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The Bogor Botanical Gardens (Kebun Raya Bogor) is the oldest

botanical garden in Southeast Asia as well as the largest. The botanic

gardens located in the center of Bogor City it is near the Bogor palace,
covering an area of 75.4 ha, is a conservation center of wet climate
tropical lowland plants with a collection of 12,350 specimens, exploring
the gardens can take you the whole day.
Bogor Botanic Gardens is an area that has an important role in the
development of natural science in Indonesia. Bogor Botanic Gardens is
the oldest botanical garden in Southeast Asia, founded by German
botanists, Dr. C.G.C. Reinwardt on May 18, 1817.
At the beginning, the initiation of Bogor Botanical Garden was aimed as
a place for research and acclimatization of plants which have high
economic value. Some of plants have been widely developed and
generated valuable national income such as oil palm, tea, coffee, rubber,
kina, and tobacco and these were initially developed in Bogor Botanical
Garden. Then, Bogor Botanical Garden was developed into a research
institute on biology and agriculture that play an important role at national
and international level.
Bogor Botanic Gardens now is focusing on plant conservation. Instead
of inhibiting development, conservation should be understood as an
effort to support the utilization of resources and its sustainability. Bogor
Botanic Gardens has become a home of old trees that ever become an
icon of Indonesia. In Indonesian forests which are still left now, it is
getting difficult to find big trees as those are found in Bogor Botanic

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