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Christine Jane A.

Work Ethics & Accountability in Public Service
Online Exam
I. Essay:

1. Cite an instance where ethics affect how you make decisions and lead your lives? 10 pts.

Ethics are vital to a student leader's ability to make decisions and live a life consistent with the
duties and ideals of the role. Among the most obvious situations in which ethics can have a big
influence on a student leader's job is when it comes to inclusivity and diversity.
Student leaders must, for instance, take the ethical principle of inclusion into account when
planning events, assigning funds, or deciding on policies. They must also make sure that their actions
foster a varied and friendly atmosphere for all students, regardless of their history, identity, or beliefs.
This could be deciding which student organizations to finance based on their culture or identity,
responding to instances of bigotry or discrimination on campus, or promoting laws that assist
marginalized communities.
In addition to guaranteeing that the student leader is operating in a fair and just manner, the
ethical commitment to inclusivity and diversity also helps to foster a pleasant and peaceful campus
environment. Ignorance of these moral precepts can breed prejudice, exclusion, and mistrust among
students, all of which can have a negative impact on the entire educational experience.
Create an inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment for all students on campus by
striking a balance between the duties of the job and ethical considerations. That is the essence of being
a student leader. This example shows how morality influences judgment and how student leaders
conduct their lives within the parameters of their positions.

2. Describe a time when you weren’t satisfied with your job/studies. What could you have done
to make it better?

As a Leader (Public administration Society President) among students, im responsible for

planning activities and projects for a well-known group of students on our program. This role's
obligations have grown too much to handle, which is stressful and unsatisfactory. Your academic
performance is suffering as a result._
I assess my duties as a student leader and determine which are most important to improve them.
Make sure that my academic obligations come first by prioritizing such duties and scheduling your time
appropriately. I also think about assigning certain responsibilities to other devoted staff members in the
organization. Assigning tasks to others can reduce your workload and enable other team members to
assume leadership roles. I use calendars, to-do lists, and reminders to help me keep organized and fulfill
deadlines for my schoolwork. This helps me improve my time management abilities. By doing these
things, you could be able to better balance my obligations as a student leader with my academic
obligations, which would eventually improve my performance and pleasure in both circumstances.

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