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Kyle Salas

Brenda Pennington

HIST 1483

30 September 2023

Rebuttal Against the Colonists for King George III

His Majesty King George III, I write to you today to offer guidance regarding your

upcoming speech to Parliament. When addressing the infuriating actions of the colonists it is

important that multiple points are made to assure that Parliament will endorse the

implementation of troops to destroy the rebellion taking place overseas. The points requiring

intense rebuttal and confrontation include the hysterical ideas put forth in the Resolution for

Independence, Common Sense, and the Declaration of Independence, all of which need

immediate opposition in pursuit of militarized actions.

The Resolution for Independence is complete and utterly nonsensical. It states that "… all

political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally

dissolved" (Lee). Who do they think they are? How do they think they got to where they are? If

it were not for the Crown, they would not be in existence. Their political ideas came from us, and

with us they should stay. This is a call for immediate action in which we need to implement

troops urgently. I advise that you highly stress on this matter to Parliament. The matter that they

need us for their political welfare and further factions thereof.

Secondly, addressing the pamphlet Common Sense, there are many points made

throughout it in which we cannot accept if we care of the control over our American Colonies. It

is said within it that "The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind"

(Paine). This idea that they have a cause greater than the cause of Great Britain is dangerous to
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our standing in the world. The British way of life should be the dominant precedent for

humanity, not that of our lesser territory. Parliament needs to understand in your speech that the

independence of the colonies will leave us at a loss in our claim for territory in the New World.

Lastly, we need to discuss the Declaration of Independence, which is the final straw for

any known peace we have shown to the Americas. This is outright treasonous and fully

deserving of all military action we have available. There is no sensible way we can allow them to

say they "… declare, that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and

Independent States"(Jefferson). That statement acknowledges the English Constitution and goes

directly against it, giving us authority to take the necessary action to end their cause. Parliament

should undoubtedly be able to understand and back you in your words when you address this


In conclusion, you should have everything you need to support the progression of troops

to the colonies due to evidence such as the Resolution for Independence, Common Sense, and

the Declaration of Independence. Parliament should not hesitate or shutter to help support this

campaign, so long as you follow this advice in your speech. I have complete confidence that you

will prove your point and succeed in the path of setting things straight for both Great Britain and

the rebellious colonies in the Americas!

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Works Cited

Jefferson, Thomas. “Declaration of Independence: A Transcription.” National Archives and

Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, 31 Jan. 2023,

Lee, Richard. “Lee Resolution (1776).” National Archives and Records Administration, National

Archives and Records Administration, 8 Feb. 2022,


Paine, Thomas. The Writings of Thomas Paine, Vol. I (1774-1779). G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1774,

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