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‫زهراء سليم حميد‬

Q/ Is semantics a Science?

Science can be understood as a highly skilled technique or practice. Science is

defined as the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation,
and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. Some authors, journalists, and
professors now make it their full-time job to explain science to the general public.
Semantics can be thought of as a science that seeks to understand the true nature of
meaning. whose veracity is testable, at least in theory. It is expected of a
semanticist to describe things as objectively as possible.

Geoffrey Leech asserts that semantics is a science. He gave the Contextualist

and the Mentalist positions on semantics as a science, two opposing viewpoints.
While the contextualist is hesitant to recognize immaterial objects such The
neomentalist has a less constrained conception of scientific truth with relation to an
abstract theory of semantics because it is a construct that cannot be tested

From a different angle, semantics is a subfield of linguistics, which is regarded

as a science. linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure.
Semantics is a specific topic of study and research within the larger discipline of
linguistics, not a separate science in its own right like physics or biology.
Researchers in semantics use empirical evidence, formal models, and experimental
techniques to investigate how language communicates meaning, the relationships
between words, and how people understand and interpret linguistic expressions.
So, while semantics is a subfield within linguistics, it operates within the
framework of scientific inquiry and contributes to our understanding of language
and communication.

Student may demonstrate from the semantic properties that semantics is a

science that is based on logic, facts, scientific knowledge, and objective
observation. Semantics examines how words are related lexically. Lexical relations
are defined as the connections between words' meanings, such as synonymy.
Q2—what is the unit of analysis in semantics?

Semantics is the area of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words or the
meaning attached to words or symbols. The different groups of words, is called a
semantic component, also called sememe which is the basic unit of meaning. The
role of semantic components is almost universally regarded as being fundamental
to any analysis of semantic structure. Broking down the meaning of a word into its
components which can be contrasted with other component.

In semantics, the analysis unit can vary depending on the level of analysis and
the specific aspect of language being examined. Semantics is the study of meaning
in language, and it encompasses various levels of analysis, including: Word Level,
Phrase Level and sentence level.

The choice of the analysis unit in semantics depends on the specific research
question or linguistic phenomenon under investigation. Semanticians may analyze
meaning at any of these levels to gain insights into how language conveys meaning
and how people interpret and understand language. semantics at the word level
such as Word Sense: Polysemy: Some words have multiple related senses. For
example, "bank" can mean a financial institution or the side of a river. The
meaning is determined by the context in which the word is used.

Analyzing words at the semantic level is essential for understanding how

language conveys meaning, and it plays a crucial role in fields such as
lexicography, natural language processing, and linguistics.

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