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PES University, Bengaluru

(Established under Karnataka Act No. 16 of 2013)


UE21CS252A – Data Structures & its Applications

Time: 3 Hrs Answer All Questions Max Marks: 100

Note: C code should be given for implementation based questions. State any assumptions made.
1 Consider the following node structure for questions 1a, b, c, d.
typedef struct node
int data;
struct node* next;
a) Write a C function to create a copy of the Singly Linked List using recursion. 4
Eg: Original list : 1->2->3->4->NULL
After copying:
Original list : 1->2->3->4->NULL
Copied list: 1->2->3->4->NULL
Function prototype to be implemented: NODE* copyList(NODE* head);
b) Given two Singly Linked Lists sorted in ascending order, write a function to return 6
the number of nodes that have the same data across both the lists.
Function prototype to be implemented:
int countCommonData(NODE *a,NODE *b);
c) Write a C function which takes the address of the first node of a singly-linked list 6
as input argument and modifies the list by moving the last element to the front of
the list and returns the modified list. Your code should handle all the boundary
Function prototype to be implemented: NODE* moveToFront(NODE* head);
d) Given a singly linked list, check if it is circular. An empty list is considered to be 4
Function prototype to be implemented: int isCircular(struct NODE* head);

2 a) Convert the following infix expressions to postfix and prefix expressions: 6

i) ((a+b)*c – (d-e) / (f+g))
ii) a/b*c+(d-e*f/g)
b) Write a C function to check if a given string is palindrome or not using stack 6
operations. You need not check for overflow and underflow conditions. Consider
the array implementation of stack data structure.
c) Implement the following functions for an ascending priority queue using linked list. 8
void enqueue(QUEUE *pq,int ele,int pri);
enqueue operation inserts the elements in ascending order of their priority.
ele indicates the element to be inserted and pri indicates the priority of the element
to be inserted.
int dequeue(QUEUE *pq);
dequeue operation deletes the first element and returns back the info field of the
deleted element.
Consider the following node and queue structure.
typedef struct node
int info;
int priority;
struct node *next;
typedef struct queue
NODE *front;

3 a) Define the following w.r.t binary tree. Give an example for each. 6
i) Binary tree (ii) Depth of a node (iii) Height of a node
b) Write a C program for the implicit array representation of binary tree with inorder 6
c) i) Construct a max heap for the following elements using top down approach by 8
showing the different stages pictorially. (5+3)
30, 62, 53, 42, 18, 95, 90, 33
ii) Write a C function for top down max heap construction. Consider the root node
is indexed at 0.

4 a) Construct an AVL tree for the following elements: 10, 11, 13, 8, 7, 9, 12 6
b) What is a splay tree? Explain the search and delete operations in splay tree with 6
c) Construct a B tree of order m=5 for the following elements. 4
5, 10, 15, 20, 1, 3, 2, 4, 16, 7, 14, 9, 8, 12, 6, 17, 11, 13, 18, 19
d) Write the BFS and DFS traversal for the following graph. Consider starting vertex 4
is 1 for both the traversals. Use lexicographic ordering.
5 a) Consider a hash table size is 11 and the following keys are mapped into the table. 8
10, 35, 54, 67, 70, 82, 3, 29, 24, 20
Consider the hash function key % tableSize is used.
i) Show the contents of the hash table when the collision is resolved using linear
ii) Show the contents of the hash table when the collision is resolved using
quadratic probing.
b) Write a C function for open address hashing using quadratic probing for collision 4
Consider the following structure:
struct element {
int key;
char name[100];
int mark;
Function prototype to be implemented:
int insertToHash(struct element *ht, int size, int key, char*name, int *count);
ht: hash table
size: size of the hash table
key: key to be inserted
name: name to be inserted
count: no. of elements present in the hash table
return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
c) i) Construct a trie for the following patterns: 6
ant, apple, app, bat. (2+4)
ii) Write a C function to insert a pattern in a trie data structure housing lower case
English alphabets only.
Consider the following structure of the trie node
struct trienode
struct trienode *child[26];
int endofword;
Function prototype to be implemented : void insert(TRIE *root,char *pattern);
d) Differentiate between suffix trie and a suffix tree. 2

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