''Becoming Truly Human Is Man's Ultimate Goal''

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ALEX TIEMPO BSN 1-D February 27, 2007

''Becoming Truly Human Is Man's Ultimate Goal''

As I was born in this world, I start to wonder and ask myself about my real existence, my real purpose, and my real destiny. In most cases, I seek knowledge and wisdom in such a way that I can answer my questions and I can determine the essence of my life.

Becoming truly human is man's ultimate goal because it is where I can enjoy my full humanness. When I was born, I act like a little animal, not yet being fully human with a limited knowledge. It will take e many years of training and education by my family and the surrounding society, and also many years of effort and struggle in my part just to achieved my fullness of humanity. But as an individual human being, it is possible that I can not attain my full development of humanness because there are times I fail to possess those basic qualities which are required for full humanness.

As a human being, I need freedom in order for me to live and fully achieved my true humanness because it is freedom that determines our actions. But I am not totally free at all, rather I am just living in the world of shadows and in the world of illusions because I ignore most of the things that could lead me to develop my potentiality and capability of developing humanness. Most of the time, I am just controlled by some forces around me and never realize of what it brings to me. I just simply follow of what I am told to do so and I don't have the freedom to choose my own choices. Most people who are living in the world of shadows and the world of illusions fails to possess such qualities which can determine and required for full humanness. I can view

shadows and illusions as an obstacle, hindrance and destructive things that live on me. And I need to eliminate these two things in order for me to attain my full humanness.

To be fully human, I need to control my freedom because there are certain tendencies that when I have too much freedom, i just rely on it never realize the purpose and significance of my freedom. I abuse my freedom because I just want to, and never realize the bad things it can bring to me and to the people or things around me. I need discipline when dealing my freedom because it is not always good if we keep on relying our freedom. I need to know the true essence of freedom before I can make any decisions because a slight error in deciding can bring a large kind of problem. As a student I should not take things easily because it is not easy to live in this world and as a student discipline should be impose. There are times when I abuse my freedom like making myself late in my first period class and knowing its consequences are.

To be fully human, I must know what are my strength and my weaknesses are so I could easily adopt and adjust myself depending on the situation. According to the Greeks, man is a being composed of many natural potentialities, and many possibilities for growth whereon they sensed that nature actively guided man to develop these potentialities, a development that was meant to reach a state of fullness or excellences. We human beings have many physical potentialities which is possible for us to develop our bodies and our bodily skills. I can develop my physical skills through exercise, practice and experiences. As a human beings, we have many mental abilities that can be developed. We can expand their capacities to imagine and to dream of new possibilities. We learn how to think, read and write. We can develop our mental skills not only capable of thinking but also develop our analyzing skill. Also we can develop our communicational skills, learning not only how to read and write but also to talk to. It can take many years in developing these skills but, once we mastered, we can be able to function better as a human being. I need to communicate to other people because it is through in socialization and communication process that we can understand others. In these world, communication is very

important. It is in communication that people can share information and knowledge that is happening all over the world. And lastly, we can develop social skills in many different ways. Every society is organized in such a way that there are rules of conduct, customs, traditions, folkways and mores, and expectations that ensure appropriate behavior among members. To become fully human, i need to be socialize in order to interact in a relatively stable and patterned manner. As a human we need to develop our physical potentialities, mental abilities, communicational skills and social skills because one can achieved its fullness of humanness through these ideals.

But, we human human beings ignore such things that can make us fully human and we never realized the essence and significance of our life which can lead us to do evil acts and evil things which are generally unaccepted in our society because of the destruction it brings to the society. In such an understanding of life the fully human person is one who lives the life of a completely developed human being.

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