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First Quarter, Week 9 – Day 1

Name :______________________________________________ Score :______________

Grade :_____________ Section:______________

Competency The learner differentiates terminating from repeating, non-terminating

decimal quotient (M6NS-Ii-119)
Objective To identify terminating decimal quotient
Topic Identifying terminating decimal quotient
Materials Activity Sheets
References Lesson Guide in Mathematics Grade 6 Ateneo de Manila University
2010 pages 111-114
Copyright For classroom use only

Concept Notes:

A terminating decimal quotient results when the division terminates or comes to an

end with a zero remainder.
9 ÷ 16 =
3.5 .5625
2⟌7.0 16⟌9.0000
-6 -80
10 100
-10 -96
0 40
3.5 is a terminating decimal quotient because the division terminates or ends wit a zero
0.5625 is terminating decimal quotient because the division terminates or ends wit a zero

Find out which of the following are terminating decimal quotients. Put a check ( ∕ ) on the
blank if it is a terminating decimal quotient and cross (X) if it is not.
________ 1). 45 ÷ 150 =
________ 2). 12 ÷ 7 =
________ 3). 11 ÷ 9 =
Week 9 Day 2

Objective To identify repeating, non-terminating decimal quotient

Concept Notes:

A repeating or non-terminating decimal quotient results when the division never ends. A
bar is placed above the repeated quotient.

4 ÷ 11 =

.666 .3636
3⟌2.000 11⟌4.0000
-1 8 -3 3
20 70
-18 -66
20 40
-18 -33
2 70
0.666 is a repeating or non-terminating decimal quotient because the decimal number
continues endlessly.
0.3636 is a repeating or non-terminating decimal quotient because the decimal number
continues endlessly.


Find out which of the following are repeating or non-terminating decimal quotients. Put a
check ( ∕ ) on the blank if it is a repeating or non-terminating decimal quotient and cross (X) if
it is not.
________ 1). 4 ÷ 6 =
________ 2). 7 ÷ 9 =
________ 3). 1 ÷ 2 =
Week 9 Day 3

Objective To differentiate terminating from repeating, non-terminating decimal


Concept Notes:

A terminating decimal quotient results when the division terminates or comes to an end with
a zero remainder
A repeating or non-terminating decimal quotient results when the division never ends. A
bar is placed above the repeated quotient.


Terminating Decimal Quotient Repeating/Non-Terminating Quotient

Divide: 7 ÷ 8 = Divide: 3 ÷ 9 =

.875 .333
8⟌7.000 9⟌3.000
-6 4 -2 7
60 30
-56 -27
40 30
-40 -27
0 3
0.875 is a terminating decimal quotient 0.333 is a repeating or non-terminating
because the division terminates or ends with decimal quotient because the decimal
a zero remainder. number continues endlessly.


Solve and identify if the decimal quotient is a terminating or repeating/non-terminating

decimal. Write T for terminating and NT for repeating/non-terminating quotient
1. 7 ÷ 4 =
2. 15 ÷ 9 =
3. 6 ÷ 27 =
Week 9 Day 4

Competency The learner solves routine and non-routine problems involving division
of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools (M6NS-Ii-120.2)
Objective Solving routine and non-routine word problems
Topic To solve routine and non-routine word problems
Material Activity sheet
References 21st Century MATHletes 6 by Marjoseph H. Perez, Donnel P. Placer,
Jaime R. Burgos and Arsenio S. Dimaranan pp. 72-76
Copyright For classroom use only

Concept Notes:

To analyze and solve word problem, you can do the steps.

1. Understand:
 Know what is asked for in the problem.
 Identify what are the given facts
2. Plan:
 Determine the operation to be used
 Write the number sentence
3. Solve. Show your solution.
4. Check if your answer is correct. State the complete answer.

Gwendolyn is saving P2.50 each day. How many days will it take him to save P50.00?

What is asked? The number of days it will take Gwendolyn to save P50.00
What are the given facts? Gwendolyn is saving P2.50 each day
What is the operation to be used? Division
What is the number sentence? P50.00 ÷ P2.50 = N
Solution: 20
2.50⟌50.00 250⟌5000
Check by multiplying the quotient and the divisor
Answer: It will take Gwendolyn 20 days to save P50.00

Read and understand the problems. Then solve following the steps.
1. Aubrey has 22.8 meters of cloth. She wants to cut it into pieces of 1.2 meters long.
How many pieces of clothes will she get?
What is asked?
What are the given facts?
What is the operation to be used?
What is the number sentence?
Week 9 Day 5

Objective: To solve routine and non-routine problems involving division of


Concept Notes:

To analyze and solve word problem, you can do the steps.

1. Understand:
 Know what is asked for in the problem.
 Identify what are the given facts
2. Plan:
 Determine the operation to be used
 Write the number sentence
3. Solve. Show your solution.
4. Check if your answer is correct. State the complete answer.

Sipnayan magazine had an introduction offer of P2 388.75 for sixty-five issues. What
was the cost of a single issue?

What is asked? The cost of Sipnayan’s single issue.
What are given facts? P2 388.75 for sixty-five issues
What is the operation to be used? Division
What is the number sentence? P2 388.75 ÷ 65 = n
Solve. Show your computation.
Divide: P2 388.75 ÷ 65
65⟌2 388.75
-1 95
Answer: A single issue of Sipnayan magazine costs P36.75


Read and understand the problems. Then solve following the steps. (AGONSA)
1. A fisherman caught 15.45 kg of fish. He distributed the fish equally among his 5
relatives. How many kilograms did each relative get?

2. The Girl Scouts raised an amount of P288.75 for a Clean Up project after giving
P5.25 each. How many girl scouts contributed for the project?

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