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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm more than honored to welcome all of you for the last time to the
Montreal Jazz Festival 2023 edition.
I'm glad to see that it was a success to different points of view.
First, highly more numerous spectators than we thought with the
organization team went to this amazing event and, thanks to you all and all
the donations you did, we are going to be able to send more than $800 000
to a charity association.
Then, let’s think back to this wonderful 2023 edition in its entirety
However, even if the rain was particularly present at that time ,it did not
discourage anyone, least of all our young opening artist: Jacob Collier,
whom I want to thank again for this unforgettable moment
We have all experienced moments full of emotion, moments of sharing
during concerts and sometimes, maybe often haha at the bar, a drink in
hand. It is in this festive, peaceful and fun atmosphere that some of us met
people and discovered their new music idols.
But I ain't gonna be longer, and let each of you think again about all the very
personal moment or contrary to this, more conviviality and meeting time we
all had these two past weeks.
To finish,despite my deep desire to never see such a moment end, I would
like to express my huge reognition to all our partners like UBS,
lightspeed,Vitra and all the others, to the staff, to the organization, to the
Montreux's communes but also to all the artists who performed on all the
stages of our structure : Michel Petrucciani, Keith Jarett, Sting, ELil Nas X,
Sam Smith,Sofiane Pamart and the twenty others that played for us.
Then,thank to all of you for coming here,and don't forger: "MJF,where
Legends Are Born" , you create legends by being with us and our
performers tonight, and you became legends too.
So,to make this last moment much more memorable, make a thunderous
applause for a rising star of Rock'n Roll...please welcome all the way our
last artist of the season: Elton John!

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