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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region


SY 2023-2024

Name________________________________________________` Date_________________________
Grade and Section _____________________________________ Rating________________________

Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object at rest, stays at rest and an object in motion stays in
motion traveling in a straight line unless an unbalanced force acts on it. This law is called the Law of Inertia.
Newton's Second Law of Motion is called Law of Acceleration. It states that the greater the mass of an
object, the more force required to make the object accelerate.
o Equations for the Law of Acceleration
Quantity Formula
Force (F) F=ma
o Acceleration(a) a=F/m
Mass (m) m=F/a

The Law of Interaction which is Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that for every action or force, there is
an equal and opposite reaction or force.
Electric current, I, is the rate of flow of charges across a cross section of a material, expressed in ampere (A).
Voltage, V, is the difference in electric potential between two points, measured in volts (V).
Resistance, R, is the opposition of the material to current, measured in ohm (Ω).
Ohm’s law states that “ current in the circuit varies directly with the voltage across the circuit and inversely with
the circuit’s resistance.” Below are the mathematical equations for Ohm’s Law.

A simple electric circuit has path, source, control, and load. The path serves as a passageway through which
the electric current flows. The source provides the electrical energy along the circuit, while the control
regulates the amount of current that flows in the circuit. The load changes electric energy into other forms of
A series is a type of circuit where resistances (or loads) are placed one after the other. There is only one
current that passes through the circuit. A parallel circuit is one where the resistances are placed across each
other; thus, the current splits, but the amount of voltage remains the same all throughout the circuit.

A. Identify the law of motion illustrated in each situation. Use the legend below.
A = Law of Inertia B = Law of Acceleration C = Law of Interaction

__1. A basketball player runs on the court to defend against the opponent.
__2. The paper pushes against the point of the ballpen when written on.
__3. A loud sound is heard when a faucet is suddenly closed.
__4. Two persons pushing a heavy loaded supermarket cart towards the parking lot.
__5. The flying motion of birds
__6. A tablecloth can be pulled out beneath the plates and silverware without changing their position.
__7. Water shooting out of a fire hose causes the hose to fly backwards.
__8. A “follow-through” is needed when a golfer hits the ball with a golf club.
__9. The burning gases shooting out from the bail of a rocket propel in the opposite direction.
__10. When a train starts suddenly, the passengers are thrown backward, when a train suddenly stops, the
passengers are thrown forward.

B. Complete the table below by using the equations on the Law of Acceleration.
Force (N) mass(kg) Acceleration (m/s2)
(1.) 10 2
20 2 (2.)
20 5 (3.)
30 (4.) 5
(5.) 4 8

Read each item carefully. On the space provided, write the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
___1. What is the rate of flow of electric charge that can be utilized in an electric circuit?
A. current B. resistance C. voltage D. potential difference
___ 2. Which is inversely proportional to current?
A. charge B. resistance C. voltage D. electric potential
___3. How much electric current flows through a 5 Ω resistor when a voltage of 25 V is applied?
A. 0.5 A B. 2.5 A C. 5.0 A D. 12.0 A
___4. A 220 V electric heater draws a current of 20 A. What is its resistance?
A. 8 Ω B. 11 Ω C. 18 Ω D. 20 Ω
In the box, write S if the characteristic describes a series circuit and write P if it describes a parallel circuit.
1. with multiple pathways by which current can travel
2. all the bulbs will be on if the circuit is complete
3. if one bulb is busted, the other bulb still works
4. individual bulbs in separate branches can be turned on or off regardless of the other

5. if the circuit is incomplete because a bulb has busted, then all the bulbs will be off
6. each component is connected separately in its own branch going from one end of the
source to the other end

7. with single path from the source through all the loads and back to the source
8. all components are connected end to end



Choose from the listed words to complete the concept map below.
(control,load, parallel, path, series, source)

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