Fletcher 1959

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Ferrimagnetic Resonance Modes in Spheres

P. C. Fletcher and R. O. Bell

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 30, 687 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735216

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Ferrimagnetic Resonance Modes in Spheres

Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California
(Received July 11, 1958)

The magnetostatic solutions of ferrimagnetic resonance in ferrite spheres are briefly derived. General and
specific solutions are given for values of n up to five for the magnetostatic potentials, rf distributions of mag-
netization, and fields for resonance. Some experimental results are given and compared with the theory.

INTRODUCTION hrf«4n-M. The fact that experimental observations

agree well with these calculations justifies, to some
R ECENT ferrimagnetic resonance experiments! on
ferrites have shown that, under applied nonuni- degree, these assumptions.
form rf fields, resonant nonuniform distributions of
magnetization can be excited. These distributions can POTENTIAL FUNCTIONS AND MAGNETIZATIONS
be calculated, to a very good approximation, by using
Equation (1) implies that H may be written as the
the magnetostatic condition
gradient of a scalar potential 1/;, i.e.,
V'XH=O, (1)
H=V'1/;. (2)
and hence they are called magnetostatic modes.
Mercereau and Feynman2 have guessed a few of the
TABLE I. Expressions for n+1+{[~~nm'(h)J/[Pnm(~o)JI for
more simple distributions for a sphere, and Walker modes up to n=5.
has calculated all the possible solutions for a spheroid.
Most of the ferrimagnetic resonance measurements n m n m
made in the studies of line width, etc., have been made Q.n 4nn
on spheres. It is therefore very useful to have a tabu- 3+--- 5 4 11+--
lation of the characteristic modes that are most likely OH2_fl2 Q.n'-Q.'
to be encountered in such experiments. Pertinent 20n 60n+6(OnLO')
characteristics would be the magnetic potential and 2 2 5+-- 2 0 3+-------
the distributions of rf magnetic moment appropriate to On'-fl2 2Q.n+3(0n'-fl2)
each mode as well as its resonant magnetic field as a 30H OH 100H+ 10 (flHL 0')
function of frequency and saturation magnetization, M. 3 3 7+--- 3 1 5+--+-
Although all these characteristics are contained im- flH'-O' flH'-fl2 4flH+5 (OHL fl')
plicitly in Walker's treatment, most of them have not 40n 20n 140n + 14 (OnL 0 2)
been calculated explicitly. The mathematics involved in 4 4 9+--- 4 2 7+---+
Q.n'-Q.2 £In'-fl' 60 n+7(Q.nLfl2 )
going from a spheroid to the limiting case of a sphere
is much more difficult than simply repeating the argu- SOH 30H 18flH+ 18(OHL 02)
ment that uses spherical solutions at the outset. Thus 5 5 11+--- 5 3 9+---+------
OH'-O' OH'-fl2 80 n+9(flnLO')
it is the purpose of this paper to solve the magnetostatic
problem of a sphere in a nonuniform rf field and to nH 12nn+ 15 (OH'-f'tI)
give, wherever feasible, expressions for the resonant 2 1 5+--- 3 0 4+
OH'-fl' 2flH+5 (On'-fl2)
fields, potential functions, and rf magnetic moments.
Since the problem to be solved is essentially the same 2nH OH 180H+21 (OHL fl2)
3 2 7+--- 4 1 6+---+------
as that of Walker, the assumptions made will be the 12H'-Q.2 On'-O' 40H+7(nn'-o')
same as those used by him; therefore they will be
enumerated here without justification. (1) Propagation 30H 2nn 24nn+27 (OHLO')
4 3 9+-- 5 2 8+---+---------
effects are neglected, i.e., A»a, where a is the radius of OH'-fl2 flH'-O' 6flH+9(OHL fl2)
the sphere and A is the wavelength of the incident radi-
ation. (2) The wavelength is long enough so that
exchange effects are small, i.e., A2»Hexl 2/M, where Hex 8nH 2 +960H (On'-fl2)+35 (nH'-O')'
is the equivalent exchange field and t is the magnetic
Q.H 28[6flH2 + 6fln (On2 -fl2)+9(fln'- fl2)']
lattice constant. (3) Nonlinear effects can be neglected, 5 1 H--+
i.e., rf fields are small compared with saturation OH'-O' 240n'+ 140flH(On'-fl2 ) +63 (fln'-fl2)2

1 R. L. White and I. H. Solt, Jr., Phys. Rev. 104, 56 (1956); 5 [240H' + 840n (On'-fl2) +63 (On'-fl2)']
J. F. Dillon, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II, I, 125 (1956). 5 0 6+
• J. Mercereau and R. P. Feynman, Phys. Rev. 104, 63 (1956). 8flH'+56flH(On'-fl2)+63 (OH'-02 ).
3 R. L. Walker, Phys. Rev. 105, 390 (1957).


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TABLE II. ift functions for n=O to 5.

n m n m

1 iftl1=--[G11X+iH1ly] 3 0
a( -K)i'
2 2 ift2'=-[G2'(x2-yHiH 222xy]
x [Z'(1+/C)1O-15(X2+ YJ -6a2K]
-a2K a2/C
3 3 ifJa3=--[G33(x3-3xyHiH33(3x2y-yS)]
( -a·/()t
4 4 ifJ44=---[G.4(x4-6x2y+y4)+iH.4(4x3y-4xyS)] X [Z2(! +/C)28- 21 (x2+ Y )-12a2/C]
( -a'K)2

Since, from Maxwell's equations, magnetization must obey the gyromagnetic equation,
v·B=v· (H+41rM) =0, (3)
aM/iU=I'(MXH). (5)
we arrive at the equation
If we assume that the dc magnetic field H 0 is in the
V21P+41rv·M=O. (4)
z direction and assume a time variation of eiw t for m""
Inside the sphere, above magnetic saturation, the my, hx, and hll and if we neglect higher order terms of

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TABLE III. Table of m" and 1ny for circular polarization for n=O to 5 with G,,'''=H ,.'''= 1.

n. m n m
1 1 4n-m,,=---(K+V)

a( -I<l~

32 .2
2 2 4n-m,,=--(K+v)(x+iy)
-(Jh 2 0 4n-mx=GY{-a~}KX-iPY)}
32 .2
4'lTmy=---i(K+v )(x+iy)
-a2" 4n-mv=GY{ - a:}iPX+KY)}
3 3 4n-m,,=----(K+v)(x+iy)2
[a( -K)tJ3

[a( -K)'J4

42Z2 (1+K)-7(x2+y2)-6a2,,] 14(x+iy)2 .}

X - -----(Kx-evy)
atK a2"

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TABLE III-Continued.

n m n m


4 1 4?rmx=GY(_~J! {(X+iY)(K+V)
X [:8Z2(1~K) - ~~~~~~2a2KJ

--(X+iY)(KX-ivy) }

X [28Z2(1 +K) - 21 (x2+y2) -l2a2K]


5 2 41rmx=(~Y(_~J {2(X+iY)(K+V) -2688- (1

Z2 - +K)(x2+y2)
- - - +189 (X2+y2)2
a2 K a2K a'K

X [54Z2(1+K)-27(X2+y2)-18a2K]

--(X+iy)2(KX-ivy) }

5 0 4?rm.= (-71)2[-2520---+1890---+-
z2(1 +K)
(X2+y2) 840]
(a2K)2 aK 2

X [54Z (1+<)- 27(x2+ y2 )-18a2K] X2(KX-ivy)(Hi)


hz/4rrM, h,;/41rM, mz/4rrM, and my/41rM, where Mis where K and II are defined by
the saturation magnetization, mz and my may be
expressed in terms of hx and hy. flH fl Hi w
K V fl H =--, f l = - - , (7)
flH2-fl2' flH2-fl2' 41rM 41r'YM
a-./l a-./l
41rmz=Kh x-ivhll =K--iv----,
ax ay and Hi is the internal field defined as
a-./l a-./l (8)
47rm y=Kh y+ivh x =iv-+K-
ax ay Substituting (6) into (4), we obtain the differential

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TABLE IV. General'" functions for cases m+s, m with s=O to 5.

n m

m+2 m "'m+2m
m 2
=[ ---------- ]2[---]m 1
[Gm +2m Reex+iy)m+iHm +2'" Imex+iy)mJ
2 + (m+2)!2(2m+3) a( -K)'

X [(2m+3)(2m+2)Z2(1 +K)- (2m+3)(x2+y2)- (2m+2)a2K]


m+3 m "''''+3'''= [ - - - (2m+6)!

2m +3(m+3) !6(2m+S)
]2[ -1-]'" [Gm + 3m Re(x+iy)m+iHm +3'" 1m (x+iy)rnJ-Z(l+")'
a( -K)t a K

X [ --------------------

x'+y2)' z2(1 +K) (X +y2) ]
+3(2m+7)(2m+5) ( ---- -24(2m+S)(m+l)(m+2)---+6(2m+S)(2m+4) - - - +12(m+l)(m+2j
~ ~ ~

Z2(1 +K»)' z2(1 +K)(x'+y2)

X 4(2m+7)(2m+9)(m+l)(m+2) - - - -1O(2m+7)(2m+9)(2m+4)---- __ _
[ (
a'K a'l( a'"
X2+y2)' z2(1 +K)
+lS(2m+7)(2m+9) ( - - - -40(2m+7)(m+l)(m+2)--
a2K a,2K
X2+Y2) ]
+30(2m+4)e2m+7) ( -:;,;- +60(m+l)(m+2)

equation for if; taining 1/rn+l are due to the induced magnetization
(j1/t (j1/t) (j2if; inside the ferrite. Therefore, Anm and E" m describe the
0+,,) ( - + - +-=0. (9) applied rf field and will be assumed to be known. It
2 i)x (jy2 iJ z2
should be observed, however, that the rf fields do not
Outside the sphere, where M =0, " goes to zero and obey Laplace's equation but rather the wave equation.
(9) reduces to Laplace's equation. In spherical coor- Thus, the expansion of the rf fields must be taken in
dinates, Laplace's equation is known to have a general the static limit, i.e., 27ra/'\«1.
solution Equation (10) is completely general only if An m and
Bn m are allowed to be complex. As will become evident
later, the introduction of i explicitly in (10) causes both
Anm and Bum to be real.
The general solution to (9) may be written

if;;nt= P nm(i;)p "m(COSl1)

It can be easily shown that the terms involving r"
refer to the applied rf field and that the terms con- X [G"m cosm1>+iH"m sinm4>J, (11)

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n m

m+l m

m+3 m

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TABLE V.-Continued.

n m

m+5 m 41rmx=[ (2m+1O)! ]2 [_1_] m {m(X+i y )m-l(K+V)[4(2m+7)(2m+9)(m+1)(m+2) (Z2(1 +K»)2

2m+6(m+5)!105(2m+7)(2m+9) a(-K)! a2K

z'(1 +K) (x2+y) (x2+Y)2 z2(1 +K)

-1O(2m+7)(2m+9)(2m+4) +15(2m+7)(2m+9) - - - -40(2m+7)(m+l)(m+2)---
(a K)
2 2
aK a'K

(x2+y) ] [ z'(1 +K)

+30(2m+4)(2m+ 7)---+60(m+ 1)(m+2) +2 (Kx-ivy) (x+iy)m -lO(2m+ 7) (2m+9) (2m +4)---
a'K (a2f()2

(x2+y2) (2m+4)(2m+7)]}
+30(2m+7) (2m+9)-+3Q-----
(a'f()2 a2f(

471'mu= [ (2m+ 1O)! ]2[__1_]m{mi(x+iy)m-l(K+V)[4(2m+7)(2m+9)(m+1)(m+2)(~~+K»)2

2m +6(m+5)!105(2m+7)(2m+9) a( -K)! a f(

z2(1 +f() (x2+y) (x2+Y2)2 z2(1 +K)

-10(2m+ 7)(2m+9)(2m+4)-----+ 15(2m+ 7)(2m+9) - - -40(2m+ 7) (m+ 1) (m+2)---
~, ~ ~

(x2+y2) 30(2m+4)(2m+7)]}
+30(2m+ 7) ( 2 m + 9 ) - - - + - - - - - -
(a'K)2 a2K

where ~ and'/) are defined in terms of x, y, and z by the Using these two boundary conditions and equating
equations, their real and imaginary parts, we obtain four equations
x=a( -K)!(1-~2)! sin'/) coS</>, in the four unknowns Dnm, Fl.", Gnm, and Hnm. Solving
y= a( -K)!(l- e)! sin'/) sincf>, (12) these simultaneously, we have
Z= a(K/1 +K)tt cos'/).

It can be shown that K is a number from 0 to - 00.

For values of K less than -1, ~ must be written -i~.
Outside the sphere, we have
x=r sinO coS</>,
y=r sinO sincf>, (13) Fnm=a2n+1Znm[ -"(2n+1)mA"m+Bnm{ n(n+1)
z=r cosO.
tOPnm'(~o) (~oPnm'(to»)2
On the surface, at r= a, it is seen from (12) and (13) that +,,2m }]2

Pnm(tO) Pnm(~O)
anz nm(2n+1)
There are two boundary conditions corresponding to (17)
the (B) normal and (H) tangential conditions. Translated Pnm(tO)

X[Anm(n+1+ toPnm'(~O»)_"mBnm],
in terms of 1/;, these become4
(1/;out)a= (1/;int)a (15) p"m(~O)
anz nm(2n+1)

K •
+-smOcosO (a1/;int) - (a1/;int)
- - - ill -- . (16)
X[ - "mA nm+ Bnm(n+ 1+toP"m' (to»)], Pnm(~o)
a aOaa
4 See, for instance, A. D. Berk and B. A. Lengyel, Proc. lnst.
Radio Engrs. 43, 1587 (1955).
Zn m= 1/ (n+l +toP "m' (~O»)2 -m2,,2.

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TABLE VI. General equations for resonant fields for TABLE VII. List of equations used to calculate the resonant fields
cases m+s, m with s=O to 5. in ferrimagnetic absorption fl= (w/'Y)/47rM, flH= (Ho/47rM)-t.

n m n m

m 1 1 O-flH=t
m m (!-(!H=-- 2 2 O-flH=~
2m+l 2 O-(!H=i
m 2 0 fl'-flH2 - !flH=O
m+l m (!-(!H=-- 3 3 fl-(!H=3/7
2m+3 3 2 fl-flH=2/7
3 02- «(!H+ 1/7)rP-- (OH2 +6/7n H)fl
m+2 m ±fl3+fl2(flH+--'::-)=F(2m~flH+(!H2)fl + (flH 3+(!H2 +4/35(!H)=O
Zm+5 2m+5 3 0 flL(!H L 12/21(!H=0
4 4 (!-(!H=4/9
3m+4 m(2m+2) ) 4 3 (!-(!H=3/9
- (!H 3+--HH2+-------flH =0
( 2m+5 (2m+3)(2m+S) 4 2 (13- (flH+2/9)(!L (flH2+8/9flH)fl
+ (flH3+ 10/9flH'+ 12/63flH) =0
m+3 m ±fl3+U2((!H+~-)=F(!(2m~(!H+(!u2) 4 fl3- (fll{+1/9)02- «(!H2+6/9(!H)fl
+ (flH 3+ 7/9(!H2 +4/63flH) = 0
2m+7 2m+7
4 0 flL flHL H1±1/7')=0

3m~(!H2+~~~~~-(!H) =0
5 5 fl-flH=5/11
_ (HH 3 + 5 4 fl-(!H=4/11
2m+7 (2m+5)(2m+7)
5 3 fl'- (n H+3/11 )02- (flH2+ 10/1lnH)fl
+ (flH3+ 13/11flH'+8/33flH )=0
m+4 m ±(!5+0'(flH+~-)=r=03(2(!H2+ 4(m':±:~OH) 5 2
Z (!3+ «(!H+2/11)rP-- «(!H +8/11(!H)(!
2m+9 2m+9 - (flH3+ 10/11flu2+4/33flH) = 0
5 (!6+ «(!H+ 1/11)(14- (2flH2 + 16/11flH)(13
m+2 4(m+2)m)
- fl2 2flH 3+6----flH2+ - - - - - - f l H - (Z(!H3+ 18/11flH2 +4/33flH )rP-+ (16/33flH2+ 16/11(!H3
( 2m+9 (2m+7)(2m+9) +flH')fl+ (8/231flu2+20/33(!H 3 + 17/1lnH'+flH 6 )=0
5 0 (!2-flHL[6/1l±2/11(5/2)']flH=0
4(m+2)(m+3) 4(m+3) }
±fl ------HH·+---(!H3 +OH'
{ (Zm+7)(2m+9) 2m+9
4(m)(m+ 1)(m+2) up to n= 5 (Table I). The potential functions, ifiint,
+ - - - - - - - - - ( ! H2 have been tabulated for these cases in terms of the
(2m+5)(2m+ 7) (2m+9) Gnm,s and Hnm's in Table II. When Anm=Bnm, it is
4(m+2)(2m+3) Sm+ 12 readily seen that the cp dependence becomes eim ¢ and
+-------(!H3+--(!H'+(!H 5= 0 circular polarization occurs inside and outside the
(2m+7)(2m+9) 2m+9 ferrite, i.e., Dnm=Fn m and Gnm=Hn m. Using (6), one
can then derive expressions for the rf distributions of
m+5 m ±fl6+\l'(flH+~-)=r=n3(2nH2+ 4(~+3)OH) magnetization. These have been tabulated for circular
2m+t1 2m+11
polarization for modes up to n= 5 in Table III.
6(m+2) 4m(m+2) ) It is convenient to classify the modes by the letter
-02 fl H3+---flH2+------0H s=n-m. A mode is then designated by the symbols
( Zm+4 (2m+9)(2m.+ 11)
(m+s, m, r) where r will be discussed later. One can
4(m+2)(2m2+13m+21) then express ifim+s m, 41!'m x, and 41!'my and subsequently
±n( (2nrl-7)(2m+9)(2m +11)(!H the resonance equations in terms of m alone for each
value of s. This is done for values of s up to 5 in
4(m+3) ) Tables IV, V, and VI.
+----n H3+(!H' +(!H6
5m+ 12 (4m+2)(2m+3)
+ - - f l H ' + - - - - - - - f l H3 From the expression for Zn "', it is seen that the
2m+11 (2m+9)(2m+11) resonance condition is
(2m +7)(2m +9) (2m + 11) (18)

where the use of the plus or minus sign depends on the

These coefficients can be calculated with some dif- sign of m. This is identical to the equation derived by
ficulty. To facilitate the computations, the quantity Walker. These equations, which are given in Table VII
n+ 1+~oP",m' (~o)/ p nm(~o) has been tabulated for modes for modes with values of n up to 5, are solved in Table

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FlG. 1. Magnetostatic mode pattern ferrimagnetic resonance. (Full-size replicas of this drawing are available from the authors.)

VIn and are plotted in Fig. 1. The third index, r, refers Thus, solving either the 31r or the 31r equation gives
to the number of the solution. For instance, the 31r all three solutions. Walker labels his solutions from low
equation has two positive solutions and one that is field to high, i.e., at a given frequency, the solution
negative. If we use the negative sign in (18), the 3fr which comes at the lowest field comes first. The labeling
equation gives one positive and two negative roots. The used here is just the reverse; the lowest number,
absolute values of the roots, however, are identical. starting with zero for positive m values and with one

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TABLE VIII. Values of [(w/y )-HiJ/41rM versus Hi/41rM = (Ho/47r.lf)- t for all magnetostatic modes up to n=S.

n m nmr nmr nmr nmr nmr nmr
4"M 3 3 1 0 3 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 0 4 2 1 4 2 1
110 0.333333
2 2 0 0.400000 1.0 0.12885 0.37557 0.36157 0.20598 0.38961 0.37338
2 1 0 0.200000 1.1 0.12888 0.38010 0.36613 0.20612 0.39428 0.37818
330 0.428571 1.2 0.12891 0.38404 0.37009 0.20622 0.39835 0.38235
3 2 0 0.285714 1.3 0.12893 0.38750 0.37358 0.20632 0.40194 0.38603
4 4 0 0.444444 1.4 0.12895 0.39056 0.37667 0.20639 0.40512 0.38929
430 0.333333 1.5 0.12897 0.39330 0.37942 0.20646 0.40796 0.39219
5 5 0 0.454545 1.6 0.12899 0.39576 0.38189 0.20652 0.41051 0.39481
5 4 0 0.363636 1. 7 0.12900 0.39798 0.38413 0.20657 0.41282 0.39717
1.8 0.12901 0.39999 0.38616 0.20661 0.41492 0.39932
nmr nmr nmr nmr nmr nmr 1.9 0.12902 0.40183 0.38801 0.20665 0.41684 0.40127
zoo 300 40t 400 501 500 2.0 0.12903 0.40352 0.38970 0.20668 0.41860 0.40307
2.1 0.12904 0.40507 0.39126 0.20672 0.42022 0.40471
0.0 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 2.2 0.12905 0.40649 0.39269 0.20675 0.42171 0.40624
0.1 0.20000 0.159118 0.219130 0.126868 0.19668 0.10266 2.3 0.12906 0.40782 0.39402 0.20678 0.42309 0.40764
0.2 0.24721 0.192791 0.272999 0.150625 0.24276 0.11960 2.4 0.12906 0.40904 0.39525 0.20680 0.42437 0.40895
0.3 0.27446 0.211300 0.304642 0.163041 0.26926 0.12804 . 2.5 0.12907 0.41018 0.39640 0.20682 0.42557 0.41017
0.4 0.29282 0.223355 0.326262 0.170855 0.28708 0.13319 I 2.6 0.12908 0.41125 0.39747 0.20684 0.42668 0.41131
0.5 0.30622 0.231924 0.342212 0.176273 0.30006 0.13668 2.7 0.12908 0.4122.5 0.39847 0.20686 0.42773 0.41237
0.6 0.31651 0.238365 0.354560 0.180265 0.31000 0.13921 2.8 0.12909 0.41318 0.39941 0.20688 0.42871 0.41336
0.7 0.32469 0.243398 0.364448 0.183336 0.31790 0.14114 2.9 0.12909 0.41406 0.40030 0.20690 0.42963 0.41430
0.8 0.33137 0.247445 0.372567 0.185770 0.32434 0.14265 3.0 0.12909 0.41488 0,40113 0.20691 0.43049 0.41518
0.9 0.33693 0.250776 0.379366 0.187760 0.32970 0.14387 <Xl 0.12922 0.44220 0.42857 0.207345 0.459321 0.44444
1.0 0.34164 0.253566 0.385150 0.189407 0.33423 0.14487
1.1 0.34568 0.255939 0.390136 0.190798 0.33812 0.14571 Ho !
nmr 1tmY nmr nmr l[mr nmr
1.2 0.34919 0.257983 0.394481 0.191987 0.34150 0.14643 4lrM 3 4 1 0 4 1 1 4, I 1 5 1 0 5 1 1 5 I 1
1.3 0.35227 0.259760 0.398303 0.193016 0.34446 0.14705
1.4 0.35499 0.261324 0.401693 0.193915 0.34707 0.14758 0.0 0.00000 0.11111 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1.5 0.35742 0.262709 0.404721 0.194708 0.34940 0.14806 0.1 0.08596 0.19806 0.17291 0.0629 0.1688 0.1443
1.6 0.35959 0.263943 0.407443 0.195412 0.35148 0.14848 0.2 0.08774 0.23618 0.21281 0.0641 0.1989 0.1752
1.7 0.36155 0.265052 0.409903 0.196041 0.35337 0.14885 0.3 0.08831 0.25819 0.23539 0.0645 0.2155 0.1921
1.8 0.36333 0.266052 0.412138 0.196608 0.35507 0.14918 0.4 0.08859 0.27292 0.25040 0.0647 0.2262 0.2030
1.9 0.36495 0.266960 0.414178 0.197120 0.35662 0.14948 0.5 0.08876 0.28359 0.26123 0.0648 0.2339 0.2108
2.0 0.36643 0.267786 0.416047 0.197585 0.35804 0.14976 0.6 0.08887 0.29171 0.26947 0.0649 0.2397 0.2166
2.1 0.36779 0.268544 0.417766 0.198010 0.35935 0.15001 0.7 0.08895 0.29813 0.27597 0.0649 0.2441 0.2211
2.2 0.36905 0.269239 0.419353 0.198399 0.36055 0.15023 0.8 0.08901 0.30334 0.28124 0.0650 0.2477 0.2248
2.3 0.37021 0.269880 0.420823 0.198757 0.36166 0.15044 0.9 0.08905 0.30766 0.28561 0.0650 0.2507 0.2277
2.4 0.37128 0.270473 0.422187 0.199087 0.36269 0.15064 1.0 0.08909 0.31131 0.28928 0.0650 0.2532 0.2302
2.5 0.37228 0.271023 0.423458 0.199393 0.36364 0.15082 1.1 0.08912 0.31442 0.29243 0.0650 0.2553 0.2324
2.6 0.37321 0.271535 0.424644 0.196677 0.36454 0.15098 1.2 0.08914 0.31711 0.29515 0.0651 0.2571 0.2342
2.7 0.37408 0.272012 0.425753 0.199942 0.36537 0.15113 1.3 0.08917 0.31947 0.29753 0.0651 0.2586 0.2358
2.8 0.3749 0.272458 0.426794 0.200189 0.36615 0.15128 1.4 0.08918 0.32155 0.29962 0.0651 0.2600 0.2372
2.9 0.3757 0.272876 0.427771 0.200419 0.36688 0.15141 1.5 0.08920 0.32339 0.30148 0.0651 0.2612 0.2384
3.0 0.3764 0.273268 0.428692 0.200636 0.36757 0.15154 1.6 0.08921 0.32505 0.30315 0.0651 0.2623 0.2395
0.4000 0.28571 0.45932 0.207345 0.39009 0.15536 1.7 0.08923 0.32653 0.30465 0.0651 0.2633 0.2405
1.8 0.08924 0.32788 0.30600 0.0651 0.2642 0.2413
H, 1 1.9 0.08925 0.32910 0.30724 0.0651 0.2650 0.2422
nmr nmr nfflf nmr nmr nmr
310 311 3It 420 421 421 2.0 0.08925 0.33022 0.30836 0.0651 0.2657 0.2429
2.1 0.08926 0.33124 0.30940 0.0651 0.2664 0.2436
0.0 0.00000 0.14285 0.00000 0.00000 0.22222 0.00000 2.2 0.08927 0.33219 0.31035 0.0651 0.2670 0.2442
0.1 0.12479 0.22503 0.20696 0.18379 0.25113 0.21269 2.3 0.08928 0.33306 0.31122 0.0651 0.2676 0.2447
0.2 0.12721 0.27323 0.25759 0.19835 0.28883 0.26496 2.4 0.08928 0.33386 0.31203 0.0652 0.2681 0.2453
0.3 0.12792 0.30209 0.28716 0.20200 0.31585 0.29563 2.5 0.08929 0.33461 0.31280 0.0652 0.2686 0.2457
0.4 0.12826 0.32187 0.30728 0.20357 0.33521 0.31655 2.6 0.08929 0.33531 0.31349 0.0652 0.2690 0.2462
0.5 0.12846 0.33645 0.32206 0.20443 0.34976 0.33197 2.7 0.08930 0.33596 0.31415 0.0652 0.2694 0.2466
0.6 0.12859 0.34773 0.33346 0.20497 0.36115 0.34389 2.8 0.08930 0.33657 0.31476 0.0652 0.2698 0.2470
0.7 0.12868 0.35674 0.34257 0.20534 0.37031 0.35343 2.9 0.08931 0.33714 0.31534 0.0652 0.2702 0.2474
0.8 0.12875 0.36414 0.35004 0.20561 0.37787 0.36126 3.0 0.08931 0.33768 0.31588 0.0652 0.2705 0.2477
0.9 0.12880 0.37032 0.35627 0.20582 0.38421 0.36781 <Xl 0.08942 0.35502 0.33333 0.0653 0.2814 0.25866

for negative m values, corresponds to the roots at the tained by letting H;/4'1f'M ~ 00, against n. Dividing
highest fields. This labeling points up families of curves (W/y-Hi)/4'1f'M into intervals of 0.1 and summing the
such as the 110, 210, 310, 410, 510, etc. roots in each interval, we obtain the plot in Fig. 3.
For many purposes it would be desirable to calculate Thus, from low-order solutions, we might conclude
the density of modes with given frequency. However, that the density of solutions is roughly linear in
the work involved in obtaining these roots and in then (W/y-Hi)/4'1f'M.
finding their density would be prohibitively difficult.
However, it is possible to get some idea of this density EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
by extrapolating from low-order n. Figure 2 is a plot In addition to the four absorption peaks observed
of the asymptotic solutions, i.e., the solutions ob- by White and Solt,163 modes have been excited. Of

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TABLE VIII-Continued.

n m r n m r n m r n m r n m r n m r n m r n m r
411"M 3 5 1 2 5 I 2 520 521 5 :2 1 530 531 531

0.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1818 0.0000 0.0000 0.2727 0.0000

0.1 0.2249 0.2214 0.1389 0.2272 0.1842 0.2047 0.2845 0.2164
0.2 0.2795 0.2764 0.1477 0.2616 0.2275 0.2370 0.3055 0.2697
0.3 0.3118 0.3087 0.1504 0.2836 0.2523 0.2468 0.3270 0.3011
0.4 0.3339 0.3309 0.1517 0.2990 0.2689 0.2507 0.3445 0.3225
0.5 0.3503 0.3473 0.1525 0.3103 0.2809 0.2528 0.3583 0.3384
0.6 0.3630 0.3600 0.1530 0.3190 0.2902 0.2540 0.3694 0.3506
0.7 0.3732 0.3702 0.1533 0.3260 0.2975 0.2548 0.3784 0.3604
0.8 0.3815 0.3785 0.1536 0.3317 0.3034 0.2553 0.3858 0.3685
0.9 0.3885 0.3856 0.1538 0.3364 0.3084 0.2558 0.3922 0.3752
1.0 0.3945 0.3915 0.1540 0.3404 0.3126 0.2561 0.3976 0.3809
1.1 0.3997 0.3967 0.1541 0.3439 0.3162 0.2564 0.4023 0.3859
1.2 0.4041 0.4012 0.1542 0.3469 0.3193 0.2566 0.4064 0.3902
1.3 0.4081 0.4051 0.1543 0.3495 0.3220 0.2568 0.4100 0.3940
1.4 0.4116 0.4087 0.1544 0.3518 0.3244 0.2569 0.4132 0.3974
1.5 0.4147 0.4118 0.1544 0.3539 0.3265 0.2570 0.4161 0.4004
1.6 0.4176 0.4146 0.1545 0.3558 0.3284 0.2571 0.4187 0.4031
1.7 0.4201 0.4172 0.1546 0.3574 0.3302 0.2572 0.4210 0.4055
1.8 0.4224 0.4195 0.1546 0.3590 0.3317 0.2573 0.4231 0.4077
1.9 0.4245 0.4216 0.1546 0.3603 0.3332 0.2574 0.4251 0.4097
2.0 0.4265 0.4235 0.1547 0.3616 0.3345 0.2575 0.4269 0.4116
2.1 0.4283 0.4253 0.1547 0.3628 0.3356 0.2575 0.4285 0.4133
2.2 0.4299 0.4270 0.1547 0.3638 0.3367 0.2576 0.4300 0.4149
2.3 0.4314 0.4285 0.1547 0.3648 0.3378 0.2576 0.4314 0.4163
2.4 0.4328 0.4299 0.1548 0.3657 0.3387 0.2577 0.4327 0.4177
2.5 0.4342 0.4312 0.1548 0.3666 0.3396 0.2577 0.4340 0.4190
2.6 0.4354 0.4325 0.1548 0.3674 0.3404 0.2578 0.4351 0.4201
2.7 0.4366 0.4336 0.1549 0.3681 0.3412 0.2578 0.4362 0.4212
2.8 0.4376 0.4347 0.1549 0.3688 0.3419 0.2578 0.4372 0.4223
2.9 0.4387 0.4357 0.1549 0.3695 0.3425 0.2579 0.4381 0.4232
3.0 0.4396 0.4367 0.1549 0.3701 0.3432 0.2579 0.4390 0.4242
co 0.4715 0.46861 0.15536 0.39009 0.36364 0.25866 0.46861 0.4544

these, 33 have been identified and agree well with the Because the observed line positions are perturbed by
foregoing theory. All modes with n up to 5 have been propagation effects, surface effects, and the coupling
identified except those masked by a nearby large line.
between modes, a simple, direct comparison of theory
It is presumed that the others are of higher order than
those in which n= 5. with experiment is not feasible here. The foregoing
effects will be discussed more extensively in forth-



.J 10
0.3 ~
FIG. 2. ;;::
;n 8
(w/y- Hi)/(thM) f-
versus n as Hi/thM ap- FIG. 3. Density of 0::
proaches infinity. roots for n up to 5. ~ 6
z 4

o / 2 4
n / 2 3 4 5
[ (r - H j)/47TM 1Hi 147TM - 0 0 [(y -HI)/47TM] Hj/47TM-al

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coming papers in which the detailed data will be Hughes Aircraft Company for their continued help and
presented. suggestions. In particular, they would like to thank
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS John Carson for his assistance in many of the calcu-
The authors wish to acknowledge the help of the lations and R. L. White for his aid in criticizing and
Ferrite Physics Section of the Physics Laboratory of preparing this article.


Form Effect in Linear Magnetostriction

U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C.
(Received September 18, 1958)

The influence of the shape of the specimen upon the measured The meaning of the term form effect has been expanded to
value of magnetostriction is a matter of importance. The classical include not only the change in strain in the specimen resulting
thermodynamical calculation of Becker applies to specimens in from the shape of the specimen itself, but also the change resulting
like magnetic fields and consequently compares bodies with from the position of the specimen relative to the magnetizing
unlike intensities of magnetization. In the present paper use is
apparatus. A calculation of the form effect in this extended sense
made of the principle of virtual work to make a calculation of the
form effect as dependent upon the intensity of magnetization. The is made for two useful experimental arrangements; one where a
form effect for an ellipsoid in an extended uniform field is found specimen is sandwiched between two movable rods and the other
to be a constrictive strain of the magnitude where the specimen is situated in the fixed gap of a magnet. For
-(1-2,<.<) NI2
the first case it is found that the form effect depends upon the
AAll E 2 ' self-demagnetization of the entire ferromagnetic arrangement and
not of the specimen itself. In the second case, the form effect is
where AAll is the form effect in strain, /J. is Poisson's ratio, E is dependent upon the ratio of gap energy to the volume of the ferro-
Young's modulus, N is the coefficient of self-demagnetization, and magnetic system and can be small, subject to the qualification
I the intensity of magnetization, Above saturation the form effect
that the form effect does not include the effects of any stresses
(1-2/J.) NI,2 that develop within the gap.
L\.A II = --E-- ~2~'

where I, is the saturation value of I.

INTRODUCTION as discussed in the literature has been limited to the

elastic strain that is the counterpart of electrostriction.
E XPERIMENTERS interested in magnetostriction
are concerned with the possible influence of the
shape of the specimen upon the measured strain.
It is now generally agreed that measurements of mag-
netostriction are satisfactory and comparable only
Magnetostriction as determined experimentally is the when made with saturated specimens because below
total strain observed in a very long body placed in an saturation the distribution of domain magnetic vectors
extended uniform field or the strain developed in a and hence the magnetostriction itself are not single-
torus. The magnetostrictive strain as measured is valued functions of I. Unfortunately, many measure-
actually the sum of two dimensional changes; one, a ments have been reported in the past for unsaturated
strain arising from the rotation of domain magnetic specimens; and most have been reported relative to the
vectors; the second, an elastic strain originating in the applied field H and not relative to the magnetization
interaction between the magnetization of the body of the specimen.
and the applied field. The latter or elastic strain is the The origin of the influence of shape lies in the self-
counterpart of the better known "electrostriction" in demagnetization of the finite specimen and the fact
electrostatics. The term "form effect" is used in the that the field Hi within the specimen differs from the
literature for the difference in measured magneto- applied field H. For an ellipsoid the magnetic relation-
strictive strain between an infinitely long specimen ships that hold are I=KH i , B=!JBi=!JJ/K and Hi
(or a torus) and a specimen of finite dimensions. The = H - N I. Here I is the intensity of magnetization, K
dimensional changes arising from the changes in is the susceptibility, B is the magnetic induction, !J. is
domain magnetic vector orientations have been the permeability, and N is the coefficient of self-
implicitly considered to be characteristic of the material demagnetization. When bodies with different shapes and
and to be independent of the shape. The form effect values of N are in the same external field H, they

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