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We witnessed the pandemic, as well as devastating typhoons, human suffering, and fatality.

Nonetheless, the election race heralds the dawn of a new era. Is it for good or bad? Political
candidates highlight their accomplishments and platforms. They are working hard to create a
pleasant impression to gain the support of Filipinos. The youth can be of immense help at this
time. Filipinos are eager to decide who should win the 2022 election because they crave a
positive change. Many people lost their jobs, and loved ones, and were all affected by a lack of
sources of income. Many students have lost the opportunity to continue their education, and
Filipinos do have reason to state their idealistic views and elect a good president to rule the
country for the next six years.
But it got to the point where expressing everyone’s viewpoint became a problem as well.
Almost everyone, especially the youth, is involved. Civilians support rallies that highlight their
candidates’ platforms and tell them that it has the potential to make a difference. Finding
qualified candidates is crucial because they will be dealing with major issues in our country.
Making matters even worst, not only are Filipinos affected but so is the country’s economy.
The candidate must have strong critical thinking and problem-solving abilities because
every move he or she makes will have a significant impact on every Filipino. The response to
each country’s problem can have an impact on our country’s economy. Including, how will the
candidate be able to help us when many Filipinos were unable to find work? What is the solution
to every issue that our country faces? Will the candidate listen to the opinions of all Filipinos?
Will the candidate take our complaints and suggestions into account to improve the situation?
Will the candidate involve the health of the environment in all of his decisions? Who among the
candidates can lead with integrity? What will happen if this candidate will be elected? Can he or
she make the country better for the next generation?
Wake up, people. We must think hard and foresee the future. Before voting, let’s consider
all their views, track record, and platforms. Let’s encourage everyone to have a fact check before
believing in the information that is being shown to us. The internet can make help us in finding
information about the candidates. Watch the news and read newspapers. Examine if the
candidates were making unrealistic promises. Consider their viewpoints stated in the interviews
and debates. Their movements and actions can make a big help in determining if they were lying
or not. We should weigh the candidates against how we want them to solve and address the issue
or problems. A good leader thinks about how he or she can adequately make a change to have a
better future. It’s not about fooling around committing a crime, corruption, and using Filipinos’
money for their own gain. Because after all, we, the next generation are the ones who will suffer.
We are the hope of our future.

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