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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM)

Course Ethics
Sem/AY Inter semester/2022-2023
Module No. 5
Date July 10-14, 2023
Ethics deals with principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the
Course person, society, and interaction with the environment and other shared resources
Description (CMO 20 s 2013).
Morality pertains to standards of right and wrong that an individual originally picks up
from the community. The course discusses the context of principles of ethical behavior
in modern society at the level of individual, society, and in interaction with the
environment and other shared resources. The course also teaches students to make
moral decisions by using dominant moral frameworks and by applying a seven-step
moral reasoning model to analyze and solve moral dilemmas.
The course is organized according to the three (3) main elements of moral experience:
(a) agent, including context - cultural, communal, and environmental; (b) the act; and
(c) reason or framework (for the act).
This course also includes the mandatory topic on taxation.

Learning Outcomes
Intended At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
Learning ● Differentiate between moral and non-moral problems
● Describe what a moral experience is as it happens in different levels of human experience

● Explain the influence of Filipino culture on the way students look at moral experiences
and solve moral dilemmas
● Describe the elements of moral development and moral experience

● Use ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral experiences

● Make sound ethical judgments based on principles, facts, and the stakeholders affected

● Develop sensitivity to the common good


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

● Understand and internalize the principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the
level o the person, society, and in interaction with the environment and other shared
Targets/ This section addresses the following questions:
Objectives ● What are the challenges to ethical behavior in today’s world?

● Is it still meaningful to search for universal values?

● How do we respond to an increasingly pluralist and individualist globalized world?

Stu dent Learning Strategies

Online Activities
Offline Activities A. The challenges of pluralism and fundamentalism: The search for
(e-Learning/Self- universal values
Paced) 1. Globalization and pluralism: New challenges to ethics
Pluralism. As a philosophical doctrine, Pluralism is a concept used in many diverse
ways, but, in general terms, it is the philosophical theory that thereis more than one
basic substance or principle, whether it be the constitution of the universe, of the mind
and body, the sources of truth, or the basis of morality.
Globalization: New challenges to ethics
One criticism against the presently unfolding neoliberal globalization is that it
concentrates wealth in the hands of a few, leaving the majority in the condition of
poverty. While advocates of globalization paint a pretty picture of a globalized world
marked by the spread of liberal democracy, prosperity, and peace, globalization has
actually caused radical inequality, a deepening of exclusions brought about by
inequalities that present the world to be a fragmented space where some benefit at
the expense of others. Critics thus describe globalization as a process driven by
progressive capitalist countries to perpetuate their economic and political domination.
That globalization and the propagation of the laissez-faire capitalism deepen the
inequalities within and between nations is ethically condemnable from both the
consequentialist and deontological standpoints. From the consequentialist viewpoint,


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

the moral argument against globalization is that it fails to maximize happiness for
the greatest number of people. From a deontological perspective, particularly in
Kantian ethics, globalization is condemnable on the account that exploited populations
are treated as means to an end and not as end in themselves.
Another problem with globalization is that states are in effect increasingly losing their
sovereignty. In a globalized world, organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, and
WTO virtually take over their traditional functions. For example, the World Bank and
the IMF usually prescribe dislikeable neoliberal policies such as currency devaluation,
subsidy removal, and the privatization of strategic public enterprise as conditions for
granting loans to financially distraught states.
The disastrous repercussion of this is that elected indigenous leaders cede their
prerogative over economic management to unelected officials of international
organizations. This scenario generated by globalization is thus seen as morally
condemnable intrusiveness of international economic organizations, characterized by
lack of accountability to the people openly affected by their policies and the tendency
to impose agonizing conditions on indebted governments.
Ecologically speaking, another moral challenge arising out of globalization is the
problem of handling the global environment in order to prevent a global ecological
collapse, a scene that threatens humanity with the threat of annihilation. It is now a
basic knowledge among environmentally literate people that today the world is
threatened by a host of environmental problems that carry with them potential
planetary costs.
These problems involve anthropogenic greenhouse effect that is supposedly
generating global climate change, commonly known as global warming. There is also
the challenge of ozone layer depletion, which progressively extinguishes the
protective blanket that shields the world’s population from unsafe ultra violet rays
being discharged from the sun. The global biosphere is also encountering a speedy
reduction in the diversity of ecosystems, in the number of species of life, and in the
variety of genes that circulate within individual species.
Aggravating the various global environmental problems mentioned is the explosive
population growth which threatens to surpass the earth’s carrying capacity and bust
the biosphere. Combined, these environmental problems essentially elucidate the idea
of transnational harm and the interdependent condition of human existence in the
21st century primarily due to globalization. Industrial capitalism, an essential partner
of globalization, is chiefly responsible for the damage of the ozone layer and the
escalation of global warming, two major environmental problems today.
Global environmental considerations form the need for international environmental
ethics which is an aspect of global ethics. The use of the global commons or
environment ought to be controlled by international regulations. Sensibly, the
regulation of the global commons should be based on sound ethical principles. One of
the ethical and sound ideologies concerning environmental protection is the so-called
“Human-Environment Systems.“ For one thing, this approach categorically affirms the


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

significant relation between humans and their natural environment and other broad
implications of this connection.
2. Challenges of fiinnials
Filinnials - term used to denote the Filipino Millennials.
There is a lot of issues that can cause moral friction between Millennials, especially the
Filinnials, and their parents and one of them is the lack of healthy communication due
to the big age gap. Parents tend to think that they are always right but
millennials/filinnials have gone "woke" from everything that has been happening
around the world. Parents sometimes do not mind their children's thoughts and
feelings as they think that they are overreacting things. When children get enough
courage to open up feelings that are against the parents' norms, the initial reaction of
the latter would be angry and can even disown their own child. This correlates to a
bond failure with each other as children would feel threatened as always when their
parents get too authoritative. On the other hand, as time passes by, millennials get too
independent by themselves and in this case, they would not need an opinion and
advice from other people, especially their parents. Filipino parents are the kind of
people who like to treat their children in a way which people would like them and the
problem with this is that millennials get annoyed when they are being controlled by
3. The religious response: The role of religion in ethics
Religion is one of the more frequently mentioned determinants of the moral values
that underpin ethical standards. The major world religions have moral teachings and
in various ways indicate disapproval of unethical actions. Most of them teach that an
omniscient God observes human actions and holds people accountable for their
actions. Therefore, it is logical to assume that adherents to a religion would be less
tolerant of unethical behavior.

Answer the following questions:
1. What is the concept used in many diverse ways, but, in general terms, it is the
philosophical theory that there is more than one basic substance or principle, whether
it be the constitution of the universe, of the mind and body, the sources of truth, or the
basis of morality?
2. What is the term used to denote the Filipino Millenials?
3. What is one of the more frequently mentioned determinants of the moral
values that underpin ethical standards?


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

4-5. What are the new challenges to ethics of globalization? Explain further.

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