Cutie Patootie

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Adiong, Norhafida A. Oct.

19, 2023
Gec 101 Vv2 Prof. Adora

Complete the sentences below.
1. For me, beauty means
Is something appealing to the naked eye based on the preferences of the individual. You will feel
a genuine comfort knowing that your heart is at ease when looking at the certain entity.
2. A beautiful person is
Someone who can acknowledge their flaws and be confident with them. As mentioned by Pia
Wurtzbach, “confidently beautiful with a heart” is one of her famous lines because it embodies
the word beautiful not just through physical appearance but also through attitude which makes
them beautiful and unique from one another.
3. I am beautiful because
I am true to myself. I always seek to find the beauty in everything despite the cruel world that has
given to me. Regardless of the values, experiences, and behavior I have, I always believe to
myself which makes me beautiful.
4. List down names of people you know who are beautiful.
- Norhata - Norsaimah - Sittienur - Hanna
- Samson - Norlainie - Majid -Rashid
- Abdullah - Hamed - Mohammad
Fill out table below by listing the common secondary sexual male and female characteristics.

Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics

Hair growth on the face in the form of a beard Development of breast
and mustache
The growth of his testicles Lighter musculature
Heavier musculature Shrill and a higher pitch voice
Adam’s apple development and larger larynx Broadening of hips due to fat deposition
resulting in a deeper voice
Growth of pubic hair Growth of pubic hair
1. When do we usually observe the changes listed above for males and females?
We usually observe these changes in puberty stage where the growth of the opposite sex starts to
mature. For girls, the changes start to develop after their first menstruation at the mean age of
10.5 years or above. While for boys, it usually begins after circumcision between 11.5 to 12
2. Were you able to experience the same changes? Why?
Yes, for female secondary sexual characteristics, I started to notice changes in my chest right after
I got my first menstruation when I was 11 years old. I also noticed pubic hairs on some areas.
However, my voice started to get deeper as I grew up instead of having a high pitch like the usual
female experiences.
3. If you were not able to experience the above listed changes, what might have caused such
If I was unable to experience the above-listed changes, I might start to question my gender and be
insecure about my body. I may start to question myself regarding why I am not experiencing the
same changes with the same sex.
4. How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?
Society shapes the sexual behavior of an individual in a way that prohibits them from doing the
things that do not coordinate with their gender and eventually starts to manifest the attitudes we
learn through experiences. From the householdthat teaches us the culture and how we should act
when we are young, to peer groups formed based on compatibility, to Media that affects the
behavior of the individual, and to the teachers that help us to enhance our knowledge.

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