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73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.

Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.


ECHO V2: Conceptual Design of a Modular Inflatable Habitat

Module for Sub-surface Analog Space Missions
Joshika Sachithanandan1,* , Charlotte Pouwels1 , Eleonora Zanus1 and Marc Heemskerk1
1 Habitat department, ICEE.Space, Czech Republic
* Speaker
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Space exploration is inherently risky, demanding thorough preparation and precautionary measures to minimize
potential dangers. Analogue space missions, such as CHILL-ICE conducted by ESA BIC start-up ICEE.Space, offer
a cost-effective approach to develop and assess space technologies and operations on Earth, ultimately reducing
associated risks. These analogue missions entail establishing temporary habitats in space-like environments,
where analogue astronauts stay throughout the mission. Current space analogue habitats primarily serve survival
and research purposes in fixed locations, often lacking the desired modularity and comfort for space exploration.
ICEE.Space’s ongoing efforts focus on designing a modular inflatable habitat that not only ensures survival but also
prioritizes comfort and privacy. Building upon the successful ECHO V1 habitat co-developed with the Wilson
School of Design, ICEE.Space conducted pre-phase A studies, informed by feedback and observations from past
missions, to establish objectives for the new habitat, known as ECHO V2. These objectives include introducing
ergonomic features, scalability, modularity, reducing habitat assembly time, and enhancing multi-functionality. This
paper focuses on the design methodology used to redesign the habitat to meet these new objectives. The process
involves generating requirements based on existing research and reviewing ICEE.Space’s Minimum Viable Product
(MVP) to determine the path forward for the next-generation ECHO habitat, which will undergo validation during
CHILL-ICE III within Iceland’s lava tubes. One notable challenge observed in previous missions was the extensive
time (approximately 7 hours) required for habitat setup during an 8-hour Extravehicular Activity (EVA). To address
this issue, ICEE.Space explores the concept of origami-inspired support structures, proposing two design concepts:
bistable spring-loaded overthrow mechanisms and detent-based latching mechanisms to facilitate swift structure
deployment and folding. The paper qualitatively evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of these concepts.
Another critical consideration is the interior’s multifunctionality. Feedback from analogue astronauts indicated
that reconfiguring space in previous missions was time-consuming and outweighed the benefits of having distinct
setups for different times of the day. ECHO V2 seeks to resolve this by creating a reconfigurable space that can be
easily adapted with minimal time and effort, including the incorporation of two connected habitats with a shared
airlock. Ensuring efficient scheduling, especially to mitigate CO2 build-up, is also of utmost importance. The
paper concludes with suggestions to enhance the habitat’s ergonomic features and support psychological well-being.
With these proposed redesigns, ICEE.Space takes a significant step toward providing a secure, comfortable, and
versatile mission infrastructure for testing in extreme environments, contributing to advancements in space exploration.

Keywords: CHILL-ICE, analogue astronaut missions, space habitat, lava tubes, testing

IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 1
1 Introduction whereas space missions experience communication
delays due to vast distances.
Analogue missions are carefully planned scientific cam-
paigns conducted on Earth in specifically chosen envi- • Space Radiation: Analogue missions can not repli-
ronments that closely replicate the challenging conditions cate the effects of space radiation due to Earths at-
encountered in outer space. These Earth-based missions mosphere, necessitating extrapolation of data for as-
serve as practical stand-ins for space exploration, deliber- sessing radiation impact in space.
ately mimicking the physical and environmental obstacles
encountered in space, such as the barren, rocky landscapes • Duration: Analogue missions are often limited in
reminiscent of Mars or the hidden underground caverns duration, while space missions, especially to distant
resembling lunar lava tubes [1]. The significance of ana- destinations, extend for months or years, presenting
logue missions within the broader context of space explo- unique challenges.
ration arises from several critical considerations. Firstly,
• Psychological Factors: Analogue missions simulate
the sheer complexity and financial barriers associated with
aspects of isolation and confinement but may not
conducting experiments or tests directly in space neces-
fully capture the psychological challenges of space
sitate the use of terrestrial analogues as a crucial inter-
mediate step. The substantial investments in terms of
both time and resources required for experiments con- • Resource Availability: Analogue missions rely on
ducted in space make it impractical and cost-prohibitive Earth’s resources for resupply, unlike space missions
to rely solely on extraterrestrial platforms. Moreover, the with critical resource constraints requiring recycling
controlled and relatively safe environment of Earth pro- systems.
vides an ideal arena for the development and evaluation
of cutting-edge technologies, particularly those carrying • Equipment and Technology: Analogue missions
uncertain risks of failure. This, in turn, facilitates the use terrestrial equipment, which may differ from
refinement and maturation of these innovations. Space specialized space mission equipment, affecting the
agencies like National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- fidelity of the simulation and the replication of space-
tration (NASA) recognize the pivotal role played by ana- specific challenges.
logue missions in preparing astronauts and equipment to
These assumptions underscore the need for careful
meet the rigorous demands of space travel.
interpretation and adaptation of findings from analogue
It is important to recognize that Analogue Astronaut
missions to address the distinctive realities of space
(AA) missions involve certain assumptions and differ-
exploration. Furthermore, analogue missions play a
ences when compared to real space missions. Here are
crucial role in validating and advancing upcoming space
some of the key assumptions made for analogue astronaut
technologies, typically within the Technology Readiness
missions [1]:
Level (TRL) 3-6 range, where standardization is key to
• Earth’s Environment: Analogue missions occur on ensure scientific validation. The specific TRL depends
Earth, with access to its atmosphere, gravity, and re- on the attributes of the technology or product being
sources, whereas space missions operate in the vac- evaluated. This enhances their usefulness in ensuring the
uum of space with microgravity or variable gravity smooth transition of innovative technologies into actual
conditions. space missions.
• Safety and Accessibility: Analogue missions have
Globally, numerous organizations and initiatives are com-
easier access to Earth’s emergency medical care,
mitted to exploring various facets of space missions
while space missions lack ready access to such ser-
through analogue methodologies. Examples include
ICEE.Space, which focuses on modular analogs in ex-
• Real-Time Communication: Analogue missions treme environments such as Construction of a Habitat In-
maintain real-time communication with Earth, side a Lunar-analogue Lava-tube - Iceland (CHILL-ICE),

IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 2
73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

that can be situated anywhere in the world, and with a spe- • Safety and Accessibility: Participants in analogue
cial focus on using inflatable habitats within lava tubes. missions have easy access to medical care and emer-
An example of other well-known habitats are: Biosphere gency services in case of health issues or emergen-
2, (USA), Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simula- cies. Space habitats are remote and have limited ac-
tion (HI-SEAS), Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), cess to medical facilities, requiring onboard medical
Lunar Analog Research Station (LUNARES), Flashline equipment and procedures.
Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS), NASA Extreme
Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO), Crew Test • Real-Time Communication: Analogue missions
Facility (CTF), C-Space Project (China),Cave Astronaut maintain real-time communication with mission con-
Training, ESA (CAVES), Concordia Station (Antarc- trol and support teams on Earth. Space missions in-
tica), Desert Research and Technology Studies (DRATS, volve communication delays due to the vast distances
USA), European Astronaut Training Centre (EAC), Habi- between space habitats and mission control centers.
tat Marte (Chile), Mars 160 Twin Desert-Arctic Analogue • Radiation Exposure: Analogue habitats do not fully
(Mars Society), Austrian Space Forum (OeWF, Austria) replicate the space radiation environment, which
(AMADEE), Desert Research Station (DRS, Oman), Mars poses a significant concern for space habitats. Space
Analog Research Station (MARS, Poland), Arctic Re- agencies must extrapolate data from analogue envi-
search Station "Ice Camp Barneo" (Russia),Space Science ronments to assess radiation risks.
and Engineering Centre, Russia (SSEC), Scientific Inter-
national Research In an Unique terrestrial Station, Russia • Duration:Analogue missions are often of limited du-
(SIRIUS) [1]. ration due to logistical and budget constraints. Space
missions, especially those to distant destinations like
1.1 Assumptions Earth habitats vs space Mars, may extend for months or years, requiring so-
Analogue astronaut habitats are constructed on Earth to lutions for long-term habitation.
simulate the living and working conditions that astronauts
• Psychological Factors: While analogue missions
would encounter in space habitats. These analogues serve
simulate aspects of isolation and confinement, they
as testbeds for technology development, human factors
may not fully replicate the psychological challenges
research, and training. However, there are several key
of long-duration space missions, including isolation
assumptions and differences between analogue astronaut
from loved ones and the psychological impact of
habitats and actual space habitats. Here are some of the
space travel.
main assumptions made for analogue astronaut habitats in
comparison to space habitats: • Equipment and Technology: Analogue habitats use
terrestrial equipment and technologies, which may
• Terrestrial Environment: Analogue habitats are
differ from the specialized equipment used in space
situated on Earth’s surface and are subject to Earth’s
habitats. These differences can affect the realism
gravity, atmospheric conditions, and environmental
of the simulation and the ability to address space-
factors. Space habitats, on the other hand, operate
specific challenges.
in the vacuum of space or on celestial bodies with
microgravity or different gravitational forces. • Gravity Conditions: Analogue habitats typically
operate under Earth’s gravity, while space habitats
• Access to Resources: Analogue habitats rely on
may experience microgravity or varying gravitational
Earth’s resources, including air, water, and food,
forces depending on their location.
which are readily available and can be resupplied
as needed. Space habitats face the challenge of re- • Resource Resupply: Analogue habitats can rely on
source scarcity and must rely on closed-loop life sup- regular resupply from Earth for consumables and
port systems for recycling and conserving resources. equipment, whereas space habitats must operate with
Only a few existing Earth habitats try to include this. a degree of self-sufficiency and resource recycling.

IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 3
73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

Fig. 1: Inflatable Structures overview: (1) Von Braun’s Space Station, (2 4) Goodyear Aerospace’s toroidal space station, ’Moby
Dick’ habitat module, and D021 airlock, (5) Volga airlock, (6) TransHab, (7) BEAM, (8) JSC module with integrated hatch, (9 10)
ILC/NASA expandable and toroidal habitats, (11) NASA’s MASH inflatable airlock, (12) NextSTEP-2 cis-lunar habitat and
airlock concept )[2])

These assumptions highlight the importance of careful in the context of space exploration .
interpretation and adaptation of findings from analogue
astronaut habitats to address the distinct challenges and 2 Minimal Viable Product - ECHO
requirements of space habitats. In 2021, ICEE.Space introduced the first modular in-
flatable habitat, known as Extreme Cave Habitat One
1.2 Modular inflatable habitats (ECHO), see Figure 2. This project was the result of col-
Modular inflatable habitats, see Figure 1, is an upcom- laboration between ICEE.Space and the Wilson School of
ing technology that is finding more strength in the current Design and KPU in Canada. The purpose of this habitat
space market. Firstly, the compact design during launch was to meet specific requirements tailored to the chal-
and subsequent expansion in space significantly reduces lenging lava tube environment where it would operate for
the volume needed for launch, leading to cost savings, the CHILL-ICE I mission. These requirements included
especially for missions to distant destinations like Mars. the ability to set up and dismantle the habitat within 8
Moreover, these habitats incorporate multiple layers of hours due to the limited lifespan of Astronaut suit oxy-
flexible materials, providing enhanced protection against gen tanks during an Extravehicular Activity (EVA) . The
cosmic radiation, a critical factor for astronaut health dur- habitat also had to be portable for a two-person team,
ing extended deep space missions. The spacious interiors even on steep 38-degree slopes, with a maximum weight
of inflatable habitats also contribute to astronauts’ psycho- limit of 50 kg. When packed for transport, the habitat
logical well-being, alleviating the challenges associated should occupy less than 1 cubic meter of space and be
with confinement and isolation. Their modular nature freestanding, not relying on specific ground conditions.
allows for versatility, accommodating various mission ob- Furthermore, it needed to provide a minimum of 8 cubic
jectives, and their quick deployment in space enhances meters of habitable space following NASA guidelines for
mission efficiency. Additionally, safety features, scala- tolerable habitability and 21 cubic meters for performance
bility, reduced environmental impact, and potential cost habitability. Additionally, the habitat had to be designed
savings further highlight the importance of these habitats for future mission reuse, include an airlock for simulating

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73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

Fig. 2: ECHO "Extreme Cave Habitat One" Minimal Viable Product (MVP) for the CHILL-ICE I mission in collaboration with
Wilson School of Design KPU.

ingress and egress, and maintain a dry interior in a humid towards the need for space optimization. Addition-
cave environment. The design of the habitat featured an ally, it was observed that some spaces were not fully
inflatable structure supported by airbeams, aiming to sim- utilised; this needs to be rectified by studying how
ulate space-like conditions, though certain factors such as each section of the habitat can be used for more than
gravity and vacuum effects were not considered for this one purpose.
mission [3][4] [5] [6].
4. Modularity: While not an original requirement,
3 Design Methodology modularity is a point of improvement that will help
adapt the habitat to varying mission durations and
3.1 Feedback analysis crew capacities.
With the feedback received from the CHILL-ICE I and
II missions, some points for improvement were noted, as These pain points are used as the foundation upon which
listed below: the requirements are generated for the redesign of the
ECHO habitat, as detailed in the next section.
1. Insulation: Though insulation measures maintained
temperatures higher than the cave’s, attaching the
3.2 Requirements
Mylar balloons required additional manual effort
from the AAs. Assembly time needs to be re- For any engineering design process, a set of requirements
duced/eliminated as far as possible. is crucial to drive and constrain the design. Based on
the feedback received from the AAs, surveys conducted,
2. Humidity: ECHO V1 faced humidity issues, with and lessons learnt during past ICEE.Space analogue
seepage often occurring inside the habitat. Humidity missions, requirements are generated for redesign of the
control measures, ideally passive, must be taken to ECHO habitat.
combat this issue.
Some requirements based on the cave geology, en-
3. Space Optimisation: Despite being designed for
vironmental conditions, and overarching goals for the
three persons, the space often felt restricted, pointing

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73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

Fig. 3: Two analogue astronauts on a simulated EVA with the MVP ECHO I habitat in the background, during the CHILL-ICE II

habitat remain the same as before. 5. Pressurisation: pressurised habitat to improve sim-
ulation objectives and airlock procedure.
1. 8 hour (dis)assembly: The duration of an EVA,
oxygen tank lifespan. 6. Multifunctionality: Spaces serve more than one
purpose, to maximise available volume
2. Water-resistant: To withstand the humidity within
the cave With these requirements in mind, the habitat team pro-
ceeds with the next step: generating design concepts and
3. <=32 kg per person: For a 3-person mission, each modifications to ECHO V1, to create a more comfortable,
person carries no more than 32 kg multi-functional, and ergonomic habitat.
4. Redeployable: transportable, mobile habitat for use
in various locations 3.3 Dimensions
Similar to the previous CHILL-ICE missions, CHILL-
5. Standalone: independent of ground conditions and ICE III will also be conducted in the lava tubes of
attachments Iceland. The Surtshellir lava tube, one of the longest in
the country, is chosen for the mission.
Additional requirements for the redesign of the habitat are
as follows.
The lava tubes were formed as a result of volcanic
1. Habitable volume for a 4-person, 14 day lunar eruption and consequent magma flow across the length
night mission of the tube. At the widest point, Surtshellir is about 15 m
wide and 10 m high at its highest point. However, these
2. Maximum area of 6.5 x 4 m2, with a minimum dimensions can vary greatly throughout the tube. The
height of 2.2 m: dependent on cave dimensions porous lava rock allows water vapor from surrounding air
3. Airlock entry close to the ground: Enable easy to seep into the caves, which condense within the cool
rover access interiors, leading to a highly humid environment within
the cave. These condensed droplets also form icicles on
4. Modularity: Should be extendable for longer mis- the cave walls, posing a hazard to passerby, or, in this
sions or accommodate more people case, the analog astronauts during an EVA.

IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 6
73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

Fig. 4: 2D map of a section of the Surtshellir lava tube where ECHO I was positioned during CHILL-ICE II.

crease lines that have to be deployed, the process could

For the CHILL-ICE missions, the lava tube and potentially take longer than 8 hours.
various entry points were scoped out during surveying
trips by the geology team at ICEE.Space. Inflatable: A redesign of the inflatable structure
concept is considered as the original ECHO design[8] did
The estimated habitat volume is found to be as fol- satisfy all of the requirements for the past missions and
lows: Two modular units of 6.5 m in length and 4 m in the habitat development process would be more efficient
width is proposed, with an airlock of 2 m x 1.5 m. The if building on a foundation that is known to work. The
minimum height for the airlock and habitat units is 2.2 m inflatable habitat is redeployable and can be transported
to allow comfortable movement for the analog astronauts and set up wherever required, within 8 hours as tested in
during ingress/egress as well as within the habitat. CHILL-ICE I and II. It also does not need to be attached
to the ground i.e., is independent of ground conditions.
4 Next generation - ECHO
4.1 Outer Structure Design Options While both design options are capable of being
mobile and structurally stable, only the inflatable concept
For the redesign of the ECHO habitat, two outer structure
has been proven to be deployable in <=8 hours i.e., has
concepts are explored–an origami-inspired foldable
"flight" heritage. Hence, this is the concept chosen for
structure and a modified version of the original inflatable
further detailed design of ECHO V2. Ripstop nylon is
ECHO habitat to adhere to new requirements, see Figure
chosen for the inflatable outer structure. It is a tough
5 and 6 .
woven fabric that is lightweight, water resistant and
resistant to rips and tears, making it suitable for the
Origami: An origami-inspired structure is consid-
humidity and the rough terrain in the lava tubes. It is also
ered for its increased foldability and ease of deployment
widely available at an affordable rate.
due to its pre-defined crease lines. It is, therefore,
redeployable, as requirements state. The crease lines
also allow for efficient load transfer and, therefore, high
structural stability[7]. However, at the required scale,
origami patterns can be quite complex to manufacture,
and consistent, reliable deployment could be a challenge
with limited resources. Additionally, due to the numerous

IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 7
73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

before deformation[9].

Nitinol wires can be used in pairs across the fold-

ing lines, one wire that remembers its deployed shape,
and another wire that remembers its folded shape. The
second wire, in both cases, can be folded manually
due to the high elastic nature of nitinol wires. Another
option to facilitate better folding is to use bistable joints.
Bistable joints have two stable positions–one is the fully
deployed position and the other, is the folded position.
In the pre-defined folding lines, the presence of these
Fig. 5: Top view of new CAD ECHO design. joints would allow the structure to quickly snap into
position to its fully deployed state as well as snap back
to a pre-defined folded position during disassembly.
While this method as is currently would require manual
flipping of the joints between its stable states, using shape
memory alloys to make the joints is also an option. This
would allow for the process to be controlled via a power
supply rather than requiring extensive manual effort. At
the current design stage, both aforementioned folding
concepts are still being explored to identify one that is
feasible to execute, keeping in mind safety and available
time and resources.

Modularity: One of the key requirements for the

Fig. 6: Isometric view of new CAD ECHO design. habitat is for it to be modular such that multiple units can
be attached to one another. For this feature too, folding
4.2 Detailed Design Considerations principles are considered. It is proposed to have a flexible
This section delves into the details of the ECHO V2 airlock that also functions as an attachment point at the
habitat that make it habitable and functional while front of each habitat module. This allows the attachment
addressing concerns identified in previous missions. of multiple modules to create a larger habitat that can
While origami is no longer being considered for the house more analog astronauts and allows for contortion
entire outer structure, it still has potential to improve the of this larger habitat to fit within complex cave geometries.
foldability and modularity of the ECHO habitat.
An accordion-like bellows design is proposed for
Foldability: To avoid haphazard folding/deflation the airlock, as shown in Figure 7.
of ECHO, it is proposed to have simple, pre-defined
folding lines that serve to guide the folding such that the Insulation: In feedback from past missions, it was
outer structure material falls flat into a defined shape noted that though the Mylar pillows strapped onto the
rather than a pile that has to be refolded manually. interiors of the habitat improved insulation significantly,
it required manual effort from the analog astronauts to
To enable this, two design options are proposed. cover the entire habitat with the pillows. With the present
First is the usage of a shape memory alloy, nitinol. redesign effort, pre-installed insulation is considered to
Shape memory materials can be deformed into a certain reduce AA effort as much as possible.
configuration, and when heated above a glass transition
temperature 𝑇𝑔 , will revert to its original configuration

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73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

needs to be validated with a small-scale prototype.

Fig. 7: Proposed Airlock Design - Accordion Bellows [10].

Two materials, aerogel and thinsulate, are identified as Fig. 9: Thinsulate [12].
suitable insulation. Aerogel is an ultralight synthetic ma- Lighting: In long-duration space missions, astronauts
terial with extremely low density and low thermal con- are exposed to unusual light and dark cycles that can
ductivity [11]. It is also hydrophobic, contributing to the disrupt their circadian rhythms. Such is also the case
required water-resistant nature of the habitat. However, during an analog mission like CHILL-ICE.
it is extremely expensive making its purchase unfeasible
with the available resources. There are a number of ways to use circadian light-
ing on such missions. One approach is to use light
that mimics the natural light-dark cycle on Earth or
the Lunar/Martian cycle to study the analog astronauts’
response to it. This can be done by using LED lights
programmed to emit different colors and intensities of
light. Additionally, lights conducive to different activities
can be used, such as lights with high blue wavelengths
during the day to improve alertness and focus and
gradually reduce the blue light towards the end of the
day. This functionality will be embedded in the ECHO
V2 habitat in the form of LED strips controllable by the
Fig. 8: Aerogel [11]. Mission Control Center(MCC).
Thinsulate, developed by 3M, provides similar properties
of a lower magnitude but at an affordable rate [12]. It Humidity Control: To address the issue of the cave’s
is lightweight and moisture-resistant. Though primarily humidity, the use of a small portable dehumidifier is
used for extreme weather outerwear, it is also used in some proposed. Also, the material proposed for insulation,
automobiles for insulation and is, therefore, considered Thinsulate, provides the added advantage of being
suitable for the ECHO habitat. Additionally, there are moisture-resistant i.e., capable of absorbing any conden-
multiple variations to choose from that provide increased sation that might occur.
flexibility, warmth, water resistance, flame resistance, and
so on. It is proposed to stitch the Thinsulate material Monitoring Environmental Factors: To ensure the
into the outer structure. The Thinsulate is cut up and safety of analog astronauts, it is necessary to monitor mul-
stitched along the fold lines of the habitat such that they tiple environmental factors within the habitat to ensure it
do not deter the folding and deployment of the habitat remains habitable and comfortable. Sensors are placed
itself. The thickness of the Thinsulate is considered to within the habitat to measure:
be low enough to not inhibit folding, but this concept still • Pressure

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Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

• Temperature selected candidates will have undergone rigorous train-

• Humidity ing prior to be able to handle the extreme environment
• CO2 and high research workload. For the CHILL-ICE III mis-
sion scenario, the ECHO habitat will be upgraded from
• Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC)
research station (maximum five day capability) to full sub-
MCC will monitor data from these sensors around the surface pressurized inflatable habitat. ECHO will be val-
clock and will intervene to inform the analog astronauts idated in the field on the aspect shown in Table 1s:
and advice them on remedial measures. Once the ECHO habitat successfully completes CHILL-
ICE III, it will be launched to the market for operational
Multifunctionality: With the limited volume available, activities.
it is crucial to utilise it to the maximum extent and
do so while not adding significantly to the analog 6 Way forward
astronauts’ physical effort. With this planned reorgani- By September 2024, the aim is to have a fully functioning,
sation of space, the aim is to study how modifying the field-tested ECHO V2 habitat ready for the market. To get
same constrained volume can engineer sensory aware- to this stage from the current design phase, a few mile-
ness and spatial perception to support mental health and stones have to be reached. The way forward is outlined in
performance and increase comfort and general well-being. Figure 10.

Limited time and a tight schedule require that the

changes made to the interior layout be quick and im-
pactful to allow maximum results with minimum effort.
Some elements and spaces that can be repurposed are as
• Sleeping area: Mattresses can double as a bench for
eating and working. Alternatively, they can also be
foldable, so they can be put away quickly to make
room for other arrangements.
• Toilet: When the toilet is not being used, it can be
utilised for a moment of privacy from the rest of the
crew. It can also double as a storage space.

• Airlock: When not in use, can double as a storage

Such repurposing of the available interior volume along
with the controllable circadian lights help induce a certain Fig. 10: Way Forward
artificial rhythm and routine in an environment where it A detailed digital representation of the habitat is devel-
cannot naturally be found. oped simultaneously with design and interior functional-
ity choices. These design considerations are integrated
5 CHILL-ICE III - Test Readiness with the habitat in the prototyping phase, to evaluate how
In August 2024, ICEE.Space will return to the lava tubes of different elements fit together and if any alternate solu-
Iceland to conduct the CHILL-ICE III analogue astronaut tions need to be found. The prototyping phase also allows
mission. This mission will simulate a sub-surface lunar the team to identify any blind spots that may have not
night survival of 14 Earth days with a crew of four. The been considered in the initial design phase. The prototype
will then be tested either at the Czech Aerospace Research

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73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

Table 1: ECHO acceptance tests before market release Q3 2024.

Trade-off Parameters Description

Functional testing Stability, strength, stiffness, airflow, power During the functional testing the complete integrated habi-
consumption, creep, duration tat will be evaluated on different aspects that are critical to
verify if the product functions are according to the prede-
termined requirements.
Integration Testing Component, sub-system, system and integra- This type of testing evaluates how different components
tion verification. or modules of the product work together. It ensures that
data and functionality are properly integrated and that the
product functions as a cohesive whole.
Environmental test- Carbon Dioxide monitoring and removal, hu- During the Environmental testing the complete integrated
ing midity control, temperature control, toxic habitat will be evaluated on different aspects that are crit-
cave fumes ical to verify if the product functions are according to the
predetermined requirements. Throughout the CHILL-ICE
III mission all habitat data will be closely monitored, a
risk assessment present, and health thresholds will be es-
tablished prior as according with ERB approval. In case
of environmental system failure, the crew and rescue team
will be notified.
Performance testing Damages to the habitat and its systems. The ECHO Performance test will evaluate how reliable
the product performs in an extreme environment during a
simulation with a crew of four. This includes the habitat
response to heavy usage by four analogue astronauts during
14 days. In addition, the scalability of a second habitat is
tested to analyze the increase in loads on the environmental
and functional systems.
User Acceptance User feedback via questionnaire. UAT involves end-users testing the product during the sim-
Testing ulation to determine if it meets their and market needs and

Center in Prague or at a test site in the Netherlands. The insulation and humidity control, reduced (dis)assembly
various tests are described in Table 1. Finally, the ECHO time, circadian lighting, and improved usage of available
V2 habitat will be field-tested during CHILL-ICE III, a volume are added. Overall, the proposed redesign of the
14-day mission in the lava tubes of Iceland. The results ECHO V2 habitat has the potential to significantly im-
of this field test will help ICEE.Space assess the habitat’s prove the quality of life for analogue astronauts and make
readiness for launch in the analog space market. space exploration safer, more comfortable, and more pro-
ductive. By September 2024, the ECHO V2 will have
7 Conclusion been field-tested in Iceland during the CHILL-ICE III
The new ECHO V2 habitat design by ICEE.Space ad- mission, helping identify areas of improvement before the
dresses the key challenges of existing space analogue product is launched in the market.
habitats, including ECHO V1, by focusing on comfort
Company overview
and privacy, modularity, reduced assembly time, and im-
proved multifunctionality. An initial design is proposed ICEE.Space is an innovative startup focused on advancing
that allows for two detachable habitat units connected by human space exploration through its activities in space
an accordion-like flexible airlock. This allows easy adap- testing, research, and development. The activities in-
tation of the habitat for different cave geometries and mis- volves conducting analogue missions in isolated, con-
sion requirements. With input from analogue astronauts in fined, and extreme environments, such as the CHILL-ICE
previous CHILL-ICE missions, new features like inbuilt project, offering commercial analogue astronaut training

IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 11
73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

and testbeds for lunar research and extreme Earth envi- SIRIUS Scientific International Research
ronments. In addition to these mission-based endeavors, In an Unique terrestrial Station,
ICEE.Space is committed to contributing to the devel- Russia
opment of state-of-the-art European space technologies, SSEC Space Science and Engineering
encompassing space suits, inflatable habitats, and remote Centre, Russia
power and communication systems. The overarching ob- TRL Technology Readiness Level
jective is to facilitate a broader understanding of space
research and analogue missions, enhancing safety and ac- References
cessibility for a wider audience. [1] C. Heinicke and M. Arnhof. A review of existing analog habitats
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First, we would like to thank the Wilson School of De- tial space applications. In AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. American
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the ECHO MVP for the CHILL-ICE I mission and pro-
[3] David J. K. Smith, Charlotte R. Pouwels, Marc Heemskerk,
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Fairburn, Iñigo Muñoz Elorza, and Bernard H Foing. Mission
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IAC-23,E5,6,6,x79800 12
73𝑟 𝑑 International Astronautical Congress (IAC) - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023.
Copyright 2023 by the authors. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms.

[12] 3M™ Thinsulate™ Insulation.

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