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Totally Transactional Cuddling with your Lifelong Crush

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Character: Shàng Qīnghuá
Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, I love
letting HC make terrible decisions with his money, XL’s canon typical
lack of concern about his own safety, I should maybe add, Praise,
copious amounts of praise, is it a, Praise Kink, ? That’s between HC
and god (god is XL), Fluff, Sharing a Bed
Language: English
Collections: HC POV, HC interacts with friends, Spoiling HC Agenda, Hualian annoy
FengQing by being in love, Fmph likes hair brushing, Admit it. Hualian
are lifestyle D/S vibes
Stats: Published: 2022-07-30 Completed: 2022-08-17 Words: 27,432
Chapters: 18/18

Totally Transactional Cuddling with your Lifelong Crush

by fullmetalpotterhead


Xie Lian is looking for work and he isn’t picky about what kind.
Hua Cheng is looking for someone to cuddle him every night and he is picky about who
that is.
Or: the one in which XL is a professional cuddler or possibly just dating HC in a really
elaborately roundabout way again


I got shown this mini Moshang thread tweet by Nev and loved it and then I later thought
‘what if Hualian too?’ and Nev gave me their blessing to write it!
If you’re a repeat reader, you know the drill, daily updates unless something happens to
me, let go!
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Xie Lian worked many types of jobs. He’d gotten a few regular cleaning gigs. He was a highly
recommended house sitter. He had some connections in construction who got him on the
occasional project. When none of those were having any luck for him, he fell back on food
delivery, busking, and scouring the usual places odd jobs got posted that he could take up.

At his age, it really was far past time for him to get a more stable job, but he couldn’t do much
about that. At least he didn’t have any family left to disappoint!

Besides, it kept him busy and made things interesting to do so many different jobs.

“Xie-xiong, are you gonna be good for rent this month?” Shang Qinghua asked as he wandered
past Xie Lian’s current odd job project to get himself food.

“En. This job should pay the rest of what I need,” Xie Lian confirmed as he twisted the music box
handle, breathing a sigh of relief when it worked.

“I didn’t know you could fix stuff like that,” Shang Qinghua commented, looking up from where
he had started making the most edible thing that ever got consumed in their apartment:
convenience store ramen.

“Me neither,” Xie Lian smiled, patting the box affectionately.

Shang Qinghua cackled. “How’d you even get the job then?”

“Remember when you told me to post my odd jobs advertisement online instead of just on bulletin
boards? Someone saw it and requested I fix this.”

“Does your advertisement say you can fix music boxes?”

“It says I can fix things,” Xie Lian shrugged.

“You’re playing it more dangerous than me, Xie-Xiong.”

Xie Lian sat back to stretch. He’d have to message the client back to let them know it was fixed
and then see if he could get any delivery jobs tonight. “What’s your word count so far today.”

“Only 4K still but that’s all the set up I needed for the 7k of papapa I was planning so it’ll be easy
after I finish eating.”

“Good luck.”

“You too,” Shang Qinghua yawned as they went their separate ways.

Perhaps they were both regularly cutting it close to making enough to pay bills because of a lack of
real jobs and didn’t really have social lives unless you counted the times their schedules overlapped
enough to pass each other somewhere in the apartment (a rarer occurrence than you would think
for such a small apartment). But it wasn’t that bad. Xie Lian had been through worse.

If he could lose his way of life, all his friends, his family, and his sanity and still come through the
other side, Xie Lian was sure he could weather a few months of not eating as much or sleeping a
little less to get extra jobs.

It had always worked out for him before.

Putting the music box on his shelf for ‘projects’ for now, Xie Lian decided to check his messages
before getting ready to go out, glad to see another job offer had come in.

Until he saw how much they were offering.

This had to be a mistake?


Here was the thing about Hua Cheng: he was a romantic. A romantic in the ‘overly attached, only
loved one person in all his life and was going to die loving them and probably never getting to tell
them like some kind of second male lead’ way.

A romantic in the ‘fell in love as a child and remembered that person with a flutter in his chest
even after more than two decades apart’ way.

A romantic in the ‘would probably give the keys to his house and all the money in his bank
accounts to the person he loved’ way.

So it was. A lot.

But most people didn’t actually know that about him.

Most people knew Hua Cheng as ‘that asshole who got things done’. He got things done well too,
and with such ruthless efficiency that he had risen and risen from a newbie in the urban planning
department of his architecture firm to the sole senior partner when the old one stepped down.

Which meant instead of the work he’d actually wanted to do, he mostly spent his days figuring out
who to task what to.

But it wasn’t terrible. Hua Cheng had a decent life now, though it hadn’t always been that way.
There were really only two problems plaguing him.

The first: he was an insomniac. In spite of now living in a very safe apartment, he still could not
sleep through the night, seeming to wake almost every hour with a need to do a sweep of the house.
Never sleeping long enough to dream. The last time he’d ever had a full night’s sleep had,
infuriatingly enough, been when He Xuan had had to crash at his house for a night.

And since there was no one among the very small pool of people Hua Cheng knew or suspected
this trick worked with that he could actually stand to live with full time, he had more or less
accepted that he would constantly have an absolutely wrecked sleep schedule.

The second: his aforementioned love. After decades apart, Hua Cheng had accidentally found him
again. And still didn’t know how exactly to approach him.

The glittery, badly designed advertisement sparkled on Xie Lian’s Weibo which seemed to have
been created solely to put up this ad and a very motivational memes.

Odd jobs and services! I can fix things, take care of pets, plants, or kids, and much more! If
you have a need I will fill it!
And so. The dilemma.

He needed a service that Xie Lian could do for him on a regular basis. His apartment wasn’t
spotless, but it wasn’t so dirty that he’d need a weekly service really. With the way his job hours
were he didn’t eat at home often enough to need a chef unless maybe Xie Lian could pack him
lunches? He put a pin in that one. It wasn’t the worst he could come up with. But it still wasn’t
quite right.

The answer came in the form of He Xuan’s partner.

“They’re called professional cuddlers, isn’t that wild? It hasn’t taken off here yet but I think I’d be
really good at that, you know?” She chattered over their shared lunch. A terrible time to ask He
Xuan any questions really, considering how little he seemed to pay attention to anything else when
he ate.

She seemed to take the slurp of his food as acknowledgment though. “Can you imagine being so
lonely you have to pay for cuddles though? He-xiong, think about how sad all those people must
be. I have to start the trend here. There’s a whole secret group of touch starved people out there just
waiting for someone to hug them.”

“Rich ones who would pay you?” Hua Cheng raised a brow.

“I wouldn’t charge that much. I mean, I guess it gets pretty expensive in America but this is for the
public good. Everyone should have access to someone to cuddle. Like I sleep way better when He-
xiong cuddles me. It’s scientifically proven that cuddling reduces stress levels and helps you sleep
better. This is a medical need.”

Hua Cheng snorted.

“Grumpy because you aren’t being cuddled?” He Xuan joked.

“Cocky because she’s paying for your meal today?” Hua Cheng shot back.

He Xuan shrugged, shoveling more food into his mouth.

But the seed had been planted.

Hua Cheng had two problems.

Was it possible they could solve each other?

Chapter End Notes

If I keep making SQH XL’s roommate that’s my business.

Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Cuddling on the second chapter, let’s go!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

They had a meeting. A job interview of sorts, though it had to be the strangest job Xie Lian had
ever interviewed for.

Professional Cuddler. Xie Lian had certainly never heard of such a thing, but he had said he was
willing to do whatever jobs clients had for him, so he had an open mind about this.

The pay was ridiculous, and might have been a red flag but at the same time, it was a very unique
request. It was possible such a service really warranted that much money. Or it was possible this
was some sort of code for sex work and Xie Lian would have to decline the man’s offer.

Either way it was worth at least a first meeting.

Besides, the client was certainly high profile enough for such a salary based on what Xie Lian had
found looking him up.

Hua Cheng.

He had a good name and a good face. Xie Lian was fairly sure he could take the man in a fight if
he turned out to have an especially bad personality.

But so far he’d been very respectful in all their messages, suggesting they meet for dinner
someplace public so Xie Lian could get a feel for him and ask any questions. It was, from what he
understood, a sort of mutual interview of whether they were looking to go forward with the
arrangement or not, which was much nicer than interviews where he was just a body to fill a
position and the hiring managers knew it.

Walking into the restaurant they’d agreed on, Xie Lian spotted his potential employer almost
immediately, heading over with a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Xie Lian.”

“Hua Cheng,” the man stood, nodding his head in greeting until Xie Lian sat. “But I’d prefer you
call me San Lang.”

“Does San Lang have something more casual he’d like to call me then?” Did people usually use
nicknames in these sorts of arrangements? Or maybe Hua Cheng just had everyone call him like

Hua Cheng tilted his head as if thinking for a moment, though his eye didn’t leave Xie Lian’s.

“That’s fine,” Xie Lian shrugged. A bold start, but Xie Lian didn’t mind if they were a bit overly
familiar with each other.

“Would gege like to start with his questions first?”

I thought San Lang could just explain his expectations a bit more.”

Hua Cheng nodded. “As the email said, it’s a night job, as many shifts as gege wants to work.
Whether you sleep or stay awake is at your discretion.”

“What sort of cuddling was San Lang wanting?”

“Whatever gege’s comfortable with. Just sharing the bed should be enough to help with my
insomnia if gege would like to start there.”

Xie Lian considered this. Hua Cheng had certainly linked plenty of articles explaining how
cuddling could lower stress levels and help with sleep. If it was a real solution, Xie Lian didn’t see
a reason not to.

“There’s also… if gege would like to wear his own clothes he can dress however is comfortable for
him, but I do have a pajama set for you.”

Xie Lian waited patiently as he seemed to be grabbing something. This was good, it would say a lot
about what Hua Cheng was hoping for from how he wanted to dress Xie Lian for it.

But when he passed over the bag, Xie Lian found his optional uniform to be a silken pajama set
that seemed to be long sleeves and full pants, he checked another box in Hua Cheng’s favor for this
being genuine in his completely appropriate request. There wasn’t anything sexy or revealing about
the outfit, but it would definitely be comfortable for the wearer and whoever happened to be
nuzzled against it.

“They’re very nice, thank you.”

Hua Cheng nodded. “There is… one more benefit gege could take or leave. I understand if you
would like to give this one more time for a decision but my apartment has a guest bedroom you
would be free to move into. You can use it as a space for yourself if you arrive before me or live
there full time if you wish. The offer will remain open, there’s no need to make a decision now.”

Xie Lian supposed that did make sense. If he ended up spending most or potentially every night
with Hua Cheng it would simply be easier to move in, but it was still too early to be sure whether
he wanted to move out of his current apartment. If this job lasted, he would have enough to be
comfortable covering his portion of rent anyways.

“I’ll consider it. What would the next step be?”

“It depends what gege’s comfortable with. We could either get a hotel if you’d like a neutral
location or I’ve made an extra key for you, it’s in the bag. You don’t have to stay the whole night
the first time. We can just get a feel for what works.”

This Hua Cheng fellow really had no sense of safety picking a stranger off the internet and offering
them a spare key to his house. Then again, maybe he was confident the salary was good enough to
discourage robbing him.

“Your house is fine. Did you want to start tonight?”

Hua Cheng paused for a moment. “If gege would like to.”

“We can start small like San Lang said. I looked up some cuddling positions to get ideas before I
came. Maybe we could do a ‘lap pillow’ and see how that feels.”
“I’d like that,” Hua Cheng smiled.


Hua Cheng had, admitted, been nervous. It had been years since he’d last seen Xie Lian and he’d
chosen a very strange and admittedly selfish way to try to financially support him. He’d expected
maybe a bit of heistance from Xie Lian. A bit of suspicion.

Instead he got Xie Lian chattering away easily throughout dinner, the two of them happily
exchanging stories like long time friends as they got to know each other, and Hua Cheng felt his
worries ease a bit at how naturally Xie Lian took any teasing in stride.

They were doing this. They were actually doing this.

Dinner together and then driving back to Hua Cheng’s place and it wasn’t a date but god it felt like

“San Lang’s apartment is nice,” Xie Lian remarked as they slid off their shoes by the door.

“I’m glad gege thinks so. Feel free to look around.”

Xie Lian took him up on that, taking in the art on his walls. Did he like it? Did he dislike it? Hua
Cheng hadn’t been self conscious about the old paintings before but now that it was Xie Lian
looking at them they suddenly didn’t feel good enough. “Is there a bathroom where I can change
into these?” He held the bag with the pajamas.

“Right over there.” Hua Cheng walked past him to go change in his room, feeling his heart pound
as he moved with ease he didn’t feel.

They were doing this. He’d actually hired Xie Lian to cuddle.

There was no way he was going to be able to sleep. He felt all over the place. He hadn’t been able
to sleep the night before either, too eager for today.

A knock at his door pulled him back to the present.

“Gege can come in,” he called, leaning back on his hands as he sat on the edge of the bed like he
was someone who did this all the time. Someone who didn’t have entirely too many emotions tied
up in this.

Xie Lian just looked so soft, his hair left down and the white silk contrasting so beautifully against
the dark strands as he walked over.

Settling upright against the headboard, he patted his lap. “Like this?”

Hua Cheng crawled over, flopping into Xie Lian’s lap like a spoiled cat, ignoring the relentless
pounding of his heart. “Gege’s so comfortable.”

“I’m glad,” Xie Lian laughed, hands gently carding through Hua Cheng’s hair and oh.

He was still nervous. Still overwhelmed with love.

But he couldn’t remember the last time he felt something that relaxed him down to his bones like

“Good?” Xie Lian asked, trailing a thumb across Hua Cheng’s cheek so gently it was like his body
was barely repressing a shudder.

“Gege’s a natural.”

“San Lang didn’t take this off, will you be sleeping with it?” Xie Lian’s finger traced the edges of
the eyepatch.

“I usually don’t. But I’ll take it off after gege leaves.”

“Alright,” Xie Lian’s hands drifted back to his hair, soothing and soft and so gentle.

And Hua Cheng really hadn’t thought he’d fall asleep. He’d really thought it would be impossible.

But Xie Lian was so warm and everything felt so safe and he really hadn’t slept last night.

And before he knew it, Hua Cheng had drifted off into his dreams.

Chapter End Notes

Originally I thought what if he really can’t sleep cuddling XL but then he just got so
soft. Helps that he he was always severely sleep deprived
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

I love the way you can just put XL in a situation and he’ll act like it’s so normal no
matter what the situation is

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian wasn’t opposed to cuddling. He liked it even. But it had been a very long time since
anyone wanted to cuddle him.

When he was younger he remembered relaxing in a puddle of limbs with Feng Xin and Mu Qing,
always in the middle of their cuddle piles, waking up entirely too warm but happy. He was an
affectionate person by nature, raised with gentle hugs and encouraged to show his favor liberally.
But the last time he’d done that he had to have been seventeen or so.

Xie Lian had cuddled Shang Qinghua more recently, but it hadn’t gone well since almost
immediately into the casual contact Shang Qinghua had very politely tried to reject him by letting
Xie Lian know he didn’t fuck people he lived with. After an extremely odd conversation
explaining Xie Lian had not in fact been hitting on him, they’d both agreed they wouldn’t cuddle.

Hua Cheng was not the least bit shy about cuddling him, having looked downright playful nuzzling
into Xie Lian’s lap to get cozy. So smug and satisfied.

And then Xie Lian had pet him.

He remembered being very small, the way he had rested his head in his mother’s lap and the way
he always got so sleepy when she ran her hands through his hair. To see it have the same effect on
Hua Cheng made him smile, the pride of seeing someone utterly relaxed into you.

It didn’t take long at all for Hua Cheng’s breathing to even out with the soft scritches.

Trailing blunt nails down the side of Hua Cheng’s face, he cupped it gently, watching as Hua
Cheng leaned into the touch.

“San Lang?” He whispered, not wanting to wake him if he truly was asleep.

It seemed he was because he didn’t stir at the sound of his name. Moving his hand back up to
aimlessly play with Hua Cheng’s hair, Xie Lian reached to grab his phone.

You: I probably won’t be home tonight.

Qinghua: ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Qinghua: Did you bring condoms?

Xie Lian sighed, thumb tracing the gentle curve of Hua Cheng’s widow’s peak absentmindedly.

You: I have a new job that will require overnights.

Qinghua: (-_-)
You: It's a good job, I like it so far. Apparently he wants to pay me to cuddle him and help
him sleep. He’s already fallen asleep today.

Qinghua: („ಡωಡ„) Xie-xiong sugar baby era?

You: It’s all platonic.

Qinghua: that’s not a no though

Xie Lian was fairly sure being a sugar baby was something sexual, but he supposed he didn’t really
know enough about it all to say for sure. And either way it didn’t matter as long as he liked the job.

Qinghua: k don’t get killed

You: Good luck on your writing!

Qinghua: __〆(TーT )

Xie Lian tucked away his phone, considering his options. He could pull away and try to settle in to
sleep laying down, but it might disturb Hua Cheng. Although they hadn’t planned for him to spend
the first night there, it seemed rude to wake him if this was what had fixed his insomnia. And he
had already given Xie Lian a key so he didn’t seem too worried about going slow or anything.

Therefore it made much more sense to just sleep upright for the night. Xie Lian had long ago
developed a special skill for falling asleep wherever and in whatever position after all. He could
have stayed up, but that seemed like it would be even more awkward than just sleeping. What was
he supposed to do, watch Hua Cheng sleep? Even if he felt like an affectionate cat who had gotten
too comfortable and trapped you on the couch, he was a human person, and one Xie Lian had only
just met. Waking up to find your hired cuddle partner had stared at you all night seemed
counterintuitive for promoting sleep in the future.

All in all it wasn’t a terrible interview and first day on the job. Xie Lian thought he might have
landed the most incredible opportunity with this. And when Hua Cheng stopped needing his
services, Xie Lian could go back to his odd jobs with hopefully a bit more savings.


Hua Cheng woke up to sunlight just starting to lighten the sky through his window. It was almost
strange to feel well rested after sleep, the pillow warm and firm under his cheek.


That wasn’t a pillow.

Hua Cheng sat up, taking in the sight of Xie Lian, still sitting upright with his eyes closed,
breathing relaxed with sleep. His hair had been gathered up over the side of one shoulder, the sleek
black a sharp contrast against the white of his pajamas and the soft, dreamy set of his face. He was
beautiful. To see him like this was miracle and one that, if Xie Lian thought this had gone well,
would potentially be repeated many times over.

But Hua Cheng hadn’t meant to fall asleep on him like that! Xie Lian’s neck must have a terrible
crick in it if he slept like that all night.

“Gege,” he reached out for his shoulder to gently move him into a more comfortable position,
surprised to see Xie Lian opened his eyes as soon as he was called, blinking sleep from his eyes.

Looking around, he seemed to make sense of the situation quickly. “Did San Lang sleep well?”

“Yes but gege couldn’t have. You should’ve woken me.”

“San Lang is hiring me to help him sleep. Waking you up seems to defeat the point.”

“I couldn’t be happy knowing gege didn’t sleep well though.”

“I thought San Lang didn’t mind whether I slept or not?”

“I don’t, but if you’re sleeping it should be the best sleep possible.”

Xie Lian laughed, ruffling Hua Cheng’s hair with a casualness that made his head spin. “San
Lang’s too kind. Would you want to try again tonight? I promise not to sleep upright this time.”

Hua Cheng’s heart could have stopped with the simple ease with which Xie Lian offered such a
thing. “If gege is free. I’ll message you when I get off work, though you’re free to stay in the house
as long as you wish now that you have the key. Use it as you please.”

“Was the sleep that good?” Xie Lian smiled.

Hua Cheng’s stomach flipped as he shot Xie Lian a dark grin. “Gege has no idea.”

Snorting, Xie Lian brushed off his flirting and moved to get out of bed. “I should get out of your
way so you can get ready for work.”

“Gege should at least eat something before he leaves. I only have prepackaged things, I hope that’ll

“Of course, that would be more than enough. I’m going to change back into my clothes first.”

Hua Cheng took a steadying breath as Xie Lian left. He needed to get more food for Xie Lian in the
future. And an extra toothbrush for him. Maybe more pajama sets. He’d gone with white because it
had been Xie Lian’s favorite color when they were younger but that was so long ago, maybe it was
different now? His sweater yesterday had been neon green.

“Gege?” He leaned against his doorframe, trying to look cool even if Xie Lian couldn’t actually see
him inside the bathroom.


“What’s your favorite color?”


“To wear too?”

“I’m not too picky really. Was San Lang going to get me more outfits?”

“If gege doesn’t mind.”

“Not at all, just get whatever you’d like. We could even match,” he joked.

He joked.

Hua Cheng’s brain wasn’t really taking it as a joke.

Couple’s outfits. Matching pajamas. Matching pajamas that they cuddled in.

Hua Cheng needed to buy them immediately.

Xie Lian came out of the bathroom, still pulling his hair back. “I’ll see you tonight then?”

“Take breakfast before you go.” He headed into the kitchen to grab from his admittedly slim
pickings. He Xuan had been over too recently. “I’ll wire over the money before tonight.”

“Thank you,” Xie Lian smiled as he took the wrapped dough stick. “Have a good day at work.”

“Since I got to start my day with gege’s smiling face I’m sure it’ll be perfect.”

Xie Lian laughed him off as he headed out, locking the door behind him.

And Hua Cheng was as completely and utterly head over heels for him as he was when they were

Chapter End Notes

Yes this fic has similar vibes to my nonsexual sugar baby au Sugar Sugar. Yes I think
it’s funny when Hualian never know what they’re doing with these actual real jobs and
it just turns into them hanging out and HC happens to give XL a lot of money when
they hang out, what of it?
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

More cuddles!!!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian could’ve looked for more jobs to fill his day. It wasn’t like his work with Hua Cheng had
been terribly taxing, but ever since Xie Lian had learned how to live with nothing, he had also
learned to enjoy a slower way of life. There was no reason to run himself ragged while he had this
job. But, if he was going to keep this job a bit longer, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little more research
beyond the minor peek into different cuddling positions he’d done before the interview.

Opening up his laptop, Xie Lian began his informational journey.

Cuddling to help with sleep


You: On my way home. If gege is still interested in working tonight you can come by

That was casual right? The kind of thing someone who definitely hadn’t spent all day thinking
about this would say?

He still hadn’t really decided whether it was too much to offer him dinner again when his phone

Gege: What time would be best? I don’t want to accidentally put San Lang to sleep again
hours before his bedtime.

Was Xie Lian making fun of him? Hua Cheng couldn’t stop his grin as he typed back.

You: Gege’s awfully confident he can use the same trick twice

Gege: I don’t need to use the same trick twice. I studied!

Studied? He studied cuddling? That was unbearably cute.

You: You mean gege isn’t just naturally talented?

Gege: I don’t want it to get boring for San Lang

You: Isn’t the point of it to be boring? So gege can put this one to sleep easier?

Gege: Was San Lang bored yesterday?

He had been the farthest possible thing from bored. He was almost upset he’d fallen asleep before
he could properly enjoy it to the point where Xie Lian had passed out. It just felt so safe. So good
and right.
You: This one could never be bored around gege <3

Gege: So San Lang doesn’t need me to read him a bedtime story?

You: Well I wouldn’t say no

You: Is that what gege researched today?

Gege: No, I was looking up more cuddling science! I could send some of the pictures if you
want to pick the position ahead of time.

Ah Hua Cheng couldn’t believe this was actually happening.

You: Gege can surprise me with his favorite <3

You: You didn’t just spend your whole day working off the clock, did you?

Gege: San Lang makes it sound like a great hardship.

You: Gege must be in such high demand for his time with how incredible he is and yet he
spent it thinking of me

Gege: I’m really not so interesting. But I did do more than read about cuddling all day.

You: Oh?

He had noticed it yesterday too, but it was remarkably easy to talk to Xie Lian. He seemed to like
chatting, easily opening up about benign fun facts or aimless anecdotes. Hua Cheng thought he had
to be the most interesting person in the world.

It took almost no time at all for him to make it home, not taking his eye off his phone for more
than a few seconds at a time as he moved to reheat the leftover takeout from two days ago.

Gege: I’ve never seen that movie! Truthfully I don’t watch a lot of movies unless my
roommate watches something he thinks I’ll like.

You: If gege came over early he could watch it

You: Or you could watch it after I fall asleep?

Gege: San Lang wouldn’t mind?

You: Didn’t I say gege could use my house at his convenience?

Gege: San Lang is going to get taken advantage of.

You: Oh? Is gege planning to take advantage of this one? Perhaps when I’m asleep gege will
have his wicked way with me?

Gege: I promise San Lang will be safe with me. I’m only looking to take advantage of his
movies, not his body.

Hua Cheng laughed, distracted from his dinner preparations as he leaned against the counter to
send back a silly heartbroken sticker.

You: When will gege be over to take advantage of his poor San Lang?
Gege: I’m getting ready to catch the bus now. I’ll see you soon?

You: <3 you can use the key to let yourself in whenever you arrive

Hua Cheng couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled this much.

He had just put his dishes in the drying rack when he heard the door unlock.

“Gege can make himself comfortable,” he called out, “I’ll be over to turn the movie on in just a

“No rush.”

The soft padding of Xie Lian’s slippered feet through the house was more satisfying than Hua
Cheng had expected.

Taking a breath to take in the fact this was real, Hua Cheng made his way out with a grin. “Is gege
ready to take advantage of his San Lang or would he like something to eat first?”

“I ate before I came,” Xie Lian shook his head in amusement.

“Alright, the offer stands,” he promised, turning on the movie and coming to sit with him on the

Xie Lian seemed surprised to see him sit, only to blush and turn his focus on the television.


“Nothing I just misunderstood.”

Hua Cheng’s grin widened as he took a guess. “Did gege think we would cuddle?”

“En, but now that I think about it San Lang would probably fall asleep again, so it’s better if we
don’t,” he fired back playfully.

“Gege, you wound me. I’m not some old man who’d fall asleep on the couch.”

“Then there’s no point. San Lang hired me to cuddle him to help him sleep, right?”

Ah, he’d embarrassed him. Hua Cheng scooted a bit closer. “If gege is offering I wouldn’t refuse.”

Xie Lian gave him an exasperated sigh, holding his arm out to invite him closer and easily settling
them against each other.

It was a very good thing that Hua Cheng had seen the movie before because there was no possible
way he could focus tucked shoulder to shoulder with Xie Lian like this. Cozy and snuggled up
soundly. Like they’d done this a thousand times before, their limbs made to fit together like a
puzzle. And they didn’t make it very long into the movie before Xie Lian started up a running
commentary, whispering little opinion on characters and fighting styles and outfits as the movie
played on.

It really was just like a date.

What dangerous territory.

Although he’d fallen asleep immediately the day before he was quite sure it would be impossible
for him today. Yesterday had been a fluke. A mix of running on barely an hour of sleep and the
relief that the interview had gone well. Today he was more well rested than had felt possible and
fully aware of what a miracle this was.

Still, when the movie ended much earlier than he would usually try to sleep but at a perfectly
reasonable time for normal people, Hua Cheng followed Xie Lian to the bedroom, Xie Lian going
off the change back into the silk pajamas briefly before rejoining him.

“Does San Lang have a side he prefers to sleep on?”

“I’d have to sleep regularly to have a thing like that,” he joked, heart fluttering when Xie Lian
nodded seriously and picked the right side.

“Is San Lang keeping on his eyepatch again?”

Hua Cheng felt his nerves twitch to the surface again as he shook his head and removed it, setting
it on his side table.

Xie Lian didn’t comment on the injury, meeting his good eye as usual. “Does San Lang want a
pose that will let me play with his hair again?”

Hua Cheng’s heart fluttered. “En.”

Xie Lian settled to lay on his back, patting his chest. “Rest your head here.”

Stomach in knots, Hua Cheng settled on his side, leaning into Xie Lian’s warmth as their legs

“Hold me however is comfortable for you,” Xie Lian instructed, voice soft and soothing as he
pulled his hair out of Hua Cheng’s way and threaded his fingers through Hua Cheng’s hair instead.

Hua Cheng was a mess of nerves, he really was. His heart was pounding so hard it was probably
trying to break out of his chest and his brain was spinning in dizzy circles like a lovestruck mess.

But Xie Lian’s hands were gentle along the back on his neck, light scritches and the warm safety of
the person he loved so much. It was silly and shameless, but it felt good to be in Xie Lian’s
embrace, falsely gained though it may be. It felt even better to hear Xie Lian’s perfect voice cooing
to him, a hushed murmur lulling him under.

“There you go, rest now. It’s alright. There you go, I can feel San Lang relaxing already. You’re
alright now. Sleep.”

And Hua Cheng was helpless but to obey his beloved’s command.

Chapter End Notes

Wow XL is really wrecking HC in these early chapters. It’s gonna be dangerous for
XL when he starts to get more self conscious of HC and gets a taste of his own
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Mini time skip before our bigger time skip… mini time skip is for routine. Bigger time
skip will be… for crimes…

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was easier than Xie Lian would’ve expected to cuddle a stranger every night.

It probably helped that Hua Cheng very quickly stopped feeling like a stranger. They got to know
each other over lazy evenings curled up on the couch where Hua Cheng listened with a surprising
amount of interest to Xie Lian’s many many thoughts on whatever they were watching that day.

He’d been told before talking over the television was a bad habit, and usually remembered to keep
it to himself, but after a few slips had revealed Hua Cheng to be genuinely interested in his running
commentary, he didn’t bother holding back.

Hua Cheng was interesting too. It didn’t take very long before he started opening up to make his
own comments during their evening television time, his quips regularly cutting and harsh on the
characters in a way that made Xie Lian laugh.

He thought they might have been friends anyways, if they had met in some way besides Hua
Cheng hiring him. Maybe in another life Xie Lian still spent all his evenings here, cuddled in close
and falling asleep in each other’s arms just because he knew it helped his friend.

He wasn’t particularly bothered by being paid for it though. He never would have accepted money
if they started as friends, but Hua Cheng had found his ad and hired him for this. It would be quite
strange to one day go “I can’t take your money anymore but I would love to still come over and do
the exact same thing you’re paying me for”.

Hua Cheng was fun to be around though. They were well suited. Hua Cheng flirted more
shamelessly than any other friend Xie Lian had ever had but it never felt worrisome. He got the
impression Hua Cheng was just like that with friends; quick with a line but terribly insincere.

After the second night Hua Cheng had given him a toothbrush to use when he was over and let him
know more pajamas would arrive soon.

And their arrangement quickly became a routine. Talk over the television. Get ready for bed. Hold
Hua Cheng and whisper encouragement until he fell asleep.

Hua Cheng hadn’t asked him to whisper encouragement, but he hadn’t really asked for the head
pets either and it seemed to help. So he kept it up. It was no hardship to be kind and gentle to the
funny and handsome man he was quickly becoming friends with after all. He’d done as much for
sharp tongued strangers, though perhaps not so intimately or regularly.

But he was so much more open, so much softer looking, when Xie Lian praised him to sleep. It
was rewarding, and he never lasted much longer than Hua Cheng before he was nodding off with
Mornings meant getting dressed and polite goodbyes where Hua Cheng insisted Xie Lian take
something to eat before he go.

It was all very sweet and very enjoyable, which was perhaps why, about a week into their
arrangement, Xie Lian lingered as he took the packaged breakfast of the day. “I should cook
breakfast for you one of these days.”

Hua Cheng lit up, clearly so sincerely interested that Xie Lian almost felt a bit bad about his
cooking habits.

“If gege tells me what groceries he needs I could stock them.”

Xie Lian really shouldn’t give people he liked food poisoning.

“How about this weekend then? You don’t have work do you?”

“I do, but it will just be at home so I can accommodate whatever gege’s schedule is for cooking.”

“I’ll figure out what I’m making and send you the ingredients then,” he grinned. It had been so
long since he’d gotten to cook for someone else. Shang Qinghua hadn’t eaten anything Xie Lian
made since their first day of living together. The few other friends he’d made and drifted apart
from had refused to eat without even tasting it.

Maybe Hua Cheng would refuse too once he saw it, but he was still excited.

“I’ll see you tonight,” he promised, heading home so he could let Hua Cheng finish getting ready
for his day.

Maybe all these years of bad luck had just been his luck saving up for him to meet Hua Cheng.


Hua Cheng had taken a gamble and put on shorts before Xie Lian came over. They were fairly
normal, unremarkable shorts that really garnered no comment at all.

But Xie Lian’s snuggle techniques would live in his brain for years.

When they sat on the couch together, ever since the very first time, they snuggled. Arms around
each other, heads leaning against each other, snuggled.

And a few times, when Hua Cheng was feeling bold, he draped his legs over Xie Lian’s lap like a

And each time, Xie Lian had affectionately pet Hua Cheng’s leg the way he would a cat or a dog,
which sounded very silly when Hua Cheng thought about it like that but was far from a laughing

Especially today, with the shorts giving Xie Lian access to bare skin.

“You know, I’m surprised this doesn’t put San Lang to sleep too. I keep waiting for you to fall
asleep on the couch.”

He knew Xie Lian didn’t mean it as anything more than gentle affection, but how in the world Xie
Lian expected him to get sleepy when he was trailing a well calloused hand up his thigh was a
mystery to him.
“I don’t think it would be very comfortable for either of us if I fell asleep here.”

“I wouldn’t let you stay here,” Xie Lian assured him with a mind melting squeeze to his thigh.

“No? I thought gege didn’t like to wake me up.”

“I wouldn’t have to, I’d just carry you to bed.” As if it were that simple. As if it was no hardship at

Hm. Hua Cheng didn’t think he could sleep ever again actually, he was too busy thinking about
that for the next forever.

“Good at cuddling, cooking, and strong? Gege must be the perfect man.”

“San Lang hasn’t had my cooking yet,” Xie Lian pointed out with another of what was probably an
absentminded squeeze to his thigh.

“If gege makes it, it will definitely be good.”

“You really shouldn’t sound so sure.”

“If I could, I would eat only gege’s food for every meal.” He upped the stakes, loving the grin that
was lighting up Xie Lian’s face.

“You’re going to regret saying that.”

“I won’t. I’d give up my whole apartment for gege to cook me all three meals a day,” he flopped
back on the couch dramatically, though he kept his legs across Xie Lian’s lap.

“San Lang doesn’t have to give up his apartment for that. I’ll make dinner this weekend too.”

“Truly?” He peeked over, though didn’t bother getting up fully from his dramatic lay yet.

“Unless San Lang bans me from the kitchen after breakfast.” Xie Lian grinned.

“Unthinkable.” He sat back up to settle against Xie Lian again, hoping the man assumed his racing
heart was from the quick position change and not the way Xie Lian’s hand had accidentally slipped
up under his shorts.

He was just resting his hand there so he must not have noticed still, but it was impossible for Hua
Cheng not to notice the warm touch against his upper thigh. Not quite his inner thigh but leaning
that way. He was cataloging this moment the normal amount.

“Don’t be so insistent now or you’ll be embarrassed later.”

“Gege,” he bumped his head against Xie Lian’s, his eye fixed on the television but his focus so far
gone from it. “Do you dislike cooking?”

“I love cooking. Especially for other people.”

“Then I’ll love it.”

Xie Lian laughed, hand drifting down to the debatably safer waters of Hua Cheng’s knee. “We’ll
see. What’s happening in the movie, I stopped paying attention.”

“Well, a very handsome gege was just about to carry his friend to bed.”
Xie Lian squeezed his knee. “Is this San Lang’s way of saying he’s ready for bed?”

“En.” He reached for the remote, turning off the movie for the night.

“Do you really want me to carry you?” He sounded amused by the prospect.

Might as well be honest then. “Gege there are few things I would like more.”

Xie Lian tugged at Hua Cheng’s legs, pulling him completely into his lap before adjusting his hold
and effortlessly picking Hua Cheng up in a princess carry.

Hua Cheng was probably going to die on the spot. “Where had gege been hiding all those

“I wasn’t hiding them.”

The walk to the bedroom wasn’t far, but it still felt ridiculously luxurious to be carried to bed by
Xie Lian. Breathtaking. Miraculous.

Selfish maybe. Overstepping even. Xie Lian’s job wasn’t to cook for him and carry him around.
Xie Lian’s job wasn’t to play into his stupid fantasies.

He shouldn’t have asked for that. He shouldn’t have asked for the food either. He had gotten lucky
when Xie Lian agreed to the job and gone overboard, he shouldn’t—

Xie Lian laid down beside him with a content sigh. “Head pets or spooning?”

“Just spooning tonight,” Hua Cheng swallowed. Was that easier for Xie Lian? Which did he

Xie Lian slotted against his back, arm wrapped around him as he snuggled in. “I’m so proud of San
Lang for asking to go to bed tonight. Early too.”

Hua Cheng’s heart quickened, even as his eyes grew heavy. He’d never asked Xie Lian to do this
part. He didn’t know what he’d do if he ever stopped.

“You’re getting so good at this, so good at sleeping through the night for me,” he murmured into
Hua Cheng’s ear, voice even softer than his touch.

For you.

“Gege, even children can sleep through the night,” he joked lightly.

“Maybe, but some things are harder for different people. San Lang doesn’t need to worry about
whether it's silly or not. Just rest. Let your gege hold you.”


“Who taught you to talk like this?”

Xie Lian nuzzled a bit closer. “No one did, it just felt right and San Lang responds well to it
usually. Are the words no good today?”

“Every word from gege’s mouth is good.”

Xie Lian laughed quietly. “Okay. No more talking. It’s time for San Lang to rest. Ah, so good, San
Lang is being so quiet for me, he’s going to sleep so good for me.”

Good. Hua Cheng would be good for him.

Chapter End Notes

Cooking won’t be next chapter because Hualian got too fluffy but it will be the chapter
after that
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Lots of you guys calling me out for gentle dom XL last chapter and look— *tosses you
this chapter and runs*

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Shang Qinghua stared at him with out of focus eyes from just outside the kitchen as Xie Lian got
ready to go to Hua Cheng’s house.

“Why are you stealing our pots and pans?”

“Oh, I’m sorry I assumed you wouldn’t use them this weekend, I can leave them.” Just because
Shang Qinghua never cooked didn’t mean he should just take the supplies without asking first.

“Xie-Xiong, I’m not— it‘s fine. What are you doing though? Don’t you meet your sugar daddy

Shang Qinghua seemed set on calling him that and Xie Lian didn’t really care enough to argue
about the way his roommate addressed the man. “San Lang wants me to cook for him this

Shang Qinghua immediately burst out into cruel laughter, his previous haziness evaporating.

Xie Lian gave him a knowing smile. “He seems very excited, you shouldn’t laugh.”

“Okay, let me know how that goes. When are you cooking for him?”

“Breakfast tomorrow.”

“I’ll try to be awake when you come back. Wait, why do you need to bring pots and pans, does he
not have any?”

“I don’t want to burn his,” Xie Lian shrugged.

“Fair enough. Good luck with all that.”

“Good luck with your writing.” They easily switched places with Shang Qinghua dipping into the
kitchen as Xie Lian dipped out of it and out the front door.

The route to Hua Cheng’s house had quickly become a familiar one, and it wasn’t long before he
was nearing his floor and pulling out his key, only to find the door already open and several boxes
being pulled inside.

“What’s this?” Xie Lian readjusted the bag he’d brought the pots and pans in to help carry a box. It
was lighter than he’d expected.

“Important equipment for gege’s job,” Hua Cheng said quite seriously.

Xie Lian grinned. “You bought three boxes of blankets?”

“Just one I think.”

Putting away his shoes, Xie Lian helped move the boxes next to the couch before going to set his
bag down in the kitchen for the morning. “What’s the rest then?”

“Come open them with me,” Hua Cheng smiled, settling on the couch with his usual easy flair.

Xie Lian settled in next to him, nearly wrapping an arm around him out of habit before he
remembered himself and pulled over a package. “Does it matter which one we open first?”

“Nope. Gege can open whatever he pleases,” Hua Cheng leaned back, seemingly admiring the
view with a fond smile.

What sort of mischief had he gotten up to this time?

Xie Lian opened the first box, looking at what had to be at least eight sets of pajamas. “San Lang I
don’t think I need this many.”

“They’re not all for gege.”

“Does San Lang have another cuddler?” Xie Lian had come over every night since they’d met so
he didn’t think so but maybe he was already looking to branch out.

“Gege’s the only one for me. I got two of everything so we could match. Just like gege wanted.”

Xie Lian laughed. “Did you really?” He thumbed through the different sets. Just as Hua Cheng
said, they did indeed seem to all come with an exact match now that he was paying attention.
“Wasn’t this expensive?”

“I’ve already gotten a full return on my investment.”

“How so?” Xie Lian looked over at him with a grin.

“Gege laughed.”

Xie Lian shook his head, ignoring the way his heart had jumped. Hua Cheng was going to break
someone’s heart one day with lines like that.

Opting to ignore the smooth line like he did all the others, Xie Lian picked up the second box,
surprised to find it had a bit more weight. Even more surprised when it turned out to be the

“Someone at work has recommended weighted blankets before. They didn’t work for me so I
regifted the one I bought before but I thought I’d give it another try now that I have gege.”

“Ah I would’ve thought this would work well for San Lang since he likes being held.”

Hua Cheng shrugged, then smiled. “Gege saved the best for last. I think we should use the last one

Curious, Xie Lian opened the last one, trying to make sense of what they were. “More pajamas?”

“Pull them out.”

Doing as instructed, Xie Lian quickly realized why they were different, laughing brightly. They
were animal onesies. With hoods that had ears and tails on the butts.
“I’m guessing mine is the white one? Am I a bear?” He fiddled with the ears. Soft.

“Ferret. It was the only animal that came in white but I thought it was a good fit.”

Xie Lian snickered, setting it aside to pull out the other one. “And San Lang is a cat?”

“A fox. But this one could be a cat if gege wanted.”

“San Lang certainly curls up on my lap like a cat,” he reached over to pat his head as a joke, smile
growing when Hua Cheng chased it as if especially eager to be pet. “They’ll probably be too warm
to sleep in.”


“So if San Lang really wants to wear them tonight we should put them on for couch time.”

Hua Cheng’s smile was the handsomest Xie Lian had ever seen. “If gege insists.”


“Gege?” He spoke up as they sat back down on the couch together, the movie of the night already


“Would it be alright if I held you? Just for while we’re on the couch?”

“Don’t we always cuddle?”

“Usually I lay on gege though.”

“Oh,” Xie Lian’s eyes flashed with understanding. “Yes, that’s fine, how does San Lang want

Any way I can have you.

“However is comfortable.”

“Between your legs?”

Hua Cheng was so thankful he had a good poker face and wasn’t openly choking on nothing at
that. “Gege’s the cuddle expert.”

Xie Lian readjusted himself to slide into Hua Cheng’s hold, seemingly having no problem sliding
open his legs to make some room for himself. Maybe this had actually been a very bad idea.

But Xie Lian quickly made himself at home, back to Hua Cheng’s chest, the silly tail to his onesie
blessedly protecting Hua Cheng’s dignity as Xie Lian led Hua Cheng’s arms to wrap around him.

“Is this what you wanted?”

“This is good,” he nodded. Partially because it was absolutely everything he’d wanted and partially
because he didn’t think it was safe to readjust currently.

“Let me know if it gets uncomfortable.”

Hua Cheng nodded.

The movie was beginning in earnest now, but it wasn’t uncommon for them to ignore it.

“Did gege like the new equipment I got him?”

Xie Lian’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “I love it. San Lang is truly enriching my work
environment. He must make his employees feel so taken care of.”

“Oh is it time for gege to give me a review on how well I’ve been doing?”

“Since San Lang hired me shouldn’t you be doing that?”

“I believe my lack of dark circles speak for themself in that regard. Gege is a star worker. I’m
promoting him as much as I can.”

Xie Lian reached back, seeming amused when his hand met fake fox ears instead of hair. “Well
San Lang’s earned flying colors from me. I didn’t expect it to really be this easy to get you to

Hua Cheng hadn’t either. He had expected he would stay asleep better, because company he
trusted had that effect on him, but he’d always used to struggle to fall asleep, feeling like there was
always more to do. Something productive he could be using his time on. His mind always raced
with plans for the next day and projects that had to be done.

But when he was in bed with Xie Lian there was really only one thing he could focus on. Only one
thought in his head. Just Xie Lian.

Just the way his hands felt, just the way his voice sounded, just him.

Everything else felt so unimportant in comparison.

“Gege’s just that talented. He cures insomnia with his very presence.”

“I don’t think that’s it.”

“There’s only two possible explanations. Either gege is a miracle worker or it’s the power of true
love.” His lines had been getting bolder and bolder lately, but Xie Lian laughed at every single one.
Not taking them seriously, but not seeming at all uncomfortable either.

“Or maybe San Lang never had insomnia and crafted an elaborate story to get cuddles,” he teased.

“Gege can check my medicine cabinet if he doesn’t believe me.”


“I used to be on sleeping pills. None of them work well for me but I must have at least seven
different kinds in there.”

Xie Lian’s fingers wound through his. Hua Cheng wasn’t even sure Xie Lian was aware he’d
grabbed his hand, he seemed to do it absentmindedly a lot.

“You’re not faking sleep are you?”

Hua Cheng felt his heart soften. “No gege. You really have the power to put me to sleep.”

Xie Lian craned his head back to nuzzle cheeks with him, a thrill going through Hua Cheng at how
simple he made that affection. “I’m glad.”
“Me too.”

He couldn’t express enough how glad he was. How nice it felt to have Xie Lian in his arms or be in
his. How good it felt to be well rested and just happy as he wasted an evening talking about nothing
over a subpar movie with the love of his life.

How his heart fluttered when Xie Lian came into the bedroom smiling at their new matching
pajamas and settled in to cuddle him like he did every day.

He did this every day now. Hua Cheng got this every day.

And as he drifted off to sleep with Xie Lian’s hand in his hair and voice soft in his ears, Hua
Cheng new there was no way to ever express the depths of his happiness.

Chapter End Notes

Onesies onesies onesies!

Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Time for cooking now

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian woke up slowly, awareness of the head on his chest and light beginning to filter through
the window rousing him from his sleep.

“Sleep well?” He yawned, knowing if he was up, Hua Cheng was almost guaranteed to be. He had
yet to wake up before the man.

“En. I haven’t been awake long,” he promised.

Xie Lian tapped his head familiarly to get him to move, sitting up to stretch. “San Lang can try to
sleep a bit longer while I cook breakfast if he wants.”

Hua Cheng watched Xie Lian stretch, seeming happy to spend the morning slow and lazy. “And
miss out on seeing gege cook? Never.”

Xie Lian smiled. “Should I change out of the pajamas?” It was one of the newer sets. Both of them
dressed in a soft red and white plaid.

“If you wish. I’ll just wash them afterwards if gege’s worried about them getting dirty though.”

“Ah, alright.” Xie Lian nodded, hopping out of bed.

He wasn’t surprised that Hua Cheng followed him, settling down out of the way as Xie Lian took
out his pre-burnt tools and the ingredients he’d asked for.

“Does gege cook a lot?”

“Just for myself.”

“Your roommate doesn’t eat with you?”

“San Lang, I’ve already warned you my food isn’t well liked,” Xie Lian grinned.

“Gege should just spend all his meals with his San Lang then. This one will appreciate them.”

Xie Lian laughed. “Make it through breakfast first.”

Xie Lian had to remind himself that as well, excited and giddy at the prospect of cooking more and
more for Hua Cheng before he’d even fed him the first thing.

It was exciting though. He hadn’t realized how badly he’d wanted to cook for someone.

It wasn’t a terribly hard recipe so it wasn’t like there was a lot of ways to mess it up but Xie Lian
thought maybe he’d just… make it go a bit faster so he didn’t have to deal with it cooling down.
And make it a little more flavorful. No need to bother with a sauce if you just added everything

And that was perhaps where the problem in his cooking this particular time lay.

“Is gege finished?” Hua Cheng asked, seeming to have noticed the fact Xie Lian had been staring
at the bowl for a long while now.


“What did you make?” He tried to peek, but the angle wasn’t very good for it.

“Tofu pudding.” Xie Lian served them both a portion, looking down at the mess he’d made in the
smaller bowls. Was this fit for human consumption even? He could eat it of course, this was far
from the worst thing he’d cooked but to give it to Hua Cheng….

Before he could decide to scrap it though, Hua Cheng, who had come into the kitchen completely
quietly, stole his bowl and took a bite.

“It’s good. Maybe less binder next time.”

“Yes, I thought so. I didn’t want to wait for it to rest so I thought if I just added more…”

“Gege has such creative methods.”

Xie Lian wanted to scold him for being insincere, but Hua Cheng seemed to truly mean it, already
halfway through with his bowl and still eating.

Xie Lian rarely shared meals with people anymore, but when he did he usually chatted through
them. Breakfast was finished quietly though, the two of them not even bothering to sit down as
they stood in the little kitchen and ate together. Xie Lian was delighted to see Hua Cheng even try
to spoon for seconds, only to look a bit disappointed it was all gone.

He really did like it.

“Gege can go sit, I’ll do the dishes.”

“I’m the one who dirtied them though,” Xie Lian protested.

“Unless gege moved in when I wasn’t looking, he’s a guest. I’ll do them.”

Xie Lian gave up his bowl with a defeated smile, going to sit where Hua Cheng had before. “Are
you doing anything fun today?”

“Just working from home. What about gege?”

“No plans. I think Qinghua wanted to hear how breakfast went, but he’s busy writing so he won’t
be able to hang out long. I’m not really sure what I’ll do still.”

Hua Cheng tilted his head as he washed the dishes. “Gege could play over here if he’s bored.”

“Isn’t San Lang going to be working?”

“It’s nothing that requires too much focus. You said you don’t have a television at home but you
could use mine.”

Xie Lian thought about it. He could have gone home and wasted the day before catching a bus over
to Hua Cheng’s house to cook dinner and have their regular evenings. Or he could stay and spend
time with the person who was quickly becoming his best friend.

“Alright, let me message Qinghua and tell him I won’t be home.”

You: I’m staying at San Lang’s today.

Qinghua: Xie-Xiong you have to be honest with me

Qinghua: Did your food kill him?
Qinghua: Are you spending the day burying the body?

You: No, he liked it actually!

Qinghua: What?

You: He liked breakfast.

Qinghua: I change my mind about this being your sugar baby era
Qinghua: This is your romance era. You just met your soulmate

You: I thought you didn’t believe in love?

Qinghua: People start believing in miracles when the impossible happens

You: The impossible here being my cooking being liked?

Qinghua: Glad we agree

“My roommate doesn’t believe San Lang liked my cooking.”

“I’ll go on record saying it,” Hua Cheng swore, still scrubbing the pot Xie Lian had used.

“Oh, San Lang, that was already burnt when I brought it, don’t worry too much.”

“We’ll let it soak then,” Hua Cheng hummed, pouring a few things in the pot to try to loosen the
burnt bits.

“You really don’t have to.”

“I don’t do things in halves, gege. If I’m doing the dishes I’ll do them right. You should take home
clean pots.”

Xie Lian shook his head.

He was glad he was staying the day.


Hua Cheng sat between Xie Lian’s legs, a mirror of the position Xie Lian had sat in the day before,
this time working on his laptop while Xie Lian watched television.

Unlike their usual routine, Xie Lian didn’t chat with him throughout it, which was probably smart
given Hua Cheng definitely wouldn’t have gotten any work done in that case but he still missed it.

Though he’d been the one to offer it, he hadn’t been completely sure how well he’d work, so it was
a relief to find he could actually get the work done.

Maybe they could make a habit of it. Xie Lian could cook them breakfast and Hua Cheng could do
the dishes and they could do their own things on the couch until lunch and dinner.

And Hua Cheng could choke on how very much it felt like a relationship.


“Hm?” Xie Lian wrapped his arms around him a bit more intentionally.

“Would you rather I buy you a television for your house?”

“What?” Xie Lian laughed. “San Lang, I didn’t agree to stay because I wanted to watch the history
channel that badly. It’s nice to be able to hang out with you. Our circumstances are a bit unique,
but we’re friends, aren’t we?”

Hua Cheng felt his chest swirl with joy as he lolled his head back to smile at him. “En. I’m sorry
I’m not better company today.”

“San Lang is great company, you don’t have to entertain me for me to like spending time with you.
Is it not fun for you?”

“It is. I just hadn’t realized gege felt the same.”

“Of course. Oh, I’ll stop distracting you from your work.”

Hua Cheng hid a smile, not bothering to remind him that Hua Cheng had been the one to distract

He thought this might be the best day ever.

Chapter End Notes

Hualian parallel play is my jam, but it’s not terribly interesting to write so I’ve only
done it a handful of times
Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

The chapter in which fmph gets even lazier about her scenes

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Xie Lian laid on Hua Cheng’s chest, warm and satisfied after a very creative dinner that Hua
Cheng had happily consumed. Hua Cheng had even managed to scrub off the thick layer of burnt
mess that Xie Lian had long thought no amount of elbow grease could cure. Who knew letting it
soak with Hua Cheng’s various soaps would just slowly lift most of it up without any work at all?
The rest of it was much easier to scrub off after that. A soft solution to a problem he’d only ever
tried to solve with force.

“Is this good for San Lang?” He asked as he felt gentle fingers run through his hair. He thought
Hua Cheng had such pretty hands, had thought so since they both met.

“En. And for gege?”

“I can’t believe this is a real job.”

Hua Cheng’s slight laugh was something Xie Lian could feel tucked up against him like this.

“Qinghua calls you my sugar daddy, you know.”

“Is that how gege thinks of me?”

“No. It’s more like… fate gave us a very nice chance I think. To have one of my jobs be helping
my new friend sleep. Sometimes I feel I’m swindling you.”

“Maybe this one wants gege to swindle him.”

“San Lang is always so eager to be taken advantage of,” he teased.

“I’m helpless against gege after all.”

Xie Lian reached up to rest his hand on the back of Hua Cheng’s neck, under his hair so he could
gently soothe him with the light back and forth motion of his thumb.

“I’m glad I met you.”

Hua Cheng was quiet for a moment, though his hands never stilled. “I’m glad I met you too, gege.”

“Can I cook breakfast again tomorrow?”

“I’d love that,” Hua Cheng smiled, hands trailing down to draw circles on Xie Lian’s back.

“Are you working from home again tomorrow?”

“I shouldn’t have to. I just have the day free.”

Xie Lian turned his head to look up at Hua Cheng. The angle was awkward like this, but he didn’t
mind. “Would you want to hang out again? We could go out even.”

“Does this mean I get gege all to myself for two days in a row?”

“Only if San Lang wants.”

“Gege, to get to spend the whole weekend with you would be an honor.”

“You always exaggerate.”

Hua Cheng pouted. “Gege, that's not fair, I’m very sincere.”

“Mhm, I’m sure,” Xie Lian pushed himself up, holding out a hand. “Let’s get to bed so we can get
an early start then.”

Hua Cheng’s gaze was soft as he took Xie Lian’s hand and followed him to bed.

They had never changed out of their pajamas from the morning and they didn’t bother changing
into new ones now either, simply crawling into bed together and settling in chest to chest. It was
rare Xie Lian chose the position for them because he’d heard it wasn’t very good for an all night
thing but… he liked the way it tucked them against each other. The way their limbs found their
place in the mess of body heat and long hair.

“I should start braiding it before you sleep,” Xie Lian murmured, mostly to himself as he played
with Hua Cheng’s hair. “But then I’d only have my words to get San Lang to sleep. Do you think
that would work?”

“En. Gege has magic words after all,” Hua Cheng whispered into his shoulder.

“San Lang, you weren’t supposed to really answer my question, you’re supposed to sleep.”

He swore he could feel Hua Cheng’s smile through his shirt.

“Much better, my San Lang is getting so good at falling asleep for me.” He went through his usual
routine, eyes closed and voice low as he let himself praise anything and everything about Hua
Cheng without much thought. Sometimes it devolved into a rhythmic “Good, so good, my San
Lang,” without any real direction, but Xie Lian figured it didn’t really matter if it was nonsense
when he could feel the way Hua Cheng’s body relaxed and he let himself fall sound asleep.

Xie Lian never lasted much longer than that.


“You know what I haven’t done in years?” Xie Lian spoke up suddenly as he did extremely
interesting maneuvers with their breakfast.

“Hm?” Hua Cheng had taken a seat just within sight, enthralled by Xie Lian in his kitchen.


“Is this gege’s way of telling me he wants to do karaoke today?”

“It’ll be a bit silly with only two people won’t it?”

“Not at all. But we could invite more people if gege wanted the company.”
“Like who?”

“Gege’s roommate and whoever else he wants.”

“San Lang doesn’t have anyone to invite?”

“Does gege want me to?”

“It feels odd to invite Qinghua if you aren’t inviting anyone.”

Hua Cheng got lost in the sight of Xie Lian throwing in ingredients he had never seen go together.
“I could. There’s two or three people who might come if I invited them.”


“En. Should I invite them? We could go around lunch time?”

“Yeah, let me just try to see if Qinghua can come too.” Xie Lian left breakfast to do… something
that probably added to the cooking process as he opened his phone to message his roommate.

Hua Cheng barely spared more than a glance at his phone.

You: Lunch is on me. Karaoke. [Address linked]

Shi Qingxuan: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

Shi Qingxuan: He-Xiong said yes too!!

“I’ve got two yes’s.”

“Qinghua probably won’t be up for a few more hours to respond, but I’m excited to meet San
Lang’s friends. Which ones are they?”

“He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.”

“Oh the one who owes you money!”

Hua Cheng smiled. “Gege remembers.”

“Of course, San Lang’s mentioned him a few times and— one moment,” Xie Lian calmly battled
down the overflowing enthusiasm of his breakfast, getting it back on track and serving it to them,
completely edible and full of love.

Hua Cheng really wasn’t kidding when he said he could eat Xie Lian’s cooking for every meal.
Especially if they came with Xie Lian sitting next to him chattering about how excited he was to
meet He Xuan and the last time he’d gone to karaoke as a kid.

It felt like the morning flew by and in no time at all, they were headed out to karaoke.

“Ah, Qinghua said yes, he just might be a little late by the way,” Xie Lian smiled at him as they
walked up to the front.

“I didn’t know you had other friends!” Shi Qingxuan ran over to them, He Xuan trailing at a less
excitable distance behind. “I’m Shi Qingxuan, that’s He Xuan.”

“San Lang has told me about you,” Xie Lian smiled. “It’s great to meet you.”
He Xuan gave him a look for the nickname but stayed quiet.

After a brief pause of what was almost surely confusion, Shi Qingxuan pressed on too. “You too! I
hope you’re ready to sing your heart out because I don’t go halfway on karaoke.”

“It’s been awhile, so I might not know very many songs,” Xie Lian said apologetically.

“It’s not about knowing them! It’s about feeling them,” Shi Qingxuan insisted, her hands clasped
with Xie Lian in overly friendly excitement.

Hua Cheng often found He Xuan’s partner to be nosy, but he had to admit that Shi Qingxuan was a
nice person.

And it was nice to see someone greet Xie Lian so warmly. Especially when Xie Lian smiled back
at her like that.

“How’d you meet Hua Cheng anyways? Do you work together?”

Xie Lian glanced back at him, giving Hua Cheng a secret smile. “In a way.”

Hua Cheng didn’t care if they knew he hired Xie Lian to cuddle or not, but he liked the way he
shared that smile with him, like it was just knowledge for them.

The moment was broken but a loud whistle for attention a bit down the sidewalk, a messy looking
man waving at them. The circles under his eyes could have rivaled Hua Cheng’s before Xie Lian
had started staying over.

Must be Shang Qinghua.

“That’s my roommate,” Xie Lian confirmed a moment later, waving back to Shang Qinghua who
seemed to be scanning the group with mild surprise.

“Which one is your sugar daddy?” Shang Qinghua asked as he finally stepped up to the group.

He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan were openly staring at him now.

“You shouldn’t call him that to his face. This is San Lang.”

Hua Cheng inclined his head enough to be considered a greeting. “Is gege ready to head inside?”

“En,” natural as breathing, Xie Lian took his hand. He didn’t even seem to realize he’d done it.

Hua Cheng was pretty sure he caught sight of Shang Qinghua mouthing ‘gege’ and snickering, but
ignored it as they went in and booked a room.

He didn’t care what Shang Qinghua thought about his nickname for Xie Lian. He didn’t care if He
Xuan and Shi Qingxuan thought he was paying Xie Lian for sex. He didn’t care that Shi Qingxuan
was loud or that Shang Qinghua was tone deaf or that Xie Lian truly didn’t know most of the songs
everyone else wanted to sing.

What he cared about was the way Xie Lian smiled the whole day. What he cared about was the
way he seemed so alive and bright as he chatted with everyone. What he cared about was the way
they shared a microphone, cheeks brushing as they sang a song two decades out of popularity and
shared a plate of food like family.

What he cared about, what he thought about every time he looked back to that weekend, was the
way it marked the beginning of Xie Lian well and truly becoming part of his life.

Chapter End Notes

Season two starts tomorrow with the big time skip. Does this mean we’re halfway
though? I don’t know. I’m going to get yelled at tomorrow though I can feel it
Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

:3 happy big time skip

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“San Lang,” Xie Lian murmured, a smile in his voice. “Wake up.” Kind hands carded through his

Hua Cheng turned his face towards that touch, trying to escape the inevitable wake up.

Xie Lian laughed, quiet but no less beautiful. “You always sleep so well when I lay on top of you,
why doesn’t the weighted blanket have this effect?”

“It’s not gege,” he managed to mumble.

Xie Lian laughed again, kissing his cheek, then the side of his mouth to tempt Hua Cheng into
facing him again.

And Hua Cheng was very easily tempted, chasing those lips and easing into a slow and lazy kiss,
lips chapped and sleep on their tongues but utterly perfect because it was Xie Lian with him.

“Mm— San Lang,” laughter tinted his voice.

Hua Cheng loved how easily he laughed lately, more and more common in the year since they’d
reunited, and he chased after the taste of it until Xie Lian laid heavy on him again, kissing him into
the most pleasant of wakefulness. There was no rush here. Not from the job he had to go to later or
the interest stirring in his gut.

He wanted it just like this. Just slow and timeless, focusing on nothing but the man in his arms.

“San Lang,” Xie Lian murmured against his ear as Hua Cheng pressed sloppy kisses to his jaw.
“You have to wake up for me.”

Hua Cheng’s eye blinked open, taking in the real Xie Lian above him, cupping his face and smiling
brightly at him as his hair cascaded down around them. He’d forgotten to pull it back last night.

“There you are. You always sleep so deeply when I lay on top of you, maybe we should start
saving it for weekends.”

Hua Cheng tried to stuff away his dream as he took in the actual Xie Lian looking down at him.
Still a miracle. Still unfortunately very close to his morning wood. It wasn’t the first time though.

“I’m going to move off you, okay?”

“Gege, can’t I just call in sick?”

“Is San Lang sick?” Xie Lian grinned.

“En. It’s the lack of cuddles.”

“I’m cuddling you right now,” Xie Lian laughed, perhaps even more brilliant outside of the dream.

“But gege’s trying to leave,” he sighed, just to be dramatic.

Still laughing at him oh so cruelly, Xie Lian gently got up off of him, snorting as Hua Cheng tried
to catch and keep him and only ended up dragging them onto their sides.

“I think I’ve spoiled you,” Xie Lian grinned, nose to nose with him. “San Lang has to work or who
will I take advantage of?”

That was a good point, Hua Cheng let out an even more dramatic sigh and let go.

“I’ll go start breakfast. Get dressed.”

“Or what?” Hua Cheng taunted.

“Or I won’t bring you lunch today.”

“I starve,” he gasped.

“You’ll live,” Xie Lian didn’t seem to be able to stop laughing. That part of his dream hadn’t been
fake. Xie Lian hadn’t necessarily seemed sad when they met, but the way he shined with joy now
was very clear. Hua Cheng loved it. Loved knowing he was part of why. “Get dressed, I have work
this morning too.”

“Oh well if gege’s busy,” he got out of bed, the picture of obedience as if he hadn’t just caused
such a ruckus resisting such a thing.

Xie Lian shook his head fondly, heading towards the kitchen.

It wasn’t his fantasy of waking up showered in kisses, but it was still as good as a miracle to Hua

In the year since they had reunited, Hua Cheng’s feelings for Xie Lian had only grown and grown.
He’d already known he was the type to love with all he had, but it was as though every day he
learned new limits to how much love one person could hold.

He loved it.

They had a routine now.

Xie Lian didn’t technically live with him, still seemed to keep most of his things at his apartment
with Shang Qinghua and worked his other odd jobs as they came to him, preferring to keep all
those things in his room at his house instead of the one Hua Cheng had set up and forever ready for

But they might as well have lived together.

Hua Cheng could count on one hand the number of times Xie Lian hadn’t slept over since that very
first night he’d accidentally fallen asleep on him. Xie Lian had pajamas in his drawers, every set
folded neatly with its pair for Hua Cheng. He kept a toothbrush and hairbrush there. He smelled
like the shampoo and body wash they both used.

And almost every meal Hua Cheng ate was one Xie Lian cooked.

They didn’t have to be making out for Hua Cheng to fully enjoy the miracle of the domesticity
they had built together.

He had never been happier. And he thought, maybe, impossibly, the same was true for Xie Lian.


Xie Lian was focused on breakfast. He was very focused on breakfast. He was staring at breakfast.
The breakfast he was cooking. He was thinking about breakfast.

He was definitely not thinking about Hua Cheng’s morning wood because it was completely
normal to have morning wood and Xie Lian didn’t need to make it weird by thinking about it.

He remembered the early days of their arrangement, the way he’d noticed Hua Cheng’s erection
some mornings and just politely not said anything, not feeling any particular way about it. It wasn’t
as though it was terribly interesting or strange after all. He knew how it all worked. He could guess
what it looked like. There was no use thinking about it longer than it took to notice and take care
not to brush against it too much.

Gods if only he still had that power.

It really wasn’t easy being in love with the best friend you shared a bed with.

Xie Lian couldn’t have said when it happened. “It” being his crush on Hua Cheng. He supposed
maybe things like that weren’t something that had a single moment so much as just many different
moments that built into something you could no longer deny.

They’d met and Xie Lian liked him. They’d hung out more and Xie Lian felt close to him. They
practically shared a life together and Xie Lian found himself well and truly gone for him.

He’d already been far too in love by the time he realized what was happening.

And Xie Lian had never thought he’d be the type to date, not with how old he was and how no one
else had ever caught his eye before but. Well.

Wasn’t this an awful lot like dating?

“What’s gege making?” Hua Cheng asked, arms sliding around Xie Lian’s waist as he slid in
behind him.

With no erection anymore, his brain oh so helpfully supplied for him.

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. Because he really couldn’t remember what he’d put in the
pot in his brain fried haze.

Hua Cheng laughed though. “How exciting, it’ll be a mystery for both of us then.”

“En,” Xie Lian leaned back into him, comfortable curling into Hua Cheng’s touch even with his
brain a mess for the man. “Anything exciting at work today?”

“Just the usual. What’s gege up to?”


“I didn’t know gege did landscaping.”

“This will be my third time.”

Hua Cheng nuzzled him. “You’ll do great.”

“I’ll probably need to shower when I get back.”

“Gege you don’t have to ask to use the shower every time.”

“It seems polite.” He didn’t officially live there after all, and even if he knew Hua Cheng would
say yes it seemed rude to assume.

“Gege wasn’t very polite tossing me out of bed this morning.”

“I did not toss you out of bed,” Xie Lian laughed.

Hua Cheng heaved a heavy sigh. “Kicking your San Lang out of bed after taking advantage of him
all night long.”

Xie Lian knew it was an old joke but his face still heated. “San Lang likes when I lay on him. It’s
the easiest way to get you to sleep on especially difficult days.”

“Using your poor San Lang’s body until you were satisfied.”

Scooping up a spoonful of his mystery breakfast, Xie Lian held the spoon up, ears burning as Hua
Cheng finally shut up to taste it.

“Did gege start to boil noodles and forget and start making congee?” Hua Cheng guessed after a

Ah. Yes that sounded about right. “I’m sorry San Lang, we can scrap this.”

“No I want it. Gege’s created his own recipe again, we shouldn’t waste such creativity.”

Xie Lian shook his head as he spooned out the portions for them both, unable and unwilling to hide
his smile.

He loved this man so much.

Chapter End Notes

Maybe I won’t get yelled I just expected you guys to throw things at me for the dream
fake out
Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

A day in the life of hualian now that their routine is really settled:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng sat up as the alarm on his phone went off, finishing up what he was working on with
lightning speed and heading out of his office.

Yin Yu barely looked up as he passed, well used to the nearly daily routine. Unless Xie Lian had a
job or Hua Cheng had a lunch meeting, Xie Lian always came by with lunch.

Hua Cheng made his way out to the front, expression softening as he saw Xie Lian leaned over
Zhu Zai’s desk, talking him through a problem he must have been having.

Though all of Xie Lian’s other jobs were sporadic and the sort of thing he learned on the spot, he
genuinely was one of the smartest people Hua Cheng had ever met. It hadn’t taken too long into
Xie Lian watching him work over the weekends and chatting with Hua Cheng’s employees at
lunch before he learned enough to give small advice here and there.

It wasn’t that he could’ve done the job perfectly, for all Hua Cheng thought the man hung the
moon and stars he knew there was much about the different work his employees did that Xie Lian
still had yet to be exposed to, but he definitely knew enough to gently guide people who were
stuck, especially good at asking just the right questions to get them to fill in his own knowledge

He was, Hua Cheng thought, a natural leader. Someone who knew what they didn’t know and
wasn’t afraid to lean on those more experienced than him for it. It was quite a different leadership
style than Hua Cheng was used to.

Just another reason he loved the man.

“I would talk to someone in the electrical department about if that’s feasible before you submit it,
but I think it’s a good start, you’ve incorporated what the client says they're looking for.”

“But it’s not as tall as they wanted,” Zhu Zai frowned at his plans.

“It can’t be helped if the city won’t allow that kind of height. You’ve already told them a few

Zhu Zai sighed, then straightened up when he caught sight of Hua Cheng waiting. “Sorry, boss, I
didn’t mean to interrupt your lunch.”

“San Lang doesn’t mind, I’m sure he’s just happy you care so much about the project right?”

What Hua Cheng was mostly happy about currently was the way Xie Lian moved through his
business as if it was his own and chatted regularly enough with the employees to know a good deal
of them by name at this point. “Gege can take his time.”
“It’s fine, I was just waiting for you,” Xie Lian patted Zhu Zai’s back. “Good luck.”

And then Xie Lian was in front of him, bright and smiling with a packed lunch in hand as they
walked back to Hua Cheng’s office.

“Has it been a difficult day?”

“Somehow this one managed with the promise that he could see gege soon,” he sighed

“San Lang works so hard,” Xie Lian shook his head with amusement.

“How is gege’s job going?”

“Pretty good so far. This morning was mostly discussing what they want done with the yard and
then after lunch I can really get started. It’ll probably take a few days.”

“That’s exciting, it’s been awhile since gege had a bigger project.”

“En. And it’s nice weather for yard work too.”

“Should we get take out tonight?”


“So gege doesn’t have to worry about cooking after a hard day at work?”

“I don’t mind. Besides, if I don’t cook dinner, what will San Lang have for lunch the next day?”

Hua Cheng smiled as they passed Yin Yu again and headed back into his office to share lunch.
“Gege always takes such good care of me.”

Xie Lian smiled back as he unpacked their lunch. “That’s because San Lang does the same for

“Gege makes it too easy.”

Shaking his head, Xie Lian held up one of yesterday’s attempts at making meat buns, flushing
beautifully when Hua Cheng ate it from his hand instead of taking it.


Xie Lian coughed, looking away although he didn’t move his hand as Hua Cheng took another
bite. “San Lang, don’t play around.”

“I’m just eating, gege,” he tried, always innocent.

Xie Lian didn’t seem especially convinced as his fingers grazed Hua Cheng’s lips but that was
okay. It wasn’t a good lie anyways.

Taking mercy on Xie Lian, he ate the rest of his lunch with his own hands, happy just to spend this
small break trading stories with the most interesting person he knew.


Though he probably could have been, Xie Lian was not idle when Hua Cheng worked, neither did
he stay at Hua Cheng’s house without him very often.

He kept up trying to find odd jobs because he enjoyed it and the people he got to meet. On days
where he didn’t have anything like that to do he had a habit of working out, having even joined a
group who liked to do Tai Chi at the park every Thursday afternoon, although he was perhaps the
youngest of the group, being the only one who wasn’t retired.

He liked his life. He found it very fulfilling and perhaps more socially fulfilling than it had been
before he’d met Hua Cheng.

All the same, a day of yard work was a day of yard work, and he was exhausted in the satisfying
way that only physical jobs got him as he dazedly made his way home.

Covered with dirt and no doubt reeking of sweat, Xie Lian stood in the entryway to Hua Cheng’s
apartment, realizing only as he saw Hua Cheng that he had meant to stop at his own apartment first
to get supplies for tomorrow.

“Ah. Wrong house.” He started to turn around, only to be stopped by Hua Cheng.

“What do you mean wrong house?”

“I meant to go back to my apartment so I had more good work clothes for tomorrow.”

Hua Cheng’s hands slid into his. “Shower first. I’ll call you a car to take you after.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to.” Hua Cheng smiled, nuzzling him affectionately even though he must have been gross.

“San Lang, stop, you’ll need a shower too if you keep touching me.” Though he didn’t pull away.

“Shall I just join gege’s then?”

Even tired as he was, Xie Lian felt himself start to fluster at the joke, pulling away to tug off his
shoes and stumble inside. “No need, there wouldn’t be enough room!” He insisted as he headed to
the shower he used more often than his own at this point.

Hua Cheng always had good water pressure. Always had nice soaps that smelled like him that he
let Xie Lian use.

Xie Lian threw his clothes into the hamper they practically shared (he couldn’t remember the last
time he’d done laundry separately from Hua Cheng), and stepped under the water.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d used his own shower either now that he thought about it.

Chapter End Notes

Some of you accused them of being married last chapter. You’re pretty much right.
Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

Hualian being very much not married, not married at all, nope

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng did his best, as he always did when Xie Lian showered, to think about it only a normal
amount. To not fixate on the sound of the water going in the other room. To not think about the
fact they used the same body wash.

You would have thought he would be very practiced at this with how long they had essentially
been living together.

You would’ve been wrong.

Hua Cheng turned on the television just to have something to tune out the water while he drew on
his tablet. Which sort of worked, until he heard the water turn off and realized he’d started another
sketch of Xie Lian.

Powering off his tablet and setting it aside, Hua Cheng stared at the television screen as if he cared
about the random drama that was on and wasn’t listening for the sound of the bathroom door
opening and Xie Lian coming out.

Wet hair pulled up but still dripping, Xie Lian slid into Hua Cheng’s lap like it was natural, which
it was. They were both prone to sitting in the lap of whoever got on the couch first at this point. It
was usually easier on Hua Cheng’s heart when Xie Lian wasn’t facing him like this though. Rather
than sitting on his lap you could almost say he was being straddled.

He wouldn’t say that of course, because then he might explode.

“Do you still not mind if we do takeout?” Xie Lian asked, looking a bit more awake than he had
when he walked in.

“If that’s what gege wants to do, that’s what we’ll do. Weren’t you going to get things from your
apartment though?” Hua Cheng tried not to think about the fact his hands were on Xie Lian’s hips.
They were often on Xie Lian’s hips. He often tried not to think about it too much in the moment.

“En, but I wanted to check about dinner first. We should probably order before I go so that it’ll be
there when I come back.”

“Gege’s so smart.”

“San Lang’s too easy to impress.”

“Gege’s too incredible to not be impressed by,” he fired back.

Xie Lian shook his head as if to shake off the compliment, leaning forward to rest his forehead
against Hua Cheng’s.
Hua Cheng closed his eye, focusing only on the gentle brush of their foreheads and noses. On
making sure his grip on Xie Lian’s waist wasn’t too tight.

He didn’t care if he was too easy to impress. It felt good to be constantly blown away by his
beloved. What was the harm in the sheer joy that constantly being impressed by him brought to
Hua Cheng’s life?

“Can we order from our usual place? San Lang knows what I like.”

“Of course gege.”

He could feel Xie Lian’s breath against his lips when he spoke. Did Xie Lian feel his? Did he think
about it? About how close they were? About how close they always were?

“Thank you. I’ll be back soon. Be ready. After dinner we’re going to bed early and I’m breaking
out all my tricks to make sure San Lang falls asleep first,” Xie Lian warned as he pulled back.

“I’d expect nothing less from an expert like gege,” he smiled. “Should I call the car?”

“Ah, I’ve got it, San Lang, I already called before I came out. It should be here soon.”

“I’ll go order dinner then.”

“En.” Xie Lian patted his chest as he climbed off him and headed out.

The phantom warmth of Xie Lian on him remained for far longer.


Shang Qinghua looked up from where he was splayed on the couch as Xie Lian came in. “Rent
isn’t due for another week?”

Xie Lian raised his eyebrows as he took off his shoes. “Yes?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I live here.”

Shang Qinghua snorted and went back to typing. “Sure.”

Xie Lian may not spend the night since he had to help Hua Cheng sleep but surely he came by
more often then just when rent was due didn’t he?

Now that he tried to think of instants though… perhaps he really didn’t. Most of his clothes had
already been moved over. He hadn’t had much besides clothes in his room in the first place so it
wasn’t as if he often had a need to come back.

Maybe he really had accidentally moved in with Hua Cheng.

Going to grab what he liked to think of as his ‘yard work overalls’ and gloves, Xie Lian headed
back into the living room. “San Lang and I were thinking about going to karaoke again this
weekend if you want to come. Qingxuan asked about you last time.”

“No offense Xie-xiong, but I really don’t want to third wheel two couples.”

“You wouldn’t be, there’s only one couple and it never feels like third wheeling around Qingxuan
and He Xuan.”

“Yeah, they aren’t the couple I’m worried about.”

“San Lang and I aren’t dating.”

“You just live together and cuddle every night and sit in each other’s laps feeding each other and
staring into each other’s eyes every time we go to karaoke, sure.”

Xie Lian felt his stomach flop. Was he that obvious about his crush? “Let me know if you change
your mind, I have to go—“

“Back to your sugar daddy’s house, I know,” Shang Qinghua waved him off. “Have fun, see you
when rent’s due.”

“Qinghua. If you come to karaoke San Lang will pay for your food,” Xie Lian reminded.

Shang Qinghua looked up at him, a bit thoughtful. “Yeah okay. Saturday?”

Xie Lian nodded. “Saturday. See you then.”

“Mhm. Oh and Xie-Xiong? I’ve been meaning to tell you but you know I can afford the apartment
myself right? You don’t have to keep pretending you still live here because you’re worried I’ll get
kicked out or something.”

“I’m not,” Xie Lian blinked.

“Oh is this like. Your safety net?”


“For if you need to drop your sugar daddy? I can get that, I just didn’t realise you were the type
who planned like that. Never mind I get it. Always gotta have a plan when things go south with
relationships like that.”

Shang Qinghua said it without judgement or any sort of malice, but Xie Lian felt something in him
twist with displeasure.

That had been why he hadn’t agreed to move in with Hua Cheng originally wasn’t it? He’d
suspected Hua Cheng would get tired of him sooner or later and it was better to just keep his own
apartment for when that time came. For when the dream of Hua Cheng’s company came to an end.

Xie Lian couldn’t imagine it ending now. Not as he locked his apartment door behind him or as he
took a car back to Hua Cheng’s. Not as he walked up the stairs to Hua Cheng’s door and realized it
looked like home to him. And definitely not as he unlocked the door and smelled the takeout
wafting out from the kitchen, Hua Cheng in the middle of plating everything for them and looking
up to stop and smile at Xie Lian.

“You’re just in time gege. The food just got here.”

“I want to move in,” Xie Lian admitted in a hurry.

Hua Cheng seemed stunned for a moment, only to smile again. “Doesn’t gege essentially already
live here?”

He did. He kept his clothes in Hua Cheng’s closet even though the guest bedroom had been offered
to him in the beginning and he knew the closets there were empty.

“I just. Was thinking about making it official.”

Hua Cheng looked especially pleased as he finished plating everything. “Then this one will sleep
extra well tonight knowing gege plans to stay for the foreseeable future.”

Forever, Xie Lian thought. I think I plan to stay forever.

And the strangest thing was, he thought Hua Cheng would let him.

Chapter End Notes

Crimes next chapter :3

Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

Guys I TOLD you on the first chapter 5 author’s note that the big time skip was “for
crimes”, I don’t know why you were acting like it was news it’s gonna be fine

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng brushed out Xie Lian’s hair carefully. They’d gotten into the habit of doing it for each
other as part of their new nighttime routine. Something inspired by Xie Lian reading that having
nighttime routines helped train your body to recognise when it was time to sleep.

Hua Cheng didn’t care whether or not it was true, he just liked the opportunity to do this with his
beloved. Xie Lian’s hair was still a bit damp from the shower, but he still liked how it felt between
his fingers as he gently coaxed out the knots.

“Done?” Xie Lian asked as it became clear he was mostly just playing with the hair at this point.

“This one will never be done.”

Xie Lian snickered as he turned around and held out his hand for the comb. “You’re done.”

Handing it over, Hua Cheng turned his back to Xie Lian to let him work.

Though they both had long hair, it was clear that Xie Lian hadn’t quite known how to brush
someone else’s hair in the beginning, too rough in a way that Hua Cheng probably only enjoyed
because Xie Lian could have made him eat a used tissue and he’d enjoy it. But he’d gotten much
better at it with practice, careful hands skilfully making sure to never pull too hard or yank at the

So Hua Cheng closed his eye and eased into Xie Lian’s flow, his eyepatch already put away for the

“Do you want it up or braided?”

“Whatever gege likes,” was his answer every time. It was true every time.

Xie Lian hummed, brushing it out in the otherwise quiet bedroom that Hua Cheng thought, maybe,
he could refer to as ‘theirs’ instead of just ‘his’. Xie Lian had said he wanted to officially move in
after all.

It made Hua Cheng giddy with joy.

Still, he packed away that giddiness into something more peaceful, a warm bliss for their routine
running through him as Xie Lian finished brushing and pulled his hair into a loose ponytail.


“Gege’s a master, as always.”

Xie Lian laughed. “It’s a ponytail.”

“It’s a very good ponytail.”

Xie Lian didn’t even bother to hide his amusement as he put the comb to the side and pulled Hua
Cheng down to cuddle.

Spooning today. Hua Cheng let his hands rest over Xie Lian’s feeling his throat grow tight when
Xie Lian’s hands intertwined with his. Xie Lian felt so warm, so protective against his back. It was
so intimate he thought his heart might stop but somehow it kept beating for him.

“San Lang was so sweet for me, offering to let us get take out at lunch because you knew I’d be
tired. Truly, sometimes I think San Lang knows how to take care of me better than I know how to
take care of myself,” Xie Lian murmured.

Hua Cheng was always wrecked by Xie Lian’s gentle praise, but it was the worst when he was the
little spoon. When Xie Lian’s mouth was right next to his ear like this.

“Letting us go to bed early too even though I’m sure you’re not tired yet. San Lang is too kind. Too
good to me.”

He wasn’t supposed to respond to the praise, he knew that. He wanted to every time though,
especially when Xie Lian praised specific things like this. Wanted to let Xie Lian know he
deserved this much. Wanted to let Xie Lian know how easy he was to love and care for.

But he wouldn’t. Instead he was good for Xie Lian and let the words lull him to sleep, wrapped up
in the warmth and praise of his beloved.


After a long week of landscaping, it felt nice to know his project was finished and he could fully
enjoy karaoke with his friends. It wasn’t something they did every month, but most months they
went out with at least Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan and Xie Lian was starting to finally learn more
recent songs.

Xie Lian leaned against Hua Cheng to read the latest message as his phone buzzed. They’d already
gotten a room with Shang Qinghua, but we’re still waiting on the other two to start.

Shi Qingxuan: Met up with some friends!! I’m bringing them with us!

Hua Cheng tilted the phone to make sure Xie Lian read it before closing the app again without

“So how many oldies are you going to sing this time?” Shang Qinghua asked as he flipped through
a menu. “Just so I can prepare myself.”

“I’m learning other songs,” Xie Lian promised, feeling something in him settle happily as Hua
Cheng’s arm moved to rest around his shoulder. “Qingxuan’s been teaching me the dance moves
the idol groups do even. I thought we could try an anime theme song this time.”

“I sang one anime theme song. As a joke.”

“I liked it.”

Shang Qingxuan laughed. “Okay but you’re the one picking it, nerd.”
“—be fun! The more the merrier!” Shi Qingxuan said as the door opened and she ushered in two
seemingly unwilling men.

Two men Xie Lian recognized very well, even after all these years.

They hadn’t noticed him yet.

“I don’t want to spend my weekend with him and Hua Cheng,” Mu Qing argued.

“The feeling is mutual,” Hua Cheng said cooly, drawing Mu Qing and Feng Xin’s attention.

And Xie Lian could see the exact moment the two of them recognized him. The shock on their

“Xie Lian?”

“Oh, you know each other?” Shi Qingxuan smiled, not seeming to have caught onto the mood yet.

“We went to upper secondary school together,” Xie Lian replied. Which was a very neat answer.
One that didn’t betray how much history was actually there, but it wasn’t a lie either.

“Why are you sitting like that?” Feng Xin blurted out, gaze fixed on where Hua Cheng’s arm was
around Xie Lian.

“What does it matter?” Hua Cheng answered before he could.

“You’re a bigger asshole than I thought if you just go around forcing people—“

“San Lang isn’t forcing me to do anything. If I was uncomfortable with him touching me, I
would’ve moved away. Thank you for the concern but there’s no need,” Xie Lian said as politely
as he could manage.

Shang Qinghua looked between Xie Lian and the new people before scooting closer to Xie Lian as
they sat down. “Hey, Xie-Xiong, can you ask your sugar daddy to buy me some alcohol this time?”

Mu Qing and Feng Xin were staring. Xie Lian pretended not to notice.

“You can ask him yourself, you don’t have to ask me every time…”

Shang Qinghua raised an eyebrow and then set his pleading look on Hua Cheng. “Can you buy this
for me?”

“If gege wants me to,” Hua Cheng replied, entirely too smug about proving Shang Qinghua’s

“San Lang, you know I do,” Xie Lian leaned a bit more against him, exasperated.

“Sugar daddy?” Feng Xin repeated, dumbstruck.

“I didn’t realize it had gotten so bad you had to turn to sex work,” Mu Qing shot the pair a look.

Shi Qingxuan chimed in before Xie Lian could this time. “Qinghua’s just joking, it threw me off at
first too! They’re just really good friends though.”

He Xuan snorted, though he didn’t look up from the menu.

They were still staring. Xie Lian smiled at them.

“How have you been? It’s nice to see you two are still friends.”

“We aren’t,” they replied instantly.

“Were they like this in upper secondary too? They always fight but their jobs keep making them
work together,” Shi Qingxuan explained.

“That’s about how it went back then,” Xie Lian confirmed, a real smile forming at the memory.

“You didn’t answer gege’s question,” Hua Cheng chimed in after a moment of silence.

The pair glared Hua Cheng down. “What question?”

Xie Lian had seen Hua Cheng get antagonistic on very few occasions, more because he didn’t often
have a reason to be around when he did it than because it was rare for it to happen, but he felt
something flutter in his chest as Hua Cheng shot them a cruel smile and said with sickly sweet
patience: “Gege asked how you’ve been.”

“Fine.” Mu Qing rolled his eyes.

“I’ve been… well. And you?” Feng Xin tried a little harder.

“I’ve been good,” Xie Lian smiled, hoping it would ease their discomfort a bit.

It didn’t seem to.

“Do you work in—“ Feng Xin grimaced at Hua Cheng, “—architecture?”

“Oh no, I just do odd jobs when I can get them. I haven’t managed to keep a stable job in years.”

“Gege could work in architecture if he wanted. I’d hire you.”

“San Lang, you don’t need to pay me two salaries.”

“Why would it be two? I thought you weren’t his sugar baby?” Mu Qing cut in.

“Ah. I guess it’s not true that I haven't managed to keep a stable job. I help San Lang sleep.”

“You deal with medicine or something?” Feng Xin’s face scrunched in confusion.

“We cuddle,” Xie Lian explained. “But I’m trying to get San Lang to drop the salary since I’ll be
moving in soon.”

“Gege deserves the extra spending money,” Hua Cheng argued.

“You’ll be paying for my room and board and I’ve been working other jobs this entire time, I don’t
need more spending money,” Xie Lian replied fondly.

“He pays you to cuddle him? Couldn’t get anyone to deal with him long enough without the
money?” Mu Qing sneered.

“Don’t talk about him like that,” Xie Lian’s voice was not mean, but it was sharp and it was quick
in its response, leaving no room for argument.

Hua Cheng’s hand squeezed his shoulder.

“I would spend every night with San Lang without the pay. This arrangement just happens to be
how we got to know each other.”

Shi Qingxuan laughed to break the mood. “Let’s get the food ordered and then we can show you
what we've been working on. Do you remember the moves I taught you last time?” She asked Xie


“This is gonna be great!”

Ordering was tense, but it didn’t take long before Shi Qingxuan was queuing up a song.

“Xie Lian is going to dance?” Feng Xin asked warily.

“We’ve been practicing a lot! It was nearly perfect last time!”

“Are you going to join us, San Lang?” Xie Lian asked as he started to stand.

Hua Cheng shook his head with a smile. “I’ll just be gege’s number one fan.”

Ignoring the way that made his heart flutter, Xie Lian got into position next to Shi Qingxuan.

While he wasn’t good at keeping up on the new songs coming out, Xie Lian had gotten down the
lyrics quickly. The long part that had been built up over many karaoke sessions and a few trips to
Shi Qingxuan’s house was in the full on performance Shi Qingxuan wanted to put on every time
they sang together.

If Xie Lian hadn’t already been athletically inclined, the workout that singing and doing a full
dance routine provided would’ve been impossible.

Mostly his problem had just been getting a sense for the routine. He’d memorized it fine. And the
moves weren’t terribly hard for him.

What was hard was dancing in a way that was very clearly meant to be suggestive while Hua
Cheng’s gaze never once dropped from him.

What was hard was watching Hua Cheng’s gaze roam over his form, intense and focused like he
was somehow memorizing the way Xie Lian swayed and shimmied.

What was hard was realizing, for the first time in a very very long time, that such a silly thing gave
him stage fright.

He got over it though, finding his rhythm in the routine Shi Qingxuan had created for them and
making it all the way through the song before he flopped back against Hua Cheng.

“That actually kind of rocked, you could be an idol,” Shang Qinghua praised.

“I think I’m a little old for that,” Xie Lian laughed.

“Can I still create a fanpage for gege?”

“Who would even look at it?”

“I would. I’d be gege’s biggest fan.”

“You’re my only fan.”

“That’s not true, I’d definitely follow it if you made a page for your dancing! We could be a duo!”
Shi Qingxuan chimed in.

“See? Gege’s got lots of followers already. I’ll make merch too.”

Xie Lian laughed. “Like what?”

“Those lightsticks and fans. I’d make shirts with gege’s face on it.”

“Please don’t get a shirt with my face on it,” he snorted.

He was too caught up in laughing with Hua Cheng to notice Shang Qinghua mutter: “There they go
again,” and take out his phone.

“Posters? Should I put up gege’s posters in our bedroom?”

“You share a bedroom?” Feng Xin cut in.

The spell was interrupted; Xie Lian looked over. “Well. To cuddle him I sort of need to share the
bed with him.”

Noticing the mood beginning to get strange again, Shi Qingxuan interrupted again. “Why don’t
you two sing!”

“I told you I don’t want to,” Mu Qing looked over at her.

“I’ll sing next. Will gege be my fan?”

“Always,” Xie Lian promised, squeezing Hua Cheng’s hand as he stood to go towards the
microphone and queued up a love song.

“Xie-Xiong, you infected him with your music taste,” Shang Qinghua complained as the opening
notes played.

It was one of the songs Xie Lian had picked the first time they came and Hua Cheng seemed to
have taken a liking to it, picking it nearly every time they’d come since.

It was the type of song his mom had liked. Had called ‘very romantic’ as she sighed over what a
shame it was none of the newer music had the same yearning to it.

She hadn’t played it often, but for some reason Xie Lian remembered it well. Maybe because she
played it more and more towards the end of her life. Like the old love song could remind her and
Xie Lian’s father what they still had without money.

Hua Cheng didn’t have a dance routine for the song, and it was a slower one, not as suited to
karaoke really. But he always smiled at Xie Lian when he sang it.

And Xie Lian always sang with him. No microphone, the room was small enough he could be
heard just fine without one, a slightly quieter accompaniment to Hua Cheng’s song.

It was very easy to forget other people were watching them like this. Being with Hua Cheng made
him a mess of contradictions.

He was shyer than ever, yet constantly forgot himself. He was more comfortable than he’d been in
years, yet more self conscious too.

He loved Hua Cheng so much more than he thought was possible, yet couldn’t handle the idea of
Hua Cheng liking him back. Of taking the flirting and the fond looks seriously. Of all that it would
mean. Of all that it could risk.

But he couldn’t stand the idea that Hua Cheng didn’t feel the same.

He decided, as he always did in these moments, that it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t think about it
anymore. All he had to think about was Hua Cheng’s gaze meeting his as they sang out a love song
together. All he had to think about was the way Hua Cheng smiled as he came to sit back down
beside him.

He hardly heard the next few songs the others did, his mind filled with the warm comfort of Hua
Cheng’s hand holding his.

Being in love was terrifying to think about. But it got a little easier every day.

Chapter End Notes

The crimes were just introducing FengQing to stir up Hualian life. Also heads up I
might miss an update tomorrow if this hot flash I just got turns into something worse
Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

Back from my one day hiatus. Prepare for another transitional chapter

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng had never been a big fan of karaoke before, but since reuniting with Xie Lian he
thought he definitely understood the appeal. Even with the two uninvited guests.

Xie Lian clapped and sang along for Feng Xin’s clumsy song— a choice that mostly seemed like a
hurried effort to make sure Hua Cheng didn’t sing again on Feng Xin’s part.

Xie Lian didn’t know the songs He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan picked but always seemed to enjoy the
performance anyways. And Hua Cheng enjoyed watching He Xuan forced into various routines it
was clear Shi Qingxuan made them practice at home.

The theme song Xie Lian sang with Shang Qinghua was basic and a little strange. Shang Qinghua
couldn’t keep on key and Xie Lian didn’t know it well enough to stay completely on beat. But he
was laughing while he sang it, giving Shang Qinghua a little victory high-five as they finished that
had Hua Cheng’s heart melting.

More songs played. Their uninvited guests stared like Xie Lian curled up to Hua Cheng was
personally offensive.

But Xie Lian laughed and Xie Lian smiled and Hua Cheng got to be right there listening while he
did, so there was very little that could upset him at such a time.

By the time they decided to be done for the day, Xie Lian had gotten Hua Cheng’s legs across his
own like a lap blanket and been fiddling with Hua Cheng’s hands for the past two songs. It was a
terrible loss to move them, but he reminded himself they could always cuddle more at home. And
they would. He knew they would.

“You have to come again next time we do this! The past few times we’ve missed you,” Shi
Qingxuan told Shang Qinghua as they headed out.

“Not all of us have a sugar daddy paying our rent,” Shang Qinghua joked.

“Did you need money? I can loan you some.”

Hua Cheng snorted, turning his attention from Shang Qinghua’s surprise to the unusual quiet
coming from Feng Xin and Mu Qing. They were planning something.

“Xie Lian. Can we talk to you?”

“Of course.”

Mu Qing glared at Hua Cheng. “Alone.”

Xie Lian seemed about to argue, only for something Hua Cheng couldn’t understand to flicker
across his face. “Alright. I’ll be right back, San Lang.”

Hua Cheng nodded, leaning against the wall to wait as the trio walked just out of earshot.

Though he doubted Xie Lian realized he knew, Hua Cheng was aware that the way the group’s
friendship had ended wasn’t something you necessarily wanted outsiders involved in.

The specifics weren’t something Hua Cheng was clear on but when Xie Lian’s life had fallen apart
and he’d been moved out of Hua Cheng’s reach to help in any way, Feng Xin and Mu Qing had not
stayed with him. He didn’t know how long they’d lasted before abandoning Xie Lian but frankly
he didn’t care.

It wasn’t long enough.

And now they had the audacity to come here, posturing like they were about to fight.

He didn’t try to eavesdrop. He didn’t really care about the specifics of what they said honestly. He
could half guess they were warning Xie Lian against him with how often Feng Xin kept gesturing
his way.

It didn’t take much longer for Xie Lian to return and let Hua Cheng hold his hand like always.

“Is gege ready to go?”

“En.” Xie Lian waved to Feng Xin and Mu Qing as they headed out. “I didn’t realize San Lang
knew them too.”

“Just a bit.”

“Through work?”

“In a way. I’ve managed to make every project their company needs involvement with architecture
or city planning approval on a bit difficult is all,” he admitted. It was a petty revenge, amounting to
little more than creating a bit of a headache for them, but it was what he was able to do. “I assume
they told gege to stay away from me?”

“Something like that.”

“Will this San Lang be sleeping alone tonight then?” He asked, as if the hand in his own wasn’t
answer enough.

Xie Lian shook his head with a smile. “I’m still moving in.”

“Ah of course. Who else would gege take advantage of?”

Xie Lian squeezed his hand, a silent response, but it was more than enough of an answer.


Xie Lian usually fell asleep not long after Hua Cheng, but today he found himself kept up by the
message on his phone.

Feng Xin: If it’s about money we can help you.

Xie Lian had long ago tucked his phone away for the night. He didn’t need to see if Feng Xin had
messaged more. He could respond in the morning. For now he focused on playing with Hua
Cheng’s hair, taking comfort in the weight of Hua Cheng’s head on his chest.

Truthfully, When he’d first seen Feng Xin and Mu Qing he’d felt a lot of things.

Excited maybe.

Nervous perhaps.

Glad, in a very simple sort of way, to just see them well and acting in a way he was used to.

He didn’t know if it was possible for them to be friends again after how he’d left things, how
they’d all left things, but he wanted to if he could.

Not if it meant losing Hua Cheng though, and they seemed oddly adamant about getting Xie Lian
away from him.

Their concern must’ve meant they wanted to be in Xie Lian’s life in some capacity though. It was a
start, if he could just get them to leave Hua Cheng out of it. He knew Hua Cheng wasn’t so kind
and easy to deal with for everyone. But he wasn’t a bad person. At least, Xie Lian didn’t think so.

He certainly wasn’t dangerous to him. When they’d met Xie Lian had been sure if Hua Cheng ever
tried to hurt him he could handle it. Now he was just sure Hua Cheng would never hurt him.

There was no faking the way Hua Cheng looked at him when he thought Xie Lian wouldn’t notice.
And there was no point in faking the precious year of consistent friendship Hua Cheng had
provided him.

Once, with Feng Xin and Mu Qing he’d felt friendship was a home. Was forever.

Being with Hua Cheng was a lot like that. But then, in many ways it was very different in a way
that was hard to define. Perhaps because he’d never been in love with Feng Xin and Mu Qing.

Perhaps because he’d never been in love with anyone at all who made forever feel so possible and
so safe. Who made joy feel so easy and laughter so expected.

Xie Lian traced down Hua Cheng’s nose, smiling when he tried to press into the touch in his sleep.

“Here you go, San Lang,” he whispered, cupping his face and hearing the small, content noise Hua
Cheng let out.

He was sure if Hua Cheng was the one still awake Xie Lian would seek him out in the same way.
Maybe even more embarrassing somehow. But it was cute when Hua Cheng did it. When he
looked so soft from sleep. Younger almost.

Xie Lian was so far gone for him. There was very little Feng Xin and Mu Qing could do to
convince him there was a reason to leave this. He didn’t need his love returned. He didn’t need to
kiss or do the other things he may have thought about from time to time. Just as long as forever
existed, that was enough. Just as long as they could hold each other like this, it was enough.

Xie Lian didn’t last much longer before he fell asleep, content with his most precious person in his

Chapter End Notes

They cuddle….
Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

Time for you to learn HC’s secret….

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng could tell without opening his eye it was too early for him to be waking up, so,
stubbornly, he kept his eye shut and snuggled closer to Xie Lian.

Though he seemed to be asleep by now, Xie Lian made a small noise of acknowledgment, pulling
him closer in his sleep. Hua Cheng really was too lucky.

Cuddling with Xie Lian did help his insomnia. Much more consistently and with much less side
effects than any of the medications he had tried, their nightly routine and the promise of safety in
the arms of his beloved helped Hua Cheng sleep soundly.

But it wasn’t a perfect solution. He’d never tell Xie Lian about these nights though.

Once, before Xie Lian had made himself a physical presence in Hua Cheng’s life instead of just the
memory he’d held dear, Hua Cheng had used this middle of the night waking time to get up and do
more work. He’d check emails. Eat a snack. Maybe clean something. A doctor had told him once
not to force sleep if his body woke up naturally so Hua Cheng hadn’t.

Partially because he’d actually respected that doctor and partially because he had experience trying
to force it and it was boring and frustrating.

Laying with Xie Lian wasn’t boring though. He had plenty of things he could be doing with what
was sure to be an hour or two before he could even think about falling back asleep, but this was
much more enjoyable.

Some nights it was a bit irritating still. To be awake but not get to look at Xie Lian because
opening his eye would be counter to the goal of sleep and potentially overstepping. To spend time
with him but not be able to make the most of it was a shame, but even if he could stare at Xie Lian
for days without growing bored, it didn’t seem like the sort of thing he could do without

But most nights laying like this was just peaceful. Most nights it just felt right.

The first hour Hua Cheng listened to Xie Lian’s heart beat and tried to imagine syncing up his
own. He painted the image in his head. Two hearts beating to one time. Two people wrapped up
into one lump under the blanket.

Somewhere in the second hour of this meditation, Xie Lian squeezed him closer again, hands
curling into his hair.

It was such a little thing, but Hua Cheng was well trained at this point.

It didn’t take him much longer to fall back asleep.


“When is gege going to move the rest of his things in?” Hua Cheng asked over breakfast.

“Most of it is over here already. I think I left my toolkit there but otherwise I brought the rest of my
clothes for that landscaping job last week.”

Hua Cheng tilted his head. “What about gege’s keepsakes?”

“I don’t have any.”

“Nothing from your family?”

Xie Lian shook his head. “I had a few once, but the place I was living in burnt down and I haven’t
really gotten the chance to accumulate much since. The Xie family dies with me in every way now
that there’s not even heirlooms left, I suppose. I’m sure my parents must be very disappointed,” he
said lightly.

Hua Cheng seemed thoughtful though. “What if gege created a new heirloom?”

“I don’t think that’s how that works,” Xie Lian smiled.

“Why not?”

“Heirlooms have to be something important.”

“So we just have to find something gege considers important and keep it for all our lives and then
won’t it be gege’s new Xie family heirloom?”

Xie Lian really didn’t think that was how it worked. But he liked the way Hua Cheng said “our
lives”, as if it was a matter of course that they would always be intertwined together. “I just told
San Lang I don’t have much besides my clothes though. Will my old tool bag be the heirloom? The
old pots?”

“What does gege think is important? Maybe we could get some sort of trinket.”

“Like what?”

Hua Cheng shrugged. “Something that reminds gege of good things.”

“Like one of your rings,” Xie Lian said, absentminded and not thinking too hard, only to freeze as
he realized what he’d said.

Hua Cheng was staring in shock that quickly morphed into an expression that spelled out nothing
but trouble for Xie Lian. “Gege could have one. If he wants.”

Xie Lian cleared his throat and kept his gaze on his food. “Isn’t San Lang’s jewelry already
heirlooms from his mother? I couldn’t take that.”

“Why not?”

“It’s— San Lang that’s your heirloom.”

“It could be both of ours.”

Xie Lian felt his face grow hot as he thought about the implications of that. Sharing family
heirlooms. Being family.

Finishing his breakfast, Hua Cheng headed back into their room, coming back out soon after with
something closed in his hand.

“San Lang, really. You know I can’t wear rings, I’d just lose them.”

“What if it’s a necklace?” Hua Cheng opened his hand to show what he’d brought. The ring was
too small to fit on either of their fingers and had been threaded onto a chain.

Unable to help himself, Xie Lian admired it. “Your mother must have had very delicate hands.”

“This one was made for me,” Hua Cheng explained, seeming to take Xie Lian’s lowered guard as
his chance as he moved behind him to put on the necklace.

Xie Lian moved his hair out of the way to let him. “But it’s so small.”

“It was made when I was a child, so I can’t wear it anymore anyways. Will gege take care of it?”

It would’ve been presumptuous to take Hua Cheng’s late mother’s jewelry. But if it was Hua
Cheng’s jewelry and he didn’t wear it anyways…

“Alright. But I don’t think this can be a Xie family heirloom.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s San Lang’s keepsake, not mine.” He closed his eyes as he felt the chain settle against
his neck and tucked it under his pajama shirt. The one that matched Hua Cheng’s. They had
matched every night since Hua Cheng got them the new sets all those months ago.

“If gege doesn’t want it, he doesn’t have to wear it.”

“I do.” Xie Lian rested a hand over where the ring laid.

Hua Cheng pulled him into a hug from behind, hands around his waist. “If gege doesn’t need to
move in, what would he like to do with his day off?”

Xie Lian lowered his free hand to rest over Hua Cheng’s, humming as he thought of things for
them to do. “Oh, that’s right. San Lang, would you mind if we hosted Feng Xin and Mu Qing for


“Whenever. I wanted to check with you before I invited them. But I think they may be interested in
meeting again and I thought it might be nice to cook for them.”

“It’s gege’s house too now. If he wants to have people over he should feel free.”

Xie Lian patted his hand. “Thank you, San Lang. I’ll see when they can come then.”

Chapter End Notes

I know I called last chapter a transition chapter but Hualian needed another step before
we could hop to what the transition was for. Dinner with the in-laws…
Chapter 15
Chapter Notes

If Hualian don’t kiss each other soon they’re going to drive me to start screaming. The
amount of times they wanted to just give each other a little kiss was ridiculous

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng stared at Mu Qing and Feng Xin. They stared back.

“It’ll just be another minute,” Xie Lian called from the kitchen.

Feng Xin broke first, unable to stand the tense silence. “I didn’t know you knew how to cook,” he
called back, turning his head to face Xie Lian in the kitchen instead of the table of people who
hated each other.

“I learned a little after we seperated,” Xie Lian answered with an easy smile as he brought out the
pot of mysterious substance Xie Lian had made.

“Do you want help?” Hua Cheng started to stand, only to be stopped with a gentle hand cupping
his face.

“San Lang already set the table, I can handle bringing out the food.”

Hua Cheng ignored the way their guests looked disgusted, settling into his chair and waiting
patiently while Xie Lian brought out the side dishes.

The looks of disgust and wariness quickly shifted from Hua Cheng to the food as Xie Lian finally
sat down.

Hua Cheng of course was wasting no time. “Thank you for dinner, gege, it looks amazing.” He
served portions for both of them before settling in to eat.

Feng Xin was the first of their guests to test it, though he was clearly hesitant as he ladled out a
small portion. Hua Cheng watched with predatory amusement as he lifted the spoon to his lips and
struggled not to gag.

Hua Cheng had already finished half of his bowl.

“How is it?” Xie Lian asked.

“It’s. Interesting,” Feng Xin forced a smile, but didn’t look willing to pick back up his spoon. “It
sort of… reminds me of something though. I can’t really pin it…” he coughed.

“Mother’s cooking?” Xie Lian offered, eating another spoonful without flinching.

Feng Xin shuddered.

Mu Qing’s hand slammed on the table. “What kind of game is this?”

Xie Lian looked over in surprise. “What?”

“You’re the one who invited us over. Was it just to mock us?”

“That wasn’t what I—“

“You ruined the food on purpose!”

Hua Cheng pushed back his chair harshly as he stood, the noise silencing the table as he got

“You’re just going to keep eating like this is normal? You aren’t fooling anyone.”

Hua Cheng’s gaze flicked up to the insecure idiot ruining his evening. “Gege cooks breakfast and
dinners every night. This is normal.” Sitting back down, he went back to eating silently.

Mu Qing quieted, seeming as though he didn’t know what to say to that.

Xie Lian stood though, starting to clear the food, although he hadn’t finished his own bowl. “You
don’t have to eat it.”

“Gege,” Hua Cheng reached out for him. “It’s good. Just a bit over cooked is all, you got a good
balance of flavors.”

Feng Xin looked down at what was still in his bowl, green in the face as he took another bite and
choked it down.

Mu Qing huffed and spooned plain rice into his bowl, silently eating that instead.

Seeing his guests eating, Xie Lian sat down again, going back to his own food.

The tension and quiet sounds of Feng Xin trying not to gag until he could follow Mu Qing’s lead
and just eat the rice filled the room. Hua Cheng finished his seconds as Xie Lian finished his first

Standing more quietly this time, Hua Cheng picked up his bowl to wash, setting a hand on Xie
Lian’s shoulder in silent question and smiling when Xie Lian handed over his bowl too. Taking
them both, he headed to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

“Is cooking part of your… arrangement?” Feng Xin asked as he finished his rice.

“No, San Lang just likes when I cook.”

Hua Cheng didn’t have to be in the room and see them to guess they were making faces.

“It’s really not as odd as you think. We met because San Lang needed a service and we became
friends after spending time together.”

Hua Cheng’s heart fluttered to hear Xie Lian call him a friend.

“A friend you’re financially dependent on.”

“It’s not as though San Lang is my boss? I still take other jobs. Besides, if we’d met sooner I
would’ve helped him sleep without being paid, so it’s not any hardship.”

Hua Cheng’s heart just about stopped while skipping over itself. Xie Lian had said as much before
when trying to get rid of his salary and just be paid back through rent and groceries, but it felt
different to hear him assert it now, to others.
Hua Cheng allowed himself a moment to grin like an idiot into the sink before schooling his face
and heading back into the dining space. Seeing the guests were done with their bowls, he took
those too, moving to finish the dishes with the familiar ease of routine.

“Thank you, San Lang,” Xie Lian smiled softly.

“Of course gege.”

Mu Qing rolled his eyes but he was easy enough to ignore.

Silence stretched on in the other room until Hua Cheng came back, dishes done and leftovers
packed away.

“Do you want to stay for a movie?” Xie Lian smiled, reaching out for Hua Cheng’s hand as he

Hua Cheng let him have it, amused that Xie Lian seemingly spent several minutes in complete
silence waiting for him to be finished while their guests probably squirmed with awkwardness.

“That sounds nice,” Feng Xin nodded stiffly.


Xie Lian knew it was a bad habit to talk over movies and he knew Hua Cheng’s acceptance of such
a thing was an exception he shouldn’t expect from others.

But before Hua Cheng had chatted with Xie Lian over bad movies, Feng Xin and Mu Qing had.

“The plot twist is obvious, he’s clearly the villain,” Mu Qing rolled his eyes.

“No way.”

Xie Lian smiled, leaning more into Hua Cheng. He didn’t remember Mu Qing contributing as
much to the chatter when they were younger. It was a pleasant change.

“I think Mu Qing might be right about the villain but I’m not sure if it’s obvious,” Xie Lian

“It is if you have any grasp on foreshadowing.”

Xie Lian let his hands play with Hua Cheng’s pant leg, picking aimlessly at the fabric. Though his
old friends had given them a wary look, Hua Cheng had naturally settled with legs across Xie
Lian’s lap like usual and Xie Lian had seen no reason to stop him. He liked when they cuddled like

He liked the sound of Feng Xin and Mu Qing arguing too. It was familiar. A little more rowdy than
he remembered perhaps, but nostalgic all the same.

He liked it all even more when Hua Cheng moved a hand to rest on the back of his neck, dragging
his fingers back and forth gently.

Sighing happily, Xie Lian gave him a private smile, not noticing for a moment when the fighting
quieted down.

The movie played on. The arguments came up again and again. It was a miracle any of them
managed to have things to say about the movie with how often they all talked over it.
Xie Lian loved movie nights ignoring the movies with Hua Cheng, but he liked this too.

By the time the credits played he felt relaxed in ways he hadn’t realized had ever been tense. At
ease in a way he hadn’t known was still possible.

It wasn’t back to the way they’d been when they were kids. There had been plenty of awkward
pauses and it was pretty clear they both still didn’t like Hua Cheng, but it was a good start.

It was a great start.

Mu Qing cleared his throat as he and Feng Xin pulled on their shoes the door. “The actor who
played the younger brother came out as gay recently.”

“That’s interesting,” Xie Lian smiled. He’d never really kept up with those sorts of things, but he
wasn’t unwilling to talk about them.

Mu Qing gave him a rather pointed look, mouth twisted as if he was sucking something sour. “I
don’t have a problem with it.”

“What are you talking about? No one cares what you think of some random actor,” Feng Xin
pointed out.

Mu Qing hit him. “I just think no one should feel that they have to hide it if they’re queer.”

“So? Where is this coming from?”

Xie Lian could see where it was coming from though, his face heating up. “Ah, yes. It’s perfectly

“Sure but why are we talking about it?” Feng Xin scrunched his eyebrows.

Xie Lian cleared his throat, ignoring the question. He was extremely glad Hua Cheng had elected
to start getting ready for bed instead of seeing their guests off with him. “We should hang out again
some time.”

Feng Xin still seemed confused, but nodded.

Goodbyes were a bit stilted. A bit awkward. Not helped at all the fact that Xie Lian felt like his
face was giving away everything with Mu Qing’s comment.

But all too soon they were gone and Xie Lian had only the quiet sounds of water running in the
other room as Hua Cheng went about his nightly routine.

Going to find his phone, Xie Lian pulled open his messages.

You: San Lang and I aren’t dating. I would tell you if we were.

Mu Qing: Whatever.

Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh a bit as he closed his phone again, going to get changed for the

It felt like no time at all before Hua Cheng was coming back out to join him, brush in one hand as
the other reached out to slide along Xie Lian’s hair.

“Gege first tonight?”

Xie Lian closed his eyes as he felt the bed dip behind him. “Alright.”

Hua Cheng always brushed his hair so carefully. Xie Lian hadn’t been half as gentle or good at it
when they started their routine but Hua Cheng had never complained.

And Xie Lian couldn’t ever express how much he liked this. How good it felt to have Hua Cheng’s
hands in his hair. How much softer his hair felt since Hua Cheng had started doing this for him.

He would’ve told Mu Qing and Feng Xin if he was dating Hua Cheng. He would’ve told them
because if he was dating Hua Cheng, he thought he’d probably tell everyone. Probably never stop
telling people.

“Done?” Xie Lian asked as he noticed Hua Cheng linger in the way he always did after all the
tangles were undone. Like he knew how much Xie Lian enjoyed this and wanted to indulge him.


They switched seamlessly, Xie Lian turning and taking the brush as Hua Cheng let his hair settle
all behind him.

Xie Lian could brush without tugging too much now. Without catching a snag and yanking Hua
Cheng’s head back or too much hair out. And he liked this part too. The way Hua Cheng was
relaxed and easy at night. The way his hair was so soft as Xie Lian braided it for him. The way
they had these little moments, so many of them, and no sign of them ever stopping.

“Come on,” Xie Lian murmured, pulling Hua Cheng down towards the pillows to cuddle.

He smelled like their shampoo. Like their body wash. Like their laundry soap.

He was bony in some places and firm in others, but all of him was most perfect combination to
cuddle Xie Lian had ever held.

“San Lang was so sweet for me today. I know you don’t get along well with them. Thank you for
playing nice.”

“Of course gege.”

Xie Lian tutted. “San Lang, you’re supposed to be sleeping.”

Hua Cheng snorted, cuddling closer.

It was times like this Xie Lian thought of kissing him the most. Just a little peck to the top of his
head. Just something to express all this love inside him.

He didn’t.

“And San Lang ate so well for me. We would’ve had too much extra if it wasn’t for San Lang.” He
let his praise become a bit aimless, drifting a little into the contentment of this night as he stroked
Hua Cheng’s head.

“So good for me, San Lang.”

He was good for Xie Lian. He made his life so much brighter even just spending time doing
nothing with him.

He really didn’t know what he’d do if they hadn’t met.

Chapter End Notes

See? They did fine. It’s easier to get FengQing to behave when HC is a human person
with a normal job and not a ghost king
Chapter 16
Chapter Notes

Me plugging my own fics like: oh boy if you guys liked the Xianle Quartet watching
movies you’ll love Four Clowns Return to Olden Times It could even be considered a
post canon addition to this fic if you wanted

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng rested his chin on Xie Lian’s shoulder, tuning out the movie and focusing instead on
the way Xie Lian played with his hands.

Mostly he kept to the tips of his fingers, flicking at the short nails like he was trying to figure out
how to get under them. It wasn’t quite comfortable, but it didn’t hurt either. Sometimes he pulled
Hua Cheng’s fingers, not hard, just like he was taking in the way they moved.

He liked it best when Xie Lian ran his thumb along his palm though. He hadn’t realized how
sensitive a palm could be. Why would it be? Hands touched things all the time, he’d never found
them particularly sensitive before Xie Lian. Maybe everything was just more sensitive when it
came to Xie Lian.

Yawning, he nuzzled his cheek against Xie Lian’s.

“Are you tired?” Xie Lian murmured, as though trying to keep it down so their company wouldn’t

“Not too tired that gege can’t finish the movie with his friends,” he promised.

“Just let me know,” Xie Lian squeezed his hand before turning his attention back to the movie.

For better or worse, Mu Qing and Feng Xin were becoming part of their lives. It seemed most
interactions were still stiff unless they had something to do and Xie Lian had been forbidden from
cooking for them again, but movies seemed to go alright.

Hua Cheng wasn’t exactly thrilled to have his evenings with Xie Lian interrupted by people he
didn’t like, but it seemed important to Xie Lian and it wasn’t as if they weren’t still cuddling as
usual. So he could put up with this much.

He had half zoned out staring at Xie Lian’s hands playing with his when he felt Xie Lian’s phone

Neither of them really hid their phones or were shy about the other seeing what was on them, there
was no reason to be. So although Xie Lian was still in his lap and Hua Cheng could see his screen,
Xie Lian opened it to read the message.

Qinghua: Was thinking

Qinghua: You share a room with your sugar daddy right?

You: Yes? There’s no reason to use the guest room when I always sleep with him.
Qinghua: When do you two jack off?

Xie Lian closed his phone and peeked to the side, sighing when he saw Hua Cheng had indeed
read it.

“Would gege like me to look away so he can answer?” Hua Cheng whispered with a grin.

“San Lang,” he scolded.

“Or would gege like my answer to the question?”

Xie Lian blushed, opening his phone back up and ignoring both Hua Cheng and the attention he’d
drawn from their guests.

You: What brought this up? I don’t even know if San Lang does masturbate.

Qinghua: Curious mostly. Been thinking about the upsides to having the apartment to myself

Hua Cheng glanced at their guests, who were clearly trying not to stare, turning his head so he
could whisper right in Xie Lian’s ear. “I do.”

Xie Lian all but jumped, blush worsening as he clearly tried to stop himself from squirming and
turned his phone all the way off to set it aside.

It was perhaps mean to tease him, but although Xie Lian sometimes seemed scandalized, he didn’t
really look uncomfortable.

And he was really fun to tease. Besides, he had to do something to get back at Xie Lian for all the
times their positions were reversed, even if Hua Cheng didn’t blush as easily. If you counted the
scores, he thought Xie Lian had left him flustered way more often honestly.

Content with the evening, Hua Cheng nuzzled against Xie Lian’s neck.

“Can you not flirt while we’re still here?” Mu Qing snapped.

“We aren’t,” Xie Lian said quickly, hand flying up to hold Hua Cheng’s head where it was.

As if such a comment from someone he didn’t even respect would make him stop.

“What are you blushing for then?”

“I just got an unexpected message,” Xie Lian waved him off, turning the conversation towards the
movie instead.

Hua Cheng went back to his mission: cuddle Xie Lian and ignore the guests.

Xie Lian’s fingers gently scratched his scalp as he spoke.

The mission was easy.


Though Xie Lian thought the evening movies were going well and helped the three of them ease
into their reunion, he knew Hua Cheng didn’t actually enjoy the pair joining their evening routine.

So, although Hua Cheng had assured him it was fine and that he could even leave the apartment if
Xie Liam didn’t want him there, it was just his luck that he was still paying rent at Shang
Qinghua’s and his old roommate had okayed him bringing guests.

The thought was, without Hua Cheng there, maybe Feng Xin and Mu Qing would loosen up a bit.

Seeing their clear distress at where Xie Lian had been living before Hua Cheng, he suspected he
might have miscalculated.

“Come in.”

The pair shuffled in, taking in the small apartment. Neither Xie Lian or Shang Qinghua had a
particular knack for decorating and though the space wasn’t dirty, it wasn’t exactly homey either.

It looked like what it was: an apartment two broke men in their thirties slept in and never really
considered ‘home’ in any way that encouraged making the space their own.

Shang Qinghua looked up from where he was scrolling through his phone on the couch, giving
them a greeting before going back to his snacking and scrolling.

“You… lived here?”

“Much better than the place I had before,” Xie Lian nodded, not missing the way they both

“And it’s really not a money thing with Hua Cheng?” Feng Xin frowned.

Before Xie Lian could explain once again that he liked Hua Cheng and enjoyed his company, Mu
Qing rolled his eyes.

“You’ve been spending as much time with them as I have, you can’t be that stupid.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? You thought Hua Cheng was bribing him too!”

“Yeah until I saw them around each other more.”

“His roommate called Hua Cheng his… sugar daddy and they act like—“

“Like they’re dating,” Mu Qing scoffed.

“Um. Do we really need to talk about this first thing?” Xie Lian tried to calm them down.

“He wouldn’t date someone like that, would you Xie Lian?”

Xie Lian awkwardly. “San Lang is way out of my league, there’s really no need to talk about this.”

“Oh for fucks sake you aren’t dating because you think he’s not interested? He’s all over you!”

“San Lang is very affectionate.”

“He flirts with you with every other sentence he says.”

“He just thinks it’s funny.”

“Not to butt in but I’ve third wheeled on a couple of your not-dates and he doesn’t do that stuff
with anybody but you Xie-Xiong. I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me he got you an over the top
proposal with him showing you full financials and giving you a ring and everything.”
Xie Lian’s hand came up to hold Hua Cheng’s ring where it sat under his shirt. “He wouldn’t.”

Mu Qing’s eyes narrowed. “What’s that?”


“What are you playing with?”

Realizing how much they were going to misinterpret it, Xie Lian sighed as he pulled it out. “San
Lang gave it to me.”

“Holy shit for real?” Shang Qinghua craned his head to see. “Wait, it's so small though?”

“It was his when he was a child.”

They all stared at him.

“So why do you have it?”

“I mentioned that I lost what was left of my family heirlooms in a fire and he suggested I create
new ones.”

Mu Qing shook his head at him.

“You should make it clear you aren’t interested in him,” Feng Xin managed at last.

Mu Qing and Shang Qinghua looked at him like he’d just suggested the stupidest possible thing

“Right…” Shang Qinghua leaned back. “I say just push him into bed and make out with him as
soon as you’re home.”

Xie Lian felt his face heat. “I’m not going to do that.”

“He would love it if you did,” Shang Qinghua shrugged before turning his attention back to his

“Let’s talk about something else. How have you been?” He asked his friends, hoping they’d drop

Luckily it seemed their patience for the topic wasn’t much more than his and conversation moved
on, sometimes flagging or struggling but free from any accusations about dating.

It was a good step. It was fun. It was just like old times.

But as he headed home for the night, he couldn’t stop thinking about what they’d said. About
hopes he didn’t want to admit and dreams he’d given up so long ago.

So much of his life with Hua Cheng was already filled with those dreams he’d given up. This
chance to reconnect with Mu Qing and Feng Xin was yet another.

So was it really true that love was so out of his reach? Could he bear to find out?

He didn’t know. He didn’t like thinking about it usually.

But maybe he should start to anyways.

Chapter End Notes

Sips my knowledge juice

Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

Welcome to the knowledge juice

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng let Xie Lian settle him in bed, kindly not mentioning the way he seemed a bit out of it
since he’d come home from his afternoon with his friends.

Seeing Xie Lian had settled in to be the little spoon today, Hua Cheng buried his face in Xie Lian’s
hair, smiling as he felt their fingers intertwine.

“San Lang?”

“Is this a trick where gege will scold me if I reply?” He teased.

He couldn’t see it, but he liked to believe Xie Lian smiled.

“No, you won’t be in trouble.”

“What is it gege?”

Xie Lian took a breath. “What do you think will happen in the future?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you see yourself moving or changing jobs or,” Xie Lian’s hesitation was only the briefest
breath, but Hua Cheng didn’t miss it, “getting married?”

Hua Cheng squeezed Xie Lian’s hand. “Is gege thinking about those things?”

“I just moved in with San Lang, I don’t really have a job to change, and there’s no one who wants
to marry me so not really.”

“Gege could move anywhere he wanted still. And I’m sure plenty of jobs would benefit from
gege’s unique skill sets. And plenty of suitors too.”

“What suitors?”

“Gege must have hundreds.”

Xie Lian laughed. “I have none.”

“Impossible. They must be shy.”

Xie Lian paused for a moment, running his thumb back and forth over Hua Cheng’s hand. “If I
have hundreds of suitors, San Lang must have thousands.”

Hua Cheng felt his breath stutter. “Oh? Why's that?”

“Because San Lang is kind and smart. He’s good company and very handsome. And he has a good
job. There’s no reason for anyone not to like him.”

“Does that mean gege likes me?”

“San Lang knows I like him.” Xie Lian didn’t hesitate. Hua Cheng’s body couldn’t handle all the
love it held.

“Then would gege marry his San Lang?”

His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. Could Xie Lian feel it?

“If San Lang wanted to marry me it would be an honor,” Xie Lian said softly.

Hua Cheng swallowed, stunned he managed to keep his voice even. “Marrying gege would be the
honor. Surely there’s no better groom in all the world.”

“San Lang is flattering me again.”

“Only because it’s true.”

He could hear Xie Lian swallow. He could feel his own blood racing in his ears. Xie Lian’s hand
twitched in his.

Who knew ten seconds of silence could feel like an eternity?

“We should sleep. No more talking.”

Hua Cheng kissed his head. An impulse. A dream. “Alright, gege.”

He could hear the way Xie Lian’s breath caught before he continued on with their routine, praise
flowing from him like water.

And it took a bit longer than usual as worked up as he was, but Hua Cheng fell asleep for him
eventually. He could never disappoint Xie Lian after all.


Xie Lian woke the way he usually did, a gentle brush into awareness as Hua Cheng shifted behind

“Good morning,” he murmured, turning to face him now that the warmth at his back was gone.

Hua Cheng smiled at him, leaning down to kiss Xie Lian’s forehead and for a sleepy moment,
nothing about that struck him as anything other than right. And then his head caught up to his heart
and he wondered if he was still dreaming.

“Good morning, gege.”

Xie Lian sat up, trying not to run or blush or think too hard about it. “I’ll start breakfast.”


It was common for Xie Lian not to know what he was making midway through, but it never boded
well when he had started without a plan.
Xie Lian watched the noodles sizzling in oil, unsure what exactly his plan was as he threw more
ingredients into the pan. That had never steered him wrong before.

After a lost amount of time staring at the noodles and mixed vegetables and batter condense into
something unnamed, Xie Lian felt Hua Cheng slot in to hug him from behind like usual.

“What’s gege making?”

“A mess,” he said honestly.

Hua Chang laughed. It was rich and warm and extremely noticeable pressed close like this. “I’m
sure I’ll love gege’s mess.”

“San Lang loves all my messes,” he teased. Or maybe just pointed out. Or maybe asked. He wasn’t
sure. He wanted to be sure. He didn’t want to be wrong though.

“En. Because they’re gege’s.” Hua Cheng dropped his face down to kiss Xie Lian’s shoulder. It
didn’t really feel like anything through his shirt but he still wanted to break apart. He couldn’t
stand if this was a joke.

He knew Hua Cheng wouldn’t joke like this.

“San Lang is too good for me,” he said as he shut off the heat.

“This one could be even better for gege,” Hua Cheng flirted.

“Impossible,” Xie Lian stared at his breakfast, unmoving.

“It’s very possible gege,” Hua Cheng tapped Xie Lian’s lips.

He almost bit the finger in shock.

“If you turn around I can show you.”

Hua Cheng’s heart was racing against Xie Lian’s back. His voice never wavered though.

His friendship had never wavered.

How much he delighted Xie Lian had never wavered.

So Xie Lian turned around and let himself be kissed.

He let Hua Cheng pull him close and let himself taste the toothpaste they both used. He wondered
if Hua Cheng found it gross that he still hadn’t rinsed his mouth yet that morning or if he didn’t

He didn’t seem to care. He kissed Xie Lian with so much love and so much tenderness and so
much joy that Xie Lian really didn’t know what to do.

Because he really loved Hua Cheng more than he could ever describe.

So much more that when Hua Cheng finally pulled apart, Xie Lian swayed after him for a moment.

“How was I?” Hua Cheng asked, voice soft and gaze so fond it was impossible for Xie Lian to
deny it any longer.
That didn’t mean it came easy still to see that love that was so wonderful and everything he wanted
so soon after a kiss he had long dreamed of. Xie Lian hid his face in Hua Cheng’s chest, heart light
as Hua Cheng laughed.

“Did I make gege swoon?”

“San Lang, don’t tease.”

“Does gege want to have breakfast now instead then?”

“Instead of what?”

“Instead of letting your San Lang kiss you more.”

Xie Lian held him tighter. “No.”

Hua Cheng was silent for a moment, only to laugh again. Not mocking, just happy. Just full of joy
that Xie Lian felt reflected in his own too quick heart. Just full of glee that Xie Lian felt zing
through him as Hua Cheng tilted his chin up and captured his lips again.

Hua Cheng really did take care of him so well.

Chapter End Notes

HC is actually perfectly capable of starting the first kiss, he does it in canon, he just
needs the right support to get the green light for trying
Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

Thanks for all your comments and for reading!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hua Cheng kissed up Xie Lian’s jaw, melting at the joyful laugh his beloved let out.

“San Lang, my mouth is up here.”

“There’s so much of gege I haven’t kissed yet though,” Hua Cheng pointed out, nipping at Xie
Lian’s ear and delighting in the happy yelp it invoked.

“You can kiss there later. San Lang and I are dating now aren’t we?”

Hua Cheng felt his heart flip as he pulled back. “Dating? After last night I thought gege wanted to
get married, I’ve already been planning the venue.”

Xie Lian pulled him into a kiss, messy with their mutual inability to stop grinning. “And where
does San Lang think we should get married?”

“Somewhere grand. Gege deserves only the best.”

“Do you really want something so expensive? Wouldn’t it be better just to do something small? We
don’t have enough friends for something big.”

Hua Cheng couldn’t believe Xie Lian was really kissing him back and talking about a wedding
with him, even if he could tell Xie Lian was partially joking.

“We’ll elope then.”

Xie Lian laughed against his lips. “How do we elope?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted.

Xie Lian’s smile was brilliant, eyes scrunched in delight. “We’ll keep it as a backup plan then.
Qingxuan would never forgive us if we got married without telling everyone.”

“She’ll get over it.”

They both managed to stop grinning for long enough to fall into kisses again, slow and exploratory
as they let the happiness between them build and build in this shared bubble of their love.

Hua Cheng had thought it was possible that Xie Lian liked him in a rational sort of way, but even
looking at all the facts it had just seemed so far-fetched. Xie Lian was so far out of his league. So

And now he was melting in Hua Cheng’s arms, spilling love into him as if he had been bottling up
just as much as Hua Cheng had and now they were desperate to let it be seen.
“Mn! Mu Qing!” Xie Lian pushed him away.

Hua Cheng blinked, distracted by the way Xie Lian’s lips looked redder than usual after kissing for
so long.

Xie Lian scrambled to find his phone.

“What about him, gege?”

“He thought we were dating and I was keeping it a secret. I have to tell him now that we really are,
I don’t want him to think I’m not telling him because I forget not everyone knows.”

Hua Cheng really couldn’t do anything but smile at that, kissing Xie Lian’s neck as he sent out
texts to Mu Qing, Feng Xin, Shang Qinghua, and even Shi Qingxuan.

You: You were right, San Lang and I are dating now!

“Gege’s announcing me?” He grinned.

“Should I not have?”

Hua Cheng kissed him again until the worried set of Xie Lian’s brow disappeared. “Can I
announce gege?”

“Sure,” Xie Lian smiled.

Taking one more kiss for the terrible minutes they would have to go without, Hua Cheng opened
his own phone and went to his work calendar, keeping his grin concealed as he noticed Xie Lian
watching him curiously.

Tapping the date, Hua Cheng added an event: Anniversary of Hua Cheng and Xie Lian getting
together reoccurring event, annual

He could see Xie Lian starting to process what he’d done.

“Isn’t that the calendar your entire work can see?”


“San Lang! Why would you put it there?”

“Gege, today might be a weekend but I’ll need this day off every year going forward, it’s important
they know I won’t be free in advance,” he said with mock severity.

Xie Lian’s face had gone red with embarrassment, but he was also grinning at the calendar in the
same uncontrollable way Hua Cheng was sure he was doing.

“You’re so much trouble.”

“Gege’s trouble.”

“En. My trouble,” Xie Lian kissed him.


At Xie Lian’s age, most would think it a shame he didn’t have a stable job. Instead he relied on a
constantly changing rotation of odd jobs. Some were manual labor, others made use of the good
education he’d gotten as a child, and others still were things he was wholly unqualified for but
willing to give a shot. It definitely wasn’t the sort of life most would approve of.

But Xie Lian enjoyed it, and Hua Cheng would never let him worry about groceries or a roof over
his head, so Xie Lian let himself do his odd little jobs and meet everyone the city had to offer him.
On days he couldn’t do that, he had a group of retired folks he liked to chat with in the park or free
reign to wander Hua Cheng’s workplace and help as a ‘consultant’, although it was a constant
struggle to get Hua Cheng not to try to pay him for those days.

And most importantly, Xie Lian had a proper group of friends now. Not a roommate he sometimes
saw in passing, but a loving partner, childhood friends, and friendships he thought for once might

“Have you been practicing?” Shi Qingxuan asked as they headed into their usual karaoke room.

“Definitely,” Shang Qinghua promised in a way that Xie Lian knew meant he had definitely not
been practicing.

“I think I remember it well enough,” Xie Lian smiled.

“We’re going first while we have the momentum!” Shi Qingxuan clapped, running over to the song

“Can’t we order food first, He-Xiong,” Shang Qinghua begged, targeting the most likely member
of the group to agree.

“You should beg gege, I’m the one paying,” Hua Cheng pointed out as he sat down.

“Doesn’t that mean he should beg you?” Xie Lian laughed.

“I’m just here to watch the concert,” Hua Cheng stole a kiss as Xie Lian settled beside him.

“Isn’t Qinghua in my group then? Shouldn’t you be his fan too?”

“Gege knows I only have eyes for him.”

Feng Xin cleared his throat as he sat down.

Mu Qing just rolled his eyes. “If this is too much for you already, you picked the wrong way to
spend your Saturday, they’re only bound to get worse from here.”

Xie Lian laughed awkwardly, unable to dispute it.

The group settled in to make their choices for snacks and drinks before Shi Qingxuan put on the
song, taking her place in the center of the room as Xie Lian and Shang Qinghua got into position
behind her.

The song was starting to fall out of fashion which meant that Shi Qingxuan was undoubtedly going
to teach them a new one at some point today, so Xie Lian let himself just enjoy the dance and
poppy lyrics, eyes locked with Hua Cheng’s as they sang.

It was silly. It was stupid. It was fun.

Hua Cheng whistled when the song ended and Xie Lian was back in his arms in no time at all.
“Gege could go pro,” he said, just like always. “You’d have millions of fans.”

“San Lang is worth a million fans,” Xie Lian insisted, settling against him happily as their friends
started up their song choices.

Xie Lian had been through lows and come out the other side alive and moving, but days like this
made him remember what life had been like before that. Back when he wasn’t just staying alive
and trying to keep his head up, but living in easy and unabashed joy. He’d forgotten how to do that
before Hua Cheng. And yet Hua Cheng made it seem like such a simple thing it was a wonder to
think he’d ever lost the way to do it as he cheered for Mu Qing’s song.

“My turn,” Hua Cheng slipped out of Xie Lian’s arms to go up to the mic, ignoring the groans of
their friends as he selected their song, the same song they sang together every time.

Anyone who spent any time at all around Hua Cheng when he was with Xie Lian would quickly
realize the man was a hopeless romantic, but Xie Lian still delighted in the realization every day.
He couldn’t believe he’d gotten this. Gotten him.

He couldn’t believe either, that he was just as hopeless of a romantic as his San Lang, proudly
singing the old love song they’d claimed as theirs, proudly wearing the matching red thread Hua
Cheng had tied around his finger one drunken night while declaring them fated lovers, proudly in

Because who wouldn’t be proud to love someone as wonderful as Hua Cheng?

So Xie Lian sang with all the joy and pride of someone who could say he spent every night
cuddled up close and praising Hua Cheng to sleep.

And for the rest of their lives he intended to keep doing just that.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you again Nev for your good good mini threadfic that inspired this. Perhaps
this fic takes place in the same universe as that one and SQH gets his cuddly romance.
Or maybe he dies and transmigrates soon after the events of this epilogue, who knows

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