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Group assignment of Macro Economic Environment and Public

Title: Public policy review or analysis of public policy
Group names

1. Abdela Buketo
2. Alemu Tulem
3. .Haylemariam Fenta
4. kalkidan Gizaw
5. Ketama Gashu
Name of Instructor; Adem Kedir (PHD)
June, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Analysis of policy is not an easy task it is need more elite and knowledgeable person, since the
policy is considered as the back bone of any rule and regulation of any country. Why not? the
success of any government at any time and in any country depending on his political policy,
economic, social affairs policy and strategies which he follow in his country. Social Protection as
part of an essential package of services for citizens, can improve the effectiveness and efficiency.
So indeed the analysis of public is the work of matured and the effective person. But the attempt
was taken by group two by trying to mention some points according to guidelines which given
from our instructor. Our document is the analysis of national social protection policy of Ethiopia.

1. The general overview of the policy

The desirability of the national social protection is very crucial, since the social protection is the
one which is very important to secure the life of nation nationalities and people of Ethiopia. It is
very essential for government and non-governmental organization to formulate the policy which
drives them to achieve the needs of service receiver. Ideally all governmental organizations have
their own strategy to formulate the policy, but the problem is the applicability and the
performance of the effectiveness of policy after drafting and formulation. Regarding the national
social protection of Ethiopian policy, the policy was drafted to ensure the protection of societies
by all aspects of life. Since it includes the Social Insurance Programme, the support of Persons
with Disabilities, reduce the Poverty and Vulnerability, food Security Programme, Health
Insurance and other basic important for human life. But when we see the reality it is totally
different from what is written on the paper as much as possible. Because we see many problems
regarding the social insurance as well as the all mentioned above. Even though there have been
various policies, strategies and interventions in social protection programmes and services
implemented across the country, these interventions have gaps in the design, implementation,
budget allocation, scope, coverage and service quality. So according in our course guideline we
can’t call policy because policy is what has to done it not what going to be done. Although, the
country has an array of traditions, policies, legislations, strategies, programmes, action plans and
interventions that serve a variety of social protection purposes, it does not have a comprehensive
and integrated social protection framework. The DSWP has a number of limitations. The policy
indicates that the responsibility for welfare provision is the community’s alone. Regional and
federal government are limited to paying the salaries of social welfare employees in federal
ministries and regional bureaus. The result has been weak budgetary allocation, weakness in
national and regional partnership forums, limited scope and lack of implementation guidelines
and action plans. As a result the policy has not led to a harmonized and integrated social
protection intervention response at national level. Generally the policy does not provide the
service as it formulated.
Regarding the communication with sector by describing the values and purposes and objectives
of document it was written on the paper but it is known in Ethiopia there is gap between the
power holder and subordinators due to the superiority of power holder over laypersons the
assume that their policy has a rigid format which cannot accept the change from anybody. Even
if we assume there is a communication it is not much enough as needed.

When we see the effectiveness of the policy as our opinion it is effective since it include many
aspects of human being needs especially the needs of Ethiopian nation nationalities and people.
But the problem is it’s the function. As we try to mention the above the policy is even if it has
some limitation it has also positive sides which can provide the societies many services. As we
heard some information some policy was changed and revised like social insurance or pension.

The policy of national social protection is very relevant for any institution which means
Governmental and non-governmental organization. For example some NGS are not give the
service of pension, so many employees under that organization cannot gate any secure regarding
the social insurance or pension. This can be affect person and his family psychologically and
economically. Therefore the amend mentation of social insurance policy make these persons
benefit from the service. Since the social protection provides secure incomes for people in old
age and it provides long term benefits too.The existing SP programmes and initiatives lack
comprehensive standards and are not implemented equitably. There are limitations in public
participation in their design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Synergy, integration
and scope among SP interventions are limited. Until recently, the Social Security Programme in
Ethiopia, which is the only social insurance scheme in existence, covered only 1% of people. The
majority of Ethiopians who are self-employed or underemployed, together with their family
members and their dependants have no access to formal social insurance.

Ideally in the case of Ethiopian context policy formulation is not matter but the matter the policy
implementation failing due to failure in the establishing the National Population Council, weak
coordination and institutional arrangement due to absence of legally defined structure for
implementation, lack of monitoring and evaluation system, absence of a comprehensive
population program and financial constraints which related with failing in monitoring and
evaluation. There is need to revise the policy and address these impediments and continuing and
evolving challenges.

For the sake of the technical styles, drafting and formatting; there is limitation on designing and
drafting format of policy since it is not supported by technology and global world view. The
vision, mission and objective of the policy is written in the middle of the document which should
be come at the first page after the table of contents and introduction. There is an absence of a
strong structure in drafting.
This justifies the importance and necessity of restructuring the social protection policy frame
work in a way that creates an institutional and legal frame with a view to arriving at an effective,
efficient, synchronized consolidated and sustained social protection plan of action.

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