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Soundhub Launch memo

Hello, I am Delyth, I am currently fourth year undergraduate student at royal college of

music, and I grew up in Japan until I was 14 and then I moved to North Wales. I started
make music around 15 when I got into electronic music like dubstep and glitch like apjhex
twin and skrillex, and I started to want to make a track myself. Before this when I was in
Japan, my interaction with classical music was ballet classes and piano lessons and I never
thought of making music. So, after producing electronic music for a couple of years
following youtube tutorials, I took GCSE and A level music which is when I started to
compose instrumental music.

When I have time, I am also interested designing a music system unique to an occasion, for

play banana clip

Fruits and vegetable that are high in potassium or sodium can conduct electricity, so the
bananas here are used to trigger midi notes when the hand touches it to close the circuit.

This summer, I worked with a visual artist to collaborate for a music festival in Abrythwyth
featuring Welsh landscapes, and I composed the music to accompany the long footage.
Here is a little exerpt.

play abrythwyth

I love ambient music a lot nowadays, and a week ago I went to Brian Eno’s concert in
southbank, which was an orchestral rendition of his ambient album and It would be a dream
to create that kind of concert experience one day.

Lastly, I’d like to show you a project that I did last march with my flautist friend which was
my first attempt of using electronic music with live instruments.
My concept for this piece was the bridge between the internet world and the real world.
For this, I used a virtual singer called Hatsune Miku which is a software where you can enter
the melody and lyrics and the program will play back that singing line in a 16 year old girl’s

play eternal chandelier

Thank you and I am really looking forward to working on a new piece.

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