the last line of defence,
high grade field and senior officers who we should continue to train and properly
can effectively manage and lead their administer and manage the troops in line
troops under all conditions. Furthermore, w i t h Wo r l d H e a l t h O rg a n i s a t i o n

Training Breeds Confidence and Trust -
Commander ZNA
Josphat Yorodani

T he Commander Zimbabwe
National Army, Lieutenant
General David Sigauke has
emphasised the need for training in
order to ensure operational
is also through training that skills are
passed from one generation to the
other. Keep on training so that you
impart knowledge gained to other
members of your units.”
During the eight-day seminar,
various speakers presented on
selected topics as the Army sought to
come up with compact and effective
combat groups. In order to ensure
effectiveness in fulfilment of the that issues discussed were
Army's Constitutional Mandate of Lieutenant General Sigauke also understood by the participants, some
defending the country's sovereignty officiated at the closing ceremony of days were set aside for practical
and territorial integrity, as well as the same seminar held on 21 work. The participants also had a day
creating a secure environment for February and he implored each for Cloth Model exercises, as
socio-economic development. commandants of various training well as Tactical Exercises Without
establishments to have serviceable Troops.
Officially opening the training equipment to facilitate
Mechanised/Artillery Brigade realism in training programmes. The final day was for firepower
Combat Group Seminar at Inkomo demonstration from assets that form
Barracks on 14 February 2022, He urged units to continue a combat group. The firepower
Lieutenant General Sigauke said subscribing members for training in demonstration was meant to
training bred trust and confidence the Combat Group Concept. “There showcase how a combat group fights
between members of the force, is no substitute to training, hence and the amount of firepower that it
which was key in achieving victory formations and units with combat produces.
in any operation that the force groups should continue to subscribe
undertook. members for training at Mechanised
and Artillery Brigades as well as
He urged participants to impart the Zimbabwe School of Military
knowledge they had gained during Engineering and Air Defence
the seminar to other members so that Artillery Regiment,” Lieutenant
it could pass through generations. “It General Sigauke said.

The Commandant School of Armour, Lieutenant Colonel Office Mujombiza giving a brief during the Mechanised/Artillery
Brigade Combat Group Seminar at Inkomo Barracks on 21 February 2022.

Training Round up

The Director Transport Corps, Colonel Gift Mhakadzavo posing for a group photo with graduands of the Qualified Musketry
Senior Instructors’ Course and Range Management Course at Border Camp, Nyanga on 14 January 2022.

Staff Correspondents
Qualified Musketry Senior The Cornerstones of “I understand that you were adequately
Instructors and Range Administration and ICT Training equipped with computer knowledge and
Management Courses Graduate skills of using Microsoft packages and
The Pay Corps Training School and these include Computer Essentials,
Qualified Musketry Senior Instructors and Information Technology Training School Microsoft Word and Information and
Range Management Courses jointly have proved to be the cornerstones of Communication Technology Security,
graduated on 14 January 2022 at Border Zimbabwe National Army's among others.
Camp in Nyanga. administration and Information
C o m m u n i c a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y b y “Your commanders shall always give you
Officiating at the graduation ceremony, the consistently training members in these key computer related tasks to accomplish. I,
Director Transport Corps, Colonel Gift areas. therefore, implore you to use such
Mhakadzavo described the graduation as a opportunities to improve your computer
milestone in the fulfilment of training The schools recently held graduation skills and prove that your nomination for
objectives of the Army. ceremonies for administration and pay this course was not a waste of time and
clerks as well as computer users in line resources,” said Lieutenant Colonel
“The graduation of the two courses today with their training objectives. Mutami.
adds value to our training in the
Organisation and is yet another milestone Speaking during the graduation ceremony At the Zimbabwe School Military
achievement in as far as fulfilment of the of the Chief Clerk's course and the Basic Engineering, 38 students completed the
set objectives in the Commander ZNA Pay and Records Clerk's course on 17 Combat Engineering Class Three on 25
Training Directive is concerned,” he said. December 21 at Pay Corps Training March 2022.
The two courses commenced on 01 School, Deputy Director Procurement
November 2021 and drew students from Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Mudimu Presiding over the ceremony, the
the ZNA and the Zimbabwe Republic urged the graduands to be professional in Commander Zimbabwe Engineers Corps,
Police. the discharge of their duties Lieutenant Colonel Augustine
“Your appointment as pay clerks and Ruwambara reiterated the importance of
The Senior Officer commended the cordial admin clerks may tempt some of you into training in moulding proficient leaders.
relationship that exists between the ZNA engaging in unprofessional conduct. This
and other sister organisations in training, has serious consequences and you should “You should always remember that
saying it fostered coordination during joint refrain from such malpractices,” he said. training is the corner stone of
training exercises and operations. preparedness. It is also the means by which
Meanwhile, General Staff Officer (Grade quality leaders develop their proficiency.
Colonel Mhakadzavo applauded the One) Plans, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Remember to cooperate well with others
Commandant All Arms Battle School, Mutami, who officiated on the graduation in order to realize the collective capability
Colonel Raban Nikisi and his entire staff ceremony of the Introduction to as an organisation,” he said.
for being creative and resourceful in Computers Course on 17 December 2021
ensuring that the required skills and at Information Technology Training
concepts were well articulated and School, challenged graduands to
comprehended. practically apply what they were taught.

General Court Martial Sentences Two Soldiers
40 Years Each for Armed Robbery
Ndlovu was reduced
in Rank to private
before all three were
discharged from the
Zimbabwe National
Army with ignominy,
and sentenced to
1 5 y e a r s
imprisonment each
for the offences.

The conviction of the

six soldiers comes at
the backdrop of an
upsurge in crimes
allegedly perpetrated
by members of the
force. The Director
Army Public
Relations, Colonel
Staff Reporter Alphios Makotore
said the Army did not

wo members of the imprisonment and discharged from
Zimbabwe National Army, the Army for the role he played in the condone indiscipline and acts of
L a n c e C o r p o r a l robbery. Trooper Ndebvu was found misconduct among its members.
Dzimbanhete Tatenda and Trooper guilty by the General Court Martial
Munesi Wilfred were on 19 January after a full trial for supplying “The Zimbabwe National Army does
2022 each sentenced to 40 years' Dzimbanhete and Munesi with not condone cases of indiscipline
imprisonment by the Zimbabwe information which resulted in the and misconduct among its members
Defence Forces General Court robbery. and the organisation's courts would
Martial after they were convicted of continue to mete out deterrent
armed robbery. In a related development, Lance sentences on all convicted criminal
Corporal Ndlovu Fortune and elements,” he said.
The court suspended five years for Private Manyanga Ratiel and
each of the convicts on condition that Masase Kainos were on 05 March The Zimbabwe Defence Forces
they reimburse the complainant, 2 0 2 2 s e n t e n c e d t o 1 5 y e a r s Director General Public Relations,
Simon Arnold of Surrey Farm near imprisonment each by the Policy and International Affairs,
Marondera, cash amounting to US$ Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Brigadier General Augustine
16 830 and R600. Court Martial. Chipwere urged members of the
public to report any member of the
Both were reduced ranks to private They were convicted of armed force who behaves in a criminal
and first year trooper, respectively robbery, unlawful entry and theft manner or displays behaviour not in
and discharged from the Zimbabwe after a fully contested trial before the keeping with the ZDF code of
Defence Forces with ignominy. General Court Martial seating in conduct, to the nearest cantonment
Bulawayo on 05 March 2022. They area so that action is taken promptly.
They both pleaded guilty to the had all pleaded not guilty to the
charges of armed robbery which they charges.
committed on 15 November 2021 at
Surrey Farm near Marondera. The trio, who were all serving with 4
Infantry Brigade in Masvingo,
Meanwhile, an accomplice of the committed armed robbery, unlawful
two, Trooper Ndebvu Watson was entry and theft cases in and around
sentenced to five (5) years Masvingo between January and July.

The screening of potential recruits starts from day one. In the photograph, potential recruits undergoing initial selection at
Mechanised Brigade on 15 April 2021.

ZNA Recruitment Drive to Weed out

Undesirable Elements
Simbarashe Rusere

T he Chief of Staff
Administration Staff, Major
General Emmanuel Matatu
has urged recruiting teams to be
thorough in their processes in order
misdeeds from some bogus members
of the ZNA,” Major General Matatu

The Chief of Staff reiterated that the

potential soldiers without giving
them high expectations that cannot
be met.

Major General Matatu urged the

to curb the recruitment of recruitment process had to be recruiting teams to be professional in
undesirable elements into the balanced by taking on board equal the conduct of their duties as failure
organisation. numbers from all provinces of the to do so led to the recruitment of
country as prescribed by the rogue soldiers who would later
Major General Matatu said this country's Constitution. He said all tarnish the image of the organisation.
during the Recruitment Seminar held potential soldiers needed to be loyal
on 20 January 2022 at Josiah and passionate about serving in the “Do not seek or accept bribes, we
Magama Tongogara Barracks. He organisation. have seen cases where some people
said the number of criminal offences have paid bribes, money or in some
by junior soldiers had increased in “Bear in mind as you embark on this cases, goats to get into the Army,”
recent times adding that was exercise that we want citizens of this Major General Matatu added.
something that called for a thorough country who are patriotic, upright,
vetting process during recruitment clearly oriented, and willing to serve
exercises. and make careers in the Army.
People who are willing to go in for
“We have seen a marked increase in the long haul not chancers,” he said.
crime, armed robberies, substance
abuse, bribe soliciting and taking, He also encouraged the recruiting
prospecting for gold and other teams to go out and persuade suitable
precious minerals and a host of other candidates and enlighten the

Information Communication Technology
Degree on the Cards
Isau Njereka

T he Zimbabwe National Army

Information Technology
Training School is exploring
the possibility of introducing a
Bachelor of Science Degree in
from Zimbabwe Council for Higher
Education (ZIMCHE) through the
Zimbabwe National Defence
University,” said Major Nkomo.
Meanwhile, 36 students graduated at
t h e I T Tr a i n i n g S c h o o l w i t h
certificates after having undergone a
four weeks Intermediate Computers
Course on 11 February 2022.
Information Technology under the Major Nkomo said that the School Speaking during the graduation
Zimbabwe National Defence offers several computer courses such ceremony, the Guest of Honour,
University affiliation. as Intermediate Computers Course, Lieutenant Colonel Rangarirayi
Personal Computer Maintenance Munyuki said the course was meant
This was revealed by the School's and Networking Course, to equip the students with the
Commandant, Major Smile Nkomo Introduction to Computers and knowledge and skills to efficiently
in an interview with the ZNA International Computer Drivers' use computers.
Magazine on the side-lines of an Licence among others.
Intermediate Computers Course The graduands who ranged from the
graduation ceremony recently. It is hoped that the envisaged degree rank of Private to Staff Sergeant were
programme would add value to the drawn from Army units. Ten of the
“The school has crafted a proposal ZNA through equipping members graduands were members of the
and forwarded the degree synopsis to with knowledge and skills to meet Zimbabwe Woman Soldiers.
the Training Branch for review and the demands of today's ever
consideration. Once given the changing world of technology.
greenlight, we will get accreditation

Students in the computer laboratory at the Information Technology Training School on 17 December 2021.

The Commander Zimbabwe National, Lieutenant General David Sigauke posing for a group photo with the newly
promoted brigadier generals at Army Headquarters on 2 March 2022.

General and Senior Officers Promoted

Staff Reporter

T he Commander-in-Chief of
the Zimbabwe Defence
Forces, President Emmerson
Dambudzo Mnangagwa has
promoted two colonels to the rank of
acquired and consistently practiced
over your long years of illustrious
service. The entire command
element and your subordinate ranks
have faith and trust in you that you
Section 15 (1)(b) of the Defence Act
(Chapter 11:02) as read together with
Statutory Instrument 257 of 2020
which stipulates that ranks for
retiring war veterans are to be
brigadier general and 23 majors to will diligently discharge your duties conferred with one up promotion six
the rank of lieutenant colonel. The as General Officers with months prior to completing active
promotions were in terms Section 15 professionalism, honour and service in the military.
(1)(b) of the Defence Act (Chapter integrity synonymous with this
11:02). rank,” Lieutenant General Sigauke These new brigadier generals are
said. Charles Louis Mhaka, Richard Ray
Brigadier Generals Zitterson Gedion Parwada and Cornwell Jiyane. They
Zin Sabeka and Samuel Sipho The Commander ZNA encouraged were conferred with their new ranks
Sibanda were conferred their new the promoted generals to remain by Commander Zimbabwe National
ranks at an investiture ceremony focused in defending their nation. Army, Lieutenant General David
held at Josiah Magama Tongogara Sigauke on 2 March 2022.
Barracks on Friday 14 January 2022. “I therefore encourage you and those
placed under your command never to
The Commander Zimbabwe lose sight or abandon this noble
National Army, Lieutenant General cause for whatever reason or
David Sigauke who presided over expedience. I need not remind you
the investiture ceremony called on that we as the ZDF remain the last
the general officers to continue line of defence of our nation.”
guiding and inspiring those under
their command on the requirement to Meanwhile, the Brigadier General
safeguard the gains of the country's Administration Staff, Brigadier
hard won independence. General Cephas Gurira also
conferred new ranks to 23 lieutenant
“This recognition by the entire chain colonels at the same venue.
of command should give you energy In a related development, three
and the zeal to uphold exemplary colonels were promoted to the rank
leadership, a principle which you of brigadier general in terms of terms
Zimbabwe Defence Forces Benefit Fund Commended for
Delivering on its Mandate
Nelias Shiri

T he Commander Defence Forces,

General Philip Valerio Sibanda has
hailed the Zimbabwe Defence
Forces Benefit Fund (ZDF BF) for
remaining trustworthy and resolute
General Sibanda highlighted that more
than 100 completed houses were handed
over to the beneficiaries around the
country during the period 2020 and to
2021 in line with the Government's
especially in the prevailing harsh
economic environment.

“On this note, I am happy to learn that the

construction of a small shopping mall in
towards achieving its set goals. National Development Strategy One Beitbridge has commenced. This will
(NDS 1) which advocates for the provision ensure security of members' subscriptions
General Sibanda, who is the patron of the of accommodation to every Zimbabwean because, buildings if well located and well
Fund, made the remarks while officially citizen by 2030. built, do appreciate in value even under
closing the joint 17th and 18th ZDF BF challenging economic conditions like the
Annual General Meeting (AGMs) held on “A grand total of 154 units were officially ones we are experiencing. The Fund
02 December 21 at 1 Commando handed over to the respective beneficiaries should therefore continue to invest in
Regiment. across the country during the period under those non-risk business ventures which
review. Among these houses, Ascot have stable returns, in order to hedge
He commended the Fund for its efforts in Extension (Gweru) had 28 units, against lean times,” added General
ensuring that members of the ZDF were Hertfordshire (Gweru) 20 units, Mbizo 8 Sibanda.
given fair opportunities to own houses as Extension (Kwekwe) 20 units,
well as get financial loans despite the Dangamvura (Mutare) 25 units, Cowdry Meanwhile, the ZDF BF Board of Trustees
nation facing a raft of economic Park (Bulawayo) 16 units, Mubaira (Mash Chairman, Mr Sinjabulo Thabani Biyam
challenges. West) 20 units and Tsvingwe (Mutasa tabled the AGM's Resolutions. Among the
RDC) 25 units. Projects of this nature resolutions made are the resumption of
“It is, therefore, satisfying to note that the complement the government efforts construction of ZDF BF projects which
Fund continued to fulfil its set objectives towards employment creation, as some was put on hold due to financial
during the reporting period by providing youths become gainfully employed during constraints, reduction of the loan
more decent accommodation and financial the construction phases of the houses,” he repayment period and implementation of
assistance to those in need. The voice of said. more investments for the Fund to reinforce
the membership helps us to hear from the General Sibanda urged the ZDF BF and ring-fence current activities to
horse's mouth how they want the Fund to leadership to widen the Fund's scope of improve cash flow.
deliver on its mandate,” said General investments, with more emphasis on the
Sibanda. acquisition of commercial properties in The Annual General Meeting was running
strategic areas in order to boost income under the theme 'Housing for All.'

Zimbabwe Defence Forces Benefit Fund housing scheme beneficiaries posing for a photo after receiving keys to their house in
Civil Military Relations Officers Urged to be

The Director Civil Military Relations, Colonel James Makondore and participants to the Civil Military Relations Seminar
getting a brief from a Beatrice farmer, Mr Aaron Denenga during a visit to Denenga Farm on 11 March 2022.
Theseus Shambare

C ivil Military Relations Officers

must be prepared to counter the
barrage of subversive messages
and information peddled on various media
platforms which pose a security threat to
graduating today will form the nucleus of
the key players for giving proper
orientation to the entire force with a view
to shape our destiny without influence
from foreign cultures," added Lieutenant
sons and daughters of the soil. I hope you
agree with me that the independence of
this country did not come on a silver
platter but blood was shed by gallant sons
and daughters who gave their lives for the
the Army and the nation at large. General Sigauke. liberation of this country and the right to
self-determination,” said Lieutenant
This was said by the Commander The Commander said the study of General Sigauke.
Zimbabwe National Army, Lieutenant Zimbabwean history, tour of battle and
General David Sigauke during the Civil- heritage sites and the study of economic He said it was now up to the Field Officers
Military Relations Train-the-Trainer activities, covering mining and agriculture to put into practice their acquired
Course Graduation Ceremony held at had an impact in equipping the field knowledge and experience to inculcate a
Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks on 11 officers with knowledge on why sense of patriotism to the rank and file of
January 2022. "I have no doubt that you Zimbabweans must unite in the fight the ZNA so that the organisational War
have been sharpened and prepared to against foreign influence. Cry "Zimbabwe inyika yedu
counter the barrage of subversive yechipikirwa, tichaidzivirira neropa
messages and information peddled on "It was mining, agriculture and land that redu/Zimbabwe ilizwe lethu lesifungo,
various media platforms," said Lieutenant led to the Liberation Struggle, therefore, to sazalivhikela legazi lethu,” would
General Sigauke. this end, the ZNA has faith and trust in you resonate across the whole force.
to be torch bearers in advancing
R e c e n t l y, t h e s o c i a l m e d i a a n d Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces' "It is now incumbent upon you as Civil-
independent media platforms have been Vision of moulding a patriotic, loyal, Military Relations resource persons to
awash with false negative reports on Army formidable and disciplined force which articulate, unmask and counter any
activities in a futile attempt to put the good will stand firm to safeguard these fruits of nefarious narratives by our erstwhile
name of the organisation into disrepute independence," said Lieutenant General detractors who seek to undermine our right
and weaken the country's security. Sigauke. to freedom and emancipation of our
people," he said.
Lieutenant General Sigauke said the He urged the graduands to appreciate the
course, which was undertaken by role played by Liberation War fighters in The Civil-Military Relations Train-the-
Battalions' Seconds-in-Command and bringing freedom to the country. “The Trainer Seminar was held from 11 January
Civil-Military Relations Officers drawn course could not proceed on external tour to 11 February, with the group of
from across the ZNA formations was in Mozambique and Zambia due to the participants consisting of 27 males and
meant to form a nucleus of key players prevailing situation. However, I am one female all drawn from different
who will give a proper orientation to the informed that some of you have visited formations and units of the Zimbabwe
entire force with a view to shaping the Liberation War sites in these countries National Army.
organisational destiny. “It is encouraging during your Officer Cadet training where
that the Train-the-Trainer Course you witnessed the sacrifices made by the
Documenting Military History: Reliving the Battle of Pupu
Theseus Shambare

“ The most effective way to destroy a

people is to deny and obliterate their
own understanding of their history,”
This is a quote from renowned novelist
George Orwell in his iconic book titled
Men" in honour of the Allan Wilson's
regiment which was massacred by the real
"Brave men", the Ndebele Warriors, who
up to today, have been wrongly relegated
to the dustbins of history.
situated on the outskirts of Lupane, the
provincial capital of Matabeleland North
was refurbished by the Government of
Zimbabwe through the National Museums
and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMMZ).
'1984'. Orwell goes on to say that people
should, “look back and take a pause and The massacred members of Allan Wilson's Until recently, a tapering stone pillar with
think about mistakes made in the past and regiment were first buried at Great names of a 34-soldier unit of the British
use them as lessons to make the future Zimbabwe but later exhumed following South African Company (BSAC) that was
better instead of erasing all artefacts Cecil John Rhodes' instruction that they be ambushed and annihilated by more than 3
within our own family histories, purging re-buried at Matobo after his own burial at 000 Ndebele warriors, was the only
all mementos of parents”. the same mountain. structure erected as a landmark by the
Rhodesian government. It must also be
The above quotation aptly captures the One would wonder if the definition of the pointed out that among the colonial forces
bold stance taken by the Government of word 'brave' changes meaning depending were some Africans recruited to fight
Zimbabwe under the leadership of His on who uses it and maybe which side of alongside the whites.
Excellency President Emmerson history one belongs to. The truth, however,
Mnangagwa of correcting the narrative of is that King Lobengula's regiment led by In telling the story of the Battle of Pupu,
the famous battles in the country, which General Mtshana Khumalo defeated the the colonialists deliberately overlooked
for many years had conveniently glorified Allan Wilson's Patrol during the 4 the Ndebele perspective and erected the
the former colonisers, deliberately December 1893 battle, blocking the obelisk with only 34 names of Major
obliterating the African perspective. attempted capture of the Ndebele King by Wilson's patrol inscribed on it as if there
the colonialists. were no Ndebeles as well.
Pursuant to this initiative, a newly face-
lifted Pupu Liberation War Shrine, a place Despite their superior weaponry A Civil-Military Relations (CMR) team
where King Lobengula's Imbizo Regiment comprising Maxim guns and cannons, comprising members of the CMR
killed settler forces' commander, Major Major Wilson and his forces were Directorate led by the Director Colonel
Allan Wilson and his fighters on 4 completely out-gunned by King James Makondore and Field Officers
December 1893, has been reconfigured to Lobengula's brave warriors. The epic attending a one-month Train-the-Trainer
reflect the true story of what transpired. battle that was fought on the shores of the Course, recently toured Pupu Liberation
Shangani River, marked the beginning of a War Shrine to get an appreciation of the
Visitors to the famous Matobo Hills today protracted resistance against settler exploits of the brave Ndebele warriors.
will be welcomed by a nicely built huge colonial regime.
memorial tower located at the peak of the continued on page...23
beautiful mountains inscribed "The Brave The Pupu Liberation War Shrine, which is

A tour guide showing murals of Pupu Liberation War Shrine to participants of the Civil Military Relations Train-the-Trainer
Course during a tour of the historical site on 16 February 2022.
Senior Female Officer Scores First in
Academic Achievements
Edmore Chaipa

T he adage that 'A journey of a

thousand miles begins with a single
step,' means that a person must
begin his or her journey to reach their goal
or final destination without a rush. It also
“It also became financially demanding
mid-way through the programme, as it was
that time when the Covid 19 pandemic,
currently being experienced in most parts
of the world, resulted in lockdowns which
African conflicts, reinforcement of the UN
peacekeeping methods, various gender-
based protocols and other resolutions that
affirm protection of women during
peacekeeping operations.
expresses deep insight about saw the closure of borders in the region,
determination and avoiding restricting movements. This affected my She said the sky was the limit for female
procrastination. movements to attend lectures and carrying soldiers to scale to greater heights in
out some research in the region. I now education and be at par with their male
The Zimbabwe National Army has been needed to put financial resources together counterparts as there were equal
doing a lot to empower its personnel under and conduct lessons virtually,” she said. opportunities for all in the ZNA. Her
its Manpower Development Plan and the academic journey started from a humble
Commander ZNA's Training directives The senior officer is thankful to the beginning when she joined the ZNA as a
each year. Soldiers, both officers and non- Command Element at all levels for lieutenant back in 1985. She joined as a
commissioned members have been according her the opportunity to study for specialist (Registered General Nurse) at
scoring firsts in various fields such as the degree. “I want to thank the Command the Zimbabwe Military Academy. She
academia and sport. Element for according me such a high worked as a nurse in various military
level opportunity to do the doctorate hospitals. Between 2008 and 2010, she
The ZNA Magazine tracked down degree. I promise that I will not sit on my was appointed Staff Officer (Grade One)
Colonel Lioba Tendai Gunduza at the Nursing Services and later Inspectorate at
Zimbabwe National Defence University the ZDF Headquarters (ZDF HQ).
(ZNDU) who recently graduated with a
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) in Ethics
with the University of Kwazulu Natal in In 2011, she was one of the few female
South Africa. She becomes the first female Directing Staff at the Zimbabwe Staff
member of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces College. She was later promoted to the
to have achieved such a feat. rank of Colonel in 2012 and subsequently
appointed Director Nursing Services at
The degree programme, which she started ZDF HQ.
in 2016 ended on 30 October last year
when she graduated virtually due to the In 2016, she was posted to the ZNDU
Covid 19 pandemic which restricted where she assumed the post of Director
movement and gatherings. A doctorate Seminars and Workshops at the Institute of
degree is the highest level of academic Strategic Research and Analysis (ISRA)
achievement in most learning fields. up to early 2021.

Colonel (Dr) Gunduza's thesis was titled, Currently, she is an assistant lecturer at the
“Demystifying of Masculinity and Gender ZNDU, where she is teaching
in United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Contemporary International Relations,
Operations in Africa, South of Sahara: A among other subjects. Besides her current
Critical Afrocentric Feminist Ethical top achievement, Colonel (Dr) Gunduza is
Study.” The study sought to elucidate the Colonel (Dr.) Lioba Tendai Gunduza. a holder of a Master of Science Degree in
effects and impact of masculinity and International Relations, Bachelor of
gender in UN peacekeeping operations in Science Honours Degree in Political
Africa, South of the Sahara. It indicated laurels but utilise the knowledge attained Science and various health related
that societal interpretations and to benefit the organisation. My great diplomas.
perceptions of gender and masculinity appreciation also goes to the then
have contributed significantly to the Commander Defence Forces, now Vice
marginalisation of women and 'abuse' President, General (Dr) (Rtd) Constantino
during operations. Chiwenga, for recommending me to be
sponsored for the doctorate degree,” she
Colonel (Dr) Gunduza said her attainment said.
of the degree was not a stroll in the park.
“A lot of resources would be required in Colonel Gunduza is hoping that her
the process, travelling back and forth to recommendations in the thesis would be
South Africa doing the university work. I adopted for the greater good of the African
would also look at myself as a student and continent. Some of these
a mother and there was need to strike a recommendations include the need for
balance. research towards integrating indigenous
conflict management approaches in
Honouring of Previously Unsung Heroes Hailed
Theseus Shambare

T he Director Civil-Military Relations

Colonel James Makondore has
commended the Government for
honouring previously unsung heroes saying
that it was an important step in rewriting the
Zimbabwe in 2020 posthumously honoured
General Khumalo by granting him National
Hero status for his role in kick starting the
fight against colonialism.
colonial occupation, which was eventually
successful decades later with the attainment
of independence in 1980 after a protracted

country's history which had been distorted General Khumalo heroically commanded It is ironic that the vanquished commander,
by skewed colonial narratives. King Lobengula's Imbizo Regiment in Major Allan Wilson was honoured and
defeating the Allan Wilson Patrol at the General Khumalo had remained largely
Addressing participants of the Train-the- famous Battle of Pupu despite having anonymous despite his exploits, an
Trainer Seminar during their educational inferior weapons. The battle is significant as anomaly which the Second Republic has
tour in Lupane on 2 February 2022, Colonel it marked the beginning of resistance to now sought to correct.
Makondore said he was happy that the
government was much concerned about
honouring those who sacrificed much for
the liberation of the country.

“In his virtual address during the 2021

Heroes Day Commemorations, His
Excellency, Cde Emmerson Dambudzo
Mnangagwa, the President of the Republic
of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of
the Zimbabwe Defence Forces announced
that General Mtshana Khumalo would be
honoured alongside Queen Lozikeyi,
Mgandani Dlodlo and Mbuya Nehanda
whose statue was erected in Harare.
Additionally, he made a promise that the
country's monuments would be reviewed to
include the Pupu Liberation War Shrine,
where General Khumalo was victorious
over Allan Wilson's patrol,” said Colonel

In an effort to preserve the history and tell After getting a facelift: Pupu Liberation War Shrine, a place where King Lobengula's
the true story of the country for the benefit Imbizo Regiment wiped out settler forces' commander, Major Allan Wilson and all his
of future generations, the Government of fighters on 4 December 1893.

...from page 21 Documenting Military History: Reliving the Battle of Pupu

Some of the improvements made at the challenges in Pupu, we come here to Republic's efforts saying that would change
shrine include the erection of a perimeter conduct traditional ceremonies and dances the one-sided narrative not only of this
fence and construction of murals. Ablution in line with our customs,” said the battle but of the whole Zimbabwean history
facilities and a borehole completes the Chairman of Pupu Village Heads, Mr Sam which had been distorted by Europeans.
new infrastructure at the site. Tshuma. “What has always been known are the
names of the 34 white soldiers who perished
The murals depict Ndebele warriors He said the site carries historical during that battle. Sadly, the names of
resisting colonial forces manifesting in the significance hence it should be preserved Ndebele warriors, probably running into
Battle of Bonko by the Shangani River and for future generations with information hundreds, who also died during that battle
Gadade at Mbembesi. The exhibition also correctly portraying their history and are unknown,” he said.
relives the burning of King Lobengula's cultural heritage.
Royal Capital at Emahlabathini. The capital Mr Nyathi emphasised the need for research
was burnt at the order of the King, as per Renowned historian-cum-writter, Mr on the identity of the fallen Ndebele
tradition, after he got news of the defeat of Pathisa Nyathi said in documenting the warriors, who have largely been forgotten
the Ndebele Army at Bonko and Gadade. Battle of Pupu, the colonialists deliberately due to general neglect of history and culture
After burning down the Royal Kraal the overlooked the Ndebele perspective, which during the First Republic. “We need to do a
King fled towards the Shangani River Government is now correcting. research and come up with a list. We have
accompanied by a force of about 2 000 to 3 “Government has come up with a new also agreed with relevant authorities that
000 men. monument, which will be in line with a when we get those names, they should also
perspective from the African victors, be put in the panel including their regiments
The exhibition also shows the pursuit of the precisely the Ndebele warriors. This is a and the commanders of those particular
King by the pioneers. A force of 34 colonial new effort, which in a way is trying to regiments,” he said.
soldiers and many African militias, later portray the battle in a different light which is
known as the Shangani Patrol, was the Ndebele perspective. The monument Mr Nyathi explained that the battle was not
assembled to pursue and capture the King. has been there, but only in memory and only confined at the memorial site but
commemoration of the defeated 34 soldiers started on the southern bank of the Shangani
“This place is where our ancestors fought of the Allan Wilson Patrol,” added Mr River and extended towards the northern
the whites and won. We continue to respect Nyathi. side of Shangani River going further to
this place and we come here to appease our Emavikaneni.
ancestral spirits. Whenever we have Mr Nyathi commended the Second
Going all the
way with you!


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Committed to Care
The Crocodile is the Mechanised Brigade insignia.

Demystifying the Mechanised Brigade

Crocodile Insignia
Josphat Yorodani

T he mere mentioning of a
crocodile brings shivers to
many, especially if they are
close to a water body. Annually in
Zimbabwe cases of human wildlife
and out of them. Mechanised Brigade
has all-terrain vehicles that can
navigate even rugged ground as well
as negotiating their way in both
shallow and deep-water bodies.
each mission. Just like how a crocodile
protects its internal part with its thick,
rugged and scaly skin, the Mechanised
crews are protected by the armour that
constitute the body of the vehicles.
conflicts involving these giant reptiles The armoured body provides crews
are always reported. Some of these Crocodiles have webbed feet which, with protection just as much as
cases have had fatal consequences. although not used to propel them females crocodiles are highly
However, it is ironic that the same through the water, allow them to make protective of their nests and young
predator can be a source of great fast turns and sudden moves in the ones. Crocodiles just like Mechanised
culinary pleasure as their meat is water or initiate swimming. Webbed forces are ambush predators. They
considered a delicacy in certain feet are an advantage in shallow wait for fish or land animals to come
sections of society. waters, where the animals sometimes close, then rushing out to attack. The
move around by walking. Crocodiles ability to surprise the enemy has been
The Zimbabwe National Army's have a palatal flap, a rigid tissue at the key in the various battles that the
infantry formations identify with the back of the mouth that blocks the entry Mechanised Brigade has fought since
big five animals, namely; Elephant, of water thus a characteristic of its formation. Notable successes by the
Rhinoceros, Buffalo, Lion and amphibious armoured personnel Brigade include the Mozambican
Leopard. The Mechanised Brigade is carriers. These feet, in mechanised Campaign and the famous Battle of
identified with the crocodile, which to forces represent the tracks and wheels Kabinda during Operation Sovereign
some may be quite surprising given the on the various vehicles they use which Legitimacy in the Democratic
insignias of the other Army have all terrain maneuvering Republic of Congo in 1999.
formations. Yet the insignia is an apt capability. The next time one comes across men
reflection of the attributes and and vehicles with a crocodile insignia
capabilities of the Mechanised Crocodiles have smooth skin on their on them they must not fear them but
Brigade. bellies and sides, while their back skin rather feel protected.
has scales and is thick and rugged,
Chief among these attributes is agility. providing some protection. Protection
A crocodile thrives on its speed to is a key tenet in any battle to ensure
capture its prey both in water bodies that there is a successful execution of

Army Boxing Official Writes Own Piece of History
Mike Mutale
his primary and secondary education at

he names Muhammad Ali, Mike
Tyson, and George Foreman Nketa Primary and later Nketa Secondary
conjure some memorable moments School, he joined the Zimbabwe National
in the world of boxing. A popular sport Army in 2003.
among many in the world today, boxing is
a martial art and hand to hand combat sport He was subsequently posted to 31 Infantry
meant to weaken, out score or knock down Battalion and later to Army School of
an opponent. Physical Training and Sports in 2012. The
boxer is always motivated by his family's
It is an amateur, Olympic and professional sport background that keeps him on track.
sport with its own world championships “I was born in a family of boxers. My
that has produced famous athletes. father was a boxer who participated in
Historically, the ''Thriller in Manilla,'' a many international sports during the time
fight between Muhammad Ali and Joe of Arigoma Chiponda, Ndaba Dube and
Frazier in 1975, was one of the most many others,” he said.
ZNA boxing official, Sergeant
popular sporting events. In Zimbabwe Masiyambumbi Stephen.
names that quickly come to mind are Taking advantage of both the military and
Proud 'Kilimanjaro' Chinembiri, Langton civilian environments, Masiyambumbi Africa. Back home, he became a champion
'Schoolboy' Tinago, Alphonso 'Mosquito' attained a Diploma in Sports in different weight categories for more
Zvenyika and Charles Manyuchi. Administration from Zimbabwe Olympic than a decade before hanging his gloves to
Committee and is currently doing pursue coaching in 2013. He was the
While these have made their names International Coach Developer national coach from 2013 up to 2015.
trading leather in the square ring, one man programme.
has dared to be different in writing his own As fate would have it, in 2014, he
piece of history by becoming an Although most people mess up or miss the undertook a referee and judges course
international referee and judge. A member point as they mature, Masiyambumbi's after Zimbabwe hosted the Region 5 Youth
of the Zimbabwe National Army serving motivation tells a different story. His Games in Bulawayo. He was subsequently
under the Army School of Physical boxing journey that started during his promoted to Star One International
Training and Sport, Sergeant early childhood spiraled into his Referee and Judge. He was later invited to
Masiyambumbi Stephen has defied odds. adulthood. “I grew up playing boxing at Botswana to participate in a Two-Star
He is the current National Technical primary junior, youth and elite levels. I competition and got a trophy for being the
Director of the Zimbabwe Boxing have also participated in major best official in the zone. This fueled the
Federation, and also a three-star tournaments like All Africa Games in 2007 enthusiasm in him and he was to officiate
International Referee and Judge, the in Algeria and in Mozambique in 2011,” at the Military Games in China in 2019.
highest qualification in the world of
boxing. The determined and resilient boxer gloved Masiyambumbi became a Three Star
medals and trophies during a glittering Referee and Judge in 2021. He was also
Masiyambumbi's life journey started in career spanning more than a decade. At appointed to officiate the World Boxing
1983 in the City of Kings, Bulawayo. After one time, he was rated number four in Championships in Belgrade-Serbia in the
same year and was also invited to
participate in Region Five Games
in Lesotho.

A talented boxer during his time,

Masiyambumbi boasts of having
beaten former World Boxing
Federation middleweight
champion, Charles Manyuchi. “I
am the first boxer in Zimbabwe to
beat Charles Manyuchi. It means a
lot to me but very few people know
about this,” he said.

Masiyambumbi encourages
budding boxers to stay away from
drugs, be disciplined and above all
to pursue their goals. He thanked
the ZNA Command element and all
commanders at the Army School of
Physical Training and Sports for
their support in making his dreams
come true.

Sergeant Masiyambumbi Stephen (left) during a boxing training session at Army School of
Physical Training and Sports on 23 February 2022.
Commander 3 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General George Chitsva posing for a group photo with the Buffaloes Junior
Football team on 28 October 2021.

ZNA Promoting Junior Sport

Makahwi Zenas

T he Zimbabwe National Army

is committed to providing
children, teenagers and
young adults of all abilities with a
wide range of opportunities to get
said Brigadier General Chitsva.
General Chitsva emphasised on the
importance of scouting in
identifying and nurturing talent.
“Good scouting will help these kids
Nerutanga Mugadza who donated
these special kits to the young
footballers. We promise that the
Buffaloes Junior Team will emulate
their senior teams; Black Rhinos,
involved in sport. to feed our national team at some Cranborne Bullets and Buffaloes and
stage. They are the ones who will even win the Premier Soccer League
This was said by the Commander 3 replace the older players in future. I one day and make the ZNA proud,”
Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General take this opportunity to thank Chief said Brigadier General Chitsva.
George Chitsva during a
handover ceremony of Buffaloes Junior Football
soccer kits donated by team coach Corporal David
Mutasa District Chief Chinayi expressed his joy,
Nerutanga Mugadza to thanking the ZNA for this
the Buffaloes Junior opportunity and at the same
Football team at Hebert time thanking Chief
Chitepo Barracks in Nerutanga Mugadza for such
Mutare on 28 October a gesture. “There has never
2021. been a more exciting time to
get involved in junior
“The ZNA supports a football. My commanders
number of grassroots have a soft spot for football
sporting activities development and as a result
including football. We we have received a new kit
have a running junior for the season,” said
league and this donation Commander 3 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General George Chitsva Corporal Chinayi.
will be a great boost to handing over soccer kit to a Buffaloes Junior Football team player at
the moral of the kids,” the Formation Headquarters on 28 October 2021.
Black Rhinos Queens Rising Star Dreams Big
Simbarashe Rusere

B lack Rhinos Queens rising star

Christabel Katona is delighted
with the path her career has
taken and is keen on building on this
firm foundation to reach greater
writing my 'O' Levels at Rakodzi High
School, I joined Black Rhinos Queens
and now I am in the senior team,” she
“I am happy that I have managed to
she said.

Player Profile

Name: Christabel
heights. achieve my dream. I never thought I Surname: Katona
Christabel was part of the Black would be called for national duty and Age: 23
Rhinos Queens that finished second in now I am looking forward to play in Club: Black Rhinos Queens
the Confederation of African Footbal international leagues just like my Position: Right Link
Wo m e n ' s C h a m p i o n s L e a g u e colleagues, Emmaculate Msipa and Jersey Number: 13
COSAFA Regional qualifiers, in South Rutendo Makore,” she said. Favourite Local Player: Rudo
Africa in 2021 and has now become a Msipa is now playing in the Turkish Neshamba
regular for the National Women's Women's Super League for Faith Favourite International Player:
football team, the Mighty Warriors. Karagumruk and Rutendo Makore Alex Morgan
The 23-year-old Chinhoyi born star once played in Egypt for El Elemayeen
chronicled her journey to stardom. “I Academy in 2016 and in Spain where
started playing football when I was in she turned out for Sporting Huelva
primary school at Chifundi Farm and I from 2017 to 2018.
would play with boys only since there Christabel encouraged other girls who
was no girls' football team. I continued aspire to be professional football
playing football through secondary players to be dedicated and
school and I have never looked back. determined to achieve their goals.
When I was in secondary school, I “To all the young girls who aspire to
would read about Rutendo Makore, achieve success in football, do not let
Kudakwashe Basopo and Felistas anyone discourage you from pursuing
Muzongondi in the newspapers and that which your heart desires. Keep on
this would inspire me a lot. Thus, after pressing until you reach your goals,”

Black Rhinos Queen, Christabel Katona (right) in action during a match at the Confederation of African Football Women's
Champions League in South Africa September 2021.
The Art of Being a Good Field Officer: Riddle of the Major Problem!!!
Majors do not look around and wonder working to improve on management
who will solve the problems of juniors, skills.
they must own the problems as they appear
and work with their peers to solve them. A As Field Officers, our primary concerns
failing Major is one who is always looking are building and managing systems. We
for help from superiors. should identify critical salient points for
your organisation or unit, develop systems
Maintain Relationships to manage that information and use those
During my early years as a Major, I had a systems to recognise where the dangers of
problem in handling complex and derailment and pitfalls are. Time is the
unpredictable situations. In one particular most important resource for a field officer.
incident, something went wrong during a Systems help manage the information
Field Training Exercise and I blamed flow so you can focus your limited time on
everyone from top to bottom and lost my things that are a commander's priorities,
temper and composure. When I was done mission-oriented and within your capacity
venting my anger, the Exercise Director based on knowledge, skills and
said something I will never forget: “Do relationships. Field Officers must be able
you want to continue complaining or do to develop their staff to handle routine
you want to solve the problem.” Those decisions and train them to know when
Major Sydney Chifamba words have stuck with me ever since. I things require your personal involvement.
duly apologised, proffered a solution, and If you do not develop systems to manage
the problem was solved. the massive amount of information

W hile attending the Junior Staff

Course and Company Group
Commanders' Course, this
writer often times interacted with
Directing Staff and Course Officers who
A Major who constantly picks fights,
protects their own rice bowl, and never
gives an inch will find themselves isolated
without a seat at the table. Majors must be
willing to give more than they take, put the
coming in, you will quickly become
overwhelmed and remain in crisis
management. All this requires your
personal presence, time, and effort. If you
do not teach them no-one else will. The
would always drive two very important unit success ahead of any other interests Field Officer is a mentor of young officers
points home about being a Field Officer. and work well with peers to find solutions especially those they interact with daily.
They would always say, “Transitioning to and where necessary compromise for the Officers in the unit will look up to you as a
the rank of Major and the expectations of success of all. The biggest power Field model for future service: how to act, look
the rank is a steep and difficult curve,” and Officers need to have is knowing where to and the path they chart through the Army.
“The process of becoming a successful look, who to call and having a network of Have the Ability to Anticipate
Company Commander is not a stroll in the friends, peers, classmates, warrant officers Majors must be able to anticipate the
park”. and senior non-commissioned officers that future, identify implied tasks and
I have commanded a company during can be leveraged to solve problems. Most determine suitable solutions in advance. If
operations, in peace-time, during field problems are solved by Majors sitting you fail to do this, the derailment is
training exercises and have also been a around a table, developing a course of waiting for you and remember no help is
trainer. I have participated in live fire action and moving out to attack the coming your way even if your higher
exercises and have spent hours on the challenge at hand. This requires well- Headquarters may give some guidance, it
laptop planning exercises. My experience cultivated and maintained relationships. may not be enough and come not
in all these undertakings has shown that Those relationships and connections are according to your desired timeline.
my Directing Staff and Course Officers the most powerful resources at our Predicting the future allows planning to
were correct after all, even though we disposal. occur that can mitigate future problems. A
hated hearing those statements from them It is important to note that it is at this point battalion/unit has a certain organisational
back then. Through the experiences, I have in our careers where many of us Majors momentum and inertia that is hard to shift
discerned the essence of good leadership will begin to regularly interact with the and overcome on a dime. Every shift
and developed the basic principles that civilian population outside the cat and exponentially increases the chances of
shape and characterise good leadership mouse relationship of junior ranks. Do not details being missed, mistakes being made
particularly in the field officer bracket. forget them. Always stop by and talk to and can push you into crisis management.
Many in my rank bracket have fallen into your peers and juniors alike. Come to Look deep, develop a concept and address
leadership pitfalls, sometimes irrevocably, meetings early and stay a little after to talk potential gaps and loopholes and always
without ever knowing they made a fatal to each other, even if it is just letting each have a habit of having briefs or updates to
error. Fortunately, the Army is a learning other vent for some time. It moves produce a coherent working team and
organisation and maybe just sharing my mountains. Learn to swallow your pride system.
little experience can help another Major and be the first one to apologise or mend a As Majors our words, actions and
avoid failure as they climb the cliff and relationship after a heated exchange. decisions carry a lot of weight. An errant
make the transition. Understand the Difference Between message, simple misspeak or a rash
Avoid Looking for Help Always Leadership and Management outburst will affect the entire organization
When I was a subaltern and later on a Leadership and management are not the exponentially more than when we were
junior officer, every complex situation I same thing and are easily confused when subalterns and junior officers.
would face would be solved by my Officer assuming organisational level leadership
Commanding-the Major. I always knew he for the first time. Leadership is about “ASPIRE TO INSPIRE BEFORE YOU EXPIRE”
had the answers since he was the people whilst management is about
responsible person around. As a Major you systems. While these concepts may appear
are the help and answer that the juniors are obvious, the writer took about three to four
looking for-the Major problem solver. months to learn/discern this and is still

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