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A Trip Gone Wrong

“Finally I shall go on a trip and travel to another place after a hard year of work,” I said. Back
then I was a 10 year-old boy, who was not doing so well in my school. I always loved playing
and got bored quickly from studying. One day,My father came from work and called me out. He
seemed to be more excited than usual. When I came downstairs, I asked my father,”Why are
you so excited today,dad?” My father said,” because we are going on a family vacation to hike
in the desert.”

I was so excited as I was bored and wanted to try something new. We had never gone hiking in
the desert before. I told my brother about the news ,who was so excited too. Next, we went to
prepare their bags for the trip. I wanted to take my playstation to the trip, but my father shouted,”
it’s a family trip, there will be no time or place for video games.” I was a little disappointed, but
my brother told me,”it will be a good trip without video games, let's try to enjoy our time. I was
so nervous and told him,” it’s out of your business. Go out of my face.”

The next day,the family took off in their car. After 6 hours of driving, I was so bored,but my
brother was reading a book and enjoying the scenes on the way, enjoying the blue skies and
sandy desert. Then, the car stopped and their father told them,”it’s time to begin our journey.”
“First, we have to sleep a while as we are now tired,” said father. we started putting up their
tents to officially start camping. After some time of sleep, we woke up at 4 a.m. We were so
bored that I told my brother,” let’s go take a walk outside.” My brother accepted and we went
away from the camp. Suddenly, we saw a small fox near us that we decided to follow.
Whenever the fox would go, we would follow. The fox ran so fast, so we did in order not to lose
him. After some time, we lost the fox, so we decided to go back to the camp, but we didn’t know
how!!! We were so scared as the sun wasn’t out yet and it was so dark. We walked a bit trying
to find a clue about the way back, but we found nothing.

After some time, we sat and started to imagine what could happen to us now. I Imagined that
our parents won’t find us,and we will die out of hunger and thirst. My brother trusted that our
parents would find a way to find us out.The boys decided to sleep in order to stop thinking about
what’s happening. When we woke, we were so thirsty. We were so disappointed and afraid
more than before.

Suddenly, we heard a sound calling our names. I rose up quickly and started to shout, “WE ARE
HERE.” Finally, father reached us. We suddenly cried and hugged our father. I said,” I thought
you will never find us and we shall die here. How did you find us?” The father later shouted and
slapped us for leaving the camp without permission. Then after giving them water, he replied to
my question,” It’s simple, I followed your footsteps.”

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