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CS - WRITE : SESSION TASK 2 : Diagnostic Writing Task

“Recently, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on governments to focus

their coronavirus response on mental health. In third world countries like the

Philippines, mental health services are underinvested and almost neglected. As a

member of civil society, what solutions can you offer to solve this problem? Discuss

how it can be achieved.”

The coronavirus disease that started way back March 2020 brought a significant

change in everyone’s lives – numerous deaths all over the world, the economic

change in our country, the sudden lockdown, and people losing their jobs are just

some of the effects and impacts that the pandemic has caused. With that being the

case, it is inevitable that many Filipinos are suffering from various mental issues.

Addressing the stigma and its harmful effects and also enabling individuals to take

initiative in promoting mental health services are some of the solutions that I can

offer to solve this problem as a member of the civil society. As we are in the age of

the advancement of digitalization and technology, most people now relies on using

the internet for news and to gather knowledge. Hence, utilizing this to empower

mental health in general would be very helpful in spreading awareness along with

relevant information that can surely aid in fighting the negligence and societal

disapproval about mental health.

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