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DNA/RNA Quiz Review

Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick


- characteristics
DNA: holds genetic information is the shape of a double helix. is made up of nucleus tides.
RNA is a single stranded the molecules are used to make proteins and has 4 nitrogenous
- role
- DNA determines inherited characteristics
- RNA is used to make protein in ribosomes
- nitrogenous bases
- A adenine
- T thymine
- G guanine
- C cytosine
- same except for U uracil
- making strands of both off of a DNA template

mRNA vs. rRNA vs. tRNA

- roles of each

tRNA transfers the amino acids to the ribosomes

mRNa determines the name of the amino acids

rRNA helps translate the information in messenger rNA into protein

DNA Replication

1. make an identical copy of DNA

2. two identical daughter maled repaticious are created
3. copies of DNA are made before the cells divides during interphase and this
takes place in the nucleus

- proces in which part of the sequence DNA is copied by mRNA.
- because DNA is to big to fit through the pores of the nucleus
- what happens during each step “I Eat Tomatoes”
- The first step is Initiation: the DNA is unwound at the promoter region
- elongation: is when the mRNA is made of the DNA template ]
- termination: the mRNA is released when it reaches the terminal

- Converting the message in mRNA into a protein
- identifying codons AKA triplets: codons are a little segments of DNA
- be able to name amino acids using the mRNA Codon/Amino Acid Chart
- know the steps

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